8067BetaNULLCompact deposit east of basin SU 8047AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143707/03/1735NULL08020LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLexcavation started in 2017east of tank 8047rectangularrough, rubbly surfaceHigher concentration of plaster along the northern and eastern wallsEvenSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLno dateable ceramicsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1443507/20/16 08:41 AM7/10/17 12:33 PM3507/10/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareCollapse Debris - Medium, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8031, Covers 8047, Covers 80688058 Covers38498067Layer remains unexcavated in 2016 season. Consists of large amounts of mortar, and is very compact, leading us to believe that it might be part of a later floor preparation of leveling layer in Room 8.39307/20/1635357/20/16 12:15 PM7/28/16 12:26 AM
8069BetaNULLRubble deposit in Room I-4Accumulation290AD400ADLayer date based on the spot date for African cookware rim, latest datable ware in SUFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138507/21/1644807/10/17NULL8020GranularLooseNULLGrayNULLDepth somewhat hazy; rubble stops, but boundary between SU soil matrix and underlying soil is unclear.Excavated 2017 by pickaxe, trowel, and brushDeposit on western side of Room I-4. Some rubble follows E-W wall or south side of room. Covers a layer of compact brown dirt except along northern wall, where it appears to cover a different slope of rubble held together by mortar (not assigned an SU as of 11:30 Jul 11).IrregularUneven surface with slight slope from south to north.Tile and ceramic inclusions, both of very poor quality. Tiny amounts of bone and iron nails.Uneven.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1m 83 x 3m 65 x 1m 30NULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorAlmost without exception, fragments are tiny and irregular, with no diagnostic features. Ceramics processed 7/14/2017; few diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL364737/20/16 03:07 PM7/14/17 11:29 AM1117/14/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RareCollapse Debris - Medium, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompositionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8042, Covers 8070, Covers 8071, Abuts 8076, Covers 8192, Covers 82278033 Covers38638069To be excavated in 2017. Rubble deposit likely due to an intentional fill in Room I-4 rather than a collapse. Possibly a leveling layer for a raised flow surface - the high level of the foundation in adjacent wall 8076 also supports this. Perhaps, due to the shape of the deposit and its overlap with wall foundations, deposit was related to a later basin-type use of the western part of Room I-4.38507/21/1635357/21/16 08:35 AM7/28/16 12:41 AM
8072BetaNULLRubble deposit over steps in I4Accumulation250AD450ADNo daignostics in SU. Date range based on production chronology of African Red Slip C production.Fair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1137407/21/1644807/13/17NULL9010GranularHardNULLGrayNULLSeems to fit in a defined area with clear boundariesUncovered with trowel and pickaxe. Excavated with pickaxe, trowel, and brush.Located between steps and upper floor surface i2RectangularRough surface, tufo rubble layerGrey tufo and other large rock inclusions as well as some tile and pottery fragments. Small pieces of glass, bone, and charcoalRoughly as thick as the steps below and above itSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1m 90 x 40 cm x 30cmNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairFragments small to medium, some with diagnostic traits and identifiable types.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32737/21/16 08:46 AM7/24/17 03:50 PM737/24/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RareGlass - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - RareComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL8033 Covers38778072Excavation needed in 2017. It appears that this rubble deposit fills what used to be the location of a second step up from the floor surface present in i4. Whether the step was robbed out for use elsewhere is not immediately certain but there most certainly would have been a step in this location at a previous phase of habitation, based on the difference in elevation between threshold 8019 and step 8073. The accumulation of tufo based rubble covers in part the step below and may have been intended to allow continued access up to the floor in i2, if some kind of surface once covered it. It is not clear at this time whether the fill dates exactly to the time of the phase of the industrial use or before or even after.37407/21/1632357/21/16 09:46 AM7/28/16 01:12 AM
8098BetaNULLCompact deposit beneath 8087.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavation of cut to bottom of stratigraphic unit: 7-4-2017Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031207/25/1643807/04/17207010CohesiveCompactNULLYellowNULLNULLsoutheast corner honeycombed by bioturbation (insect activity)South of 8089CircularCompact yellow surface sloping downwards to circular depression in center. 2017 excavation brought level of layer down to level of circular depressionNULLLayer thicker toward walls surrounding SU, thinner toward circular depressionSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno datable diagnostic ceramics from this SU, generic black gloss date of 450 BCE to 50 BCE could be applied, the black gloss sherd is the largest and best preserved from the layerNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/22/16 09:42 AM7/12/17 08:57 AM3507/12/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareAmphorae - Rare, Mortar - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLFills 81018087 Covers39258098natural accumulation of debris overtime.43807/04/1735357/22/16 09:49 AM7/4/17 12:59 PM
8050NULLNULLRocky deposit covering wall SU 8039AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1114407/13/163507/26/16107020GranularFriableNULLGrayNULLOriginally it was thought that this layer covered SU 8053, but once the excavation started it became obvious that the limits were not very clear and, in fact, this layer was covered by SU 8053. The excavation strategy was changed and it was decided that SU 8053 would be excavated before 8050 in order to respect the stratigraphic sequence. Once exposed the SU was extended, but left unexcavated in 2016. The excavation was completed during staff week of the 2017 season, with an arbitraryInitially revealed by the backhoe, then cleaned and further exposed by pickaxe and trowel. Exposed in 2016 and excavated in 2017.Southernmost part of Area I, partially on and north of the roadIrregularUneven rubble surface, with many building materials visible. slopes S to N over wall 8039Many basalt and tufo stones, as well as tile. Frequent opus reticulatum wall stones, possibly collapsed from the wallsThicker on the southern part of SUDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/13/16 12:00 PM7/23/17 07:02 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8039, Covers 81118053 Covers, 8222 Cuts40688050Layer of rubble, unexcavated in 2016. Appears to be related to collapse or intentional dumping. Larger basalt stones appear to sit along the wall, perhaps blocking an entrance (?).3507/26/161441447/26/16 12:24 PM7/26/16 12:24 PM
2660BetaNULLPedestal beneath stone 2434AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113206/14/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLDocumented and removed by pick and trowel 14.6.17S. edge of courtyard E. of wall 2306RectangularIrregularSmall ceramic and stone sherds scattered throughout layerUniform throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairBlack gloss could be an intrusion.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324146/14/17 02:18 PM7/14/17 09:46 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLNULL2434 Covers41692660Pedestal left under block 2434. Removed before 2017 season. No evidence for stratigraphic differentiation within the pedestal.3206/14/1732326/14/17 02:36 PM6/14/17 02:36 PM
2661BetaNULLRed tufo block running beneath floor 2178 in W. part of area C (2011 extension)ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL003206/15/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLBlock cut by drainage channel and runs beneath area backfilled after 2011Documented in 2017. Photo will need to be found from earlier seasons . Not fully excavated or exposedN. of drainage channel 2206RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN.-S.NULLNULLNULLNULL0.57 x 0.40 x 0.2 mAshlar block recorded in 2017 running beneath baulk. Red tufo similar to walls 2245, 2239, 2378, and 2246NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32326/15/17 09:03 AM7/9/17 03:44 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL2206 Cuts41702661Red tufo block belonging to an early phase of the area c house. The red tufo is similar to truncated walls such as 2239, 2245,and 2378. Possibly a north south running wall delimiting some space within the early house.3206/15/1732326/15/17 09:32 AM6/15/17 09:32 AM
2662BetaNULLCompact grey deposit N. of wall 2306AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL113206/15/173206/24/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with pick and trowel 15-6-17At the southern limit of the courtyard N. of 2306RectangularSmall stone inclusions scattered irregularly across the surface. Irregular, undulating slopeSome pottery and bone scattered throughoutThicker towards E. limitCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101212NULL9NULL1991NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9326/15/17 02:31 PM6/24/17 11:28 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26812545 Covers41722662Residual layer of accumulation. Excavation area had been initially been shrunk in 2016 and layer was left as it runs beneath the wall 2306 to the South. In 2017, excavation area was expanded to include entire courtyard. Floor 2599 was exposed and layer was removed as part of exposing entire extent of the floor11306/16/1732326/16/17 09:18 AM6/16/17 09:18 AM
8050NULLNULLRocky deposit covering wall SU 8039AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1114407/13/163507/26/16107020GranularFriableNULLGrayNULLOriginally it was thought that this layer covered SU 8053, but once the excavation started it became obvious that the limits were not very clear and, in fact, this layer was covered by SU 8053. The excavation strategy was changed and it was decided that SU 8053 would be excavated before 8050 in order to respect the stratigraphic sequence. Once exposed the SU was extended, but left unexcavated in 2016. The excavation was completed during staff week of the 2017 season, with an arbitraryInitially revealed by the backhoe, then cleaned and further exposed by pickaxe and trowel. Exposed in 2016 and excavated in 2017.Southernmost part of Area I, partially on and north of the roadIrregularUneven rubble surface, with many building materials visible. slopes S to N over wall 8039Many basalt and tufo stones, as well as tile. Frequent opus reticulatum wall stones, possibly collapsed from the wallsThicker on the southern part of SUDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/13/16 12:00 PM7/23/17 07:02 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8039, Covers 81118053 Covers, 8222 Cuts41868050Layer of rubble, possibly partially collapsed walls, sitting on top of a threshold and extending north into room I5 and south into the possible road. A number of large basalt stones were on top of the threshold, possibly to plug the entrance to room I5.14406/16/1735356/16/17 02:44 PM6/16/17 02:44 PM
2665BetaNULLLoose light brown fill S. of cut 2339AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135706/20/173206/24/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated 20.6.2017 with trowel and spoonNW quadrant S of 2339CircularNo inclusions or slopeSmall rocks scattered throughout, minimal to none anthropic materialThickness greater at the center of unitSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32326/20/17 02:32 PM6/24/17 11:41 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2666NULL41882665Fill of post hole. The limits were defined by a cut with clear boundaries.35712/08/2532326/20/17 03:47 PM6/20/17 03:47 PM
8109NULLNULLRubble deposit in room I7Collapse200BC200ADGenerally Roman period; could be as early as Republican period; no precisely datable materialGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130406/21/173506/24/17NULL8020LayeredSoftNULLLight BrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dustpanSE corner room I7irregularRubble surfaceNULLUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorvery worn out fragment of black gloss is only datable fragment, but it is not well-preservedNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35406/20/17 02:59 PM6/30/17 11:02 AM406/30/17 12:00 AMTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - Rare, Shells - RarePainted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - RareCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8039, Covers 81138033 Covers41958109SU 8109 is a deposit of rubble which is likely a result of post abandonment wall collapse from nearby wall SU 8039. Similar to nearby SU 8110.30406/21/1739356/21/17 11:53 AM6/24/17 09:16 AM
8110BetaNULLRubble deposit west of SU 8109Collapse20BC180ADDate of layer based on production range of terra sigillata. However, this ware is potentially residual and provides only a TPQ for the SU.Good2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130406/21/173506/24/1708020CohesiveSoftNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowels and dustpan.SE corner of room I7IrregularRubble surface, very little soilNULLUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSmall quantities of potsherds and bones. Tiny deposit of charcoal.NULLPoorVery few diagnostics.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35736/21/17 12:01 PM7/3/17 12:28 PM737/3/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Tufo - FrequentNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 81148033 Covers42118110SU 8110 is a deposit of rubble - mainly building material - which may have formed as a post-abandonment collapse of nearby wall SU 8039. However, the SU also included one large basalt paver, possibly from the nearby road, perhaps suggesting dumping (though other walls in the structure do contain re-used basalt stones).44806/21/1735356/21/17 03:20 PM6/24/17 09:21 AM
9000BetaNULLLayer of brown sandy clay filling a cutAccumulation200AD300ADLatest dateable ware found in SU is a handle of a Dressel 30 amphora, produced starting in the 3rd c. CEGood2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL107906/21/17NULLNULL70NULL30CohesiveCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by mechanical digger. Inclusions consist of bricks, mortar, basalt flakes and very few ceramics. Fill of a cut created in between two basalt road surfaces (the via Praenestina and the Via Gabina) on either side, and the lower levels of preparation for the basalt road that used to sit in this area. The basalt road surfaces and preparation layers predate the cut.Fill of a cut created in between two basalt roads on either side and the lower levels of preparation for the basalt.Rectangular test trench.Flat and compactedThe material was distributed throughout the layer in a uniform, homogeneous manner.The layer was excavated as a limited test trench. Maximum depth was 1.60mNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairfirst impressions of ceramics in consultation with Giordano Iacomelli: latest datable material is a handle from Dressel 30 amphora produced starting from the 3rd century CE. Generally little datable material: large fragment of rim of Tripolitania I; 2 rims of Baetican garum amphora; 1 frag of ARS-A from 80/90 CE; very worn african cookingware A/D rim; generic bifid amphora handle. Otherwise fragments of commonware, african amphora wall sherds. Earliest material is a few frags of black gloss, creamware basin rim, 1 frag of TS.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3643506/21/17 11:53 AM7/20/17 11:38 AM1117/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareBrick - Frequent, Marble - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - RareColor, Composition, CompactionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 9001NULL42099000Fill of a cut into the road, formed by an action of natural deposition.79NULL113646/21/17 01:44 PM6/22/17 10:50 AM
7075NULLNULLLayer of dark, burned soil covering SU 7076.Accumulation1AD500ADDate range based on general production period of African cookware. No diagnostics in SU to aid in establishing narrower spot dates.Fair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1139606/20/1725306/21/17108010GranularLooseNULLGrayNULLNULLSU identified on June 20th and excavated on June 21st.Center of room 1IrregularSlightly slopes towards west side of room 1.High concentration of metal slag and tiles inside cut 7082.The thickness of was not consistent throughout the SU. The cut on the northernmost side (cut 7082) was deeper.DiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL1NULL1NULLNULLNULL2NULLSU partially processed earlier in 2017, but not entered in database. One cassetta added 2017/07/10 and all ceramics and bulk finds added to database.NULLFairNo diagnostics. Sherds in good condition.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9736/20/17 01:01 PM7/10/17 09:55 AM737/10/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumAmphorae - Rare, Glass - Medium, Metal - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Slag - Frequent, Slag - Frequent, Tiles - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7076, Fills 7081, Fills 7082, Fills 7089, Fills 7090, Covers 7092, Fills 7095NULL42107075Fill of SU cuts 7081 and 7082 - large amount of iron slag throughout entire SU. high concentration of tiles on northern side of 7082. Given the presence of so much iron slag and burnt material, probably related to late imperial industrial/productive activity within Room H1.907/18/17996/21/17 03:14 PM7/18/17 02:30 PM
2667BetaNULLFriable grayish-brown deposit with frequent stone inclusions W. of 2245AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111306/21/173206/24/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 21 June 2017NE quadrant of courtyard, W. of 2245IrregularFrequent tufo stones in northern part of SU. Some ceramic and travertine inclusions visible. Slopes downward N-SPottery and some charcoal scattered throughout. Frequent tufo inclusions throughoutThicker in northern portion of SUCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111102Small20Charcoal880NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2894146/21/17 08:01 AM6/27/17 02:49 PMNULLNULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitimitNULLNULLCovers 26832593 Covers42072667possible leveling layer of rocks under crushed tufo floor (which survives-mostly on E side of wall 2445); finds may contain residual material from cleaning wall 2245.11306/21/171131136/21/17 11:59 AM6/21/17 12:06 PM
7083NULLNULLLayer of dark gray soil with concentration of stones, seemingly intentionally depositedIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132806/21/17907/19/17108010GranularLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLexposed on June 21, excavated on June 22 by pickax and troweleasternmost side of room 1irregularslightly irregularsome charcoal, occasional slag and potteryshallow on west, deeper in two holes on eastDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 03:16 PM7/19/17 10:42 AMNULLNULLNULLCharcoal - MediumPottery - Rare, Slag - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 7084, Fills 70857030 Covers42127083SU 7083 appears to be a layer related to a phase of metal production in area H. The layer fills two cuts (su 7084;7085) in su 7076.38006/22/17996/22/17 11:24 AM6/22/17 11:32 AM
2674BetaNULLLight brown friable deposit N. Of wall 2628.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/22/173206/21/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel after opening previous day. Pickaxe used in western end next to excavation limit.Western edge of courtyard, North of wall 2628.IrregularTwo pieces of ceramics visible in eastern end, some tufo visible on western side.Pottery scattered throughout. Central area had almost no pottery.Thicker on the western edge.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101112NULL18NULL982NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/21/17 03:20 PM6/24/17 12:38 PMNULLNULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2678, Covers 27052584 Covers42142674Light brown deposit that sits on a layer with frequent rock inclusions, a possible feature.41706/22/1732326/22/17 11:52 AM6/22/17 11:55 AM
2678BetaNULLLoose light brown deposit N. of wall 2628. fill of 2679AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141706/22/173206/21/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated on 22/6/17 with trowel and spoon.North eastern quadrant of the courtyard.CircularNo visable inclusions and minimal slope.Pottery and stone scattered throughout.Regular thickness throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/22/17 12:15 PM7/4/17 09:49 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareCharcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 26792674 Covers42442678fill of possible post hole41706/22/171131136/22/17 03:24 PM6/22/17 03:24 PM
9001BetaNULLCollapse of basalt paving stones into a cut between two roadsCollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL117906/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThis layer is located within the test trench. The basalt paving stones continue beyond the northern limit of the test trench. A higher concentration of basalt paving stones is found on the eastern side of the cut of the canal.The paving stones are distributed inside the layer in a chaotic manner with a slight slope from east to west. They are partially encircled by a layer of colluvium.NULLAn irregular layer composed of a series of basalt paving stones.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL64646/22/17 10:44 AM6/22/17 02:08 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 90029000 Covers42409001A layer of collapse from the two paved roads on either side. Because of the way that the stones are arranged it is clear that they fell into the cut, it is impossible to tell which of the roads they fell from.7906/22/1764646/22/17 02:10 PM6/22/17 02:10 PM
8113BetaNULLBrown deposit covered by SU 8109AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1043706/21/173506/24/1708020LayeredSoftNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and dustpan.Room I7, SW corner of area I.IrregularLevel surfacelarge quantities of painted plaster similar to those found in SU 8109UniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairno dateable ceramicsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35736/21/17 12:01 PM7/12/17 09:37 AM3507/12/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareNULLPainted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81168109 Covers42218113Post abandonment natural deposition in cut 8116.43706/22/1735356/22/17 12:18 PM6/22/17 02:54 PM
8114NULLNULLBrown deposit covered by SU 8110AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1030406/22/173506/24/1708020LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and dustpanSoutwest corner of room I7Semicircular, with irregular western limit.LevelNULLUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/21/17 03:44 PM6/24/17 09:28 AMNULLNULLTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RarePainted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - MediumComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81158110 Covers42228114Post abandonment natural accumulation within cut 811530406/22/1735356/22/17 12:18 PM6/24/17 09:29 AM
2670BetaNULLCompact light brown deposit in NE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135706/21/173206/24/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLSouthern limit is likely the result of over excavationExcavated 21/6-22/6/2017. Excavated with pick and trowelNortheast quadrant of courtyardIrregularCompact light brown with small stone inclusions and a few bones. North to south slopeLots of pottery and bone. Some bone burnt. Charcoal deposits in northeast section.Thicker in northern areasCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111542Medium and small4Charcoal5296NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/21/17 10:50 AM6/24/17 11:58 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumMetal - Rare, Pottery - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitimitimitNULLNULLCovers 2723, Covers 27652617 Covers42232670Layer of accumulation, continues east into room c9. Layer is likely turbated.41606/22/172892896/22/17 12:30 PM6/22/17 12:30 PM
8116NULLNULLIrregular cut in SE corner of room I7.CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143706/22/173506/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLsoutheast corner of room I7.irregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut appears as two connecting, tangential circles, that to the south being slightly larger.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/22/17 12:21 PM6/24/17 09:45 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpSTRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoCuts 8170, Cuts 81728113 Fills42308116SU 8116 is an irregular cut in room I7, the shape and size of which suggest two adjacent post holes. Probably made after the abandonment of the structure, and possibly related to other nearby cuts.43706/22/1735356/22/17 01:28 PM6/24/17 09:48 AM
2677BetaNULLCompact light brown deposit N. of 2498 and 2611AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/22/173206/21/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on June 22 2017North of 2498 and 2611 in courtyardIrregularSlopes from north to southStones on north eastern side. Inclusions of pottery and animal bones. Stamped bronze age ceramic uncovered, though it is part of the next layerIrregular throughoutDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10142NULL50NULL450NULLNULLGoodAll handmade impasto potteryNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/22/17 11:47 AM6/27/17 11:20 AMNULLNULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27122602 Covers42452677Layer of accumulation35706/22/1732326/22/17 03:25 PM6/22/17 03:25 PM
2676BetaNULLLoose brown deposit with frequent stone and ceramic inclusions S. of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142106/21/173206/21/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 22.6.17SE quadrant of courtyardIrregularSlight peak in the center of the SUCeramic inclusions and bone inclusions. Few charcoal inclusions.Thickness relatively uniform throughout.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL162NULL33NULL466NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32326/22/17 10:56 AM6/24/17 01:00 PMNULLNULLTufo - RareAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2746, Covers 27692675 Covers42462676Accumulation layer possibly the fill of a shallow cut, but no verifiable cut edges found. Maybe be a dump layer.37906/22/17289326/22/17 03:29 PM6/24/17 01:02 PM
7086NULLNULLLayer of light grey soil on central eastern side of room 1.Accumulation175BC200ADDate of layer based on production range of latest present ware, thin walled ware. Spot date on comparatively well-preserved commonware lid fragment ranges from 3rd-1st centuries BC is earlier than this general production range, and given the context it seems likely that most ceramics in this SU are residual.Fair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1032806/22/17907/19/17108010GranularLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNULLSU identified on June 22 and dug on June 22.Central eastern side of room 1.irregular.regularsome charcoal and tile, occasional slag and pottery, single nail and single animal bonefills shallow hole and connecting two smaller holes to southDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairVariable fragmentation, few diagnostics.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/22/17 11:44 AM7/19/17 11:09 AM736/26/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - MediumNails - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Slag - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 7087, Fills 7088, Fills 70917030 Covers42297086SU 7086 appears to be related to the industrial production of room 1, but unlike SU 7075 it contains a relatively high proportion of charcoal and very little slag.32806/22/17996/22/17 12:55 PM6/22/17 12:55 PM
8115NULLNULLCircular cut in room I7CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130406/22/173506/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSoutheast corner of room I7Semi-circular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLIn plan, cut is clearly semi-circular on its eastern side, with a relatively straight cut along the western side.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorSU undateable from ceramics, only sherd is an amphora wallNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35736/22/17 12:20 PM7/12/17 09:26 AM3507/12/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 82428114 Fills42418115SU 8115 is a semi-circular cut in room I7, the exact function of which cannot be ascertained with certainty. It was possibly made for a post hole after abandonment of the structure, though it seems rather large for this. It may relate to the other cut features in the structure, as well as those in the same room I7 (most of the latter have not yet been fully explored).30406/22/1735356/22/17 02:12 PM6/24/17 09:42 AM
2679BetaNULLCircular cut filled by 2678 N. of wall 2628CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141706/23/173206/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed by trowel and spoon on 22/6/17Western edge of courtyard.CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/22/17 03:28 PM6/24/17 01:05 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 27342678 Fills42472679Cut of post hole 2678.41706/23/172892896/23/17 08:21 AM6/23/17 08:21 AM
7087NULLNULLCut into 7076 located on the N side of fill SU 7086CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1039606/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLalong eastern wall of room 1 and to the north of su 7088roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/22/17 12:34 PM7/19/17 11:11 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Convex, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767086 Fills42487087Part of a group of cuts into SU 7076. Probably associated with the waste of metal production.39606/23/17996/23/17 09:35 AM7/19/17 11:11 AM
7090NULLNULLCut into SU 7076 located on the SW side of fill SU 7075CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1042606/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLsu documented on june 23 2017sw side of fill 7075 in central area of room 1roughly roundedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 08:27 AM7/19/17 04:33 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767075 Fills42497090SU 7090 part of group of cuts - cut into depression of the SU 7076. SU was probably related to waste of metal materials from productive activities.42606/23/17996/23/17 09:35 AM7/19/17 04:34 PM
7088BetaNULLCut into SU 7076 located on the S side of fill 7086CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1039606/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLdocumented june 23rd 2017near east wall ofroom 1 south of su 7087two connected circlesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/22/17 03:33 PM7/19/17 11:23 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767086 Fills42507088Part of series of cuts into SU 7076 possibly associated with waste from metal production39606/23/17996/23/17 09:44 AM7/19/17 11:24 AM
7089BetaNULLCut into SU 7076 located on the northwest side of SU 7075CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1042606/22/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLsu 7089 cut into su 7076.NULLround. smaller than other cuts in area.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3296/22/17 03:54 PM7/19/17 11:25 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767075 Fills42517089SU 7089 part of a cluster cut into 7076. probably related to the waste of metal materials.42606/23/17997/19/17 11:26 AM7/19/17 11:26 AM
7085NULLNULLCut filled by 7083 on the eastern side of room 1 towards the northCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1038006/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented June 23East central in room 1Roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/22/17 11:13 AM7/19/17 10:58 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767083 Fills42527085SU 7085 appears to be related to an industrial phase in room 1. It belongs to a cluster of similar cuts in the central eastern side of room 1.38006/23/17996/23/17 09:51 AM6/23/17 09:51 AM
7082NULLNULLCut into SU 7076 located on the NE side of of fill SU 7075CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1042606/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLlargest in circumference of the cluster of cuts in 7075.east of 7089. north of 7081.round and oblong.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 08:45 AM7/19/17 10:42 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767075 Fills425370827082 part of a cluster cut into 7076. probably related to waste of metal material from productive activities.42606/23/17996/23/17 09:56 AM7/19/17 10:40 AM
7084NULLNULLCut filled by 7083 on the eastern side of room 1 towards the south of the fillCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1038006/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented June 23East central in room 1roughly 8-shapedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/22/17 11:10 AM7/19/17 10:43 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767083 Fills42547084SU 7084 appears to be related to an industrial phase. It belongs to a cluster of similar cuts in east central room 1.38006/23/17996/23/17 10:01 AM6/23/17 10:01 AM
7081NULLNULLCut into SU 7076 located on the SE side of fill SU 7075CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1042607/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLround cut in cluster of 4 cuts into 7075. cluster forms a sort of diamond.south of cut 7082. se of cut 7090roundNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 08:32 AM7/19/17 10:38 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767075 Fills425570817081 part of cluster cut into 7076. Probably related to metal material waste, possibly as part of late smelting and productive activity.42606/23/17996/23/17 10:31 AM7/19/17 10:38 AM
2680BetaNULLCompact gray deposit S. of cut 2339AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/23/173206/21/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with pick Axe and trowel on the 23rd of JuneSouth of cut 2339, center of courtyardIrregularFairly flat surface, no visible inclusionsSmall pieces of pottery and bone including some burned boneSame thickness throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11162Small33Charcoal466NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/22/17 03:32 PM6/24/17 01:06 PMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27482666 Cuts42562680Layer of accumulation.42206/23/172892896/23/17 10:52 AM6/23/17 10:52 AM
2682NULLNULLCompact gray deposit in eastern part if courtyard. west of cut 2620.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141706/23/173206/21/17108010GranularCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 23/6/17.East side of courtyard, west of cut 2620.Irregular.Tufo scattered throughout with some pottery scattered and projecting out from the layerPottery sparsely scattered throughout. Only one piece of bone and one tooth found.Uniform thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10142NULL50NULL250NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/23/17 09:20 AM7/5/17 10:55 AMNULLNULLTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27122498 Cuts, 2500 Covers, 2620 Cuts42582682Thin compact accumulation41706/23/172892896/23/17 11:40 AM6/23/17 11:40 AM
2684BetaNULLCompact Light Brown deposit along NW excavation limitAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/23/173206/24/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel 23 June 2017Northwest corner of excavation limit E. of 2378IrregularSlopes from W to E two pieces of pottery on surfacePottery and bone inclusions found throughoutThicker on west side than EastSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10022NULL100NULL00NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/23/17 11:32 AM7/22/17 03:32 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27312585 Covers42592684Deposit of compact dirt above looser ashy dirt42206/23/171131136/23/17 12:37 PM6/23/17 12:37 PM
8118BetaNULLCollapse in western sector of area, in rooms I-11, I-12, and I-17Collapse200AD400ADSpot date based on single rim sherd of ARS in SU.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143606/23/173907/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is wall 8012. Southern limit is the northern wall of Room 15. Western limit is an excavation limit; the collapse appears to continue westwards under the baulk. We set an excavation limit here because we need to use the ramp that is located there and further excavation in this area would have prohibited that. Eastern limit appears original along western walls of rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14, although the layer has been cut by a plow beside the northwest corner of room I-13. Layer extends into rooms I-11 and I-12. Excavation of SU 8141 on July 1st to 3rd revealed that the eastern limit continued into room I-11.Cleaned and documented at beginning of excavation season 2017. Excavation taken up on July 3rd when eastern limit revealed and collapse appeared intentional and possibly related to late antique activity on site. Excavated with pickaxe and trowel 2017-07-3 to 2017-07-6.North of Room I-15; W of Rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14.Irregular, but roughly linear.Irregular surface except for pieces of wall composed of mortared bricks that have fallen on an east to west alignment. Portions of the collapse have fallen vertically into the ground; others horizontally.Tile, brick and slabs of tufo distributed regularly throughout. Two large quadrangular slabs of tufo east of rooms I-11 and I-12.Thinner, sloping upward in Room I-11 and I-12. In I-12 layer is thinner, then deeper past "arch", then slopes upward again.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairMost wares appear residual (one sherd ARS is later than most other datable wares).NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/23/17 01:28 PM7/27/17 12:45 AM737/10/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareBrick - Frequent, Collapse Debris - Frequent, Dolia - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompaction, CompositionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8012, Abuts 8120, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8123, Covers 8166, Covers 8169, Covers 8175, Abuts 8178, Covers 8193, Equals 8211, Covers 8218, Covers 8232, Covers 8233, Covers 8236, Covers 8237, Covers 8238, Covers 8239, Covers 8240, Covers 82410 Covers, 8141 Covers, 8210 Equals42728118Mixed collapse of brick wall and rubble. Wall collapse maybe intentional.31206/23/1739396/23/17 03:10 PM7/9/17 04:16 AM
7091NULLNULLSmall cut into SU 7076 located at the center of Room 1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1039606/23/17907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLmiddle of room 1 to the east of su 7082roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 12:11 PM7/19/17 04:36 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767086 Fills427170917091 part of a cluster of cuts through SU 7076. likely related to metal production39606/23/17997/19/17 04:37 PM7/19/17 04:37 PM
6039NULLNULLBasalt paving stones on N-S roadwayConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPavement truncated at north by the cutting of the large channel. Only exposed in section during the excavation of the channel (in 2016), not further excavated to the south (or across the full extent of the side street) in 2017 before the channel was backfilled during work in Area J.Several irregular basalt paving stones.In side street, to the east of the Area G building.Irregular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe street itself to which the pavers belong runs N-S.Basalt pavementNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 12:05 PM6/24/17 05:51 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - OtherCovers 60400 Covers42736039These basalt paving stones represent the latest road surface of the side street running north from the main trunk road (Via Gabina) delimiting the Area G/Area B block on its eastern side. It is likely that just to the south, this pavement ultimately intersects the trunk road and was in phase with the latest basalt pavement thereof.906/24/17996/24/17 05:53 AM6/24/17 05:53 AM
2664BetaNULLCompact light brown deposit S.of block 2436 W. of 2256AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1137906/20/173206/24/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated on 20-21.6.2017 with trowel.South east quadrant. South of 2436. West of 2256.IrregularSlope is irregular. Ceramics and stone inclusions throughout.Ceramic and bone inclusions scattered irregularly throughoutSlight decrease in thickness from northern limit towards southern limit of unitSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11132variable66charcoal133NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324146/20/17 02:30 PM7/5/17 09:51 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitimitNULLNULLCovers 26692663 Covers42852664Layer of accumulation, likely residual soil3206/24/1732326/24/17 11:38 AM6/24/17 11:38 AM
2666BetaNULLCircular cut S .of 2339 filled by 2665CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1135706/21/173206/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated 20.6.17, documented 21.6.17NW quadrant, S of 2339CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32326/20/17 02:33 PM6/24/17 11:43 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 26802665 Fills42862666Small circular cut, possibly a "posthole" serving a non-structural function but also could be an animal hole3206/24/1732326/24/17 11:45 AM6/24/17 11:45 AM
2663BetaNULLGrayish-brown loose deposit W. of 2256 and S. of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111306/16/173206/24/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLIn SW corner, unit is patchy and the limit uncertain due to accumulation from 2016 season.Excavated with trowel 16.6.17.Southeast corner of courtyard, South of 2436, West of 2256.RectangularScattered rocks. Three pieces of pottery are visible.Pottery and bone scattered throughout.Thicker at the Eastern part of area.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLPoorBlack gloss and overpainted black gloss are probably intrusionsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324146/16/17 11:57 AM6/30/17 11:53 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareNULLPottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLAbuts 2436, Covers 26642650 Covers42842663Layer of accumulation and residual soil left over along limits of 2016 excavation and removed in 2017.3206/24/1732326/24/17 11:33 AM6/24/17 11:33 AM
6043NULLNULLTufo block beneath block 6042ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe wall to which this block seems to belong was truncated at the north by the cutting of the channel. It was not fully exposed to the east or south.Partially exposed during cleaning in 2016. Documented in 2017 before backfilling of channel.Eastern limit of side street delimiting east of Area G building.Rectangular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSingle tufo block, partially broken toward the southern end.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 12:12 PM6/24/17 09:02 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULLNULL42836043Probably originally part of an early phase of the eastern boundary wall of the side street running north from the trunk road, analogous to the lowest course of SU 293 further north.906/24/17996/24/17 09:03 AM6/24/17 09:20 AM
6041NULLNULLCompact yellow-orange layer beneath 6040Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSurface truncated at north by the cutting of the large channel. Only exposed partially in section during the excavation of the channel (in 2016), not further excavated to the south (or across the full extent of the side street) in 2017 before the channel was backfilled during work in Area J.Very distinct bright yellow-orange; possibly degrading tufo bedrock? Not excavated.In side street, to the east of the Area G building.Roughly rectangularCrest of a convex surface slopes downward to east and west.Almost no discernible anthropic inclusions on surface.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 12:07 PM6/24/17 08:33 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLNULL6040 Covers42816041Possibly a layer of preparation or regularization of roadway, predating the glareate phase of the side street.906/24/17996/24/17 08:33 AM6/24/17 08:33 AM
6042NULLNULLTufo block at E limit of N-S roadway in channelConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe wall to which this block seems to belong was truncated at the north by the cutting of the channel. It was not fully exposed to the east or south.Partially exposed during cleaning in 2016. Documented in 2017 before backfilling of channel.Eastern limit of side street delimiting east of Area G building.Rectangular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOne large tufo block.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 12:11 PM6/24/17 08:50 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL0 Covers42826042Probably originally part of the eastern boundary wall of the side street running north from the trunk road.906/24/17996/24/17 08:50 AM6/24/17 08:50 AM
6040NULLNULLGlareate layer beneath basalts 6039ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSurface truncated at north by the cutting of the large channel. Only exposed in section during the excavation of the channel (in 2016), not further excavated to the south (or across the full extent of the side street) in 2017 before the channel was backfilled during work in Area J.Thick layer of glareate visible in section, and in part from above where the basalt pavers are missing.In side street, to the east of the Area G building.Irregular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe street itself to which the surface belongs runs N-S.GlareateNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 12:06 PM6/24/17 06:03 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - OtherCovers 60416039 Covers42806040This glareate surface represents an intermediate stage in the use of the side street running north from the main trunk road. The glareate road was at some point resurfaced in basalt pavers, similarly to part of the side street excavated in area C (see SU 2175). The full sequence of part of this street further north was previously excavated during the 2009 season (see SUs 291, 323, 324).906/24/17996/24/17 06:18 AM6/24/17 06:18 AM
2668BetaNULLCompact brownish gray deposit north of 2274.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/24/173206/24/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel.Southwest corner of the courtyard, north of wall 2274.IrregularFrequent Tufo inclusions in western half. Minimal slope.Medium pottery scattered throughoutThickness is less along the Western edgeCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111182Small11Charcoal1689NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2894146/21/17 08:16 AM6/30/17 02:22 PMNULLNULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27042561 Covers, 2631 Covers42872668Layer of accumulation, likely simply residual colluvium3206/24/1732326/24/17 11:52 AM6/24/17 11:52 AM
2669BetaNULLCompact light grayish brown deposit S. of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1137906/21/173206/24/17108010NULLCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 21.6.17.Southeastern corner of the courtyardIrregularSlight slope north to south and east to westFew ceramic inclusions and some bone inclusions. Bone inclusions concentrated in the center of the SUSU shows tapering from north to south and east to westCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11172Small29Charcoal571NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/21/17 10:38 AM7/26/17 04:59 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2675, Covers 2681, Covers 27462664 Covers42882669Layer of accumulation. Compaction likely due to being left unexcavated and walked over prior to the 2017 season although it could be relate to its stratigraphic proximity to a compact floor surface.3206/24/1732326/24/17 11:55 AM6/24/17 11:55 AM
2671BetaNULLLoose light brown fill of cut 2672 W. of wallAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/21/173206/24/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and plastic spoon on 21st and 22nd of June 2017Between 2628 and 2588. along the western edge of the Area C courtyard.CircularEven slope throughoutMany travertine pebbles found in the fill at about the same depthUniform thickness throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULL00NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/21/17 02:44 PM6/24/17 12:27 PMNULLNULLTravertine - FrequentNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 26722550 Covers42892671Fill of circular cut, possibly posthole or animal burrow3206/24/1732326/24/17 12:02 PM6/24/17 12:02 PM
2672BetaNULLCircular cut west of wall 2628 filled by 2671CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/22/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 22nd of June 2017Between 2628 and 2588 at Western limit of courtyardCircular cut filled by 2671NULLNULLNULLSharpNULLTravertine pebbles found in fill 2671. Also visible in sectionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/21/17 02:50 PM7/9/17 04:36 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 2730, Cuts 27842671 Fills42902672Small circular cut. Function unclear, either small posthole or animal burrow. No associated postholes found at this point.3206/24/1732326/24/17 12:25 PM6/24/17 12:25 PM
2673BetaNULLOrange and black friable deposit in the north part of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1136306/21/173206/21/17108010LayeredNULLNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on June 21 2017 in northern limit of courtyard. Irregular courtyard.S. of cut 2206 in NE corner of courtyardIrregularIrregular slope with no visible inclusionsCharcoal frequent throughout layer as are other traces of burning. Little anthropic material.Thickness irregularSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11011small100CharcoalNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/21/17 02:52 PM7/9/17 04:38 AMNULLNULLNULLCharcoal - FrequentPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26892579 Cuts42912673Layer of accumulation that presents evidence for burning but is likely heavily disturbed by later activity and the cutting of the drainage channel. This SU cannot be related to any clear activity aside from burning of some form.3206/24/1732326/24/17 12:37 PM6/24/17 12:37 PM
2674BetaNULLLight brown friable deposit N. Of wall 2628.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/22/173206/21/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel after opening previous day. Pickaxe used in western end next to excavation limit.Western edge of courtyard, North of wall 2628.IrregularTwo pieces of ceramics visible in eastern end, some tufo visible on western side.Pottery scattered throughout. Central area had almost no pottery.Thicker on the western edge.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101112NULL18NULL982NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/21/17 03:20 PM6/24/17 12:38 PMNULLNULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2678, Covers 27052584 Covers42922674Likely a layer of accumulation covering a deposit of possibly burnt waddle and daub.3206/24/1732326/24/17 12:39 PM6/24/17 12:39 PM
2675BetaNULLCompact light gray deposit S. Of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142106/21/173206/21/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 21-22.6.17.South of SU 2436 in the SE part of the courtyardIrregularslight slope from N to SFew ceramic inclusions and very few bone inclusionsSlight tapering from N to S. Tapering on the W and E sides of the SU.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2894146/21/17 03:22 PM7/4/17 09:49 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 2436, Covers 26762669 Covers42932675Layer of compact accumulation3206/24/1732326/24/17 12:42 PM6/24/17 12:42 PM
2684BetaNULLCompact Light Brown deposit along NW excavation limitAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/23/173206/24/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel 23 June 2017Northwest corner of excavation limit E. of 2378IrregularSlopes from W to E two pieces of pottery on surfacePottery and bone inclusions found throughoutThicker on west side than EastSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10022NULL100NULL00NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/23/17 11:32 AM7/22/17 03:32 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27312585 Covers42952684Layer of accumulation. Likely compacted in association with floor surfaces (Seen in section) that do not survive.3206/24/1732326/24/17 01:21 PM6/24/17 01:21 PM
8125BetaNULLSmall circular deposit in room I7AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044206/26/173507/26/17NULL8020LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated by towel, dustpan, and spooneastern portion of room I7circularleveltiles pieces protruding from deposituniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLno dateable or diagnostic ceramicsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/26/17 09:44 AM7/26/17 04:39 AM3507/10/17 12:00 AMPebbles - FrequentNULLMortar - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81318033 Covers43078125natural deposition post-abandonment in cut 813144206/26/1735356/26/17 11:29 AM6/26/17 11:29 AM
8112BetaNULLGrey and dark brown layer of silt in rooms I-10 and I-18Accumulation230AD400ADBased on ARS spot date.Poor2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL103906/20/173906/28/17157015LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowelIn northwest quadrant of Area I 2017SquareSlight slope north to south, following morphology of terrain on the downslope of the craterSmall clusters of stones throughoutUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorPresence of a plate in African red slip, type Hayes 31NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/20/17 03:35 PM7/27/17 12:39 AM2436/28/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RareCollapse Debris - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompactionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8011, Covers 8012, Covers 8119, Covers 8133, Covers 8134, Covers 8139, Covers 8145, Covers 8148, Covers 8155, Covers 8164, Covers 8166, Covers 8174, Covers 8178, Covers 8179, Covers 8180, Covers 8199, Covers 8200, Abuts 8246, Covers 8256, Covers 8257, Covers 82580 Covers43088112This is a heavily disturbed layer of soil. The layer seems to have been mixed by a modern plow. Some of the rubble in this layer appears to have been parts of collapsed walls mixed in the soil by the plow.31406/26/1739396/26/17 11:45 AM6/26/17 11:45 AM
8130BetaNULLCut filled by SU 8126CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130406/26/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSE portion of room I7irregularNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/26/17 11:00 AM7/26/17 04:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 8170, Cuts 81728126 Fills43068130SU 8130 is an irregular cut, possibly for a post hole, but a more specific interpretation is elusive. It was most likely cut post-abandonment, based on the depth.30406/26/1735356/26/17 11:13 AM7/26/17 04:49 AM
8126BetaNULLCircular deposit SE of SU 8125AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1030406/27/173507/26/17NULL8020LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dust paneastern portion of room I7irregularlevelNULLuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPooronly dateable ceramics= thin walled, 175 BCE to 200 CENULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/26/17 09:45 AM7/26/17 04:46 AM3507/10/17 12:00 AMPebbles - not specifiedAnimal Bones - RareMetal - Rare, Metal - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81308033 Covers43048126Natural deposition post abandonment in cut 813030406/26/1735356/26/17 10:54 AM6/26/17 10:56 AM
2681BetaNULLFriable. Light brown. Deposit at S. edge of courtyard N. of 2274 and 2306.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL37906/21/173206/21/17157510LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by pick and trowel on 23 and 26.6.17Southern extent of the courtyard.IrregularRelatively flat except for an upward slope at the SE extent of the SU.Ceramic and bone fragments scattered throughout.Relatively consistent throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101322NULLNULLNULL30NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1132896/22/17 03:38 PM6/26/17 10:44 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27502482 Cuts, 2656 Cuts, 2662 Covers, 2669 Covers43012681Layer covering the tufa floor in the southern quadrant of the courtyard.379NULL2892896/26/17 10:48 AM6/26/17 10:48 AM
2764BetaNULLLight gray crumbly deposit N. of cut 2737 in W. area of courtyard.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/10/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 10-07-2017.West area of courtyard, northern edge of cut 2737.IrregularNo visible inclusions except for crumbling surface.Rare pottery inclusion scattered irregularly throughoutSlightly undulatingCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113327/10/17 10:54 AM7/22/17 12:13 PM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL2748 Covers45392764Layer of accumulation41607/10/173503507/10/17 11:53 AM7/10/17 11:53 AM
2763BetaNULLLight brownish gray friable deposit in South Central part of courtyard.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135707/10/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNorth of 2260.Excavated on July 10, 2017 with trowel. It is possible that this SU contained two separate deposits in the North and South. The Northern deposit was light brown, the Southern section was light brown gray.South Central part of courtyard.Irregular.Irregular, small stone inclusions in NW corner. Slopes from NE to SW.Removed small gray tufo stones from the NW corner. Few anthropic inclusions.Irregular thickness throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/10/17 10:31 AM7/22/17 12:07 PM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2767, Covers 27692646 Covers, 2708 Covers45402763Compact upper strata of a floor. Possibly also a patch on the floor or leveling layer.35707/10/17113327/10/17 12:06 PM7/22/17 12:10 PM
2691BetaNULLLoose brown circular deposit N. of cut 2339AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLSlightly over excavated fill while identifying the cutExcavated by spoon and trowel on 26/6/17NE quadrant of courtyardCircularNo visible inclusions or slopesNothing found in deposit when excavatedThicker in the middleSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 10:45 AM7/26/17 02:57 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 26932595 Covers43092691Fill of circular cut, possibly a posthole41806/26/17289326/26/17 11:46 AM7/9/17 05:06 AM
8131BetaNULLCut filled by SU 8125CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144206/26/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLeastern portion of room I7circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/26/17 11:31 AM7/26/17 04:50 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 81728125 Fills43108131cut for post hole probably after the abandonment of the structure based on cut depth44206/26/1735356/26/17 11:48 AM6/26/17 11:54 AM
2693BetaNULLCircular cut filled by 2691, N. of cut 2339CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/26/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented cut on 26/6/17NE quadrant of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLBottom ends in pointNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 10:57 AM7/9/17 05:07 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 26892691 Fills43112693Cut of posthole41806/26/172892896/26/17 11:51 AM6/26/17 11:51 AM
7099NULLNULLFill of cut 7100 in room H1.Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032606/25/17907/21/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExposed and excavated on June 26 by trowelLocated in the southwest corner of room H1Irregular circleslight slope east to westhigh frequency of slagSU is thicker considerably on the eastern sideDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno dateable ceramics, no diagnostic sherdsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/26/17 10:59 AM7/21/17 08:09 AM3507/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - MediumMetal - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Slag - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71007069 Covers43137099Fill of a cut associated with later phases of production (glass?) in Room 132606/26/17996/26/17 02:24 PM7/21/17 08:04 AM
2690BetaNULLCompact red-brown deposit beneath 2686, pedestal of wall 2240AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141706/26/173207/09/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLYellowNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 26/6/17Under wall 2240 in room C8.RectangularNo visible inclusions or slopeCeramic and stone inclusions, as well as burnt adobe, scattered irregularly throughoutEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 09:41 AM7/9/17 05:04 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumBurnt Adobe - Medium, Pottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26922686 Covers43152690friable deposit over 2694.41706/26/171131136/26/17 02:34 PM6/26/17 02:34 PM
2692BetaNULLBrown friable deposit, bounded by 2695AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142106/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pick axe and trowel on 26-6-17East of 2240 in room C8RectangularNo visible inclusionsPottery, animal bones and charcoal scattered throughoutEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101612NULL3NULL5997NULLNULLPoorThere are possible inclusions for the presence of black gloss and opaque red wareNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 10:52 AM7/22/17 03:39 AMNULLNULLTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26942687 Covers, 2688 Covers, 2690 Covers43162692It is probably colluvial fill of large rectangular cut. Seemed to be heavily disturbed.42106/26/172892896/26/17 02:34 PM6/26/17 02:34 PM
2687BetaNULLPedestal beneath wall 2355AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by Pickaxe and trowel on June 26th 2017East of 2256 and and beneath 2355, room c8Rectangular PedestalRegular slope; slightly higher in the WestPottery and Bones throughout Sparse travertine Some tilesTapers to the EastCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11162NULL33charcoal466NULLNULLFairopaque red ware is probably residualNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 08:17 AM7/9/17 04:49 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26922355 Covers43172687Pedestal for wall41906/26/171131136/26/17 02:40 PM6/26/17 02:40 PM
2688BetaNULLPedestal beneath wall 2496AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel on 26/6/17.South part of C8 and of 2687. East of 2355IrregularSlopes from W to E, no visible inclusionsPottery throughout as well as tile and travertine.Even thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10172NULL29NULL571NULLNULLFairOpaque red ware is a probably intrusionNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 08:18 AM7/9/17 05:02 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26922496 Covers43182688pedestal of southern wall in room c8.41906/26/171131136/26/17 03:04 PM6/26/17 03:04 PM
2686BetaNULLPedestal beneath wall 2240AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111306/26/173206/28/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel 26 June as part of excavation of feature 2695SE quadrant of area, under wall 2240rectangularNo visible inclusions, uneven surfaceSome pottery and bone throughoutUneven thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111142Small14Charcoal1286NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 08:16 AM7/22/17 03:34 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26902240 Covers43192686pedestal39206/26/171131136/26/17 03:13 PM6/26/17 03:13 PM
2694BetaNULLLoose brown deposit with orange inclusions, bounded by 2695AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated 26/6/2017 with pickaxe and trowelRoom C8RectangularSome orange inclusions and rocks, undulating surfaceSome pottery and bone scattered irregularly throughoutEven thicknessOtherartificial level as had to stop for the day and came down on a complete cup (in layer below )and ashy depositNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101322NULL6NULL3094NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 12:08 PM7/9/17 05:09 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2696, Covers 2697, Covers 2698, Covers 27562692 Covers43202694upper level of fill of feature 2695, largely colluvial11306/26/17113326/26/17 03:48 PM7/9/17 05:10 AM
8134BetaNULLBrown silty fill of cut 8135, in rooms I-10 and I-18Accumulation300AD700ADDate of layer is based on the presence of African Red Slip, latest datable ware in SU.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031406/26/173907/27/17107020CohesiveFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe 26-06-17stretches from northeast corner to southwest corner of room I-10linearslopes from ne to swno visible inclusionsuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostic sherds for finding comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 11:48 AM7/27/17 01:10 AM1117/10/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareMosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, CompositionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81358112 Covers43218134This context fills cut 8135 and represents the materials churned by the plow as a result of agricultural activities in the area following the abandonment of the city, probably in more recent centuries.45206/27/1739396/27/17 09:31 AM6/29/17 08:41 AM
8135BetaNULLCut filled by 8134, in rooms I-10 and I-18CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1031406/27/173906/29/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe western and eastern limits are excavation limits, as the cut appears to continue through the wall 8011 of rooms I-10 and I-18.Documented on June 27th, 2017In rooms I-10 and I-18LinearNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLThe cut appears to continue through the southwest excavation limit of rooms I-10 and I-18. The cut is also present on part of the eastern wall of room I-10. The cut slopes to the southwest (it is deeper in the southwest corner of room I-18 than in the northeast corner of room I-10.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 11:50 AM7/27/17 01:12 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 8011, Cuts 8119, Cuts 8139, Cuts 8145, Cuts 8148, Cuts 8166, Cuts 8174, Cuts 8178, Cuts 81998134 Fills43228135This is the cut made by an agricultural plow. The slope of the cut indicates that the more modern terrain was hilly when used for agriculture because the cut is deeper in the southwestern corner of room I-18 and shallower in the northeastern corner of room I-10.31406/27/1739396/27/17 10:42 AM7/27/17 01:12 AM
7102NULLNULLCircular rubbly fill in SE corner of Room H1Accumulation200AD300ADLatest fragment in SU is amphora rim of Dressel 30=Keay 1A, the rest of the material is likely residual. (Fair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1132806/27/17907/21/17108010GranularLooseNULLBrownNULLThe depth limits of the shallow portions of the cut are the original depth limits,while the depth limit of the deeper portion of the cut is not originalexcavated on 26-6-17 and 27-6-17 with trowels and shovels. Not fully excavated due to realization that this is most likely the post-abandonment fill of a deep drain.Southeast corner of room H1 near the wallsirregularashy soil with frequent stone inclusionsLarge limestone blocks, frequent tiles, frequent charcoalThe fill was shallower in the north and west portions, and deeper in the southern portion closest to the corner of the two wallsCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/26/17 12:13 PM7/21/17 08:44 AM2436/28/17 12:00 AMLimestone - not specified, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - MediumAmphorae - Medium, Metal - Medium, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71037030 Covers43237102Fill of large cut in southeast corner of room H1. Lower depth not reached in the northeast corner of the fill. Probably original cut goes into earlier drainage channel.32606/27/17996/27/17 11:56 AM7/19/17 10:19 AM
8111BetaNULLBrown, silty deposit in S part of room I5Accumulation150BC50BCBased on presence and form of black glossFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1114406/27/173507/23/17107020GranularFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 27-6-17. Sunny weatherSouthern part of room I5IrregularNo visible slopeFew tufo stones on W part of SUThickness decreases W to EDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/20/17 12:14 PM7/23/17 07:40 AM3507/17/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - RareGlass - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Tiles - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 82358050 Covers43248111Natural, silty deposit in room I5 under the rubble layer SU 8050, perhaps deposited post-abandonment.14406/27/1735356/27/17 11:59 AM7/23/17 07:41 AM
2698BetaNULLLarge Stone at NW section of 2700 covers 2697.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/27/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRock removed with pickaxe.Northwest corner of feature 2695IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/27/17 11:08 AM7/9/17 05:26 AMNULLNULLTufo - FrequentNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26972694 Covers43272698This rock is possibly part of a collapsed feature.28906/27/172892896/27/17 12:27 PM6/27/17 02:45 PM
2696BetaNULLCompact brown deposit with orange inclusions, bounded by 2695AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135707/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLBrown compact layer with orange inclusionsIn center of feature bounded by 2695 in room C8IrregularCompact, brownOrange inclusions on surface. Contains pottery and small frequency of faunal remains.Uniform throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL1142NULLNULLNULL12NULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/26/17 03:42 PM7/9/17 05:14 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26972694 Covers43282696Compact accumulation layer as a part of the fill of the feature bounded by 2695 in Room C8.35706/27/172892896/27/17 12:38 PM6/27/17 12:42 PM
2697BetaNULLLoose brownish-yellow deposit, bounded by 2695AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142006/27/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel.Room C8, bounded by 2695RectangularIntact ceramic vessel, removed on June 26 so as not to be left overnight. No visible slope.One broken pot found to NW of 2699. Ceramic and bone inclusions.Even thickness throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1111412NULL5Charcoal13995NULLNULLPoorBalck gloss and commonware with ingobbio are probably intrusions.NULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2894146/26/17 03:44 PM7/23/17 10:11 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2699, Fills 27002694 Covers, 2696 Covers, 2698 Covers, 2757 Covers43292697Loose soil deposit in feature 269541606/27/172892896/27/17 02:29 PM6/27/17 02:29 PM
8140BetaNULLCut filled by su 8136CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1044206/27/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLin the corner of su 8034 and 8038irregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLthe cut is irregular and the limits are not very clearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/27/17 02:56 PM7/26/17 05:16 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 8038, Cuts 8170, Cuts 81728136 Fills43308140This cut SU 8140 is very irregularly shaped, and its function is unclear. If it was an original anthropic cut, the limits are perhaps unclear because of degradation of surrounding floor layers. Regardless, it cuts through the most recent floor related to Room I7, so must have been done during or after the last phase of occupation of the room.44206/27/1735356/27/17 03:05 PM7/26/17 05:18 AM
7106NULLNULLIrregular cut into su 7104CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/27/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLIdentified during final cleaning of Room H1 during week two of 2017 season, while documenting layers 7076, 7104, and 7105.North-central part of Area H.Roughly circular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/27/17 03:12 PM7/21/17 09:08 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 71047107 Fills43317106A cut of unknown purpose, possibly related to the productive activities that took place within Room H1 in its later phases, and associated with the many other cuts into layers 7076, 7104, and 7105.906/27/17996/27/17 03:40 PM6/27/17 03:40 PM
7107NULLNULLFill of cut 7106AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL10906/27/17907/21/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLIdentified during final cleaning of Room H1 during week two of 2017 season, while documenting layers 7076, 7104, and 7105.North-central part of Area H.Roughly circular.No discernible slope, some small stone inclusions.No pottery, small stones, 1 coin.NULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/27/17 03:15 PM7/21/17 09:09 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71067030 Covers43327107Fill of a cut of unknown purpose.906/27/17996/27/17 03:41 PM6/27/17 03:41 PM
2703BetaNULLFriable red deposit N. of 2436 in SE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on June 28th 2017SE corner of courtyard, north of 2436RoundSlopes from east to west with possible burnt wattle and daub on surfacePottery, bone and wattle and daub found throughoutEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 08:22 AM7/23/17 09:55 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumBurnt Adobe - Medium, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27442536 Covers43332703Deposit with evidence of burning unclear function419NULL2892896/28/17 08:59 AM6/28/17 08:59 AM
8138BetaNULLBrown deposit east of 8115Accumulation300BC50BCDate of layer based on general production ranges for italo-megarian bowls (approximately 300-100 BC) and black gloss (circa 400-50 BC). No diagnostics are present to further refine range, wares may also be residual.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1130406/27/173507/26/1708020LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and dust pan, east of 8115. Note: no sketch, see sketch for related cut SU 8142.Southern portion of room I-7IrregularConcaveInfrequent small potsherds evenly distributed and one large deposit of charcoalUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairAssemblage has relatively consistent fragmentation, but no diagnostics.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/27/17 03:03 PM7/26/17 10:47 AM737/5/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Tufo - MediumCharcoal - RarePottery - MediumComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81428033 Covers43348138SU 8138 is a fill of a probable posthole, perhaps relating to an early phase in the area.44806/28/1735356/28/17 11:03 AM7/26/17 05:15 AM
8112BetaNULLGrey and dark brown layer of silt in rooms I-10 and I-18Accumulation230AD400ADBased on ARS spot date.Poor2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL103906/20/173906/28/17157015LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowelIn northwest quadrant of Area I 2017SquareSlight slope north to south, following morphology of terrain on the downslope of the craterSmall clusters of stones throughoutUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorPresence of a plate in African red slip, type Hayes 31NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/20/17 03:35 PM7/27/17 12:39 AM2436/28/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RareCollapse Debris - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompactionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8011, Covers 8012, Covers 8119, Covers 8133, Covers 8134, Covers 8139, Covers 8145, Covers 8148, Covers 8155, Covers 8164, Covers 8166, Covers 8174, Covers 8178, Covers 8179, Covers 8180, Covers 8199, Covers 8200, Abuts 8246, Covers 8256, Covers 8257, Covers 82580 Covers43488112This layer is immediately beneath the topsoil that covers several architectural features (in particular, walls). It seems to be a more recent silty deposit of the kind found throughout the site.3906/28/1739396/28/17 11:51 AM6/28/17 11:51 AM
8142BetaNULLCut filled by SU 8138CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144806/28/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and brush on a drizzly and windy daySouthern part of room I7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/28/17 11:07 AM7/26/17 05:26 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 81728138 Fills43478142SU 8142 is possibly a posthole cut after abandonment of the structure.44806/28/1735356/28/17 11:15 AM7/26/17 05:26 AM
2706BetaNULLLoose brown circular deposit in SE corner of courtyard, fill of 2707AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on June 28th 2017East courtyard, west of 2256CircularEven slope Rock inclusions visible on surfacePottery and bone throughoutThickness slopes from west to eastSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 09:32 AM7/23/17 09:54 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27072536 Covers43562706Fill of circular cut, possible post hole41907/09/17289326/28/17 12:05 PM7/9/17 05:48 AM
2707BetaNULLCircular cut in SE corner of courtyard filled by 2706CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/28/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on june 28th 2017Eastern part of courtyard and west of 2256CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLmultiple shelves sloping towards cut bottom in eastNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/28/17 09:33 AM7/9/17 05:49 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 27422706 Fills43572707packing and support for post41906/28/171131136/28/17 12:42 PM6/28/17 12:42 PM
2689BetaNULLCompact gray deposit N. of cut 2339AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142106/28/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLIdentified on Monday 26-6-17. Documented and excavated on Wednesday 28-6-17North quadrant of courtyardIrregularDeposit slopes downward north to south with rocky inclusions in the southeastern sidePottery and bone found irregularly throughoutThicker on northern limitCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111242Small12Charcoal2288NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/26/17 09:40 AM7/23/17 10:03 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTravertine - Rare, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27112595 Covers, 2673 Covers, 2693 Cuts43582689Layer of accumulation42101/28/702892896/28/17 12:42 PM6/28/17 12:42 PM
2704BetaNULLFriable light brown deposit in SW corner of courtyard running beneath collapsed stones of 2628AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/28/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated on 28th of July in rainy weather, a layer of travertine pebbles emergingSouthwest corner of the courtyard around 2628.IrregularMedium sized stone inclusions and small orange inclusions in southernmost part. Gentle slope from north to south.Very little pottery and bone. Large stones were removedThickness was not uniform throughout, thicker in the southern regionDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111102Small20Charcoal880NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 08:38 AM7/23/17 09:58 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27082628 Covers, 2668 Covers43592704Layer of accumulation42206/28/172892896/28/17 01:01 PM6/28/17 01:01 PM
2705BetaNULLLight brown compact deposit west of 2628 along western edge of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/28/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated 28/6/17 with pickaxe and trowel. Rain briefly interrupted excavation.NW quadrant, western edge of courtyardIrregularUnderlying rock layer visible on surface of N halfRare pottery and bones scattered throughoutThinner at northern halfCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11192NULL22Charcoal777NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 09:11 AM7/23/17 09:57 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - RareComposition, Color, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2730, Covers 27342674 Covers43602705Compact light brown deposit sitting on a possible rock feature.41806/28/172892896/28/17 02:40 PM6/28/17 02:40 PM
8144BetaNULLFloor surface in N part of room I5ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1114406/28/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThere is a small section on the south, around well head SU 8095, where we have an original limit of the floor, abutting the well.Exposed by pickaxe and trowel in 2016 season. Fully cleaned and documented in 2017N part of room I5,S part of area IIrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNo visible alignmentNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCocciopesto floor laid above a rocky floor preparation layer with a thin layer of mortar. Floor has been badly degraded and is only partially preservedgraysmallNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/28/17 02:21 PM7/26/17 05:31 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus Signinum, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoAbuts 80958053 Covers43638144Early floor level in room I5, possibly Republican, that is in phase with the well (SU 8095). It's a cocciopesto floor with bright reddish colors that has been poorly preserved and is only partially still visible. It abuts the tufo well head on its NW part and is constructed on what seems to be a rocky preparation level.14406/28/1735356/28/17 03:31 PM6/28/17 03:31 PM
2709BetaNULLCompact brownish gray deposit with orange inclusions N. of 2436 along E. limit of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/28/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pick on June 28th 2017 after rain stormEastern courtyard between 2256 and 2707IrregularSlopes from east to west, pottery and rocks visible on surfacePottery and bone throughoutThicker in the middle of the SUCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic pieces. Mixed with pottery from 2708. In two different cassettas.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 02:21 PM7/23/17 10:00 AM4147/12/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27422536 Covers43622709Layer of accumulation41906/28/172892896/28/17 03:12 PM6/28/17 03:12 PM
2686BetaNULLPedestal beneath wall 2240AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111306/26/173206/28/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel 26 June as part of excavation of feature 2695SE quadrant of area, under wall 2240rectangularNo visible inclusions, uneven surfaceSome pottery and bone throughoutUneven thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111142Small14Charcoal1286NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 08:16 AM7/22/17 03:34 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26902240 Covers43642686Pedestal beneath wall 2240. Once we were given permission to remove wall in order to excavate feature 2695 the pedestal left to preserve these walls was removed.3206/28/17113326/28/17 03:51 PM7/22/17 03:34 AM
7111NULLNULLFill of cut 7110 in SE side of Room 1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL10906/29/17907/21/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLIdentified after most of the other cuts into 7076, after a heavy rain on 6/28 made the color distinctions more clearly visible.Eastern part of Room 1Roughly circular.No discernible slope or inclusions.NULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/28/17 02:34 PM7/21/17 11:32 AM3507/3/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71107030 Covers43657111Fill of a cut of unknown purpose.906/29/17996/29/17 01:04 AM6/29/17 01:04 AM
7110NULLNULLCut filled by 7111 in SE side of Room 1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL906/29/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated 6/28 with trowel.Eastern part of Room 1Roughly circular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/28/17 02:33 PM7/21/17 11:31 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 70767111 Fills43667110A cut of unknown purpose, possibly related to the productive activities that took place within Room H1 in its later phases, and associated with the many other cuts into layers 7076, 7104, and 7105.906/29/17996/29/17 01:07 AM6/29/17 01:07 AM
8135BetaNULLCut filled by 8134, in rooms I-10 and I-18CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1031406/27/173906/29/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe western and eastern limits are excavation limits, as the cut appears to continue through the wall 8011 of rooms I-10 and I-18.Documented on June 27th, 2017In rooms I-10 and I-18LinearNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLThe cut appears to continue through the southwest excavation limit of rooms I-10 and I-18. The cut is also present on part of the eastern wall of room I-10. The cut slopes to the southwest (it is deeper in the southwest corner of room I-18 than in the northeast corner of room I-10.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 11:50 AM7/27/17 01:12 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 8011, Cuts 8119, Cuts 8139, Cuts 8145, Cuts 8148, Cuts 8166, Cuts 8174, Cuts 8178, Cuts 81998134 Fills43678135This cut is in alignment with several others that run across Area I 2017; these have done varying levels of damage, but most have disturbed archaeological deposits and structural remains.3906/29/1739396/29/17 08:46 AM6/29/17 08:46 AM
6044BetaNULLCompact layer of brown silt with white mortar inclusions N of road 7019Intentional Deposition430AD450ADDate based on ARS spot date. Possible that further study, of amphora in particular, may yield later date range. UPDATE 4/7/2017: Amphora rim looked at by Giordano Iacomelli and spot date added, changing chronological range of layer.Fair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1033506/23/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is cut on the west by SU 6046 and therefore not original. Northern limit in the east is original, ending at the threshold of room G3 (SU 6055). Western limit is SU 6030, which will remain unexcavated. Eastern limit appears to continue under a concrete surface associated with wall 6032.Documented on 23-6-17. Excavated 6-23 to 6-28 with pickaxe, shovel and trowel. Heavy rain on 6-28.Covers most of room G1/5.IrregularFew rocks are visible on the surface. Soil is brown with white mortar inclusions.Small deposit of ash between SU 7020 and SU 7054. Evidence of degraded tufo within room G1/5.10-15 Cm. Thicker on the eastern portion of the layer.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairMany residual wares, uneven fragmentation. Some sherds have worn surfaces and breaks, but many do not.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9736/23/17 11:07 AM7/4/17 09:24 AM737/3/17 12:00 AMBasalt - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Ash - Rare, Charcoal - Rare, Shells - RareCoins - Rare, Glass - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 6051, Covers 6052, Covers 60556005 Covers, 6006 Covers, 6007 Covers, 6008 Covers, 6009 Covers, 6010 Covers, 6019 Covers, 6020 Covers, 6027 Covers, 6028 Covers, 6029 Covers, 6030 Covers, 6045 Cuts, 6046 Cuts, 6049 Cuts43686044This layer appears to be floor preparation for the concrete floor only visible in SU 6051, perhaps cut into for the construction of the muretti, which were on top of this layer.43006/30/1793006/30/17 09:04 AM7/2/17 01:59 PM
2708BetaNULLCompact light brown deposit in SW corner of courtyard E. of 2454AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142206/28/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated on June 28 2017 by trowel. Excavation interrupted by rain.Southwest corner of the courtyardIrregularGentle slope from northwest to southwestMany medium size stones were removed.Irregular throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1286NULLNULLPoorMixed with pottery from 2709NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 12:06 PM7/14/17 09:36 AMNULLNULLBasalt - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - RareDolia - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2715, Covers 2716, Covers 2763, Covers 27702704 Covers43692708Layer of accumulation.35706/30/172892896/30/17 09:17 AM6/30/17 09:17 AM
8139BetaNULLYellowish-brown silty deposit W of wall 8011 and S of wall 8133AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLDate of layer based on ARS general production dates ofFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1045206/27/173907/03/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight YellowNULLSU is cut by 8135 (plough cut) at southern limitExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on June 27th 2017West of wall 8011 and south of wall 8133 in room I-18IrregularSlopes slightly from northeast to southwestNo visible inclusionsUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU preserves very little ceramic information.NULLPoorARS rim sherd is too small to securely determine orientation for comparanda.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/27/17 02:22 PM7/27/17 01:17 AM737/5/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePainted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8145, Covers 8148, Covers 8199, Abuts 82468112 Covers, 8135 Cuts43708139This appears to be a natural accumulation of soil with relatively few anthropic inclusions. Similar to the large silty layers across the site that accumulated after the abandonment of the city and into more recent times.31406/30/1735396/30/17 09:21 AM7/3/17 11:06 AM
6055NULLNULLStone threshold between rooms G1\5 and G2.Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142506/30/17300NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLStone appears to be cut irregularly at northern limit.Documented on 30-06-2017.Between rooms G1/5 and G2, between wall 6024 and 6036.roughly rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1.8m by .44m (East)/.5m (West)ThresholdNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL323006/30/17 08:54 AM7/2/17 02:32 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL6036 Abuts, 6044 Covers43716055Threshold between rooms G1\5 and G2. Circular mark in the northwest corner, likely for a doorpost.42506/30/17323006/30/17 09:24 AM7/2/17 02:33 PM
2710BetaNULLLoose light brown deposit N and E of wall 2628AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/28/173207/09/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLDefined 28/6/17, excavated with trowel on 30/6/17N and W of wall 2628, western side of courtyardIrregularUnderlying tufo rocks of wall 2628 visible.Some pottery and bone scattered throughout. Notably, a travertine pebble with remnants of a compact surface attached.Layer thicker under wall.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10172NULL28NULL571NULLNULLFairBlack gloss is a probably intrusionNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2894146/28/17 03:32 PM7/12/17 03:25 PM4147/12/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2599, Covers 2730, Covers 27342628 Covers, 2655 Covers43722710Loose accumulation layer running under wall 2628. Wall 2628 removed as part of this layer.41606/30/17289326/30/17 09:59 AM7/9/17 05:52 AM
2711BetaNULLCompact light brown deposit in NE quadrant of courtyard.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142006/30/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel 30-6-2017NE quadrant of courtyardIrregularClusters of rock in western area. Slope from north to southClusters of rock in western area, pottery and bone scattered throughout.Thin in southern area, thicker in northSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111102Small20Charcoal880NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/30/17 08:50 AM7/9/17 05:52 AM414NULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2720, Covers 27392689 Covers43742711Layer of patchy accumulation over pinkish friable deposit.42006/30/172892896/30/17 11:38 AM6/30/17 11:38 AM
2712BetaNULLCompact brownish-gray deposit at eastern edge of courtyard W. of Room C1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1137906/30/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 30-06-17Eastern side of courtyard, adjacent to room C1IrregularFrequent rock inclusionsBone, ceramic and burnt adobe scattered throughoutThickness greater at eastern edgeCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10192NULL22NULL778NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/30/17 09:04 AM7/13/17 08:17 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 2719, Covers 27422677 Covers, 2682 Covers, 2685 Covers43752712Layer of accumulation with frequent stone inclusions abutting a floor surface to the north42106/30/172892896/30/17 11:55 AM6/30/17 11:55 AM
2714BetaNULLLoose brown circular deposit at NW of 2599, N. of 2713AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141606/30/173207/09/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel 30-06-17NW area of courtyardCircularNo visable inclusionsNo inclusionsEven thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULL00NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/30/17 09:07 AM7/9/17 05:56 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27182386 Covers43762714Fill for posthole su 2718. Layer of accumulation.41606/30/17289326/30/17 12:10 PM7/9/17 05:56 AM
2713BetaNULLLoose brown circular deposit at NW of 2599, S. of 2714AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/30/173207/09/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 30/06.Northwest area of courtyardCircularNo visible inclusionsFew pieces of pottery found.Even thickness/depth throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/30/17 09:06 AM7/12/17 03:00 PM4147/12/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27172386 Covers43772713Fill of cut 2717. Layer of accumulation.28906/30/17289326/30/17 12:12 PM7/9/17 05:55 AM
7122NULLNULLCut of fill 7121AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL10326NULL9NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated by trowel in June 30 2017Southwest corner of room 1CircularNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL00NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/30/17 12:50 PM7/21/17 12:29 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 7067, Cuts 70767121 Fills43787122Cut probably associated with late phases of production activity in room 132606/30/17996/30/17 01:00 PM7/21/17 12:30 PM
8132BetaNULLLight brown silty deposit in rooms I-13, I-14, and I-19Accumulation193AD235ADFew ceramics in SU, none of which provide good comparanda for dating or production ranges. Instead, the date range is based off of circular brick stamps characteristic of the Severan age.Poor2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL103906/26/173907/07/17107020LayeredLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNorthern limit is wall 8121, eastern limit is 8040, southern limit is walls 8128/8129, western limit is wall 8123, southwest corner of room I-14 has not yet been excavated to maintain a ramp over wall 8123, area between walls 8122 and 8076 and northeastern corner of room I-14 was added to SU and excavated later. Space between walls 8076 and 8040 on eastern limit of SU is an excavation limit from 2016 season, separating 8132 from 8053.Excavated with trowel and pickaxe 6/24-7/3/2017. SU exposed to rain on 6/28/2017. During excavation, SU was determined to continue directly east of wall 8122. As this extension was excavated, a new layer, SU 8147, was found to cover the NE corner of the SU. This layer was quickly excavated and then excavation of SU 8132 was completed. There may be some contamination between 8132 and 8147, however. The SW corner of the SU in Room I-14 was left unexcavated to maintain a ramp.In rooms I-13 and I-14 in the southwest quadrant of Area I 2017.RectangularSurface is irregular with numerous plaster, tile, and stone inclusions.Layer was full of rubble, primarily collapseUniformCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSome stamped brick stored with materials cassette, others as special finds after change in special finds policy mid 2017 season.FairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 11:14 AM7/27/17 12:49 AM2437/11/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareBrick - Medium, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Frequent, Nails - Medium, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8040, Abuts 8041, Abuts 8074, Abuts 8075, Abuts 8076, Covers 8097, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8122, Abuts 8123, Abuts 8124, Abuts 8127, Abuts 8128, Abuts 8129, Covers 8191, Covers 8216, Abuts 8250, Abuts 8251, Abuts 8252, Abuts 8253, Abuts 82550 Covers, 8147 Covers43798132This deposit is the accumulation (whether natural or anthropic) of material following the post-abandonment of the building. The high quantity of tiles found in this layer (not in situ) suggest all of the material was churned up following the decay of the structure.31206/30/1739396/30/17 02:33 PM7/9/17 04:23 AM
7120NULLNULLFill of cut into 7067 east of 7102Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNo ceramics recovered in this SUFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032606/30/17907/21/17108010GranularCompactNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated on 30\6\17 by trowelSW corner of. Room H1CircularSlopes West to eastSlag, few potteryEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNo ceramics in this SUNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/30/17 10:35 AM7/21/17 12:35 PM1117/17/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RareNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71237017 Covers43807120Fill of cut associated with production activity32606/30/17996/30/17 02:39 PM6/30/17 02:39 PM
9002NULLNULLcolluvial layer covered by su 9000 and filling the ditch (su 9003)AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1125306/26/17NULLNULL801010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLLayer identified on Thursday June 21st small portion of the su has been dug by pickaxe and trowel an Friday June 22nd. Within this small trench two micromorphological samples have been collected from the W wall of the artificial trench (section 111): sample 1 ( upper sample/ micro 37) and sample 2 ( lower sample/ micro 38)intersection between two roads on the W side of area HRectangularplain with slight slope running from N towardsSevenly distributed throughout the sueven but visible only in the trench opened an the side of outSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL022NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9736/26/17 02:14 PM7/20/17 10:01 AMNULLNULLClay - Frequent, Limestone - Rare, Sand - Medium, Tufo - RareNULLBasalt Slabs - Rare, Mortar - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 9003, Covers 90049001 Covers43819002Colluvial layer deposited inside the cut of the ditch25306/30/17996/30/17 02:34 PM6/30/17 02:34 PM
7113NULLNULLFill of cut 7112AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL906/29/17907/21/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 6/30/17.SE part of Room H1.Roughly circular.No visible slope or inclusions.NULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairinteresting lamp with figural decoration;NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/29/17 12:43 AM7/21/17 11:32 AM3507/6/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71127030 Covers43827113Fill of a cut of unknown purpose.907/01/17997/1/17 07:45 AM7/1/17 07:45 AM
7112NULLNULLCut filled by 7113 on SE side of Room 1, S of 7110CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL10906/29/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated 6/30 with trowel.SE corner of Room H1.Circular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/29/17 12:42 AM7/21/17 11:32 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 70767113 Fills43837112A cut of unknown purpose, possibly related to the productive activities that took place within Room H1 in its later phases, and associated with the many other cuts into layers 7076, 7104, and 7105.907/01/17997/1/17 07:48 AM7/1/17 07:48 AM
6045BetaNULLCut into 6044 along wall 6018.CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1030006/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOriginally we thought the cut continued under wall 6030 but an edge of the mortar surface became clear after initial excavation.Began excavation on 23-6-17, completed on 26-6-17 with trowel. Originally documented as a single cut with 6050, but was quickly clear that they were two separate cuts. 6045 was truncated at the eastern limit.North in room G1/5, along western portion of walls 6018 and 6024.Roughly rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut edge is irregular, marked by white mortar. Rectangular shape of cut evident at the end of excavation. Cut slopes up on eastern edge.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL323006/23/17 11:13 AM7/2/17 02:01 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 60446047 Fills43846045One of three cuts into SU 6044, probably related to abandonment re-use of the space.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:11 PM7/2/17 02:11 PM
6046NULLNULLCut into 6044 east of 6038.CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1034906/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated on 23-6-2017.In SW corner of room G1, abutting tufo pier 6038.CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLClearly defined edges by circle of white mortar rocks and pier at the western limit. Bottom of the cut is flat with basalt stones.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/23/17 11:19 AM6/24/17 06:42 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 60446048 Fills43856046One of three cuts into SU 6044, probably related to abandonment re-use of the space.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:12 PM7/2/17 02:12 PM
6047NULLNULLFill of 6045Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1030006/23/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLBegan excavation on 23-6-2017. Finished excavation on 26-6-2017 using trowels and pickaxe. SU Poly contains SU 6050 as well as 6047, corrected in illustration conventions.North west in room G1/5 along walls 6024 and 6018. Originally included with fill 6050 but the SUs were differentiated shortly after beginning excavation.Roughly rectangularRocks and tiles visible on the surface.Large amount of wasters resembling black tesserae in the layer, especially in the northern section close to foundation of wall 6018.Approximately 40cm thick.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL323006/23/17 11:40 AM7/26/17 04:42 AMNULLNULLBasalt - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareGlass - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Frequent, Pottery - RareCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 60456028 Covers43866047One of three cuts into SU 6044, probably related to abandonment re-use of the space.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:13 PM7/2/17 02:13 PM
6048NULLNULLFill of 6046.Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1034906/23/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated on 23-6-20167.Filling cut 6046 in SW corner of room G1.CircularBrown/gray compactTwo pieces of pottery, one piece of glass and a toothApproximately 5 cm thick, uniform thickness of clayish material.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/23/17 11:43 AM6/24/17 06:49 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 60466010 Covers43876048One of three cuts with fills into SU 6044, probably related to abandonment re-use of the space.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:14 PM7/2/17 02:14 PM
6049BetaNULLCut into 6044 east of 6045 along wall 6018.CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1030006/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 23-06-2017. After initial excavation of 6045 it became clear that there were two separate cuts and 6049 was differentiated from 6045.Along walls 6018 and 6024, north in room G1/5, east of 6045.CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLMarked by white mortar along the edges.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3003006/24/17 06:59 AM7/2/17 02:15 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 60446050 Fills43886049One of three cuts into SU 6044, probably related to abandonment re-use of the space.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:15 PM7/2/17 02:15 PM
6050BetaNULLFill of 6049Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1030006/24/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLStarted excavation on 23-06-2017 and finished on 26-06-2017. Excavated using trowel.North in room G2, south of wall 6018, east of 6045.CircularRocks and tiles visible on the surface. Soil darker and looser than the surrounding soil of su 6044.Large amounts of glass. Some finds from the top layers are included in SU 6047 from before the SUs were differentiated.Fairly uniform thickness.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLno dateable materialNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL300736/24/17 07:02 AM7/4/17 11:08 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareGlass - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - RareComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 60496020 Covers43896050One of three cuts into SU 6044, probably related to abandonment re-use of the space. This cut had very few tesserae wasters compared to fill 6047.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:19 PM7/2/17 02:19 PM
6051NULLNULLconcrete surface west of 6032Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11300NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThis soon surface appears to be related to wall 6038 and is therefore original where it connects to the wall. Seems to have been cut along western limit and once continued throughout room G1/5.documented on 30-6-2017. Not excavated 2017 season.eastern section of room G1/5.semi-circularDegraded concrete surface. Large basalt stones visible in concreteNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/28/17 03:42 PM7/2/17 02:20 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteCovers 6032, Covers 60526044 Covers43906051This concrete floor appears to be related to the curved wall 6038 which connects 6036 and 6011 and has a pair in the area excavated by the Sopritendenza. The floor seems to have been cut at the western limit, lining up roughly with the edges of the tufo piers. We believe it continued throughout the space of the Republican portico to the other wall. The cutting is likely due to the reorganization of the space and construction of the muretti.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:22 PM7/2/17 02:22 PM
6052Beta2017layer of compact dirt in room G1/5Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143006/30/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLIn the north there are cuts 6045 and 6049, the limit is original where it abuts 6055. The layers appears to be cut in the south for walls 6053 and 6054. East: extends under concrete floor 6051. West: extends under 6030.Documented 30-6-2017. Not excavated 2017 season.Room G1/5.Roughly rectangularSurface appears to be red tufo with patches of concrete.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/28/17 03:42 PM7/19/17 03:58 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteCovers 6053, Covers 60546044 Covers, 6051 Covers43916052Appears to be a hard surface of mixed red tufo with patches of stone or concrete, maybe a leveling surface for floor prep 6044, or an earlier surface.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:26 PM7/2/17 02:26 PM
6053BetaNULLlinear feature of stones and concrete running WE between 6032 and 6038.ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/02/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall appears to have been destroyed to build floor surface 6051.Documented on 30-6-2017.Parallel to 7020 in western-half of room G1/5rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLW-ENULLNULLNULLNULL2.76m by .56mwall made mostly of small basalt stones bound by white mortar.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL323006/30/17 08:13 AM7/2/17 02:28 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteCovers 6011, Covers 60386052 Covers43926053This appears to be lower courses or perhaps a foundation of a wall related to a later phase of the space between the road and the other concrete imperial features. It seems to have purposefully obliterated, most likely for the construction of the concrete floor 6051 visible to the east in room G1/5.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:29 PM7/2/17 02:29 PM
6054BetaNULLLinear feature of stones and concrete WE between 6038 and 6030ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017GNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL133506/30/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall was truncated probably in the construction of floor 6051 so depth is not original.Documented on 30-6-2017. Left unexcavated for the season.Located in the SW corner of room G1/5 close to curb 7020.RectangularWall has a rocky surface with basalt stones and mortar.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLW-ENULLNULLNULLNULL2.77m by .37mWall made of basalt rocks bonded by mortarNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/30/17 08:15 AM7/2/17 02:30 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - IrregularCovers 60386052 Covers43936054This appears to be lower courses or perhaps a foundation of a wall related to a later phase of the space between the road and the other concrete imperial features. It seems to have purposefully obliterated, most likely for the construction of the concrete floor 6051 visible to the east in room G1/5.30007/02/173003007/2/17 02:31 PM7/2/17 02:31 PM
9006BetaNULLpreparation Layer for the via GabinaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNo diagnostics, and really no ceramics at all. SU undateable by material.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1033507/03/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLThe western excavation limit corresponds to the eastern side of the cut made on the western end of the areaLayer exposed on June 28th and documented on June 30th. Excavated on 3-7-2017 with trowel and pickaxe.North West side of areairregularSurface was mortary.Very few inclusions, mostly rock of various types.Very thin layer.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorSU almost non-existent, no datable material.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94546/30/17 11:50 AM7/24/17 09:25 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLMosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90079005 Covers43949006This layer was just a preparation layer for the imperial road above it. This is supported by the lack of finds and large concentration of compact mortar.33507/03/17997/3/17 09:54 AM7/3/17 09:54 AM
8141BetaNULLBrownish-grey deposit of silt S of 8012 and N of 8121 in rooms I-11 and I-12.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044706/28/173911/07/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 28/06/2017.In rooms I-11 and I-12 in the northwest quadrant of the area.SquareSlight slope north to southStones visible throughout with higher frequency on the northwestern limitEven throughoutDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLAfrican cookware possibly not a correct identification, sherds may be from imitation forms in other fabric. SU processed over two days, with processing completed by A Rittershaus 7/12/2017.NULLFairUneven fragmentation of sherds in SU, few diagnostics.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/28/17 10:54 AM7/27/17 01:14 AM3507/7/17 12:00 AMTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareMosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8012, Abuts 8016, Abuts 8076, Covers 8118, Abuts 8120, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8175, Abuts 8176, Abuts 8177, Abuts 8181, Covers 81940 Covers43958141Deposit relating to post-abandonment of rooms I-11 and I-12, which probably accumulated from late antiquity to recent times. Similar to many silty deposits that lie immediately below SU 0 and cover or fill architectural remains. Heavily disturbed by plough.43407/03/1739397/3/17 11:30 AM7/27/17 01:15 AM
2716BetaNULLCompact gray deposit N. of 2715 in SW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135707/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated on July 3rd 2017 with trowel. Travertine pebbles shot in as internal feature and then removed. After reassessment on 4.7.16 it was decided that the SU wasn't fully removed and excavation was resumed.Southwest corner of courtyardIrregular shapeIrregular, light slope from N to SSmall travertine pebbles.IrregularDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10131NULL33NULL266NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/30/17 09:13 AM7/9/17 06:02 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27302708 Covers43962716Layer of accumulation35707/03/172892897/3/17 11:30 AM7/3/17 11:30 AM
2723BetaNULLCompact brownish gray depositing SW corner of CourtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/03/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pick and trowel on July 3rd 2017Northeast corner of courtyard between 2248 and 2245IrregularEven slope, no clear deposition of inclusionsPottery and bone scattered throughoutThicker on western halfOtherNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10192NULL22NULL778NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/3/17 10:31 AM7/9/17 06:20 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27282670 Covers43972723Layer of accumulation41907/03/1739397/3/17 11:55 AM7/3/17 11:55 AM
8067BetaNULLCompact deposit east of basin SU 8047AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143707/03/1735NULL08020LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLexcavation started in 2017east of tank 8047rectangularrough, rubbly surfaceHigher concentration of plaster along the northern and eastern wallsEvenSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLno dateable ceramicsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1443507/20/16 08:41 AM7/10/17 12:33 PM3507/10/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareCollapse Debris - Medium, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8031, Covers 8047, Covers 80688058 Covers43988067Compactness of the mortar deposit suggested that it could have been a preparation layer for leveling the floor. Upon further excavation, consistent prescence of plaster along the northern and eastern walls suggests that the layer was formed naturally. Water and soil possibly settled on the concrete floor and mixed with the mortar and fallen plaster from the walls.43707/03/1735357/3/17 11:56 AM7/3/17 12:07 PM
9007NULLNULLSecond layer of preparation of the via GabinaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNo datable material in SU.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1125307/07/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLLayer dug on July 3rd by pickaxe and trowelW of the N side of area JirregularirregularConcentration of leucitite chunks, vulcanic inclusions and graveltapering towards westOthersharp with regard to 9006 and diffuse to 9008NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorVariable fragmentation, no diagnostics, few sherds.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/3/17 10:02 AM7/24/17 09:35 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLMarble - Rare, Pottery - RareCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90089006 Covers43999007Second layer of preparation for the via Gabina. The basalt stones were clearly placed within this layer as the flat surface of 9008 shows.25307/02/17997/3/17 12:14 PM7/3/17 12:14 PM
2721BetaNULLLight brown compact deposit E. of cut 2493AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/03/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExacavated with pickaxe and trowel on 03/07/17.Central courtyard east of cut 2493.IrregularSome tufo rocks visible in northern half.Some pottery scattered throughout, minimal bone.Sloped downwards from northern half where it was thicker.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101112NULL18NULL982NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/3/17 09:57 AM7/13/17 08:17 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2599, Covers 27602719 Covers44002721Compact deposit in central courtyard surrounding Eastern edge of cut 2493.28907/03/172892897/3/17 12:27 PM7/3/17 12:36 PM
2720BetaNULLCompact gray deposit in N quadrant of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141606/30/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel 30 June 2017Northern part of courtyardIrregularRock and pottery inclusions visible irregularly across surface , no slopeCeramic and bone inclusions throughoutThicker towards the NCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11192Small22Charcoal778NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/30/17 12:47 PM7/9/17 06:15 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27312711 Covers44012720Layer of accumulation41607/03/171131137/3/17 12:38 PM7/3/17 12:38 PM
2727BetaNULLIrregular cut filled by 2726 within 2725CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/03/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLW. Limit of cut overexcavated during identification as part of SU2722Documented July 3 2017NW limit of areaRectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLarger rectangular cut with circular deeper cut in NW cornerNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113327/3/17 12:47 PM7/9/17 06:25 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 27252726 Fills44022727Posthole. Cut into a larger rectangular cut within 2725.11307/03/171131137/3/17 01:04 PM7/3/17 01:04 PM
8147BetaNULLYellowish-brown silty deposit with rubble E of wall 8122.Accumulation200AD400ADLayer date based on stamped brick comparanda. No dateable diagnostic ceramics to aid in establishing range. TPQ from the Severan age onwards.Poor2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031207/03/173907/03/17207010LayeredCompactNULLYellowNULLOriginally shot in as part of SU 8132. Eastern limit is 8076, western limit is 8122. Layer covers 8132. Northern limit is a rocky deposit.Excavated with trowel and pickax on 7/3/2017. SU was originally included as part of SU 8132, although a surface change in color and composition on the southern limit of 8147 was already visible. Once excavation of SU 8132 reached this limit, the change in color, compaction, and composition in section revealed it to be a new deposit covering 8132. Finds are possibly contaminated by items from SU 8132.East of room I-13.Irregular.Irregular surface with medium stone inclusions.Few inclusions other than collapse debris.Thickest at the southern limit, sloping upward to a thinner northern limit.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo dateable wares, no diagnostics, small fragments.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/3/17 09:51 AM7/24/17 08:39 AM737/14/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RareCollapse Debris - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8041, Abuts 8074, Abuts 8075, Abuts 8076, Covers 8097, Abuts 8122, Covers 8132, Covers 8191, Covers 81940 Covers44038147Layer of post-abandonment accumulation.31207/03/1739397/3/17 01:30 PM7/3/17 01:30 PM
7121NULLNULLFill in the southwest corner of Room H1 northwest of SU 7120 and north of SU 7105AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132606/30/17907/21/17108010GranularLooseNULLNULLNULLNULLexcavated by trowelSouthwestern Corner of room 1circularlevel surfaceNULLeven thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/30/17 10:39 AM7/21/17 12:36 PMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Teeth - Medium, Ash - MediumPottery - Rare, Slag - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71227017 Covers44047121Fill of possible posthole associated with impermanent structures related to production activity.32607/03/17997/3/17 01:35 PM7/21/17 12:37 PM
2726BetaNULLLoose circular light brown deposit within 2725, fills 2727AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/03/173207/09/17108010GranularSoftNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 3-7-2017.Northwestern portion of courtyardCircularNo visible surface inclusionsBone and pottery may have come from Su 2722Deeper in northwestern cornerSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10022NULL100NULL00NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/3/17 11:21 AM7/9/17 06:25 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27272722 Covers44052726Natural backfill into posthole su 272741607/03/171131137/3/17 02:09 PM7/3/17 02:09 PM
8145BetaNULLYellowish-brown deposit of silt S of 8133 and E of 8119.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044606/30/173907/03/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLCut by SU 8135 to the southExcavated with pickaxe and trowel.East of 8119 and south of 8133 in room I-18.IrregularSlight slope from north to southNo visible inclusionsUniformCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/30/17 10:39 AM7/27/17 01:17 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareMosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8119, Covers 8148, Abuts 8179, Abuts 81808112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8139 Covers44068145Natural accumulation of soil covering layer of probable collapse.44707/03/1739397/3/17 02:58 PM7/3/17 03:01 PM
9008NULLNULLCompact layer made of volcanic inclusions, leucitites,and visible potteryConstruction175BC200ADPoor assemblage condition with very small sherds and few diagnostics, the generic thin walled spot date of 175 BCE to 200 CE may be used, though the small size of the sherd indicates it may be inclusive.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1133507/02/1725307/24/17108010GranularCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLDocumented and dug on 3-7-2017Northwest corner of area JIrregularFlatNULLtapering towards eastSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorPoor assemblage condition with very small sherds and few diagnostics, the generic thin walled spot date of 175 BCE to 200 CE may be used, though the small size of the sherd indicates it may be inclusive.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/3/17 12:32 PM7/24/17 09:38 AM3507/20/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumComposition, Color, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90099003 Cuts, 9007 Covers44079008compact layer of with large chunks of leucitites, small pottery and tufo, possibly related to a layer of road preparation25307/03/179327/3/17 03:56 PM7/6/17 03:33 PM
8145BetaNULLYellowish-brown deposit of silt S of 8133 and E of 8119.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044606/30/173907/03/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLCut by SU 8135 to the southExcavated with pickaxe and trowel.East of 8119 and south of 8133 in room I-18.IrregularSlight slope from north to southNo visible inclusionsUniformCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/30/17 10:39 AM7/27/17 01:17 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareMosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8119, Covers 8148, Abuts 8179, Abuts 81808112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8139 Covers44088145This layer of silty is similar to the many others that cover the imperial architectural features across the site. This probably occurred some time between the final abandonment of the city and the more recent centuries.3907/03/1739397/3/17 11:51 AM7/3/17 11:51 AM
2725BetaNULLLinear cut filled by su 2722 at W. limit of courtyardCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/04/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLcut by SU 2727Documented on 4-7-2017Western side of courtyardRectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRectangular cut, with posthole cut into cut bottom. Backfilled with crushed tufo.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/3/17 11:19 AM7/9/17 06:21 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 2563, Cuts 2729, Cuts 2733, Cuts 2735, Cuts 27372722 Fills, 2727 Cuts44092725Cut possibly made in order to allow for the foundations of a wall.41607/04/171131137/4/17 08:39 AM7/4/17 08:39 AM
2722BetaNULLFriable red linear deposit at W. Limit of courtyard S. of blocks 2378Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/03/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLLayeredFriableNULLRedNULLCut by SU 2727 on N limit.Excavated by pickaxe and trowel 3-7-2017. SU was first identified in 2016 and partially excavated along edges. The SU appears to be primarily crushed stone rather than actual soil.At NW edge of areaRectangularW-E slope. No visible inclusions other than area that was later shot in as 2726 which has rock and ceramic inclusions visible.Some ceramic and bone inclusions in the upper layers above fill 2726.Thicker slightly near W. LimitNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101202NULL10NULL1890NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/3/17 10:04 AM7/13/17 08:18 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2725, Covers 27262575 Covers44102722Trench was backfilled with crushed red tufo form a foundation for a wall. Posthole cut into the fill (could also be a pole placed and then backfilled around).11307/04/1732327/4/17 08:50 AM7/4/17 08:50 AM
2724BetaNULLGray brown compact deposit in SW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135707/03/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLSoutheast corner of courtyard. North of wall 2260. Large ashlar block on pedestal in middle of SU (2454).Excavated on July 3rd by trowel and pick Axe.Southwest corner of courtyardRectangular.Slight slope from north to south more pronounced towards the wallFew pieces of travertine with pottery and bones scattered throughout.Compact consistantly however around pedestal even more compact.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111282Small7Charcoal2693NULLNULLFairA roman amphora could be a probably intrusionNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/3/17 11:18 AM7/12/17 02:56 PM4147/12/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2730, Covers 2741, Covers 2743, Covers 28072582 Covers, 2715 Covers44112724Layer of accumulation.41707/04/171131137/4/17 08:54 AM7/4/17 08:54 AM
8128BetaNULLE-W wall (W) of room I-14, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1145007/21/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLimits are original except for depth. Wall is of course not preserved to its original height, but also deposits remain to be excavated (in 2018 season) both along interior (N) and exterior (S) of wall.Documentation begun June 26th, 2017; additional excavation needed to expose fully on both northern and southern sides.Forms southern boundary of Room I-14LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-W, Alinged with SU 8266 and SU 8260 on either sideNULLNULLNULLnone preserved1.5 by 1.0 by 1.4 mConcrete wall comprising 8 courses of small tufo block in Petit appareil, cemented with by gray-white mortarGray-WhiteSmallNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39356/26/17 08:43 AM7/26/17 02:50 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Clay, STRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Adobe, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Ashtar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus Testaceum, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus Vittatum, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - Other, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - StuccoNULL0 Covers, 8132 Abuts, 8146 Abuts, 8190 Abuts, 8260 Abuts, 8262 Abuts, 8266 Abuts, 8272 Abuts48568128SU 8128 forms part of the southern wall delimiting room I14 from the road to its south. The threshold/wall plug 8272/8266 and wall 8129 beyond them form the remaining limit of this room.45007/21/1735357/21/17 09:08 AM7/26/17 02:11 AM
2728BetaNULLFriable dark gray deposit in NE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/03/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pick and trowel on 4th of July 2017NE corner of courtyard, W of 2245IrregularNo inclusions, noncontiguous dark bands of rock visible on surfacePottery and bone scattered throughoutUndulating and unevenCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101242NULL8NULL2292NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/3/17 02:09 PM7/9/17 06:26 AM414NULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 2732, Covers 27682612 Cuts, 2683 Covers, 2723 Covers44132728Layer of accumulation41807/04/171131137/4/17 09:31 AM7/4/17 09:31 AM
9009NULLNULLGrey compact layer with visible inclusions of leucititesConstruction450BC50BCDate of layer based on production range of black gloss, which is the latest dateable ware in the SU. However, the fragments of ceramic are so small that residuality is highly likely.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1125307/04/1733507/04/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLdocumented on July 4th. Excavated on July 4th with trowel and pickaxe.North West side of the areairregularslopes upward towards westMany leucitites with few pot sherds.Consistently thin throughout the SU.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorHighly fragmentary, only four sherds.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/4/17 08:39 AM7/20/17 09:54 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90109008 Covers44149009The high concentration of leucitites suggests that this layer is a layer of road surface. This is supported by the compactness of the layer.33507/04/17997/4/17 10:01 AM7/4/17 10:01 AM
9010NULLNULLLayer of brown silty soil.Construction450BC50BCPoor assemblage condition with very small sherds and few diagnostics (1), the generic black gloss spot date of 450 to 50 BCE may be used, though the small size of the sherds indicates they may be inclusionsFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138007/04/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLRecorded and dug on July 4thNW side of areairregularSlopes up N and EFew rocky inclusions on surfaceRoughly consistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorPoor assemblage condition with very small sherds and few diagnostics (1), the generic black gloss spot date of 450 to 50 BCE may be used, though the small size of the sherds indicates they may be inclusionsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/4/17 10:35 AM7/20/17 10:58 AM3507/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90119009 Covers44159010Layer with rocky inclusions possibly related to a preparation layer for a pre-imperial road.38007/04/17997/4/17 11:53 AM7/4/17 11:53 AM
2729BetaNULLFriable gray deposit at W. limit of courtyard N of 2725AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/04/173207/09/17108010GranularFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe 4 /7/2017. Some picking of the western and northern buffs to clean up su so contamination is likely.Western portion of courtyard, just north of SU 2725RectangularSome visable surface inclusions of rock and ceramic, slopes W-EMedium frequency of ceramic, bone, and rock.Relatively thin dirt layer.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10142NULL50NULL250NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 09:03 AM7/9/17 06:26 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27332725 Cuts44162729Natural layer of accumulation bordering cut feature to the south. Likely part of accumulation underneath later wall and was not taken down after wall's removal in earlier excavation.41607/04/171131137/4/17 12:06 PM7/4/17 12:06 PM
2744BetaNULLFriable gray deposit in SE corner of courtyard N. of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142007/06/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 06/07/2017.SE corner of courtyard, N. of SU 2436, W. of SU 2256.IrregularVisible inclusions of bone, pottery and rock; fairly flat, no visible slope.Bone and ceramic inclusions scattered throughoutThicker in S areaCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111172Small12Charcoal1588NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 08:56 AM7/23/17 09:08 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 2749, Covers 27502703 Covers, 2740 Covers, 2742 Covers45302744Layer of accumulation, the presence of burnt adobe suggests that this might be related to the wall collapse of a hut feature3207/09/1732327/9/17 07:25 AM7/9/17 07:25 AM
2739BetaNULLFriable brown deposit in NE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLBCNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/05/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated 05/07/17 and 06/07/17 with pick and trowelNortheast area of courtyardIrregularFriable brown surface, some rocks visible.Pottery, charcoal, bone, and bronze inclusionsUndulating and uneven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111532Small and Medium4Charcoal5196NULLNULLPoorBlack gloss is a probably intrusionNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 10:40 AM7/23/17 09:30 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Metal - Rare, Pottery - FrequentColor, CompactionModern PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2748, Covers 27852596 Covers, 2711 Covers, 2731 Covers45292739Layer of accumulation. The presence of burnt adobe may suggest that this is related to the post abandonment/collapse of the northern hut feature.3207/09/1732327/9/17 07:15 AM7/9/17 07:15 AM
2738BetaNULLFriable brown deposit at limit of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/17/053207/09/17108010GranularHardNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 5/7/17East side of courtyardIrregularNo visable inclusions except for rocks at northern end of su.Rare pottery, animal bones, and wattle and daub scattered throughout. South end of su, more compact deposit because of previous excavated posthole, 2620.Thicker on the south end of su because of previous posthole, 2620.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10162NULL33NULL466NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/5/17 10:04 AM7/9/17 07:13 AM414NULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27622620 Cuts, 2719 Covers45282738Layer of accumulation. The presence of burnt adobe suggests that this might be related to wall collapses of the hut features.3207/09/1732327/9/17 07:13 AM7/9/17 07:13 AM
2735BetaNULLFriable brown linear deposit E. of 2725, in W area of courtyard, fill of 2737AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/05/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel 05 July 2017E of 2725, W. of 2718RectangularFew ceramic inclusions visible on surface. Slight W- E slopeFew ceramic and rock inclusions in fill.Regular throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 08:20 AM7/13/17 08:36 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLFills 27372725 Cuts45262735Fill of linear cut possibly related to hut occupations3207/09/1732327/9/17 07:10 AM7/9/17 07:10 AM
2730BetaNULLLight gray brown friable deposit at W. side of courtyard N. of block 2454AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/04/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel 04-07-17Southwest section of courtyardIrregularTufo scattered throughoutRare pottery and bones scattered throughout with wattle and daub found on the southern end of su.Thicker on the south side of the su. Slopes south to north.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1285NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 09:25 AM7/9/17 06:30 AM414NULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2736, Covers 2745, Covers 27612672 Cuts, 2705 Covers, 2710 Covers, 2716 Covers, 2724 Covers45242730Layer of accumulation, possibly related to the collapse of walls of the hut features due to the presence of wattle and daub.3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:31 AM7/9/17 06:31 AM
2732BetaNULLFriable light brown deposit W. of wall 2245AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/04/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel on 04-07-17Eastern side of courtyard, in northeastern quadrantIrregularSome rocks visible at surface, irregular slopePottery and tufo scattered throughoutEven thickness throughout except on the north end of layerCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1286NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 11:38 AM7/9/17 07:03 AM414NULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27682719 Covers, 2728 Covers45252732Layer of accumulation3207/09/1732327/9/17 07:03 AM7/9/17 07:03 AM
8153BetaNULLFill of potential post hole in room I8AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044807/04/173507/26/1708020GranularLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel, brush, and spoonNear northern wall of room I8IrregularLevelno inclusions except tiny decayed floor fragmentsMostly shallow except for a small deeper hole (left by root?)SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/4/17 11:55 AM7/26/17 05:37 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 80688092 Covers44238153Apparently just a soil filling a degraded spot of floor SU 8068, possibly damaged by a root, which was thought to be a potential post-hole prior to excavation.44807/04/1735357/4/17 12:16 PM7/26/17 05:42 AM
2730BetaNULLLight gray brown friable deposit at W. side of courtyard N. of block 2454AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/04/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel 04-07-17Southwest section of courtyardIrregularTufo scattered throughoutRare pottery and bones scattered throughout with wattle and daub found on the southern end of su.Thicker on the south side of the su. Slopes south to north.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1285NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 09:25 AM7/9/17 06:30 AM414NULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2736, Covers 2745, Covers 27612672 Cuts, 2705 Covers, 2710 Covers, 2716 Covers, 2724 Covers44242730Layer of accumulation.41707/04/172892897/4/17 12:42 PM7/4/17 12:42 PM
2733BetaNULLLight yellowish gray compact deposit with stone inclusions N. of 2725AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/04/173207/09/17108010GranularCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 04-07-2017Western portion of courtyardIrregularYellowish grey deposit with numerous visible inclusions. Slopes downward from W to EStone and some ceramic scattered irregularly throughoutRegular thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 12:12 PM7/9/17 07:07 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareNULLPottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL2725 Cuts, 2729 Covers44252733Natural accumulation underneath su 272941607/04/173503507/4/17 02:42 PM7/4/17 02:42 PM
9011NULLNULLLayer of grey sandy soil.Construction300BC100BCDate range based on black gloss spot date.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138007/04/1725307/24/17101080CohesiveHardNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated and recorded on July 4th.NW side of areairregularslight slope to N and Esome potteryconsistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairIncludes diagnostics, but very few ceramics in general.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/4/17 11:56 AM7/24/17 10:37 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90129010 Covers44269011SU 9011 is a layer of hard grey soil possibly as a preparation layer for a pre-imperial road.38007/04/17997/4/17 03:14 PM7/4/17 03:14 PM
8150BetaNULLSoil deposit at NW corner of I16AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNo dateable material in SU.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044207/04/173507/18/17NULL8020CohesiveLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dustpan. Note: No sketch, see sketch for related cut 8154.NW corner of I16deeper part of deposit is rectangular, shallower part is irregularlevel. some mortar fragments visible.NULLslightly deeper near wall 8039, shallower to the east where the lower levels of floor prep su 8152 are preservedSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostic wares for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/4/17 11:53 AM7/26/17 10:46 AM1117/14/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81540 Covers44308150Post abandonment natural accumulation in a previously made cut.44207/04/1735357/4/17 03:45 PM7/18/17 10:25 AM
9012NULLNULLGray compact layer of soil.Construction450BC50BCDate of layer based on production range of black gloss, which is only datable ware in SU. However, single black gloss sherd is extremely small and likely residual.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138007/04/17NULLNULL5905GranularCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated and recorded July 4.NW side of areairregularslight slope up to northpresence of red tuforoughly consistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics, only two sherds, no datable wares, fragmented.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/4/17 02:34 PM7/20/17 10:31 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90139011 Covers44329012Layer of very compact soil that suggests that it was once tread25312/04/17997/4/17 03:47 PM7/4/17 03:47 PM
2750BetaNULLCompact grayish-brown deposit in SE corner of courtyard W. of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/07/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by pick and trowel on July 6th 2017Eastern courtyardIrregularUndulating surfacePottery and bone throughoutDiffering thickness to the westCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10142NULL50NULL250NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 12:41 PM7/23/17 09:06 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - MediumPottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2760, Covers 27862681 Covers, 2744 Covers44792750Layer of accumulation419NULL1131137/6/17 03:43 PM7/6/17 03:43 PM
2749BetaNULLSoft black and orange deposit with charcoal inclusions at E. Limit of courtyard, fill of 2751AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/06/173207/09/1709010LayeredSoftNULLBlackNULLNULLExcavated 06 July 2017, cut covered by baulk, the whole cut was not excavated initially. On 7 July the baulk was extended with SU 2752 and 2749 was extendedAt E limit of courtyardIrregularCharcoal and orange inclusions visible. No slope.Large fire cracked rock in the north, charcoal found throughoutSame thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10182NULL25NULL675NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 12:13 PM7/23/17 09:12 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - FrequentBurnt Adobe - Frequent, Pottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27532744 Covers44802749Upper fill of fire pit or dump of fire pit42207/06/173503507/6/17 03:50 PM7/6/17 03:50 PM
8118BetaNULLCollapse in western sector of area, in rooms I-11, I-12, and I-17Collapse200AD400ADSpot date based on single rim sherd of ARS in SU.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143606/23/173907/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is wall 8012. Southern limit is the northern wall of Room 15. Western limit is an excavation limit; the collapse appears to continue westwards under the baulk. We set an excavation limit here because we need to use the ramp that is located there and further excavation in this area would have prohibited that. Eastern limit appears original along western walls of rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14, although the layer has been cut by a plow beside the northwest corner of room I-13. Layer extends into rooms I-11 and I-12. Excavation of SU 8141 on July 1st to 3rd revealed that the eastern limit continued into room I-11.Cleaned and documented at beginning of excavation season 2017. Excavation taken up on July 3rd when eastern limit revealed and collapse appeared intentional and possibly related to late antique activity on site. Excavated with pickaxe and trowel 2017-07-3 to 2017-07-6.North of Room I-15; W of Rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14.Irregular, but roughly linear.Irregular surface except for pieces of wall composed of mortared bricks that have fallen on an east to west alignment. Portions of the collapse have fallen vertically into the ground; others horizontally.Tile, brick and slabs of tufo distributed regularly throughout. Two large quadrangular slabs of tufo east of rooms I-11 and I-12.Thinner, sloping upward in Room I-11 and I-12. In I-12 layer is thinner, then deeper past "arch", then slopes upward again.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairMost wares appear residual (one sherd ARS is later than most other datable wares).NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/23/17 01:28 PM7/27/17 12:45 AM737/10/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareBrick - Frequent, Collapse Debris - Frequent, Dolia - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompaction, CompositionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8012, Abuts 8120, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8123, Covers 8166, Covers 8169, Covers 8175, Abuts 8178, Covers 8193, Equals 8211, Covers 8218, Covers 8232, Covers 8233, Covers 8236, Covers 8237, Covers 8238, Covers 8239, Covers 8240, Covers 82410 Covers, 8141 Covers, 8210 Equals44818118Uniformity of collapse surface suggests intentional deposition. Two large tufo blocks were also deposited on the same plane of the collapsed wall, likely as part of the same activity.44507/06/1739397/6/17 03:52 PM7/6/17 03:52 PM
2732BetaNULLFriable light brown deposit W. of wall 2245AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/04/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel on 04-07-17Eastern side of courtyard, in northeastern quadrantIrregularSome rocks visible at surface, irregular slopePottery and tufo scattered throughoutEven thickness throughout except on the north end of layerCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1286NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 11:38 AM7/9/17 07:03 AM414NULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27682719 Covers, 2728 Covers44362732Brown deposit in courtyard (east)28907/04/173503507/4/17 03:52 PM7/4/17 03:52 PM
2731BetaNULLLoose brownish gray deposit with frequent stone and ceramic inclusions in NW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/04/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated on 04/07/2017 with pickaxe and trowelNW corner of courtyard, N of SU 2239IrregularRock and pottery inclusions on surface, no visible slopeFrequent, well-preserved pottery sherds, few amber and bronze special finds. Relatively ordinary levels of bone and charcoal for area.Even thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111542small4charcoal5296NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/4/17 09:31 AM7/13/17 08:18 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - FrequentCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27392684 Covers, 2720 Covers44372731Natural deposition and accumulation layer41607/05/172892897/5/17 08:10 AM7/5/17 08:10 AM
2734BetaNULLCompact red deposit with frequent stone inclusions S . of 2725AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142107/04/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 04-07-2017Southern courtyard south of 2725IrregularEven rocky surfaceMany rock inclusions throughoutEven thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10192NULL22NULL777NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/4/17 02:44 PM7/9/17 07:08 AM414NULLTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27722659 Cuts, 2679 Cuts, 2705 Covers, 2710 Covers44412734Accumulation layer41707/05/171131137/5/17 08:51 AM7/5/17 08:51 AM
9013NULLNULLLayer of leucitite stonesConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNo datable wares in this SU.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1125307/04/1733507/05/17108010CohesiveHardNULLLight BrownNULLNULLDocumented on 4-7-2017. Excavated on 5-7-2017 with trowel and pickaxe.Northwest corner of Area JIrregularSlight slope up towards the east, more leucitite stones visible near the eastern limit.Mostly leucitite stones, few anthropic inclusions.Thinner by the western limit, thicker by the eastern limit.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorFew sherds, no daignostics or dateable wares, highly fragmentary.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/4/17 03:17 PM7/20/17 09:42 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - Rare, Tiles - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90149012 Covers44429013This layer is a layer of road, evidenced by the high concentration of leucitite stones and few anthropic inclusions.33507/05/17997/5/17 09:04 AM7/5/17 09:05 AM
8154BetaNULLcut filled by 8150CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144207/05/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNW corner of I16cut has 2 depths, lower part of cut against wall is rectangular, shallower depth is irregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLunclear if the cut is entirely anthropic. where the cut is deeper, the shape is rectangular which could indicate a deliberate cut. the part where cut is shallower and irregular could be deterioration of the floor and floor prep.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 08:02 AM7/7/17 12:09 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 81528150 Fills44398154deeper part of the cut is rectangular which could indicate a deliberate cut. the part where cut is shallower and irregular could be deterioration of the floor and floor prep. purpose of cut is unclear.44207/05/1735357/5/17 08:17 AM7/5/17 08:17 AM
8148BetaNULLCollapse in NW corner of room I-18 S of wall 8133 and E of wall 8119CollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1131407/03/173907/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 07/04/2017 in sunny conditions.Northwestern half of room I-18.Irregular. Roughly rectangular.Slight slope N to S.Frequent stone and tile.Thicker western side. Thinner southeastern side.DiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics to spot date in this SUNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/3/17 03:21 PM7/27/17 01:19 AM11110/7/17 12:00 AMTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - RareBrick - Rare, Glass - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8119, Abuts 8133, Abuts 8179, Abuts 8180, Covers 8182, Covers 8199, Abuts 82468112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8139 Covers, 8145 Covers44408148Layer of collapsed walls similar to that of SU 8118 in consistency, but more irregular and less flat. This appears to be a similar layer of collapse that is found throughout the building in Area I.43407/05/1739397/5/17 08:22 AM7/9/17 04:28 AM
8159BetaNULLRubble deposit south of wall 8158CollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1144207/05/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSouth of wall 8158IrregularIrregular rubbleNULLThicker near center of depositCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 09:29 AM7/26/17 06:05 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8158, Abuts 8160, Abuts 81870 Covers44438159SU 8159 seems to represent a rubble collapse of nearby walls, probably due to plowing activity.44207/05/1735357/5/17 09:41 AM7/26/17 06:05 AM
9014NULLNULLLight grey compact layer of soil, with small inclusions.Construction50BC180ADDate of layer based on presence of single, tiny, and non-diagnostic terra sigillata sherd. The remainder of wares from this SU (also highly fragmentary, also few) seem consistently to date from the Republican era (black gloss 450-50 BC, impasto chiaro sabbioso 7th century to 3rd century BCE), and a Republican date is possible. Nonetheless, it is difficult to be certain given the high and relatively even level of fragmentation.Fair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1133507/05/1733507/05/17108010CohesiveHardNULLGrayNULLNULLDocumented and excavated on 5-7-2017 with trowel and pickaxe.Northwest corner of Area JIrregularSlopes toward the west, small inclusions visibleMostly small inclusions of volcanic rock and potteryUniform thickness throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairHighly fragmentary, but fairly consistent date range for wares.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/5/17 09:06 AM7/20/17 11:40 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLMarble - Rare, Pottery - FrequentCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90159013 Covers44469014The compaction of this layer suggests that it was a walkable surface.33507/05/17997/5/17 11:12 AM7/5/17 11:17 AM
2735BetaNULLFriable brown linear deposit E. of 2725, in W area of courtyard, fill of 2737AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/05/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel 05 July 2017E of 2725, W. of 2718RectangularFew ceramic inclusions visible on surface. Slight W- E slopeFew ceramic and rock inclusions in fill.Regular throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 08:20 AM7/13/17 08:36 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLFills 27372725 Cuts44452735Backfill deposit into linear cut feature41607/05/173503507/5/17 11:05 AM7/5/17 11:05 AM
2685BetaNULLFriable light brown deposit with frequent orange inclusions east off 2493AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/23/173207/09/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel beginning on Friday 23/6, finishing on Monday morning 2/26.Central part of Eastern edge of courtyard.IrregularTufo visible on Eastern half of unit. Orange inclusions visible throughout.Waddle and dobb was frequent throughout the unit. Some pottery found.Uniform thickness throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10182NULL25NULL675NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/23/17 12:03 PM7/9/17 04:41 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareAnimal Bones - not specifiedBurnt Adobe - Frequent, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27122536 Covers, 2638 Cuts45022685Layer of accumulation, possibly related to the destruction of the walls of the huts within the courtyard based on the presence of burnt adobe within the layer.3207/09/1732327/9/17 04:42 AM7/9/17 04:42 AM
2690BetaNULLCompact red-brown deposit beneath 2686, pedestal of wall 2240AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141706/26/173207/09/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLYellowNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 26/6/17Under wall 2240 in room C8.RectangularNo visible inclusions or slopeCeramic and stone inclusions, as well as burnt adobe, scattered irregularly throughoutEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 09:41 AM7/9/17 05:04 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumBurnt Adobe - Medium, Pottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26922686 Covers45032690Layer of accumulation part of a wall pedestal removed to expose feature 2695.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:05 AM7/9/17 05:05 AM
2737BetaNULLLinear cut, E of 2725 in W area of courtyard filled by 2735CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/05/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 5-7-17Western part of courtyard, W of 2718, E of 2725RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRectangular, trench- like cut with steeply sloping sides to north and south.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/5/17 10:01 AM7/9/17 07:11 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 27722725 Cuts, 2735 Fills44482737Foundation of built up feature.41607/05/173503507/5/17 11:37 AM7/5/17 11:37 AM
2736BetaNULLCompat gray-brown deposit in SW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142207/05/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated on July 5th with pickaxe and trowelSW corner of courtyardIrregularSlopes from West to EastVery small amounts of pottery and animal boneThinner on eastern endDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLPoorNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 09:24 AM7/23/17 09:21 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27942730 Covers44492736Layer of accumulation42207/05/171131137/5/17 11:46 AM7/5/17 11:46 AM
2737BetaNULLLinear cut, E of 2725 in W area of courtyard filled by 2735CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/05/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 5-7-17Western part of courtyard, W of 2718, E of 2725RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRectangular, trench- like cut with steeply sloping sides to north and south.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/5/17 10:01 AM7/9/17 07:11 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 27722725 Cuts, 2735 Fills45272737Linear cut, truncated by later features, possibly a limit of one of the hut features in courtyard3207/09/1732327/9/17 07:12 AM7/9/17 07:12 AM
2738BetaNULLFriable brown deposit at limit of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/17/053207/09/17108010GranularHardNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 5/7/17East side of courtyardIrregularNo visable inclusions except for rocks at northern end of su.Rare pottery, animal bones, and wattle and daub scattered throughout. South end of su, more compact deposit because of previous excavated posthole, 2620.Thicker on the south end of su because of previous posthole, 2620.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10162NULL33NULL466NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/5/17 10:04 AM7/9/17 07:13 AM414NULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27622620 Cuts, 2719 Covers44512738Accumulation layer41707/05/171131137/5/17 12:07 PM7/5/17 12:07 PM
8162BetaNULLFill of cut at corner of walls su 8044 and 8045AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLLayer not dateable by ceramics. No diagnostic material.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1030407/05/173507/26/1708020LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dustpan. Note: no sketch, see sketch for related cut SU 8165.NW corner of room I-7irregularlevelNULLUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorOne wall sherd in entire SU.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 10:51 AM7/26/17 10:48 AM3507/7/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81658033 Covers44528162Post abandonment fill for cut of unknown function SU 816530407/06/17113357/5/17 12:55 PM7/26/17 06:13 AM
8164Beta2017Collapse of stones N of wall 8012 in rooms I-10 and I-18CollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143607/05/173907/06/17108010LayeredLooseNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel on 2017-07-05Room I-10 and I-18, in northwest quadrant of Area I. SU is in along the southern limit of both rooms.linearslopes slightly south to northfrequent stones throughoutuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/5/17 11:46 AM7/27/17 01:21 AMNULLNULLTufo - FrequentNULLTiles - RareCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8012, Covers 8166, Abuts 82008112 Covers44538164Collapse may be related to north-south running wall in northern half of rooms I-10 and I-18 because it is in alignment with the remains of the that wall. Collapse is similar to other collapse found throughout Area I in the post-abandonment phase of the area.43607/05/1739397/5/17 12:55 PM7/27/17 01:22 AM
8165BetaNULLCut filled by SU 8162CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130405/07/173507/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNW corner of room I7RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSmall, fairly shallow, very regular rectangular cut. Northern and eastern limits are formed by walls 8044 and 8045, respectively.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113357/5/17 12:56 PM7/18/17 11:03 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 8044, Cuts 81618162 Fills44548165Rectangular cut in floor for unknown feature. Since the cut limits on two sides respect the previous walls, the cut/feature might have been in phase with this room.30407/05/1735357/5/17 02:19 PM7/18/17 11:06 AM
7077BetaNULLLayer of brown silt within Room 3AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128107/05/17907/18/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLBrownNULLWestern limit may be not original in part where it continued into open area of SAR excavationsBegan excavating with pickaxe on 6/21 after cleaning and removal of old SAR backfill along western limit. Western edge previously partly excavated by SAR to expose western wall.South of Room H1RectangularFlat, large tufo stones along eastern limit, concentration of stones and mortar along western limit.Pieces of a marble vase or pot with designs on it were found near the middle section of the Western wall limit. We're of the pieces were aligning at the breaks and join to form the m majority of the objectNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 08:51 AM7/18/17 02:36 PMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Frequent, Animal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - Rare, Shells - RareAmphorae - Medium, Coins - Rare, Dolia - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Nails - Medium, Tiles - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7097, Covers 7098, Covers 7128, Covers 7130, Covers 7131, Covers 7132, Covers 7133, Covers 7135, Covers 7163NULL44557077This represents a layer of post-abandonment accumulation within Room H3.9NULL32327/5/17 02:22 PM7/5/17 02:22 PM
8149NULLNULLBasalt and soil deposit west of wall 8038AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143907/04/173507/18/172080NULLLayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe, shovel and trowel. Excavated 4-5/7/2017 in sunny conditions.East of wall 8038 beyond area I structureSquareBasalt and rubble visible over most of surfaceBasalt concentrated in the center and northern edge of the SU. All other finds spread reasonably evenly throughout, although pottery was slightly more concentrated towards the northern edge.SU is roughly cone shaped, tapering to rounded point slightly off-center towards the northern edge. Depth is irregular throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/4/17 08:17 AM7/18/17 08:49 AM3507/12/17 12:00 AMBasalt - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareAmphorae - Frequent, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Slag - Rare, Tiles - RareCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 81830 Covers44568149SU appears to be a dump of unwanted material, given the range of inclusion types (plaster, pottery, bone, iron nails, lead slag, tesserae, marble and basalt) set within a square feature of badly preserved mortar, of which the corners most fully survive. There are moderate to frequent inclusions of a white mortar which likely belongs to the SU below. Given this it seems plausible to suggest this fill may have been deposited in some sort of plastered or mortared basin. The inclusion of many large stones of basalt within this deposit may have largely broken up the plastered sides/floor of the basin, resulting in the commingled interface between this SU and the one below, and the inclusion of fragments of mortar in SU8149.43907/05/1735357/5/17 02:38 PM7/5/17 02:38 PM
2740BetaNULLCompact gray deposit N. of block 2436 and W. of wall 2256AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/05/173207/05/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLlowest layer to abut N. Side of block 2436.Excavated by pick and trowel on 5/7/17SE portion of courtyardIrregularGray compact deposit with various visible stone and pottery inclusions. Gradual east to west slope.Bone and ceramic inclusions. Possible residual material from cleaning section of wall pedestalThicker in S. areaCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 11:38 AM7/23/17 09:27 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2744NULL44572740layer of accumulation11307/05/1732327/5/17 02:51 PM7/5/17 02:51 PM
9015NULLNULLLight brown layer of soil with medium-sized inclusionsConstruction399BC180ADNo dateable diagnostic ceramics exist, but the latest dateable class is terra sigillata, whose generic date of 50 BC to 180 CE may be used. The Carnelian scarab dates from 399-200 BCE, so the presence of terra sigillata broadens the possible date of layer, though the small size of the sherds suggests they may be later inclusionsFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1133507/05/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLDocumented and excavated on 5-7-2017Northwest corner of Area JIrregularEven surface level throughoutNULLthicker on the N sideSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorSherds are exceptionally small, mostly size 1 or 2, and many may be inclusions. No dateable diagnostics exist, but the latest dateable class is terra sigillata, whose generic date of 50 BC to 180 CE may be usedNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/5/17 11:18 AM7/24/17 11:14 AM3507/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90169014 Covers44589015Compact layer of soil possibly associated to the preparation of a road25308/05/17997/5/17 03:04 PM7/5/17 03:04 PM
8117BetaNULLLayer of rubble and soil south of room I5Accumulation360AD470ADDate range based on African red slip spot date. Layer also includes many earlier residual wares.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044307/04/173507/06/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLSU continued as 8050 to the north (previously excavated), with arbitrary excavation limits on the remaining sides.Excavated with pick ax and shovelSouth of room I5. Rubble pile extending south from exterior doorway to Room I5.RectangularUneven rubble surfaceNULLNULLDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGoodIncludes residual wares but also many larger fragments in good condition.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/22/17 02:19 PM7/26/17 04:36 AM3507/7/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Travertine - Medium, Tufo - Medium, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Shells - RareBasalt Slabs - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitimitimitNULLNULLEquals 8143, Covers 8202, Fills 8222, Covers 82710 Covers, 8146 Equals44598117SU 8117 is likely the result of gradual collapse of nearby walls, as the rubble is most dense near the northern limit (su 8039 and su 8168). It was difficult to distinguish the limits between this SU and 8050 to the north, which has larger pieces of rubble and might once have constituted an intentional plugging of the doorway into Room I5 (if so it was highly disturbed or irregularly constructed).3506/30/1735357/6/17 08:43 AM7/26/17 04:38 AM
8136BetaNULLBrown deposit at corner of 8038 and 8044 in room I7AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044206/27/173507/26/17NULL8020CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dust pancorner of SU 8034 and 8038 in room I7irregularlevelnoneuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorfew diagnostics, latest dateable ceramics= thin walled, 175 BCE to 200 CENULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/26/17 12:46 PM7/26/17 04:53 AM3507/10/17 12:00 AMGravel - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLFills 81408033 Covers49688136Post-abandonment colluvial deposition in a cut of indeterminate function.3507/26/1735357/26/17 05:03 AM7/26/17 05:03 AM
8137BetaNULLBrown silty deposit south of 8117AccumulationNULLAD500ADDate of layer based on presence of ARS in SU, none of which is diagnostic.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL103507/26/173507/26/17207010GranularHardNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is uncertain and may have been removed slightly by over-excavation until cut SU 8222 was identified.Excavated with pick and shovel.south of SU 8117rectangularno slope, under SU 0homogeneous distribution of inclusionsuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorVery few ceramic inclusions, mostly highly fragmented apart from amphora.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/28/17 10:34 AM7/26/17 05:07 AM737/18/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - RareAmphorae - Medium, Brick - Medium, Marble - Rare, Mortar - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLEquals 8234, Covers 82480 Covers, 8222 Cuts49698137SU 8137 is a layer of compact small rubble and silt which may represent a leveling layer or surface associated with late use of the road area. See SU 8234, which is located immediately west of this SU and to which this SU is stratigraphically equal.3507/26/1735357/26/17 05:10 AM7/26/17 05:10 AM
2741BetaNULLFriable gray-brown deposit in SW corner of area E. of 2454AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142107/06/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated on July 6th 2017 with trowel.SW corner of courtyard, east of 2454.IrregularSmall stone inclusions on surface, higher in NW corner. Irregular surface.No pottery or bone in layer. Some rocks throughoutThicker in NW corner, sloping north to south slightlyCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL67NULL133NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/5/17 02:33 PM7/9/17 07:16 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27992724 Covers44602741Layer of accumulation42107/06/173503507/6/17 08:44 AM7/6/17 08:44 AM
2742BetaNULLSoft silty deposit with black, orange, and white inclusions at E. Edge of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/05/173207/09/17NULL9010LayeredSoftNULLBrownNULLNULLIdentified and documented 05/7/2017, excavated with trowel 06/07/2017E. Limit of courtyardIrregularBone and ceramic inclusions visible on surface. Slopes E-W.Concentration of charcoal in sothern part, ceramic and bone throughout. Possible contamination from E. excavation limitThicker in southern areaCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11192small22Charcoal778NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 03:12 PM7/23/17 09:26 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - MediumPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27442707 Cuts, 2709 Covers, 2712 Covers44612742Soft silty deposit with orange, black and white inclusions caused by accumulation.42007/06/173503507/6/17 09:05 AM7/6/17 09:05 AM
9017NULLNULLLight brown compact layer of soil.Construction700BC200BCDate of layer based on the presence of impasto chiaro sabbioso, latest datable ware in SUFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138007/06/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLDocumented and excavated on July 6thNW corner of areairregularSlopes up to southLarge luchitite stone in eastern central surface, smaller luchitite stone just north of large stoneroughly consistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/6/17 09:40 AM7/24/17 11:23 AM1117/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionMiddle Republican Period, Archaic, Early Republican PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90189016 Covers44749017SU 9017 is a brown layer of soil. The compaction and thickness suggest that this is a road surface.38007/06/17997/6/17 11:46 AM7/6/17 11:46 AM
2739BetaNULLFriable brown deposit in NE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLBCNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/05/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated 05/07/17 and 06/07/17 with pick and trowelNortheast area of courtyardIrregularFriable brown surface, some rocks visible.Pottery, charcoal, bone, and bronze inclusionsUndulating and uneven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111532Small and Medium4Charcoal5196NULLNULLPoorBlack gloss is a probably intrusionNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/5/17 10:40 AM7/23/17 09:30 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Metal - Rare, Pottery - FrequentColor, CompactionModern PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2748, Covers 27852596 Covers, 2711 Covers, 2731 Covers44732739Accumulation layer in NE courtyard.41807/06/173503507/6/17 11:17 AM7/6/17 11:17 AM
2747BetaNULLIrregular cut in SW corner of courtyard filled by 2743CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142107/06/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 06-07-2017Southwest courtyardRectangular with rounded edgesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut seems to be running under pedestal of wall 2260.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/6/17 10:28 AM7/9/17 07:30 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 27992743 Fills44722747Cut associated with feature of hut that has since been lost. Also could be spoliation.42107/09/17113327/6/17 11:09 AM7/9/17 07:30 AM
2745BetaNULLCompact gray deposit in SW corner of courtyard area E. of block 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/06/173207/09/1708010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 6/7/17Sw corner of courtyard in front of block 2436.SquareNo visible inclusionsFew pottery and tufo scattered throughout, however not large enough or diagnostic so none kept.Thicker to the E as it approaches block.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/6/17 09:25 AM7/9/17 07:28 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareNULLPottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27942730 Covers44702745Accumulation layer41707/06/173503507/6/17 10:50 AM7/6/17 10:50 AM
2743BetaNULLBrown gray loose deposit at SW corner of courtyard. Fill of 2747.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142107/06/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 06-07-2017.Southwest side of courtyardRectangular with rounded edgesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10142NULL50NULL250NULLNULLPoorNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 08:53 AM7/23/17 09:21 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Tufo - RareNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27472724 Covers44712743Fill of a cut, function unclear but possibly either spoliation or a negative feature since removed.42107/09/17113327/6/17 10:54 AM7/9/17 07:24 AM
8163BetaNULLDeposit between cuts su 8102 and 8103Accumulation0AD500ADDate of layer based on the presence of African Cookware--latest datable ware in SU. Rim sherd may in fact be an imitation African cookware. okln,.Good2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL10450NULL3507/26/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with pick, trowel and bucket. This deposit clearly extends underneath floor SU 8068; it was excavated here in a very small area between two cuts in order to (a) attempt to acquire ceramics for chronological purposes and (b) to further expose earlier floor SU 8167.Room I8IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorFew diagnostics present for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 10:56 AM7/26/17 06:18 AM1117/10/17 12:00 AMPebbles - Frequent, Silt - Frequent, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RareAmphorae - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 81678068 Covers44698163SU 8163 is a deposit of silty soil used to level area for construction of floor 8068 at a higher level, after the features of the earlier phase (e.g. floor 8167, floor 8265, wall 8273) had gone out of use.45007/06/1735357/6/17 10:40 AM7/26/17 06:20 AM
9016NULLNULLLayer of yellow large tufo stones and different types of inclusionsConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLLayer undatable based on recovered ceramicsFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138007/06/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLIdentified on July 5th, documented and excavated on July 6thNW corner of areaIrregularirregular and sloping upward from North to Southconcentration of chunks of yellow tufo on the S edge of the layer's surfaceroughly consistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93507/5/17 03:09 PM7/20/17 12:28 PM1117/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 90179015 Covers44689016SU 9016 appears to be related to a layer of preparation for a pre-imperial road.38007/06/17997/6/17 09:38 AM7/6/17 09:38 AM
2744BetaNULLFriable gray deposit in SE corner of courtyard N. of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142007/06/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on 06/07/2017.SE corner of courtyard, N. of SU 2436, W. of SU 2256.IrregularVisible inclusions of bone, pottery and rock; fairly flat, no visible slope.Bone and ceramic inclusions scattered throughoutThicker in S areaCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111172Small12Charcoal1588NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 08:56 AM7/23/17 09:08 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 2749, Covers 27502703 Covers, 2740 Covers, 2742 Covers44762744Layer of accumulation11307/06/173503507/6/17 12:14 PM7/6/17 12:14 PM
2746BetaNULLCompact gray deposit with frequent ceramic inclusions S. Of block 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/07/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by pick and trowel on July 6th 2017Eastern side of courtyard, south of 2436IrregularMultiple rock inclusions visible on the surfacePottery and bone throughoutEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10182NULL25NULL675NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3504147/6/17 09:43 AM7/23/17 09:05 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, Color, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLNULL2669 Covers, 2676 Covers44772746Layer of accumulation419NULL1131137/6/17 12:33 PM7/6/17 12:33 PM
9018NULLNULLLayer of luchitite and other types of inclusions.ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNo date possible based on recovered ceramicsFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138007/06/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLDocumented and excavated on July 6th.NW side of areaIrregularSlopes upward from N to SMany luchitite and red and yellow tufo inclusionsRoughly consistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics in this SUNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/6/17 11:49 AM7/24/17 11:28 AM1117/20/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLNULL9017 Covers44789018SU 9018 is a layer of mostly luchitite and tufo inclusions, sitting on bedrock. It appears to be a preparation layer for the earliest constructed road.38007/06/1732327/6/17 02:35 PM7/6/17 02:35 PM
2752BetaNULLTriangular section of 2017 excavation baulk N. of wall 2240 removed to reveal the full extent of at 2751AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/07/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLDocumented 6 July, excavated 7 July to expose full extent of cut 2751. Not excavated stratigraphically.E limit of courtyardIrregularIrregular surface with no visible inclusions. Slight downward slope from E to WNo material kept, bone and ceramic inclusions throughoutIrregularCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/6/17 03:04 PM7/22/17 11:33 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27532536 Covers, 2544 Covers44822752Baulk extension equal to multiple SU s excavated along this limit in 201711307/07/1732327/7/17 08:33 AM7/7/17 08:33 AM
7133NULLNULLCluster of large stones S of wall 7131Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1139607/07/17907/22/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe, trowel, and dustpan on 06/07/2017 about 10 cm thick. About 15 minutes to excavateSouth of opus reticulatum wall in Room 3 and covering northern end of su 7137Roughly triangularIrregular slope, defined by large stone inclusionsPottery, bone, and tiles. StonesAbout 10 cmNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorfew diAagnostic or dateable sherds; latest dateable class is the generic (and wide ranging) African Cookware date of 100-700 CENULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/6/17 12:55 PM7/22/17 07:44 AM3507/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 71387077 Covers44837133Cluster of stones south of SU 7131 deposited around "pipe" 7138 at northern end of slab 7137. Seems to be an intentional deposition, possibly related to a kind of crude structure to protect the ceramic pipe (cf. SU 7138). Below this cluster of stones was found a cut into slab 7137, filled with loose silt around the pipe.39607/06/173297/7/17 08:41 AM7/22/17 07:46 AM
8166BetaNULLLayer of brown silt N of 8012 and W of 8011 in rooms I-10 and I-18Accumulation450BC50BCDate of layer based on the presence of black gloss, latest datable ware in SUFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031406/05/173907/11/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLThe southwestern corner of the SU remains unexcavated because it became necessary to build a ramp to enter and exit room I-18. Thus the southwestern corner of this SU is unexcavated under the ramp.Excavated by pickaxe and trowel on 7/5/17-7/6/17 The southwestern corner of the SU is unexcavated because it is under a ramp that we needed to build in order to enter and exit room I-18.Rooms I-10 and I-18TriangularSlopes slightly north to southStones concentrated in the southeast corner of the SUUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostic sherds for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/5/17 02:17 PM7/27/17 01:23 AM1117/17/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Teeth - RarePottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentComposition, ColorMiddle Republican PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8011, Abuts 8012, Covers 8174, Abuts 8178, Covers 8182, Abuts 8200, Abuts 82588112 Covers, 8118 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8155 Covers, 8164 Covers44848166SU is a layer of accumulation made up of stones and silt lthat likely gathered in the area after the abandonment and ransacking of the structure.44707/07/17113397/7/17 09:29 AM7/11/17 12:36 PM
2753BetaNULLCircular black fill with orange inclusions as well as visible stone inclusions, fill of 2751.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142007/07/173207/22/1709010LayeredLooseNULLBlackNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and spoon on 07/07/2917Southeast corner of courtyardCircularBlack fill with orange and visible stone inclusions. No slope.Charcoal inclusions in the soil. Some bone and ceramic inclusions. Stones recorded as separate SU2755 as may be primary deposition.Even thickness throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10142NULL50NULL250NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/7/17 08:15 AM7/22/17 11:34 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - FrequentBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27552749 Covers, 2752 Covers44852753Fire pit or trash pit from fire pit. Layer covering stones SU2755.11307/07/173503507/7/17 10:59 AM7/7/17 10:59 AM
2755BetaNULLDeposit of stones within cut 2751Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/07/173207/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated 07 July 2017 by trowelIn cut 2751. At E limit of courtyardIrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/7/17 10:33 AM7/22/17 11:36 AMNULLNULLBasalt - FrequentNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2751, Covers 27582753 Covers44862755Stones in possible fire pit or dump from fire pit. Blackened by smoke suggest they line a fire pit originally11301/03/701131137/7/17 11:53 AM7/7/17 11:53 AM
8151BetaNULLFloor in room I16ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144207/07/173507/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSmall patch in the middle of room i16, preserved north of the plow mark that cuts through the room. Some mortar in the nw corner of room could be remains of floor as wellOnly a small roughly circular patch is preservedNULLNULLUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLMortarNULL58 x 70 cmThe SU is a very small, level patch of mortar sitting atop the rubble prep layer 8152, in the center of room I16. only a small area remains, about 58 x70 cm. it is quite thin, and small Fragments of rubble from SU 8152 extend up through it in places.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/4/17 11:54 AM7/18/17 09:15 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus Spicatum, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherCovers 81520 Covers44878151SU 8151 represents a poorly preserved Floor surface which would have extended throughout room. It's construction technique - a very thin layer of mortar over the partially level rubble - suggests that little time was spent in creating a proper surface. This is in keeping with the ad hoc nature of many of the associated features in this area.44207/07/1735357/7/17 12:25 PM7/18/17 09:21 AM
8152BetaNULLLayer of floor preparation in room I16ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144207/07/173507/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut by a large plow mark or other linear cut across the eastern side.Layer is visible but in part covered by floor 8151, so it remains unexcavated and in situ. Inclusions recorded here were observed in situ. The section provided by the plow cut reveals a tan-brown, compact silty layer extending beneath this SU. Fully documented in 2017, but originally exposed in 2016 season.North West corner of room I16, disrupted by plowmark that cuts middle of roomtriangularLevel, besides deterioration in SW cornerTufo, basalt, pottery, and chunks of mortar are visibleUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNote: finds recorded above were observed in situ,as layer was not excavated.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/4/17 11:54 AM7/18/17 10:23 AMNULLNULLBasalt - Medium, Tufo - FrequentNULLAmphorae - Medium, Mortar - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8038, Covers 8124, Abuts 8156, Abuts 81578151 Covers, 8154 Cuts, 8184 Abuts44888152SU 8152 represents a floor preparation layer for floor SU 8151. Fist sized and smaller fragments of rubble were used to level the area after the walls were built but before the floor was constructed.44207/07/1735357/7/17 12:44 PM7/18/17 09:34 AM
8174BetaNULLDeposit of brown silt S of 8133 and W of 8011 in the NE corner of room I-10AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNo date range possible based on recovered ceramicsFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1043407/07/173907/11/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel in sunny conditions.Northeastern corner in room I-10, the northernmost room of Area I 2017.Irregular, southern limit truncated by plough marks.Slight slope north to southThere are visible stones on the surface in the northwest and southeast limits of the SU; a few large stones are clustered in the northwestern corner of the SU.Uniform surface thickness.DiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics in this SU for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/7/17 09:18 AM7/27/17 02:43 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8011, Abuts 8133, Covers 8182, Abuts 8199, Covers 8220, Abuts 8256, Abuts 8257, Abuts 82588112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8166 Covers44918174The SU was a layer of accumulation with many large stones, which may have come from the disturbance of the walls and neighboring floor by agricultural activity following the abandonment of the city. The layer is similar to other post-abandonment areas of the site.44707/07/1739397/7/17 02:38 PM7/11/17 10:40 AM
2754BetaNULLFriable brown deposit at the eastern limit of courtyard E. of cut 2493AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135707/07/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated on July 7 2017 by trowel.Eastern limit of courtyard. East of 2493Irregular.Irregular. Slight slope from NE to SW.Medium-sized stones visible on the surface in the center of the SU.Thicker on east side sloping westCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111272SmallNULLCharcoal25NULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/7/17 08:51 AM7/23/17 09:18 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumBurnt Adobe - Medium, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2760, Covers 27622498 Cuts, 2623 Cuts, 2719 Covers45002754Layer of accumulation421NULL1131137/7/17 03:01 PM7/7/17 03:01 PM
9020NULLNULLCut into the bedrock to build the tagliataConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL25307/07/1725307/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLobserved on july 6ththand documented on july 7thNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2534547/7/17 02:45 PM7/24/17 11:42 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 9004NULL44999020cut oriented SE NW made into the bedrock in order to create a road surface25307/07/172532537/7/17 02:58 PM7/7/17 02:58 PM
8118BetaNULLCollapse in western sector of area, in rooms I-11, I-12, and I-17Collapse200AD400ADSpot date based on single rim sherd of ARS in SU.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143606/23/173907/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is wall 8012. Southern limit is the northern wall of Room 15. Western limit is an excavation limit; the collapse appears to continue westwards under the baulk. We set an excavation limit here because we need to use the ramp that is located there and further excavation in this area would have prohibited that. Eastern limit appears original along western walls of rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14, although the layer has been cut by a plow beside the northwest corner of room I-13. Layer extends into rooms I-11 and I-12. Excavation of SU 8141 on July 1st to 3rd revealed that the eastern limit continued into room I-11.Cleaned and documented at beginning of excavation season 2017. Excavation taken up on July 3rd when eastern limit revealed and collapse appeared intentional and possibly related to late antique activity on site. Excavated with pickaxe and trowel 2017-07-3 to 2017-07-6.North of Room I-15; W of Rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14.Irregular, but roughly linear.Irregular surface except for pieces of wall composed of mortared bricks that have fallen on an east to west alignment. Portions of the collapse have fallen vertically into the ground; others horizontally.Tile, brick and slabs of tufo distributed regularly throughout. Two large quadrangular slabs of tufo east of rooms I-11 and I-12.Thinner, sloping upward in Room I-11 and I-12. In I-12 layer is thinner, then deeper past "arch", then slopes upward again.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairMost wares appear residual (one sherd ARS is later than most other datable wares).NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/23/17 01:28 PM7/27/17 12:45 AM737/10/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareBrick - Frequent, Collapse Debris - Frequent, Dolia - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompaction, CompositionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8012, Abuts 8120, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8123, Covers 8166, Covers 8169, Covers 8175, Abuts 8178, Covers 8193, Equals 8211, Covers 8218, Covers 8232, Covers 8233, Covers 8236, Covers 8237, Covers 8238, Covers 8239, Covers 8240, Covers 82410 Covers, 8141 Covers, 8210 Equals45018118This is a significant layer of collapse located in the western sector of Area I 2017. The collapse consists primarily of bricks and slabs of tuff, bound together by mortar. Many of these have fallen vertically into the ground; others horizontally. The collapse is contained west of rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14, and is bounded to the north by room I-10 and to the south by room I-15. The fairly restricted nature of this collapse suggests the wall was intentionally knocked over. In support of this hypothesis is the fairly level surface created by the collapse - the vertically arranged bricks, slabs of tuff and two large blocks of tuff (west of rooms I-11 and I-12) are roughly at the same level. The fact that this level corresponds to the preserved height of the remaining walls suggests this functioned as the preparation for a surface in the later days of the site. It is possible that a floor was constructed atop the collapsed remains, but no traces of this survive.3907/09/1739397/9/17 04:20 AM7/27/17 12:46 AM
2693BetaNULLCircular cut filled by 2691, N. of cut 2339CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/26/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented cut on 26/6/17NE quadrant of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLBottom ends in pointNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 10:57 AM7/9/17 05:07 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 26892691 Fills45042693Small circular cut, possibly a posthole although too small to be structural and with no associated postholes at this time.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:08 AM7/22/17 03:40 AM
2695BetaNULLUpright stone slabs lining feature, equal to 2637, 2638, 2639ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/27/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSoutheastern corner and part of western side uncertainDocumented 27.06.2017In eastern part of area, E. of courtyard running beneath wall 2240 in C8 and courtyardRectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSW-NEVertically placed stone slabsNULLNULLNULLStaring sw corner moving clockward. Stone 1: H- 0.19 m L- 0.45m W- 0.09m Stone 2: H- .0.2m L- 0.19 W- 0.08m Stone 3: H- 0.21m L- 0.38m W- 0.07m Stone 4, two rocks together: H- 0.26 L- 0.23m W- 0.05m Stone 5: H- 0.23m W- 0.42m W- 0.09m Stone 6: H- 0.25m L- 0.28m W- 0.08m Stone 7: H- 0.25m L- 0.52m W- 0.07m Stone 8: H- 0.3m L- 0.44m W- 0.1 Stone 9: H- 0.25m L- 0.26m W- 0.11m Stone 10: H- 0.29m L- 0.47m W- 0.09m Stone 11: H- 0.34m L- 0.38m W- 0.12 Stone 12: H- 0.23 L- 0.32 W- 0.07 Stone 13: H- 0.22 L- 0.29 W- 0.06 Stone 14: H- 0.29 L- 0.45 W- 0.09 Stone 15: H- 0.28 L- 0.58 W- 0.03 Stone 16: H- 027 L- 0.37 W- 0.06 Stone 17: H- 0.22 L- 0.2 W- 0.07 Stone 18: H- 0.25 L- 0.18 W- 0.03 Stone 19: H- 0.25 L- 0.22 W- 0.09 Stone 20: H- 0.31 L- 0.41 W - 0.07Rectangular feature built by placing stone slabs upright into a cut, forming a rectangleNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/26/17 03:38 PM7/22/17 03:41 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - OtherEquals 2637, Equals 2638, Equals 26392416 Covers, 2512 Covers45052695Rectangular stone feature made by placing stone slabs into a cut (although the cut bottom is not lined and was likely over excavated during the excavation of this feature). Comparanda suggest that this might be a storage feature, either underneath a floor or near another building. More research is needed to determine function.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:14 AM7/9/17 05:14 AM
2696BetaNULLCompact brown deposit with orange inclusions, bounded by 2695AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135707/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLBrown compact layer with orange inclusionsIn center of feature bounded by 2695 in room C8IrregularCompact, brownOrange inclusions on surface. Contains pottery and small frequency of faunal remains.Uniform throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL1142NULLNULLNULL12NULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL289326/26/17 03:42 PM7/9/17 05:14 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26972694 Covers45062696It is possible that this deposit is related to the actual bottom of the feature.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:15 AM7/9/17 05:15 AM
2697BetaNULLLoose brownish-yellow deposit, bounded by 2695AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142006/27/173207/09/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel.Room C8, bounded by 2695RectangularIntact ceramic vessel, removed on June 26 so as not to be left overnight. No visible slope.One broken pot found to NW of 2699. Ceramic and bone inclusions.Even thickness throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1111412NULL5Charcoal13995NULLNULLPoorBalck gloss and commonware with ingobbio are probably intrusions.NULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2894146/26/17 03:44 PM7/23/17 10:11 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2699, Fills 27002694 Covers, 2696 Covers, 2698 Covers, 2757 Covers45072697Apparent layer of accumulation, although the single vessel (special find 2140) appears to have been filled intentionally with various agricultural products suggesting at least some level of intentional deposition possibly at the closing of this feature.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:25 AM7/9/17 05:25 AM
2698BetaNULLLarge Stone at NW section of 2700 covers 2697.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/27/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRock removed with pickaxe.Northwest corner of feature 2695IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/27/17 11:08 AM7/9/17 05:26 AMNULLNULLTufo - FrequentNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26972694 Covers45082698Likely either packing within the deposit or simply accumulation within the fill of feature 26953207/09/1732327/9/17 05:26 AM7/9/17 05:26 AM
2699BetaNULLCluster of stones in SE section of 2700, covered by 2697AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111306/27/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel June 27. Soil Sample taken from soil below the flat ceramic piecesRoom C8 in SE section of featureIrregularLarge rock and ceramic inclusions visible on surface. Ceramic pieces extended slightly outside SU limits and was removed earlier to avoid breakage while excavating 2697. Slopes W-EFlat and diagonal ceramic pieces. Some bone inclusionsThicker along E limitCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/27/17 11:09 AM7/9/17 05:26 AMNULLNULLTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - RarePottery - FrequentCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27002697 Covers45092699Level of accumulation (although the fragment of dolium beneath the stones is evocative of some type of storage function) likely related to the abandonment of this feature.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:28 AM7/9/17 05:28 AM
2700BetaNULLRectangular cut bounded by 2695 in room C8.CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113207/09/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumentedTo the E. of the courtyard, running beneath wall 2240, in rooms C8 and C1RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut not fully exposed due to the presence of stone slabs of feature 2695. The cut bottom has also likely been over excavated.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/27/17 11:22 AM7/9/17 05:31 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLNULLCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 2701, Cuts 27022697 Fills, 2699 Fills45102700Cut for feature 2695, not fully exposed or excavated as of 2017 season. Also not clear what surfaces this feature cuts.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:31 AM7/9/17 05:31 AM
2701BetaNULLIrregular Cut in NW corner of 2700 undercutting 2695.CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL013207/09/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut runs beneath excavation limit created by the excavation of feature 2695Documented 2017-07-09 initially although full extent not revealed as of 2017 end season.NW corner of feature SU 2695Possibly circular but unclear at this pointNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFull cut not revealedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/27/17 03:21 PM7/9/17 05:41 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL2700 Cuts45112701Circular(ish) cut at edge of 2695, this is likely an earlier cut that was beneath the cut bottom of this feature that, due to the uniformity of the fills, was partially excavated but is related to much earlier deposits. More excavation is needed to determine the exact function.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:40 AM7/9/17 05:40 AM
2702BetaNULLIrregular cut in W side of 2700 , undercutting 2695CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL0128906/27/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFull limit of cut not revealedDocumented 27.6.2017, not fully exposed as of 2017 seasonWest side of 2700, in room C 8Circular but full extent not revealedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFull cut dimensions not clearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/27/17 03:22 PM7/9/17 05:43 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL2700 Cuts45122702Circular(ish) cut at edge of 2695, this is likely an earlier cut that was beneath the cut bottom of this feature that, due to the uniformity of the fills, was partially excavated but is related to much earlier deposits. More excavation is needed to determine the exact function. A basalt stone and dolium fragment suggest intentional backfill of this feature.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:43 AM7/9/17 05:44 AM
2703BetaNULLFriable red deposit N. of 2436 in SE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on June 28th 2017SE corner of courtyard, north of 2436RoundSlopes from east to west with possible burnt wattle and daub on surfacePottery, bone and wattle and daub found throughoutEven thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 08:22 AM7/23/17 09:55 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumBurnt Adobe - Medium, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27442536 Covers45132703Layer of accumulation, the presence of waddle and daub suggests this is possibly related to the collapse of the walls of one of the hut features.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:45 AM7/9/17 05:45 AM
2705BetaNULLLight brown compact deposit west of 2628 along western edge of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141806/28/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated 28/6/17 with pickaxe and trowel. Rain briefly interrupted excavation.NW quadrant, western edge of courtyardIrregularUnderlying rock layer visible on surface of N halfRare pottery and bones scattered throughoutThinner at northern halfCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11192NULL22Charcoal777NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/28/17 09:11 AM7/23/17 09:57 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - RareComposition, Color, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2730, Covers 27342674 Covers45142705Layer of accumulation3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:47 AM7/9/17 05:47 AM
2707BetaNULLCircular cut in SE corner of courtyard filled by 2706CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/28/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on june 28th 2017Eastern part of courtyard and west of 2256CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLmultiple shelves sloping towards cut bottom in eastNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/28/17 09:33 AM7/9/17 05:49 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 27422706 Fills45152707Small circular cut, possibly a posthole although the size is small to make a structural function questionable.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:50 AM7/9/17 05:50 AM
2712BetaNULLCompact brownish-gray deposit at eastern edge of courtyard W. of Room C1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1137906/30/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 30-06-17Eastern side of courtyard, adjacent to room C1IrregularFrequent rock inclusionsBone, ceramic and burnt adobe scattered throughoutThickness greater at eastern edgeCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10192NULL22NULL778NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/30/17 09:04 AM7/13/17 08:17 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 2719, Covers 27422677 Covers, 2682 Covers, 2685 Covers45162712Layer of accumulation. The presence of waddle and daub suggests this might be related to the collapse of the walls of one of the hut structures.3207/09/1732327/9/17 05:54 AM7/9/17 05:54 AM
2715BetaNULLFriable yellow brown compact deposit in SW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1135706/30/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated on July 30 with trowel.SW corner of courtyardIrregular.Gentle slope from West to East. Small and medium stones are visible on the surface.Not saved in databaseNot saved in databaseCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10NULLNULL2NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/30/17 09:09 AM7/12/17 03:41 PM4147/12/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2724, Covers 27672708 Covers45172715Layer of accumulation. Part of this record was not saved in database so it is unclear the size or material accumulation within this deposit. Finds will be consulted in order to determine the actual makeup as best as possible. Interpretation, however, is relatively secure.3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:01 AM7/9/17 06:01 AM
2717BetaNULLCircular cut filled by 2713, S. of 2718CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/30/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 30/06/17Northwest area of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSmall circular cut with compact rimNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/30/17 10:58 AM7/9/17 06:04 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 27722713 Fills45182717Circular cut, possible posthole, although the depth is not necessarily enough for a structural post.3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:05 AM7/9/17 06:05 AM
2718BetaNULLCircular cut filled by 2714, N. of 2717CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141606/30/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 30.6.17Nw portion of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPosthole with slopped northern side.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/30/17 11:02 AM7/9/17 06:07 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCovers 27722714 Fills45192718Small circular cut, possibly a posthole although the depth is not necessarily enough for a structural post.3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:08 AM7/9/17 06:08 AM
2719BetaNULLCompact brown gray deposit with stone inclusions at E. edge of courtyard W. of room C 1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL113207/09/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated 30.6.17. Record not fully preserved (database or human issues unclear) some data not preserved.E. edge of courtyard W. of room C1IrregularStone and ceramic inclusions scattered across surface in an irregular fashion.While the database did not preserve the initial record it is likely that ceramic, adobe, and stone inclusions were scattered irregularly throughout.IrregularCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULLNULLNULL2NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134146/30/17 11:35 AM7/13/17 08:25 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumNULLBurnt Adobe - Medium, Pottery - MediumCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2721, Covers 2732, Covers 2738, Covers 27542712 Covers45202719Layer of accumulation. Record not fully preserved, but the presence of wattle and daub suggests this might be related to the collapse of the walls of the hut feature.3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:14 AM7/9/17 06:14 AM
2721BetaNULLLight brown compact deposit E. of cut 2493AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/03/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExacavated with pickaxe and trowel on 03/07/17.Central courtyard east of cut 2493.IrregularSome tufo rocks visible in northern half.Some pottery scattered throughout, minimal bone.Sloped downwards from northern half where it was thicker.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101112NULL18NULL982NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/3/17 09:57 AM7/13/17 08:17 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2599, Covers 27602719 Covers45212721Layer of accumulation3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:16 AM7/9/17 06:16 AM
2722BetaNULLFriable red linear deposit at W. Limit of courtyard S. of blocks 2378Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/03/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLLayeredFriableNULLRedNULLCut by SU 2727 on N limit.Excavated by pickaxe and trowel 3-7-2017. SU was first identified in 2016 and partially excavated along edges. The SU appears to be primarily crushed stone rather than actual soil.At NW edge of areaRectangularW-E slope. No visible inclusions other than area that was later shot in as 2726 which has rock and ceramic inclusions visible.Some ceramic and bone inclusions in the upper layers above fill 2726.Thicker slightly near W. LimitNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101202NULL10NULL1890NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/3/17 10:04 AM7/13/17 08:18 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2725, Covers 27262575 Covers45222722Foundation of some form likely related to deposits later than the EIA hut complex as visible in section, possibly floor 25633207/09/1732327/9/17 06:19 AM7/9/17 06:19 AM
2725BetaNULLLinear cut filled by su 2722 at W. limit of courtyardCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/04/173207/09/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLcut by SU 2727Documented on 4-7-2017Western side of courtyardRectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRectangular cut, with posthole cut into cut bottom. Backfilled with crushed tufo.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/3/17 11:19 AM7/9/17 06:21 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 2563, Cuts 2729, Cuts 2733, Cuts 2735, Cuts 27372722 Fills, 2727 Cuts45232725See fill. Possibly related to later structure.3207/09/1732327/9/17 06:23 AM7/9/17 06:23 AM
2758BetaNULLCircular black deposit beneath stones 2755, fill of cut 2751Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/10/173207/22/1709010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLExcavation halted 10 July 2017 before reaching cut bottom due to access.Excavated 7 July 2017. Second soil sample taken from lower levels of fill (topo point taken). First Soil sample taken at top of SU. Finished excavation on 10 July without reaching cut bottom.E limit of courtyardCircularNo visible inclusions or slopeWattle and daub, pottery, and bone scattered throughout. Frequent charcoal inclusionsDid not reach cut bottom. Uneven thicknessOtherBottom not reachedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111194Small21Charcoal1579NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/7/17 11:24 AM7/23/17 09:13 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - FrequentBurnt Adobe - Frequent, Pottery - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27512755 Covers45312758Fill of very large posthole or well.11307/10/173503507/10/17 09:29 AM7/10/17 09:29 AM
2751BetaNULLCircular cut at eastern limit of courtyard, filled by 2749 , 2753, 2755, 2758CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111301/01/703207/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut bottom not reached. Higher cut top at E limit probably due to cut not being identified at W limit. E limit was found when baulk was extended with SU 2752Documented 10 July 2017E limit of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut bottom not reachedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/6/17 03:02 PM7/22/17 11:30 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLNULL2755 Fills, 2758 Fills45322751Very large posthole or well11307/10/173503507/10/17 09:37 AM7/10/17 09:37 AM
2761BetaNULLRocky orangish light brown compact deposit in the southwest corner of courtyard.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/10/173207/22/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 10/7/2017Southwest corner of courtyardIrregularSlopes east to west.Few travertine pebbles throughoutThinner in the southCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113327/10/17 09:29 AM7/22/17 12:03 PMNULLNULLTravertine - RareNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2775, Covers 27842730 Covers45332761Layer of accumulation41707/10/171131137/10/17 09:49 AM7/10/17 09:49 AM
2748BetaNULLFriable brown deposit with orange and gray patches in NW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/06/173207/06/17108010GranularFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel, opened on Thursday 06-07-17, and closed Monday 10-07-17.NW corner of courtyardIrregularUnderlying rock inclusions, uneven sloping surfaceSpecial finds primarily found in southwestern portion of su.UndulatingCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1011292NULL2NULL12799NULLNULLFairThe materials are divided into two different cassettes.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 12:11 PM7/23/17 09:34 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTravertine - Rare, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumPottery - Frequent, Slag - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLEquals 2759, Covers 2764, Covers 27662680 Covers, 2739 Covers, 2759 Equals45342748Accumulation layer41607/10/173503507/10/17 10:31 AM7/10/17 10:31 AM
7076NULLNULLLight brown layer of compact soil located in the central eastern side of room H1Accumulation80AD200ADNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132606/20/17907/19/17108010GranularLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLexcavated on 4-7-2017center of room H1irregularirregular surface throughout, no discernible slope in any one directionLarge compact grey surface in the center of su 7076Relatively even thickness throughoutDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairlarge fragments, many joins; sorted with help of finds school students 2017NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94546/20/17 02:15 PM7/21/17 08:01 AM407/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumGlass - Medium, Metal - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Frequent, Tiles - FrequentColor, Compaction, Composition, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7067, Covers 7105, Covers 7165, Covers 7171, Covers 7172, Fills 7173, Covers 7177, Covers 7178, Covers 7179, Covers 71827030 Covers, 7068 Covers, 7069 Covers, 7075 Covers, 7081 Cuts, 7082 Cuts, 7084 Cuts, 7085 Cuts, 7087 Cuts, 7088 Cuts, 7089 Cuts, 7090 Cuts, 7091 Cuts, 7093 Cuts, 7095 Cuts, 7096 Cuts, 7101 Cuts, 7103 Cuts, 7104 Covers, 7110 Cuts, 7112 Cuts, 7122 Cuts, 7123 Cuts, 7134 Cuts47797076Large layer that is probably the last vestige of late antique activity in Room H1. Fills the negative feature where the imperial and republican period features once existed.32607/19/172442447/19/17 01:57 PM7/19/17 01:57 PM
7148NULLNULLCut in northwest corner of Room H1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL32607/19/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLCompactNULLNULLNULLNULLexcavated on 10/7/17 by trowel and pickaxe. Layer into which this is cut was not documented in 2017, to be documented and dug in 2018.northwest comer of Room H1circularNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/10/17 10:55 AM7/23/17 04:23 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70677141 Fills45367148Based on the composition of its fill, as well as its position, this cut seems to have been associated with metallurgical and productive activities in the later phases of use of Room 1. That it cuts slab floor 7067 suggests that this original floor was visible, but already partly spoliated and reorganized.907/23/17997/10/17 11:01 AM7/23/17 04:25 AM
2762BetaNULLFriable brown deposit at edge of courtyard adjacent to room C1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/10/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by pick and trowel on July 10th 2017Eastern edge of courtyard, adjacent to room C1 and south of wall 2245IrregularSlopes from east to westSmall pieces of wattle and daub presentThicker towards the center of the SUCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/10/17 09:30 AM7/22/17 12:07 PM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLNULL2738 Covers, 2754 Covers45372762Layer of accumulation41907/10/173503507/10/17 11:02 AM7/10/17 11:02 AM
8161BetaNULLDeposit in room i7Accumulation1AD500ADAlthough there are 4 African Cookware (the latest dateable material) rims, none of the forms could be found, so a general date range must be usedGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/11/173507/18/1708020LayeredHardNULLGrayNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dustpaneastern portion of room I-7irregularlevelhigh concentration of painted plaster in the northern portion of SUregularSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorAlthough there are 4 African Cookware (the latest dateable material) rims, none of the forms could be found, so a general date range must be usedNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/5/17 09:31 AM7/18/17 02:15 PM3507/18/17 12:00 AMPebbles - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - Rare, Shells - RareBrick - Rare, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 82478165 Cuts45578161This SU features a high quantity of painted plaster in the northern portion, likely because of a small collapse of a wall face (possibly an in situ collapse from the two neighboring walls, the northern wall, 8044 and the western wall 8045), as well as a post abandonment accumulation of soil.30411/07/1735357/11/17 08:30 AM7/18/17 10:56 AM
8160BetaNULLE-W wall east of room i16ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144207/11/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWestern limit is disrupted by a plow mark that runs through s-e corner of I16; eastern limit is not original, as wall clearly continues east to the limit of our excavation area, but this has not been fully exposed, cleaned, and recorded.Cleaned with trowel and brushE-w wall east of I16; eastern Area Iwall that tapers at the western end because of plow damageNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLExtends to excavation limit, only about 1 meter near corner was cleaned and documentedConcrete wall east of room I16, faced with Petit appareil with tufo stones and white mortar on the top and sides. Extends from corner of I16 to excavation limit, possibly extending further under excavation limit. Western limit is not original but is disrupted by a plowmark through s-e corner of room I16. Only the western limit was cleaned and documented (photos, photo model).White mortar most well preserved on top of wallNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 09:30 AM7/26/17 06:09 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilNULL8159 Abuts45598160SU 8160 was the wall dividing the road to the south from areas to the north. It's unclear what would have been beyond it to the north, as no imperial remains are preserved there. One speculative hypothesis is that the area north of this wall was a vineyard in the latest phase, perhaps associated with the wine production of the nearby Area I structure, but there is little concrete evidence to indicate this.44207/11/1735357/11/17 10:46 AM7/26/17 06:11 AM
8069BetaNULLRubble deposit in Room I-4Accumulation290AD400ADLayer date based on the spot date for African cookware rim, latest datable ware in SUFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1138507/21/1644807/10/17NULL8020GranularLooseNULLGrayNULLDepth somewhat hazy; rubble stops, but boundary between SU soil matrix and underlying soil is unclear.Excavated 2017 by pickaxe, trowel, and brushDeposit on western side of Room I-4. Some rubble follows E-W wall or south side of room. Covers a layer of compact brown dirt except along northern wall, where it appears to cover a different slope of rubble held together by mortar (not assigned an SU as of 11:30 Jul 11).IrregularUneven surface with slight slope from south to north.Tile and ceramic inclusions, both of very poor quality. Tiny amounts of bone and iron nails.Uneven.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1m 83 x 3m 65 x 1m 30NULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorAlmost without exception, fragments are tiny and irregular, with no diagnostic features. Ceramics processed 7/14/2017; few diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL364737/20/16 03:07 PM7/14/17 11:29 AM1117/14/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RareCollapse Debris - Medium, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompositionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8042, Covers 8070, Covers 8071, Abuts 8076, Covers 8192, Covers 82278033 Covers45608069Possibly a leveling fill to support a floor that has completely disappeared: suggested by fairly even top limit against wall, accompanied by a line of mortar. Alternately a support for a basin feature of which no direct evidence survives. Excavation of adjacent wall plug may reveal more. Underlying rubble slope may represent an earlier fill?44807/11/171131137/11/17 11:24 AM7/11/17 11:26 AM
8169BetaNULLLight yellowish-brown deposit of silt W of 8016 in rooms I-11 and I-12AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044507/06/173907/11/17107020LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is wall 8012. Southern limit is wall 8121. Eastern limit is wall 8016. Wall 8120 bisects the SU from west to east.Excavated by trowel and pickaxe on July 8th and 11th.Northwest quadrant of area I. Located in Rooms I-11 and I-12RectangularSlight slope from south to north.Some stones evenly distributed throughout.UniformCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairlarge fragments of mostly commonware; many are encrusted with white limey deposit -- plaster, mortar, or mineral accretion liquid running through soil?NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/7/17 08:29 AM7/27/17 01:24 AMNULLNULLBasalt - Rare, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareDolia - Rare, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - FrequentColor, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8012, Abuts 8016, Abuts 8076, Abuts 8077, Abuts 8120, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8175, Abuts 8176, Abuts 8177, Abuts 8181, Abuts 8198, Covers 8212, Abuts 8237, Covers 8238, Covers 8239, Covers 8240, Covers 8241, Abuts 8263, Abuts 82640 Covers, 8118 Covers45618169This layer seems to be post-abandonment accumulation. Pottery found at the bottom of the SU indicates that this may be the last layer before the pre-abandonment levels associated with this pottery.44507/11/1739397/11/17 12:20 PM7/11/17 12:20 PM
8182BetaNULLDeposit of light brown silt in rooms I-10 and I-18AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031407/10/173907/16/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight BrownNULLThere is an excavation limit in the southwest corner of the trench where our exit ramp is currently located.Excavated by trowel and pickaxe in sunny conditions on 10/7/17-12/7/17Rooms I-10 and I-18Roughly quadrangularThe surface is mostly level, but the northeastern corner is slighly lower than the rest.One or two stones are visible, particularly along the northern and eastern limits. There was a patch of burnt stone and charcoal mixed into this layer just west of 8200.The northeastern corner is less thick. The rest appears uniform.DiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/10/17 09:16 AM7/27/17 02:51 AMNULLNULLTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - Rare, Shells - RareGlass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Frequent, Tiles - FrequentColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8011, Abuts 8119, Abuts 8133, Abuts 8179, Abuts 8180, Covers 8199, Abuts 8200, Covers 8220, Covers 8230, Abuts 8246, Abuts 8256, Abuts 82588148 Covers, 8166 Covers, 8174 Covers45838182This is a layer of accumulation that appears to spread across the two small rooms that currently make up rooms I-10 and I-18. This is a post-abandonment accumulation or dumped deposit. The amount of anthropic material in this level is significantly greater than in previous levels and may indicate that we are approaching a floor level soon.31407/12/17113397/12/17 02:47 PM7/27/17 02:51 AM
7124NULLNULLLayer of silt and rubble in rooms H4 and H5.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1133506/30/17907/22/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit of room 4 is unclear. Currently only excavating up to the bulk.Documented on 30-06-2017. After initial excavation it was clear that there were two separate layers in room H4, one long rectangular cut into 7127. The was divided room into three sections, the rubble in the west along wall 7073 (part of 7126), the fill (7127) of a newly identified cut (7125) and the rubble in the eastern side (also 7126).Fills the entirety of Rooms 4 and 5 in Area H.IrregularSurface has a lot of rubble including tiles and rock. Southeast corner of room 4 includes a small amount of compact soil with many pieces of painted plaster which may be the result of collapse.W section had darker soil, with fewer large inclusions, eastern section inclusions were more frequent painted plaster, mortar and tiles.We excavated approx. 20 cm before ending excavation to divide the layers.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3296/30/17 02:19 PM7/26/17 05:26 AM3507/5/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Shells - RareAmphorae - Rare, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mortar - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - RareCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7126, Covers 71270 Covers45867124Layer appears to date after the abandonment of room 4. Likely results from dumping. Contains material from SUs later differentiated as 7126 and 7127.30007/12/173003007/12/17 02:07 PM7/12/17 02:07 PM
7125NULLNULLCut into SU 7126 in room H4CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142507/05/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 04-07-2017. Originally excavated as part of SU 7124, but the layers were differentiated after initial excavation.Western section of of room H4, between 2126RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLsouthern edge is slopingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3297/3/17 02:51 PM7/22/17 05:40 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 71267127 Fills45877125Cut into 7126, the layer continues on the south, east and west. Southern edge slopes, with more rubble material found on the edges, especially the southern. Probably related to activity after the abandonment of the structures, and even later than the dumping activity it cuts into in Room H4.30007/12/173003007/12/17 02:10 PM7/12/17 02:10 PM
7126NULLNULLLayer of light brown silt, mortar, and plaster in Rooms H4 & H5Intentional Deposition150AD400ADDate of layer based on spot dates and comparanda.Poor2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142903/07/17907/22/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNorthern limit is the bulk.Was originally included in the excavation of 7124. Surface appears as rubble towards southern limit and is composed of more mortar and tile towards northern limit.Within rooms H4 and H5.RectangularComposed of rubble along southern limit by cut 7125 and appears with more mortar and tile along wall 7038.Plaster and more compact soil clear in the SE corner of room H4 which seems to continue through the doorway into H5. Less plaster and floor sections found in Room H5 than H4. Room H5 contained much more pottery.Approximately 30 cm deep in Room H5, 60 cm in room H4.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU processed as a group, plaster partly sorted but proved too much to deal with in detail during the season. SU includes large quantities of cocciopesto floor, mortar, and opus signinum as well, of which samples have been retained.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3297/3/17 02:53 PM7/22/17 05:46 AM737/18/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareGlass - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Medium, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - RareCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7150, Covers 7152, Covers 7153, Covers 7156, Covers 71577124 Covers, 7125 Cuts, 7139 Cuts45887126Appears to be dumping activity after the abandonment of rooms 4 and 5. Room H4 contained many sections of floor (some mosaic sections and others made of mortar with larger tesserae and irregular inclusions), perhaps the original floor of the room which had been robbed out. Layer ended in room H5 on a compact concrete and compact dirt surface approximately 30cm above the floor prep surface found in room H4.30007/12/173003007/12/17 02:13 PM7/12/17 02:13 PM
7127NULLNULLLayer of dark brown silt filling cut 7125 in Room H4.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/03/17907/22/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit is the bulk.Originally part of 7124, but after initial excavation room H4 was differentiated into three separate SUs, 7125, 7126, 7127. A line of rubble separates 7126 and 7127. The soil of 7127 is also significantly darker with fewer inclusions of all types. The fill ended at the bottom of the cut, which seems to be the same layer as the two sides around it. Therefore, 7125 became the cut itself and 7126 is the rubble layer on both of room H4rectangularSurface is a dark brown with few-inclusions, some mortar once tile, visible.Well-head found at southern limit of the fill. Rubble along eastern limit was included in this SU because of the darker soil.45 cm.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLmodern land snail found and discardedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3297/3/17 02:56 PM7/22/17 06:20 AMNULLNULLBasalt - RareAnimal Bones - RareCoins - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Painted Plaster - Medium, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - RareColorNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71257124 Covers45897127This layer of much darker, more sterile soil cuts into 7126 and therefore dates to after the accumulation or dumping of that layer. Perhaps associated with the construction of the muretti (7061 and 7140).30007/12/1730097/12/17 02:15 PM7/22/17 06:20 AM
7129NULLNULLSilty layer of rubble in NE corner of Room 4AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1030006/06/17907/22/17108010NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNorthern limit is the bulk. Western section was excavated in the 2016 season.Documented 06-06-2017. Excavated with pickaxe, shovel and trowel.NE in Room H4Vaguely squareSurface is very rocky with many tiles, basalt and rocks visible from the surface.Layer was extremely rocky with much more tile and pottery than surrounding layers.Approximately 60 cm thick.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/6/17 12:52 PM7/22/17 06:42 AMNULLNULLBasalt - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - not specifiedBrick - Rare, Marble - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCuts 7139, Covers 71400 Covers45907129Layer appears to fill a cut associated with the construction (or destruction) of the muretti. Much more of the layer is visible in the unexcavated bulk to the north. The bottom course of a muretto was visible at the bottom of the layer.30007/12/1730097/12/17 02:18 PM7/22/17 06:41 AM
8167NULLNULLFloor covered by 8163ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL45007/06/173507/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNorth Eastern corner has been cut away by a circular cut and is not original. Slight bulge in edge on the north side excavation limit represents floor above and is excavation limit. The rest of north edge is the original limit, west side is not original limit, western south edge is not original, eastern edge is excavation limit.Exposed at base of cut in 2016 season, cleaned and recorded in 2017.SU 8167 is along the southern edge of room i-8IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCocciopestoNULLAbout 200 cm. by 85 cm.Cocciopesto floor, constructed of ceramic material and mortar. Surface has a red tint, especially clear when wet. Lies 30 cm. below the later floors of the structure.NULLSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/6/17 08:44 AM7/18/17 11:30 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Ashtar, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Other, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Basalt, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TravertineCovers 82158163 Covers45958167SU 8167 was a floor associated with an earlier phase of activity than the imperial walls and floors throughout the area.It sits 30 cm beneath those floors and has a construction technique associated with Republican levels. Floor SU 8214 sits just 30 cm west of this, at the same level, with an underlying rubble floor preparation exposed between. It seems likely that these SU's represent the same original floor, though they may have been separate (but in phase) and divided by a no longer in situ wall.45007/13/1735357/13/17 09:16 AM7/18/17 11:52 AM
8184NULLNULLMortar feature north of 8152ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144007/13/173507/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLMortar from 8183 cemented to the walls of the basin- may be irregular in areasExcavation was somewhat difficult, as the composition of mortar-lime fill (8183) is the same as 8184, which is only slightly regularized inside the basin. Determining the limits between them was therefore challenging.East of wall 8038, north of Room I16Square basinNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLEntry point unknown, but probably North-southNULLNULLNULLNULLBasin: N-S 1.75m, E-W 1.65m Depression: length 50cm, depth 15cmSquare in shape, the corners have preserved well showing a flat surface projecting from the sides towards the center - the largest being the NW corner with 24cm. Interior Corners at the top are curved, as are the joins between base and sides. the walls are moderately concave directly beneath the top of the sides, before leveling out towards the base. The base is roughly flat, although this remains irregular due to the mortar/lime attached strongly to the base of the basin. There is a small depression in the center of the floor, slightly closer to the north side.Mortar is very porous, with very few inclusionsVery few inclusions, but some pottery of varying sizesPotteryNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/10/17 09:37 AM7/19/17 09:27 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - OtherAbuts 8152, Abuts 8156, Abuts 81578183 Fills, 8185 Abuts, 8186 Abuts46038184This SU is a Basin used for production of mortar. It seems to have been constructed on an ad hoc basis, perhaps regularized only at the top edge, in the course of production, as it is built of the sane materials of its fill 8183. However, it may have had an earlier function, as the depresion in the center suggests a design meant to collect liquid. Alternatively, this Depression may have formed when the basalt rocks from SU 8149 were dumped.44007/13/1735357/13/17 11:59 AM7/19/17 09:53 AM
8183NULLNULLDeposit of mortar and soil covered by 8149Accumulation250AD350ADDate of layer based on African cookware spot date.Good2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143907/10/173507/18/17NULL8020LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel, small rock hammer, and pickaxe. Sunny weather, 12/7/17-13/7/17. SU had very little soil, mostly consisted of limestone, mortar and lime.Within the limits of 8184, reaching the bottom of the basin. Just north of room I16.SquareSurface sloped towards center on all sides, with the lowest point being centered closer to the north wallLimestone very frequent throughout, but more concentrated towards the southern half of the basin, and more frequent closer to the walls on all sides. Mortar/lime covers the floor of the basin, with more build up in areas along the sides of the basin to the south, east and the south-west corner. Some bone and pottery were found within the mortar/lime. Occasional small ash deposits were present, but no charcoal found.The SU sloped downwards towards the center (offset towards the north), and the mortar/lime was irregularly distributed along the base and sides of the basin.DiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLProcessed quickly at the end of the season.NULLFairIncludes many sherds with mortar accretions, variable fragmentation. A few sherds (see unidentified ceramic that is likely a very burned large storage container) show evidence of burning.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/10/17 09:35 AM7/24/17 09:28 AM737/24/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Limestone - FrequentAnimal Bones - MediumAmphorae - Rare, Glass - Medium, Mortar - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - MediumComposition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 81848149 Covers46058183SU comprised largely of limestone and a mix of mortar and lime irregularly deposited throughout the sides and base of the basin (8184). Given this, alongside occasional small inclusions of ash, it seems likely this basin was used, at least in its last phase, for the production of mortar. This mortared deposit is, in fact, largely indistinguishable from the sides of the basin; the basin itself may thus have been created ad hoc as mortar was mixed, regularized only in a limited way at the upper corners.43907/13/1735357/13/17 12:09 PM7/18/17 12:52 PM
8156BetaNULLAshlar block east of wall su 8038ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143907/13/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRevealed by trowel and brushNorth of floor prep 8152, west of basin 8184 in eastern Area IRectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLN-S 38cm, E-W 90cmA single remaining gray tufo block forming the western portion of the northern wall of SU 8152.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 09:27 AM7/26/17 05:48 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarAbuts 80388152 Abuts, 8184 Abuts, 8186 Abuts46318156SU 8156 is a single ashlar forming part of the northern wall of Room I16. This wall may have been cut into for the construction of the basin to the north (8184); alternatively, and perhaps more likely, it and the other walls and floors of I16 were constructed more or less simultaneously with whatever materials were convenient. Regardless, the basin 8184 would then have been constructed last.43907/13/1735357/13/17 03:14 PM7/26/17 05:52 AM
8157NULLNULLWall east of SU 8156ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL43907/13/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSouthern edge destroyed by plough activity, western edge of the northern section is cut or abutted by basin 8184Originally revealed in 2016; cleaned and recorded 2017.North-eastern corner of room I16; eastern Area IL shapedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-W and N-S (SU forms a corner of room I16).Grey tufo stonesNULLNULLNULLthicker north E-W half 54cm, thinner E-W 36cm, N-S 110cmSU is a wall which forms the north-east corner of Room I16. Its northern side is cut or abutted by basin 8184 to the west, from which it extends about half a meter to the corner. It then extends south about 1.1 m to a southern limit destroyed by ploughing activity - continued by SU 8158 beyond the plow mark to the south. Very little of the wall is preserved, but it seems to be composed of slightly regularized small gray tufo blocks. No mortar is visible in this mortar to be seen, however wall 8158 which is clearly a continuation has visible mortarNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 09:28 AM7/26/17 05:58 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - OtherNULL8152 Abuts, 8158 Equals, 8184 Abuts, 8185 Abuts46328157SU 8157 is a wall forming the north-eastern corner of room I16. This room and associated basin belong to a late phase for this area, and all seem to have been constructed somewhat poorly or haphazardly, with whatever materials (often re-used) were convenient. The impression given is that of a shed or lean-to built against wall SU 8038.43907/13/1735357/13/17 03:27 PM7/26/17 06:00 AM
8124NULLNULLE-W wall (S) of room I-13, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3906/26/173907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe eastern limit forms part of a doorway shared with 8127. The western limit abuts 8123. The northern face of the wall is abutted by 8254, and is partially covered in plaster (SU 8253). The southern face has not been fully exposed as of the 2017 season, but it retains some plaster facing (SU 8260).Documentation begun June 26th, 2017; waiting to excavate all layers abutting the wall to complete. Documentation continued July 19th, 2017.Forms boundary between rooms I-13 and I-14; in southwestern quadrant of Area I 2017.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 2.8 m Width: 0.30 m Height: 0.63 mThe SU is a concrete wall separating rooms I-13 and I-14 and forming a doorway into I-13 with SU 8127. It is composed of fairly regularly sized stones in 8 courses.Grey and friable.1 to 1cmNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:36 AM7/27/17 01:02 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - PlasterAbuts 81230 Covers, 8132 Abuts, 8152 Covers, 8216 Abuts, 8226 Abuts, 8253 Covers, 8254 Abuts, 8255 Covers47848124SU 8124 is the southern wall delineating I-13. It abuts SU 8123 but is likely constructed in a similar phase along with SUs 8121, 8122, and 8127. The SU appears to be part of original construction of the building in the western sector of Area I.43407/19/17350397/19/17 02:48 PM7/21/17 08:48 AM
8186BetaNULLMortar and rubble feature north of 8156ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144007/17/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLdepth appears to be at at same level of the top lip of basin 8184 at surface but uncertainrectangular mortar-rubble structure that appears similar to 8185. Cleaned with trowel and brushnorth of room I16LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLN-S 38 cm, E-W 80cm, preserved depth 5cmA mortar feature with fist-sized tufo, tile, and painted plaster pieces surrounded by gray mortar. Extends east from wall SU 8038 about 80 cm to basin SU 8184.Gray mortar with small stone inclusions.small stone inclusions very small, half the size of a pinky fingernail.NULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/10/17 09:39 AM7/26/17 06:43 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Irregular, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Basalt, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Other, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoAbuts 8038, Abuts 8156, Abuts 81840 Covers46758186As the depth is at what likely appears to be ground level, SU 8186 was possibly used as step in using the basin 8184. This feature was built later than 8156 and lined up against it, and likely built around the time 8184 was built. It is additionally possible that this corresponds to 8185 as the two are similar in alignment. Both are clearly associated with the mixing of mortar in basin 8184.44007/17/1735357/17/17 08:56 AM7/26/17 06:44 AM
8120BetaNULLE-W wall (S) of room I-11, in NW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113906/26/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPreliminary documentation begun on July 17th, 2017. Depth not reached during 2017 season of excavation. To be completed.Initial documentation begun June 26th, 2017. Documentation resumed at end of 2017 season, but the bottom of the wall was not reached.In northwest quadrant of Area I 2017, forms boundary between I-11 and I-12LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLThe length is 3.84m. Width: 0.40m. Height: 0.79m. The depth has not been reached in the 2017 season. Top surface of wall has been truncated and was presumably taller in antiquity.East to west wall of petit appareil that divides rooms I-11 and I-12. Opus signinum (SU 8263) covers a portion of the wall.Grey and friable mortarSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:32 AM7/27/17 12:56 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - Opus SigninumNULL0 Covers, 8118 Abuts, 8141 Abuts, 8169 Abuts, 8175 Is Bound To, 8212 Abuts, 8233 Covers, 8237 Abuts, 8238 Abuts, 8263 Covers46868120Wall that divides rooms I-11 and I-12; seems related to the structure that holds the arch (SU 8237). The north face of this wall is lined with degraded opus signinum (SU 8263), which suggests that this was meant to be a sturdy structure. Mimics the situation on the northern limit of room I-11, where wall 8012 is lined with opus signinum (SU 8240).3907/17/1739397/17/17 11:32 AM7/27/17 12:57 AM
8175NULLNULLN-S wall (W) of Room I-12, W of wall 8120ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUpper limit probably taller and later truncated. Depth not reached during 2017 season of excavation. Western limit truncated by later activity or really decayed.Documented on July 17th, 2017.Room I-12LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 0.79m. Width: 0.37m. Height: 0.79m.A concrete wall of petit appareil that forms part of the structure in rooms I-11 and I-12 that has been tentatively identified as the "praefurnium". Along the northern limit, a chunk of mortar or concrete both covers the arch of the "praefurnium" and abuts the wall.Grey and friable mortarNULLsmall000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/7/17 09:30 AM7/24/17 08:46 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilIs Bound To 81200 Covers, 8118 Covers, 8141 Abuts, 8169 Abuts, 8212 Abuts46908175Wall of petit appareil that forms western limit of rooms I-11 and I12. It seems to function as a structure that reinforces the western limit of the "praefurnium" of this building, which has tentatively been identified as a bath. It would thus seem that the height of this wall is original and we are beneath the floors of the bath in these rooms.3907/17/1739397/17/17 11:49 AM7/17/17 09:30 PM
8181NULLNULLN-S wall (E) of room I-11, S of wall 8011ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/17/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth not known at end of 2017 season; original height not preserved.Exposed by bulldozer at beginning of 2017 season. Preliminary documentation begun July 17th, 2017.At eastern limit of room I-11LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 0.45m. Width: 0.34m. Height: 0.84m.Wall of petit appareil in northeast corner of Room I-11. Forms part of threshold into rooms I-11 and I-12 from Area I 2016; this was subsequently blocked by the construction of wall 8177.Grey and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/7/17 10:24 AM7/24/17 08:50 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - PlasterAbuts 80120 Covers, 8141 Abuts, 8169 Abuts, 8177 Abuts46968181A wall of petit appareil that originally formed the northern part of a threshold into room I-11, the "praefurnium" of the "bath." This threshold was blocked at some later point in antiquity with the construction of wall 8177. This entrance connected the western and eastern halves of Area I (rooms I-11 and I-2).3907/17/1739397/17/17 12:42 PM7/17/17 09:55 PM
8170NULLNULLUpper floor west of wall 8038 in Room I7ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/17/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLEroded to the north and west; original limits where floor abuts walls SU 8038 and SU 8039.Partially exposed in 2016 season with excavation of layer SU 8033. Fully exposed (by trowel and dustpan), cleaned, and recorded in 2017.Eastern portion of room I-7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL150 x 100 cmGray and white cocciopesto floor that abuts walls 8038, and 8039 in Room I-7. Relatively poor preservation only in the eastern reaches of the room, but some surface remains, especially near the walls. Construction technique appears similar to floors (8068, 8081, 8082) to the north.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/7/17 09:05 AM7/25/17 05:46 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SigninumAbuts 8038, Abuts 8039, Equals 8171, Covers 81728033 Covers, 8116 Cuts, 8130 Cuts, 8140 Cuts46998170SU 8170 served as the latest floor in room I7, certainly associated with walls 8038 and 8039 and probably originally with walls 8044 and 8045, though no such relationships are preserved. It is also likely stratigraphically equal to SU 8171 just to the west. This phase is associated with the pressing area in northern Room I1, and the basin In Room I8, so this smaller adjacent room was possibly used for storage purposes related to production. Detailed painted plaster was found in deposits in the room interpreted as collapse, suggesting that the room was nicely decorated; if so then it is possible that the room had an earlier use before the complex was used for production (e.g. perhaps a cubiculum or other house room, based on decor and size). Cf. room I8, which had red painted plaster on its southern wall (8044, which separated it from this Room I7).30407/17/1735357/17/17 01:44 PM7/25/17 05:34 AM
8171NULLNULLUpper floor south of wall 8044 in Room I7ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/17/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPortion of the northern Limit is preserved abutting wall 8044; elsewhere the floor has eroded. The surface has eroded, so depth is not original, but possible only by a centimeter or two.Partially exposed in 2016 with excavation of SU 8033; cleaned with trowel, brush, and dustpan and recorded in 2017.North portion of room I7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL170 x 45 cmGray and white cocciopesto floor that abuts wall 8044 in Room I-7. Poorly preserved, as surface has eroded away entirely. Appears similar in construction to 8170 just to the east.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/7/17 09:06 AM7/25/17 05:45 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SigninumAbuts 8044, Covers 8172, Covers 8242, Covers 82438170 Equals47008171Latest floor in room I-7, associated with wall 8044, and thus related to the latest imperial phase of the structure in Area I. Appears to be stratigraphically equal to floor SU 8170 just to the east.30407/17/1735357/17/17 01:52 PM7/25/17 05:44 AM
8172NULLNULLFloor covered by floor 8170ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/17/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOriginal limits where floor abuts 8039 and 8044; excavation limit where extends beneath floors 8170 and 8171; not original where degraded on western side.During excavation it was at times diffficult to distinguish this SU from surrounding floors, at least those for which surfaces are not preserved. Exposed by trowel and dustpan.Central portion of room I7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL100 x 40 cmGray and white cocciopesto floor that abuts walls 8039 8044, in Room I-7. Preservation is poor to the south, but better in the north where portions of the surface are preserved.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/7/17 09:07 AM7/25/17 06:24 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SigninumAbuts 8039, Abuts 8044, Covers 8242, Covers 82458116 Cuts, 8130 Cuts, 8131 Cuts, 8140 Cuts, 8142 Cuts, 8170 Covers, 8171 Covers47018172SU 8172 was a floor in Room I7, in use earlier than 8170 and 8171, associated with walls 8044 and 8039 (i.e, the same walls definitely or probably associated with 8170/8171). It is likely that the floor continues under 8170 and abuts wall 8038, and probably extended also to 8045 on the west. The floor in this room thus appears to have been repaired or rebuilt a number of times, perhaps suggesting repeated or heavy use.30407/17/1735357/17/17 02:00 PM7/25/17 06:31 AM
8176NULLNULLE-W wall (E) of Room I-12, W of wall 8016ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143607/17/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth not reached during the 2017 season of excavation. Upper limit was revealed by bulldozer and thus may have been somewhat truncated. Although it may have originally been taller in antiquity, the association with the wall of this room with the arch (SU 8237) suggests we are dealing with a substructure.Documented on July 17, 2017.Rooms I-11 and I-12.Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 0.4m. Width: 0.22m. Height: 0.54m.Wall of petit appareil; seems to have functioned as the eastern part of an entrance between rooms I-11 and I-12.Grey and friable mortar.Small.NULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/7/17 09:32 AM7/27/17 02:45 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 80160 Covers, 8141 Abuts, 8169 Abuts47098176This is a small concrete wall that formed the eastern limit of an entrance separating rooms I-11 and I-12. The wall is partially degraded on the western limit. The wall belongs to the structure tentatively identified as the praefurnium of a bath building. This wall seems to have been part of the substructure of the building; the upper limit of the wall may thus be original (or close to it).3907/18/1739397/17/17 09:35 PM7/17/17 09:35 PM
8177BetaNULLN-S wall (E) of Room I-11, S of wall 8011ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143607/17/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed by bulldozer at beginning of 2017 season. Upper limit probably truncated. Depth not reached during 2017 season of excavation.Documented on July 17, 2017.Room I-11.Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 1.17m. Width: 0.44m. Height: 0.77m.Concrete wall of petit appareil that formed a plug abutting walls 8016 on the south and 8181 on the north. This was originally an entrance into rooms I-11 and I-12 of the building, which would have connected the eastern and western halves of Area I (leading into room I-2 of Area I 2016).Grey and friable mortar.Small.NULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/7/17 09:35 AM7/24/17 08:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 8016, Abuts 81810 Covers, 8141 Abuts, 8169 Abuts47458177Concrete wall of petit appareil that formed a plug abutting walls 8016 on the south and 8181 on the north. This was originally an entrance into rooms I-11 and I-12 of the building, which would have connected the eastern and western halves of Area I (leading into room I-2 of Area I 2016). This blocked the passageway between Area I 2016 and 2017, essentially between rooms I-2 and I-11 and I-12.3907/18/1739397/18/17 02:38 PM7/18/17 02:38 PM
2760BetaNULLCompact, linear, light brown deposit running N-S in SE corner of courtyard.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/18/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLThe southern limit of the SU is cut by 2656.Originally documented on July 10, 2017; it was decided that there were multiple SUs, and this SU was reopened and closed on 18 July 2017, excavated with trowel.Located in SE corner of courtyard, NW of 2436.Linear.Gentle slope from N to S, rounded on the east. The surface is uneven and contains surface inclusions of small stones and ceramic.Pieces of pottery scattered throughout, some decorated. Burnt adobe also found throughout, some larger pieces had imprints of waddle. Two pieces (that join) have possible mineralized wattle material.Northern limit deeper. SU sloped down West to East.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111172NULL12Charcoal (hand picked and from sieve)1588NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/10/17 08:43 AM8/1/17 03:47 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMTravertine - Rare, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - not specifiedBurnt Adobe - Frequent, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28172656 Cuts, 2721 Covers, 2750 Covers, 2754 Covers, 2789 Covers47202760Deposit of soil, rocks, and burnt adobe abutting the eastern limit of the south central floor surface. Possibly remnants of a wall structure.28907/18/172892897/18/17 12:06 PM7/18/17 12:06 PM
8178BetaNULLE-W wall (W) of Room I-18, S of wall 8119ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1131207/18/203907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWestern limit is an excavation limit. The southern face of the wall has been partially undercut. The eastern limit appears to be slightly truncated. The northern limit is partially truncated by cut 8135. The SU has not yet been fully exposed, so, as of the 2017 season, the depth limit has not been determined.Documented on 18/07/2017. Wall is not yet fully excavated.South of wall 8119. In northwestern corner of room I-17. Divides rooms I-17 and I-18.Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLHeight: 0.76. Length: 1.11. Width: 0.34.E-W wall forming the SW limit of room I-18. SU is a concrete wall composed of irregular tufo stones laid in courses. The southern face was been partially undercut and the wall has been truncated on its northern and eastern limits.Friable, grey mortar with irregular stone inclusions.Variable. ~.0.2cm-1 cm.NULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/7/17 09:40 AM7/27/17 02:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilNULL8112 Covers, 8118 Abuts, 8135 Cuts, 8166 Abuts47338178Wall 8178 forms part of the southern limit of room I-18 and part of the northern limit of room I-17. It shares a threshold on its eastern limit with wall 8012.31207/18/1739397/18/17 03:27 PM7/18/17 03:27 PM
8180BetaNULLN-S wall (W) of room I-18 S of wall 8133ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143407/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth limit not fully excavated.Excavated by trowel and brush. Not much wall visible. Face in good condition, top surface less so.NW corner of I-18LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN to SNULLNULLNULLNULLL x W x H: .36m x .13m x .77mSmall outcropping of wall, likely forms other half of doorway in northwestern corner of room I-18 now plugged by SU 8179.Grey and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/7/17 09:45 AM7/24/17 08:49 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilNULL8112 Covers, 8133 Is Bound To, 8145 Abuts, 8148 Abuts, 8179 Abuts, 8182 Abuts, 8203 Is Bound To47348180Wall forms northwest corner of I-18. It likely forms other half of doorway along with SU 8119, now plugged by SU 8179. This belongs to the initial phase of the building. It may have formed part of an L-shaped wall along with SU 8133. Future excavation will clarify this relationship.43407/18/17113397/18/17 03:30 PM7/18/17 01:36 PM
8119BetaNULLN-S wall of room I-18, in NW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSouthern limit is not original due to the plough cutting through the wall (cut SU 8135). Excavation has not yet reached the depth limit.Initial documentation begun 26-06-17, but excavation of layers abutting wall not completed. Documentation continued 18-07-17, still not completed - only eastern face of wall is exposed. Top face of wall is disturbed by plough marks running NE to SW near the southern limit.In NW quadrant of Area I, forms the western limit of room I-18.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 2.72m W: .705m H: 0.40mConcrete wall made of petit appareil in western limit of room I-10 in the northernmost part of Area I. The eastern face is in good condition while the top is disturbed by two plough marks. The wall is abutted by a wall plug (SU 8179) that was constructed to fill the threshold between wall 8119 and 8180.Light gray and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:31 AM7/27/17 12:51 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilNULL8112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8145 Abuts, 8148 Abuts, 8179 Abuts, 8182 Abuts47288119Concrete wall of petit appareil that runs N-S in the western portion of Room I-18. Wall has not yet been excavated to its full extent. Wall has suffered considerable cuts by the plough in its top face. Wall forms western limit of Room 18. Belongs to initial phase of the use of the building.43407/18/17113397/18/17 02:51 PM7/18/17 02:02 PM
8179BetaNULLN-S wall (W) of room I-18, N of wall 8119ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144707/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth is not original because bottom of the wall was not reached.Documented on July 18th, 2017. Wall not fully excavatedNorth of wall 8119 and south of wall 8180 in the northeast corner of room I-18LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 1.19 m Width .38 m Height .68 mThis is an irregular wall of slaves of tuff (of varying sizes) and tile constructed to block the threshold into room I-18 between walls 8180 and 8119. The wall does not appear to have a concrete core, but is held together by mortar.Light gray and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/7/17 09:42 AM7/27/17 02:48 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Irregular, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - OtherAbuts 8119, Abuts 81808112 Covers, 8145 Abuts, 8148 Abuts, 8182 Abuts47328179This is a wall that was constructed to fill the threshold between walls 8180 and 8119 in the northwest corner of room I-18. This belongs to a later phase in the use of the building, some time after its construction and before its abandonment.44707/18/17113397/18/17 03:12 PM7/18/17 01:51 PM
2756BetaNULLFill of Special Find 2140, covers 2757 in SUAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL003207/18/173207/22/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLSoil is medium brown, loose with hard chunks of soil in the middle. Sandy inclusion on the bottom of the layer with bronze jump ring found in it. Small bone fragments noted in soil. Fill was excavated by conservator before it was realized that this might be a deposit of note. Upon this realization, two SUs were assigned but no photographs were taken. Unclear exactly the relationship between this and 2757.Inside special? find 2140CircularNo visible inclusions.Sandy inclusion at bottom of layerAbout 100mmCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL454327/7/17 11:09 AM7/22/17 11:39 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RareNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27572694 Covers47362756Fill of special find 2140 found in feature 2695. This deposit appears to potentially be accumulation covering a lower, intentionally deposited layer of charred material.3207/18/1732327/18/17 01:26 PM7/18/17 01:26 PM
2757BetaNULLFill of Special Find 2140, below 2756, from SUIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL003207/18/17NULLNULL108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLFill was excavated by conservator before it was realized that this might be a deposit of note. Upon this realization, two SUs were assigned but no photographs were taken.Within special find 2140.CircularSurface was not recoded.Abundance of charred material.Surface was not recordedCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/7/17 11:14 AM7/18/17 01:40 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 26972756 Covers47372757Layer of charred plant material including various seeds. Likely an intentional deposition due to a lack of intrusive material. Ritual?3207/18/1732327/18/17 01:27 PM7/18/17 01:27 PM
2759BetaNULLBroken vessel and fill N of 2725 ,=2748AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL113207/22/173207/22/17108010NULLLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLDocumented and removed 10-07-17.NW corner of courtyard N. of 2725About half of a preserved ollaNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/7/17 12:51 PM7/22/17 11:59 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLEquals 27482748 Equals47382759Vessel that was part of an accumulation layer. Documented separately in case this was a burial (similar types seen in area i.e. T. 55) but no evidence of remains and the fill was all colluvial. Thus, likely just a large fragment of ceramic.3207/18/1732327/18/17 01:29 PM7/18/17 01:29 PM
7078NULLNULLAshlar wall running N-S at E limit of Room 3ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall clearly continues south along the eastern limit of the large 'piazza', but there its limit lies well outside of our 2017 excavation limit.Crest of wall exposed through cleaning in both 2016 and 2017 seasons.Central part of Area HRectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLConsists of three well-preserved courses of ashlar blocks.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 11:18 AM7/18/17 02:41 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL7097 Abuts, 7098 Abuts, 7117 Covers, 7130 Abuts, 7131 Abuts, 7137 Abuts47467078This wall represents the eastern limit of the series rooms that border the eastern side of the large 'piazza' and the central road intersection of the city. Construction techniques - consistent with the Area F building - would seem to date it roughly to the 3rd c. BCE (mid-Republican phase). The line of the wall seems to be continued - at least in the foundation course - by wall 7073 to the north (eastern limit of Room 1).907/18/17997/18/17 02:44 PM7/18/17 02:44 PM
7079NULLNULLPetit appareil wall running N-S at W limit of Room 3ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCrest of wall and western face previously exposed (and poorly conserved) by SAR in late 1990s. Eastern face exposed primarily through the excavation of 7077.Southwestern part of Area HRectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.42m; Height: 0.9m; Length: 4.8mTypical local petit appareil, consists of small roughly worked blocks of local tufo mortared together.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 11:19 AM7/19/17 08:59 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilIs Bound To 7071, Covers 7130, Covers 7131, Covers 7143, Covers 7144, Covers 71587135 Covers, 7164 Is Bound To47487079Represents the northern stretch of the western wall of Room 3 during its latest imperial phase. The construction of this wall seems to cut wall 7131, and definitively puts out of use ashlar wall 7143/7158.907/18/17997/18/17 02:58 PM7/18/17 02:58 PM
7100NULLNULLCut in room H1 south of 7076, north of 7037CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032806/25/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel on 25-6-17south of su 7076 and north of su 7037 in room H1irregular circleNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/26/17 11:07 AM7/21/17 08:12 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 71057099 Fills47527100Cut possibly associated with late phases of production within Room 1.32807/19/17997/19/17 08:55 AM7/21/17 08:14 AM
7080NULLNULLPetit appareil wall running N-S south of wall 7079ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall continues further south, beyond 2017 excavation limit.Like wall 7079, western face and crest of wall previous exposed by work of SAR in late 1990s. Eastern face only partly exposed by the excavation of 7077 in 2017. More will be exposed in 2018 when trench is expanded to the south.Southern part of Area HRectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.42m; Height: 0.87m; Length: 1.0m (within excavation limit; continues to the south)See SU 7079NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/21/17 11:21 AM7/19/17 09:41 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus Vittatum, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilCovers 70987164 Is Bound To47577080This wall represents the southern stretch of the western wall of Room H3 in its latest imperial organization. Its construction appears to be related to the truncation of wall 7098, when it was turned into a threshold between two adjoining rooms (Room H3 and a room to the south, to be explored in 2018) that shared wall 7080 as their western limit.907/19/17997/19/17 09:45 AM7/19/17 09:45 AM
8158NULLNULLN-S wall south of wall 8157ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144007/17/173507/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLdepth uncertain, not fully exposedappears to be the N-S continuation (south of) 8157south of 8157, east of 8187rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLN-S up to end of tufo rock 83cm, N-S including mortar 151cm, E-W 35cm. *note-- mortar extends past tufo on N-S axiswall facing is likely petite appareil, but poorly-done and only on surface. mortar between tufo rocks that are fist sized and the size of a loaf of bread (fist-sized on west side/interior, larger on east/exterior). Mortar base is longer than tufo blocks in the north. Mortar does appear here unlike SU 8157, but is poorly preserved.Very little visible. gray with small tufo inclusions.SmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/5/17 09:29 AM7/26/17 06:01 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Ashtar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Travertine, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus Vittatum, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilEquals 81578159 Abuts, 8187 Abuts47678158SU 8158 is part of the north-south wall on the east side of Room I16. It continues as SU 8157 to the north (on the other side of a plow scar), while it's southern limit (and presumed intersection with walls 8039 and 8160) has also been destroyed. However, based on construction technique (poorly made petite appareil) and it's relationship to the leveling layer for Room I16, this wall appears to be later than the majority of the structure to the west.3507/19/1735357/19/17 11:55 AM7/26/17 06:02 AM
7109NULLNULLFill of a negative feature south of the north wall of room H1.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1042606/28/17907/21/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLexcavation discontinued due to safety concernsexcavated on 28-6-17 by trowelnortheast portion of room H1.circularlevel surface throughoutPottery, Slag, metalEven thickness throughoutOtherBottom not reachedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLundateable ceramicsNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/28/17 12:39 PM7/21/17 08:32 AM3507/6/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71767104 Covers47727109This layer represents the fill of the bedrock cut (7176) and associated circular ceramic feature (7177) that are best interpreted as a well. The fill is thus related to the abandonment of the well. The layer that covers it (7104) clearly puts the well out of use.901/01/70997/21/17 08:39 AM7/21/17 08:39 AM
7123NULLNULLNULLCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL10326NULL907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLUncovered by trowel in cloudy conditionsSouthwest corner of room 1Irregular circleNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLIrregular with frequent degraded tufo inclusionsNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/30/17 02:18 PM7/21/17 12:31 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 7067, Cuts 70767120 Fills47767123Cut cutting into tufo floor, probably related to later phases of productive activities in Room 1. The fact that it cuts the tufo floor seems to suggest that this floor, while mostly robbed, remained a surface in use in this part of the room even in the later phases.907/07/1724497/19/17 01:11 PM7/21/17 12:32 PM
7119NULLNULLCut of fill 7118CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032806/30/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLexcavated on 30-06-17southwest quadrant of room H1, cuts into partial northern limit of 7105circularNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/30/17 09:50 AM7/21/17 12:03 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 7067, Cuts 71057118 Fills47777119Cut possibly associated with late phases of production in Room H1. The fact that it is cut into both slab floor 7067 and later compact surface 7105 is further evidence that these two surfaces were in use contemporaneously at this period, presumably after much of the slab floor had been robbed.907/21/1724497/19/17 01:23 PM7/21/17 12:21 PM
7134NULLNULLCut into the center of SU 7076 towards the southern side of room 1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1032807/06/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLexcavated on 6-7-17 by trowelcenter of su 7076 towards the southern portion of room 1circularNULLthe fill of su 7134 had a high proportion of burnt material and ashregular depthSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/6/17 02:41 PM7/22/17 07:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767017 Covers47787134Cut into 7076, most likely associated with production activity in Room 1. Fill was contaminated by the excavation of 7076 so was not documented.32607/19/172442447/19/17 01:27 PM7/19/17 01:27 PM
8146NULLNULLRubble and soil deposit W of 8117AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1014407/19/173507/26/17107020GranularFriableNULLGrayNULLLayer is equal to SU 8117 and SU 8143. At the time of excavation for each of these layers the eastern and western limits were arbitraryExcavated by pickaxeSouth of rooms I5, I14, and I15RectangularVisible rubble layersBasalt stones found throughout, but concentration was higher on the western side of SUThickness was roughly even throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/3/17 12:41 PM7/26/17 05:32 AMNULLNULLBasalt - Frequent, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - MediumAmphorae - Rare, Brick - Rare, Dolia - Rare, Glass - Frequent, Marble - Frequent, Metal - Medium, Metal - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Frequent, Nails - Frequent, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLEquals 8117, Abuts 8128, Equals 8143, Covers 8173, Covers 8190, Covers 8202, Fills 8222, Abuts 8260, Abuts 8266, Covers 82710 Covers47858146Post-abandonment layer south of the area I structures. Layer seems to be the top fill of cut 8222, perhaps accumulating as a combination of intentional dumping (based on large basalt paver inclusions), collapse, and natural deposition. Layer stretches further than it was excavated this year. To be continued in 2018...14407/19/17244357/19/17 03:02 PM7/26/17 05:35 AM
8123BetaNULLN-S wall (W) of Rooms I-13 and I-14, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113906/26/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe northern limit of the SU has been slightly truncated where there was a doorway with SU 8175. The eastern limit of the SU is original and abutted by SUs 8121 and 8124. The southern limit of the SU is original and abutted by SU 8261. The eastern limit is original and abutted by SU 8236. Depth not reached in 2017.Documentation begun June 19th, 2017. Bottom of the SU not reached on the northern, western or southern limit.Forms western boundary of Rooms I-13 and I-14; separates these two rooms from I-15.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 6.24m Width: 0.49m Height: 0.68mThe SU forms the western limit of I-13 and I-14, and the eastern limit of I-17 and I-15. The top has been heavily disturbed by ploughing. The western face in I-17 has not yet been fully exposed, but a series of small holes at regular intervals are visible, as well as a drainage feature in the SE corner of I-17. I-15 has not been excavated as of the 2017 season so the wall face is not yet visible there. I-14 has also not been fully excavated and a ramp has been left in the SW corner, obscuring the eastern face of the SU in I-14. The eastern face of the SU in I-13 has been fully exposed down to the floor and retains some plaster extending halfway down from the top of the wall (SU 8250). On its southern limit the SU appears to have formed a doorway with SU 8262, which has been plugged by SU 8261.Grey and friable0.1-2cmNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39356/26/17 08:35 AM7/26/17 01:43 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - PlasterNULL0 Covers, 8118 Abuts, 8121 Abuts, 8124 Abuts, 8132 Abuts, 8212 Abuts, 8216 Abuts, 8226 Abuts, 8236 Abuts, 8250 Covers, 8254 Abuts, 8255 Covers, 8261 Abuts47928123The SU delimits I-13 and I-14 from I-15 and I-17, although it was fully exposed only in I-13 during the 2017 season. The regular holes in the western face of the wall in I-17 suggest a feature, perhaps tiles (tegulae mammatae) were affixed there. The drainage feature in the southeast corner of the wall (as yet unexcavated) suggests movement of water or air through the wall. It may also suggest, in the presence of tegulae mammatae, that this was a heated room, and the tiles allowed for the circulation of air up the walls. The wall appears to have originally formed a doorway with SU 8262 connecting I-14 and I-15, which in a later phase of construction was plugged with SU 8261. The wall appears to be part of the original construction based on similarity to the rest of the Area I complex.43407/19/17350397/19/17 03:15 PM7/27/17 01:01 AM
8121NULLNULLE-W wall (N) of Room I-13, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143407/19/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe northern limit is original and forms the southern border of I-12. The eastern limit is original and abuts SU 8122. The southern limit is original and forms the northern border of room I-13. The western limit is original and abuts SU 8123. The depth limit is fully exposed on the southern but not the northern face.Documented and photomodeled on 2017-07-19. Excavation of layers along northern face was not completed during 2017 season.South of I-12, north of I-13; forms limit between I-12 and I-13.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 3.47 m Width: 0.71 m Height: 0.43 mWall of petit appareil that is adorned on the southern facade with plaster (SU 3251). The wall forms the northern boundary of room I-13 and the southern boundary of room I-12.Grey and friable0.1-1cmNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:33 AM7/27/17 12:58 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - PlasterAbuts 81230 Covers, 8118 Abuts, 8122 Abuts, 8132 Abuts, 8141 Abuts, 8169 Abuts, 8191 Abuts, 8194 Abuts, 8212 Abuts, 8216 Abuts, 8226 Abuts, 8251 Covers, 8254 Abuts47968121This wall forms the northern boundary of I-13 and the southern boundary of I-12. It is a concrete wall faced with petit appareil, which is adorned on the southern facade with plaster. The plaster decoration continues on the remaining walls of room I-13 (SUs 8123 and 8122), suggesting this room had a special purpose.3907/19/1739397/19/17 10:40 AM7/19/17 10:40 AM
7076NULLNULLLight brown layer of compact soil located in the central eastern side of room H1Accumulation80AD200ADNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132606/20/17907/19/17108010GranularLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLexcavated on 4-7-2017center of room H1irregularirregular surface throughout, no discernible slope in any one directionLarge compact grey surface in the center of su 7076Relatively even thickness throughoutDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairlarge fragments, many joins; sorted with help of finds school students 2017NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94546/20/17 02:15 PM7/21/17 08:01 AM407/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumGlass - Medium, Metal - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Frequent, Tiles - FrequentColor, Compaction, Composition, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7067, Covers 7105, Covers 7165, Covers 7171, Covers 7172, Fills 7173, Covers 7177, Covers 7178, Covers 7179, Covers 71827030 Covers, 7068 Covers, 7069 Covers, 7075 Covers, 7081 Cuts, 7082 Cuts, 7084 Cuts, 7085 Cuts, 7087 Cuts, 7088 Cuts, 7089 Cuts, 7090 Cuts, 7091 Cuts, 7093 Cuts, 7095 Cuts, 7096 Cuts, 7101 Cuts, 7103 Cuts, 7104 Covers, 7110 Cuts, 7112 Cuts, 7122 Cuts, 7123 Cuts, 7134 Cuts48017076The series of cuts into this layer, the evidence of burning, the compaction of several parts of this layer into a kind of 'working floor - all suggest that this is an occupation surface related to the production or processing of metal and glass. This activity seems to be related to the last phase of occupation, since this layer is within the obliteration of the republican (and presumably early imperial) floor surfaces that would have been associated with the walls of Room 1.907/19/17997/19/17 11:01 AM7/19/17 11:01 AM
7094NULLNULLTufo block aligned N-S, north of wall 7072ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL10907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe wall seems to have originally extended further north; probably truncated by - among other activities- the construction of wall 7060 and feature 7186Exposed with the removal of the last part of layer 7034 and muretto 7014North of the northeast corner of Room 1RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.5m; Height: 0.3m; Length: 0.5mSingle ashlar block, perhaps partially truncated at northern end; maybe also slightly cut on eastern face; in 2017, still covered by feature 7186, which was not removed.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 02:35 PM7/21/17 11:29 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarEquals 70737186 Covers48027094This block probably represents a northern continuation of the line of ashlar wall 7073, north of Room 1. In the original ashlar phase of the area, it may have delimited the entrance to the space to the east of Room 1, between walls 7073 and 7108.907/19/17997/19/17 04:26 PM7/19/17 04:26 PM
7092NULLNULLFill of cut SU 7093 located on the northeast side of cut 7082Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032606/23/17907/19/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExposed by removal of SU 7075 early in 2017 seasonCentral part of Room 1Roughly circularNo visible slope or inclusionsNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 02:16 PM7/19/17 05:05 PMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - MediumPottery - Rare, Slag - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 70937075 Covers48037092Fill of a cut that was probably related to the late-phase productive activities for which there is other evidence in the center of Room 1907/20/17997/19/17 05:06 PM7/19/17 05:06 PM
7093NULLNULLCut into SU 7076 on northeastern side of cut 7082CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032606/23/17907/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCentral part of Room 1Roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 02:17 PM7/19/17 05:08 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 70767092 Fills48047093Like the many other cuts into 7076, probably related to the productive activities in the later phase of Room 1. May be a post hole connected to a temporary wooden feature or structure?907/20/17997/19/17 05:09 PM7/19/17 05:09 PM
7095NULLNULLCut into SU 7076 filled by 7094CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032606/23/17907/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLIf there was a smaller fill of this cut - beyond 7075 - it was not identified.Central part of Room 1CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/23/17 02:30 PM7/19/17 05:16 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 70767075 Fills48057095Cut probably related to productive activities in later phase(s) of Room 1.907/20/17997/19/17 05:17 PM7/19/17 05:17 PM
7097NULLNULLButtress of tufo blocks built against W side of ashlar wall 7078ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/24/17907/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLTop course uncovered by backhoe, lower courses uncovered by excavation of 7077. Top course removed by pickaxe due to safety concerns.Eastern side of Room H3RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.49m; Height: 1.17m; Length: 0.53mThree courses of blocks. Uppermost block badly damaged by plowing activity. Removed for safety concerns.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/24/17 09:47 AM7/19/17 05:32 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarAbuts 70787077 Covers, 7135 Covers, 7137 Abuts48067097While initially these blocks appeared to be a kind of buttress for wall 7078, upon further excavation of Room 3 and cleaning to the west of Room three, the line of ashlar blocks 7143-7144-7158 was discovered, in line with these blocks. Thus it appears that originally these blocks either formed a continuous wall running E-W, dividing the space between walls 7078 and 7142 into a smaller room. It cannot be determined yet whether walls 7158 and 7097 connected, or whether there was a doorway between them.907/20/17997/19/17 05:31 PM7/19/17 05:31 PM
8127BetaNULLE-W wall (S) of Room I-13, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113906/26/173907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNot fully excavated during the 2017 season. Excavation reached the bottom of the wall on the northern facade; depth not reached along the southern facade.Documentation begun June 26th, 2017; waiting to excavate all layers abutting the wall on the southern side to complete.Forms boundary between southeast corner of room I-13 and northeast corner of room I-14.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-W running wall.NULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 0.48 m. Width: 0.29m. Height: 0.59m.This is a concrete wall of petit appareil. The top of the wall is missing several stones. The east and west sides are also missing several stones towards the bottom of what has been exposed. It has no remaining plaster on it unlike the other walls surrounding room I-13.Grey and friable mortar.Small.NULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:40 AM7/21/17 08:54 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilNULL0 Covers, 8122 Abuts, 8132 Abuts, 8216 Abuts, 8226 Abuts, 8252 Covers, 8254 Abuts48088127The wall seems to form the eastern side of the original doorway to room I-13. It is likely original because it has sharp edges and is the same construction type as the other walls surrounding room I-13. Based on the technique of construction of the room, it was likely built during the Imperial period. The room construction was not altered like other rooms in this complex (although some cuts, undocumented in the 2017 season, were identified, which point to the robbery and/or reuse of the area). The doorway to room I-13 was not plugged, unlike many of the other doorways in the complex in the western sector of Area I 2017. This suggests the room continued to be used in later periods. Even though this wall does not have any plaster on it, the other surrounding walls making up room I-13 all have plaster on them. This is significant because none of the other walls in the western area of the complex in area I still have plaster.43607/20/1739397/20/17 08:50 AM7/21/17 08:56 AM
8122BetaNULLN-S wall (E) of room I-13, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113906/26/173907/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe northern limit is original, abutting wall 8121. The eastern limit is also original but the eastern face of the wall was not fully exposed during the 2017 season. The southern limit is original and abutts wall 8127. The western limit is original and is exposed down to floor 8254 in room I-13. The top half of the western face is covered in plaster, SU 8258.Documentation begun June 26th, 2017; waiting to excavate all layers abutting the wall to complete. Documentation continued on July 20, 2017. Room I-19 has not been fully excavated and the eastern face of the wall will need further documentation.Forms eastern boundary of Room I-13LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 2.83, W: 0.29, H: 0.60Rectangular wall of concrete, stone and mortar, finished with plaster on the west face. The wall forms the eastern limit of room I-13 and the western limit of room I-19.Grey and friable0.2 - 0.5 cmNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:34 AM7/27/17 12:59 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - PlasterAbuts 8121, Abuts 81270 Covers, 8132 Abuts, 8147 Abuts, 8191 Abuts, 8194 Abuts, 8216 Abuts, 8226 Abuts, 8252 Covers, 8254 Abuts48098122SU 8122 forms the eastern limit of room I-13. All four walls of room I-13 seem to be built with the same construction technique and are of the same material which suggests that they were part of the original construction of the building. The room was possibly constructed around the imperial period in the 1st to 3rd centuries AD. The wall still has plaster affixed to the top half which gives a sense of how the walls may have originally been finished.44507/20/1739397/20/17 09:14 AM7/27/17 12:59 AM
8155BetaNULLCollapse of stones N of wall 8012 in room I-18CollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLNo datable ware in this layerFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1143407/05/173907/06/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on July 5thNW quadrant of Area I; in southwest corner of room I-18irregularSlight slope S to N.Frequent tufo inclusionsThicker S to N.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/5/17 08:54 AM7/27/17 01:20 AM1117/12/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RarePottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8012, Covers 81668112 Covers49308155Collapsed layer of stones related to the post-bndonment of the building in the northwestern quadrant of Area I 2017. Possible related to the destruction of wall 8012 or collapse 8118.3907/24/1739397/24/17 12:35 PM7/24/17 12:35 PM
7141NULLNULLCircular fill in northwest corner of room H1Accumulation450BC50BCDate of layer based on the presence of black gloss, latest datable ware in SUFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032807/07/17907/22/17108010LayeredCompactNULLRedNULLNULLexcavated by trowel and pickax on 7/7/17 and finished 10/7/17north west comer of Room H1circularrelatively level surfacehigh frequency of charcoal. Soil clearly had some sort of iron oxide throughoutuniform thickness tapering towards the bottomSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL0NULL1NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/7/17 12:40 PM7/22/17 12:10 PM1117/17/17 12:00 AMNULLCharcoal - Frequent, Charcoal - FrequentPottery - Rare, Slag - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionMiddle Republican PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71487017 Covers48297141Fill of pit very likely associated with the production of iron. Soil was yellow-orange and came out in large flakes. High frequency of charcoal in large pieces suggests activity associated with burning.32607/20/173263267/20/17 12:00 PM7/20/17 12:00 PM
7096NULLNULLCut into SU 7076 located W of SU 7085CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL10907/20/17907/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed during cleaning of SU 7076 early in 2017 season, after removal of 7030 at end of 2016 seasonCentral part of Room 1Roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/24/17 09:44 AM7/20/17 01:31 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 70767030 Covers48387096Cut probably related to later-phase productive activities in center of Room 1.907/20/17997/20/17 01:32 PM7/20/17 01:32 PM
7098NULLNULLButtress of tufo blocks S of buttress 7097ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/23/17907/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWestern limit interrupted by the course of later petit appareil wall 7080Top course uncovered by backhoe, lower courses uncovered by excavation of 7077Eastern side of Room H3RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLParts of three courses, and maybe a fourth course, preserved, but uppermost block badly damaged by plowing activity. Only the bottom-most course runs all the way to the western wall (7080).NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/24/17 09:55 AM7/20/17 01:41 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarAbuts 70787077 Covers, 7080 Covers, 7135 Covers48397098Rather than a buttress (as it initially appeared to be, per the definition), these tufo blocks seem to represent an E-W wall that subdivided the space between the N-S ashlar walls at the eastern side of the open central 'piazza' (cf. wall 7097 to the north). The lowest course of blocks appears to have been reworked in a later period to serve as a threshold (abutted by part of a floor surface visible in the section to the south, not excavated in 2017). Whether in the original phase there was an opening in the wall here, or whether the second and third (and fourth, etc.) courses of blocks have been mostly obliterated to create a new later opening, is unclear at the moment.907/20/17997/20/17 01:47 PM7/20/17 01:47 PM
8129BetaNULLE-W wall (E) of room I-14, in SW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1145007/21/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumentation begun June 26th, 2017; layers abutting the wall from the north not fully excavated, so further documentation will be needed in 2018.Forms part of southern boundary of Room I14LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-W; in line with SU 8168 and 8266NULLNULLNULLno finishing preserved0.65 by 0.43 by 0.9 mConcrete wall composed of 3 layers of tile at the bottom topped by 9 courses of small tufo blocks constructed with grey mortar in Petit appareil. Extends from threshold/plug SUs 8272/8266 in west to wall SU 8168 in east.GraySmallNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39356/26/17 08:44 AM7/26/17 01:12 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus Vittatum, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - OtherAbuts 81680 Covers, 8132 Abuts, 8266 Abuts, 8272 Abuts48488129SU 8129 formed the southern exterior wall of room i-14, between the entrance indicated by threshold SU 8272 and the early reticulate walls to the east (SUs 8039 and 8040).45007/21/1735357/21/17 08:19 AM7/26/17 01:13 AM
8168NULLNULLE-W wall west of wall 8139ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1114407/21/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLInitially noticed in 2016. Exposed by pickaxe and trowel fully in 2017.SW wall of room I5LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLEast-WestNULLNULLNULLNULL2.08 m long x 0.95 m high x 0.58 m wideOpus reticulatum concrete wall placed on S part of room 5, acting as the outer wall of said room and separating it from the road. Regularized petite appareil facing at eastern end where it meets threshold SU 8201. Gray tufo facing stones. Poorer preservation on interior facing; exterior preserves a layer of plaster (SU 8271) across much of the lower portion of wall; traces of paint visible on the lower sections.grayNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/6/17 08:46 AM7/26/17 09:16 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus Reticulatum, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - Painted PlasterCovers 82018040 Abuts, 8129 Abuts, 8271 Covers48508168Southern opus reticulatum wall of room I5, functioning as the outer wall that separates the room from the porch 8229 and the road to the south. Possibly part of a relatively early building phase associated with the other reticulate walls 8039, 8038, 8031. The shape of the plaster preserved on the outside of the wall suggests a slab pavement or similar feature which is no longer in situ.14407/21/1735357/21/17 08:28 AM7/26/17 12:42 AM
7101NULLNULLNegative feature running horizontally under E part of SU 7076ErosionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL10906/25/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed during cleaning of SU 7076 & 7104 in early season 2017, after removal of 7030 in 2016. Soil subsided into negative feature at interface of 7076 and 7104; upon further exploration this turned out to relate to the fill of a larger cut (SU 7109) below 7104 into NE corner of 7076 associated with the wellhead (7177).Northeastern part of Room 1Roughly ovalNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLVery irregular, most likely a natural erosion or subsidenceNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/26/17 11:11 AM7/21/17 08:37 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 70767030 Fills48527101This is most likely a natural erosion or subsidence at the interface between layers 7076 and 7104 caused by the presence of much softer fill of well 7109 directly underneath.907/21/17997/21/17 08:39 AM7/21/17 08:39 AM
7104NULLNULLCompact layer of mortar and stones in NE corner of room H1Intentional Deposition30BC200ADLayer includes no wares later than terra sigillata and thin walled ware. Date range based on uncertain TS spot date from tiny diagnostic, as well as the general production range of thin-walled ware. One fragment of thin walled rim is in creamware-like fabric but with TW form and rouletting, which might yield closer date under further study.Fair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132806/28/17907/21/17108010GranularLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLexcavated on 28-6-17; finished before thunderstormNortheast corner of room H1 abutting the wallsIrregularRubbly and sloping downwards towards the corner of the roomThere was a degraded tufo block visible from the surface, potentially an architectural feature, but difficult to determine based on visible evidenceThicker towards the westCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNo wares later than thin-walled and terra sigillata, with larger fragmentation.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/27/17 02:48 PM7/21/17 08:57 AM737/13/17 12:00 AMLimestone - Medium, Travertine - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - RareAmphorae - Rare, Collapse Debris - Medium, Glass - Rare, Nails - Rare, Other - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7076, Covers 71097030 Covers, 7106 Cuts43497104Very compact layer with some mortar and large stone inclusions, which covers the post-abandonment fill of well 7176/7177 (and thus clearly puts it out of use). May be a kind of crude 'surface' associated with 7076 and later productive activities.907/21/17997/21/17 08:58 AM7/21/17 08:58 AM
7105NULLNULLLayer of compact brown silt along S limit of Room H1Accumulation150AD300ADDate of layer based on spot date for African cookware rim sherd, latest datable ware in SUFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1132606/26/17907/21/17108010GranularFriableNULLGrayNULLpart of the northern limit truncated by cut su 7173.excavated July 4, 2017 with trowel and pickaxIn south of room h1irregularly rectangularrelatively levelvery frequent degraded tuforelatively even thickness throughoutDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairfew diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/27/17 02:51 PM7/21/17 09:00 AM1117/18/17 12:00 AMTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - MediumMetal - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Slag - Rare, Tiles - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7162, Covers 71957030 Covers, 7068 Covers, 7069 Covers, 7076 Covers, 7100 Cuts, 7119 Cuts44127105Layer characterized by a high degree of very compact degraded tufo (possibly degraded in part by burning activities), very likely related to a later floor surface or floor preparation. The fact that the top of the layer is more or less flush with slab floor 7067 may suggest that these two occupation surfaces were at some point in use contemporaneously (after the robbery of the rest of the slab floor of the original phase of Room 1, it seems). What may be a partially preserved tufo block in center of unit may provide an indication of the previous state of this tufo surface.907/21/17997/21/17 09:06 AM7/21/17 09:06 AM
8143NULLNULLRubbly deposit east of SU 8117Accumulation250AD450ADDate of layer based on presence of non-diagnostic C production ARS in SU.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL32206/30/173507/26/17107020GranularFriableNULLGrayNULLExcavation halted to the east.Excavated using shovel, pickaxe, and trowel.east of SU 8117 in southern Area IrectangularNo slope, uneven with large rock and tile inclusions.Plaster pieces found near wall and what we think may be the cutNorthwest side is less thick than northeast sideCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU difficult to process due to lack of visibility on many sherds (in addition to accretions, many were dirty, but end of season crunch prevented rewashing. E. Lime and A. Rittershaus processed this SU together.Another cassetta of bulk finds found and processed separately 07-26-2017FairCeramics have calcarious accretions on many surfaces, and it can be difficult to see fabric.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/28/17 12:03 PM7/26/17 05:29 AM3507/19/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Pebbles - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareAmphorae - Medium, Basalt Slabs - Rare, Brick - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 8202, Fills 82220 Covers, 8117 Equals, 8146 Equals48658143Large rubble deposit filling cut 8222, perhaps resulting from a combination of dumping, collapse, and natural accumulation.32207/21/17350357/21/17 09:19 AM7/26/17 05:30 AM
7108NULLNULLLong ashlar wall running N-S at eastern limit of rooms 4, 5, and 6ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/28/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPart of crest of wall exposed by backhoe in 2016 preseason. More by backhoe in 2017 preseason. Northern limit exposed during cleaning with pickaxe in 2017. Western face of wall exposed through excavation of Rooms 4 and 5.Eastern part of Area H.RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.42m; Height: 1m ; Length: 15.09mAshlar wall. Some plaster remaining on the western face in room H4. In 2017, only two courses exposed for most of its length, but three courses visible at northern end.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/28/17 09:04 AM7/24/17 09:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL7115 Covers, 7116 Covers48697108This long ashlar wall, running north-south parallel to ashlar wall 7078 to the west. In the later imperial phase (of which the plaster remains), after some reorganization of the space of the H complex, it represents the eastern wall of Rooms 4, 5, and 6. In the original phase, it seems to delimit a long, narrow room running from the main trunk road southward behind the row of small rooms that flank the eastern side of the open piazza. Further excavation in Rooms 4, 5, and 6 and further expansion southward (where the wall continues) is necessary to fully understand this wall and the nature of the space(s) to which it is related.907/21/17997/21/17 11:25 AM7/21/17 11:25 AM
7108NULLNULLLong ashlar wall running N-S at eastern limit of rooms 4, 5, and 6ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11906/28/17907/21/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPart of crest of wall exposed by backhoe in 2016 preseason. More by backhoe in 2017 preseason. Northern limit exposed during cleaning with pickaxe in 2017. Western face of wall exposed through excavation of Rooms 4 and 5.Eastern part of Area H.RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.42m; Height: 1m ; Length: 15.09mAshlar wall. Some plaster remaining on the western face in room H4. In 2017, only two courses exposed for most of its length, but three courses visible at northern end.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93006/28/17 09:04 AM7/24/17 09:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL7115 Covers, 7116 Covers48707108This long ashlar wall, running north-south parallel to ashlar wall 7078 to the west. In the later imperial phase (of which the plaster remains), after some reorganization of the space of the H complex, it represents the eastern wall of Rooms 4, 5, and 6. In the original phase, it seems to delimit a long, narrow room running from the main trunk road southward behind the row of small rooms that flank the eastern side of the open piazza. Further excavation in Rooms 4, 5, and 6 and further expansion southward (where the wall continues) is necessary to fully understand this wall and the nature of the space(s) to which it is related.907/21/17997/21/17 11:25 AM7/21/17 11:25 AM
2687BetaNULLPedestal beneath wall 2355AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by Pickaxe and trowel on June 26th 2017East of 2256 and and beneath 2355, room c8Rectangular PedestalRegular slope; slightly higher in the WestPottery and Bones throughout Sparse travertine Some tilesTapers to the EastCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11162NULL33charcoal466NULLNULLFairopaque red ware is probably residualNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 08:17 AM7/9/17 04:49 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26922355 Covers48712687Once we were given permission to remove wall in order to excavate feature 2695 the pedestal left to preserve these walls was removed as well.3207/22/1732327/22/17 03:35 AM7/22/17 03:35 AM
2688BetaNULLPedestal beneath wall 2496AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141906/26/173207/09/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel on 26/6/17.South part of C8 and of 2687. East of 2355IrregularSlopes from W to E, no visible inclusionsPottery throughout as well as tile and travertine.Even thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10172NULL29NULL571NULLNULLFairOpaque red ware is a probably intrusionNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/26/17 08:18 AM7/9/17 05:02 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 26922496 Covers48722688Once we were given permission to remove wall in order to excavate feature 2695 the pedestal left to preserve these walls was removed.3207/22/1732327/22/17 03:36 AM7/22/17 03:36 AM
2748BetaNULLFriable brown deposit with orange and gray patches in NW corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/06/173207/06/17108010GranularFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel, opened on Thursday 06-07-17, and closed Monday 10-07-17.NW corner of courtyardIrregularUnderlying rock inclusions, uneven sloping surfaceSpecial finds primarily found in southwestern portion of su.UndulatingCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1011292NULL2NULL12799NULLNULLFairThe materials are divided into two different cassettes.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/6/17 12:11 PM7/23/17 09:34 AM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTravertine - Rare, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumPottery - Frequent, Slag - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLEquals 2759, Covers 2764, Covers 27662680 Covers, 2739 Covers, 2759 Equals48732748Accumulation layer filling a depression possibly associated with a hut3207/22/1732327/22/17 04:10 AM7/22/17 04:10 AM
7128NULLNULLLayer of compact light brown silt within Room 3AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128107/06/17907/22/17108010NULLNULLNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExposed by the removal of large post-abandonment layer 7077, cleaned 07/05/2017. sunny, hot, dry. Excavated 6 July, 2017.roughly centered in Room 3. fill of a depression in floor prep.irregular, oblong.relatively levelCluster of small stones in center of su near 7097.relatively shallow depression in fill of room 3SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3297/5/17 11:44 AM7/22/17 06:35 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - Medium, Shells - RareGlass - Rare, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Frequent, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7135, Covers 71377077 Covers48747128Layer seems to represent a post-abandonment accumulation, somewhat distinct from the large fill above within Room 3 (7077). It covers, in a depression in the center of the room (perhaps created through spoliation), the obliterated remains of the preparation of an imperial floor surface (7135).907/22/17997/22/17 06:37 AM7/22/17 06:39 AM
7130NULLNULLTufo slab floor at N end of Room 3ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/06/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWhile there is some uncertainty due to several extensive reorganizations in this space, the limits of this floor do appear to be original.Exposed with the removal of large post-abandonment layer 7077.Northern end of Room 3.Rectangular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSlabs oriented lengthwise N-SNULLNULLTufo slabsNULLTOTAL: Width:1.16m; Length: 2.4m; Height (Depth): 0.25m. INDIVIDUAL SLAB: Width: 0.72m; Length: 1.16m; Height (Depth): 0.25m.Four large tufo slabs. In the easternmost slab have been cut two small circular holes.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/6/17 12:53 PM7/22/17 07:00 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherAbuts 7037, Abuts 7057, Abuts 70787077 Covers, 7079 Covers, 7131 Abuts, 7163 Covers48757130Despite the construction technique, which elsewhere is generally associated with mid-Republican phases (e.g. in Area F), this section of slab floor most likely belongs to a later phase of reorganization of this space, most likely associated with the construction of walls in concrete (7037, 7131). This conclusion is based on the fact that these slabs are bound by mortar to the wall on the northern side, and sit at a higher elevation than the slab floor that appears to be associated with the construction of the original ashlar wall (floor 7137 and wall 7078). In terms of their function, based on the presence of the repurposed tufo block 7163 and the holes in the easternmost slab - directly above a known drainage tunnel/cuniculus, running N-S - these slabs may have served as some kind of waste disposal, perhaps even a latrine.907/22/17997/22/17 07:27 AM7/22/17 07:27 AM
7131NULLNULLOpus reticulatum wall S of floor 7130ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/06/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWhile it is not entirely clear, it seems that this wall is truncated at its western limit by the construction of petit appareil wall 7079.Exposed with the removal of large post-abandonment layer 7077. Uppermost remains of wall are irregularly preserved, suggesting that it has been truncated by later activity.Northern end of Room 3RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.36m; Height: 0.28m; Length: 2.4mFoundation of wall is visible on the southern side; very little of the elevation of the wall remains, though the preserved elevation increases at the eastern end.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/6/17 12:54 PM7/22/17 07:07 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus ReticulatumAbuts 7078, Abuts 71307077 Covers, 7079 Covers, 7138 Abuts, 7163 Is Bound To48777131This wall relates to a reorganization of the space of Room 3 after the original ashlar phase, probably connected to the obliteration of slab floor 7137 and wall 7158. It may have been planned along with new slab floor 7130 to the north, and a floor to the south of which only traces of the preparation (7135) survive. It is uncertain whether - or how far - this wall continued further east prior to the construction of wall 7079. Given the level of the foundations revealed by the excavation of floor preparation 7135, the floor surface connected with the construction of this wall to the south has been obliterated.907/22/17997/22/17 07:40 AM7/22/17 07:40 AM
7132NULLNULLFill of circular cut S of wall 7131Accumulation27BC200ADDate of layer based on terra sigillata spot date combined with general production range of thin-wall ware. No thin wall diagnostics to narrow upper range, terra sigillata seems potentially residual. No African cookware or red slip.Good2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128107/06/17907/22/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLFill of circular feature clearly distinct from surrounding layer. A few cm deep.Excavated by pickaxe, trowel, dustpan, and brush. Hot and sunny. Excavated within span of 5 mins on 07/06/2017.South of opus reticulatum wall in the northern end of Room 3.Roughly circularthe surface was slightly more compact than the layer covering it, SU 7077.pottery onlyabout 2-3 inches deepSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairSherds in overall good condition, terra sigillata somewhat worn on the surfaces.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/6/17 12:54 PM7/22/17 07:41 AM737/10/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71367077 Covers48787132Post-abandonment fill of a cut of uncertain purpose (see 7136).907/22/17997/22/17 07:41 AM7/22/17 07:41 AM
7135NULLNULLLayer of floor preparation in Room 3, covered by 7077.Construction1AD500ADlarge well preserved sherds of black gloss, but latest dateable class is African cookware, though no diagnostic sherds of this class are present; generic African cookware date of 1-500 CE is applicable, though not particularly helpfulFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143007/07/1728107/12/17405010CohesiveCompactNULLLight GrayNULLsouthern and western limits are partially original because a portion abuts the wall, but another portion continues past our excavation limit onto thresholds of another room.Floor preparation layer was more compact along the western entrance threshold. Additionally, three coins were found around the same portion of the layer. The layer immediately beneath this preparation was not excavated in 2017.Room 3Roughly rectangularthe surface was very compact.mostly pottery, tile and bonelayer was about 3-4 inches in depthCommingledNULLNULLn/aNULLNULLfloor preparationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairlarge well preserved sherds of black gloss, but latest dateable class is African cookware, though no diagnostic sherds of this class are present; generic African cookware date of 1-500 CE is applicable, though not particularly helpfulNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/7/17 08:22 AM7/26/17 04:09 AM3507/13/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherCovers 7079, Covers 7097, Covers 7098, Covers 7158, Covers 71647077 Covers, 7128 Covers, 7136 Cuts48797135This is a layer of poorly preserved floor preparation for a floor surface that was used in phase with walls 7079, 7080, and 7131. This phase postdates the ashlar phase (wall 7078, 7057, 7097, 7098). Its construction was probably related to the partial obliteration of wall 7098 and its transformation into a threshold between this room and the room immediately to the south.907/22/17997/22/17 10:37 AM7/22/17 10:37 AM
7136NULLNULLCircular cut in north end of 7135 filled by 7132CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1028107/07/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGiven that the full depth of floor preparation 7135 is not preserved, it is most likely that the full depth of the cut is not preserved either.Fill exposed by the removal of SU 7077.Northern end of Room 3.Roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3297/7/17 08:49 AM7/22/17 10:42 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 71357132 Fills48807136A cut of unknown purpose into the layer of floor preparation. It could relate to a feature or structure belonging to that later phase, but this is unclear.907/22/17997/22/17 10:43 AM7/22/17 10:43 AM
7137NULLNULLTufo slab south of wall 7131ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143007/07/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcept at the north, the entire original extent of this slab is preserved. It is, however, unclear whether this slab once belonged to a larger floor surface, which would have covered a much larger space in the area bounded by wall 7078.tufo slab with a circular cutsouth of wall 7131Rectangularflat, mottledNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLnorth/southNULLNULLTufo slabNULLWidth: 0.76m; Height (Thickness): 0.15m (though bottom of slab not exposed); Length: 1.24mA single, large, finely worked tufo slab which closely abuts ashlar walls 7078 (east) and 7097 (south). There are two large cracks in the slab at its northern end, and it appears that the northern limit has been truncated by later activity (possibly related to the construction of wall 7131 and the deposition of 'pipe' 7138). In the southeastern corner of the slab, a small hole has been carved, probably original to the design of the slab.NULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/7/17 08:50 AM7/22/17 10:50 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherAbuts 7078, Abuts 70977128 Covers48817137This slab seems to belong to the original phase of construction in this part of the Area H complex, associated with the ashlar walls (e.g. 7078, 7097, 7098, 7057). It sits at a lower level than slab floor 7130, and there are no traces of mortar. Also, while 7130 was only covered by post-abandonment accumulation 7077, this slab was also covered by 7128, suggesting that it fell out of use still earlier. The hole in the slab almost certainly corresponds to a known north-south subterranean drainage feature (cuniculus), running from the southeast corner of Room 1 to the north. Part of its function in the original phase thus seems to have been as a drain for waste of some sort, located in what would have been the corner of a room formed by walls 7057 (north), 7078 (east), 7097/7158/7143 (south), and 7142/7167 (west).907/22/17997/22/17 10:55 AM7/22/17 10:55 AM
7138NULLNULLUpright ceramic tube south of wall 7131Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1139607/07/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe top of the tube has clearly been truncated by later activity.Top exposed by the removal of SU 7077, while the rest was exposed by the removal of 7133.Northeastern part of Room 3.CylindricalNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLn/aTerracottaNULLNULLNULLRoughly 0.25 cm in diameter, about 0.25 cm preserved height above soil.Large-diameter terracotta 'pipe', still full of soil.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3297/7/17 08:57 AM7/22/17 11:00 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - OtherAbuts 71317133 Covers48827138Given that it postdates slab floor 7137 and still later wall 7131, this feature probably belongs to one of the later phases of occupation in this room. Although its diameter would be large for a typical ceramic pipe, it seems to have functioned as a pipe or 'downspout' to channel water into the drain running below, perhaps from Room 5 above and to the east, on the other side of wall 7078.907/22/17997/22/17 11:02 AM7/22/17 11:02 AM
2751BetaNULLCircular cut at eastern limit of courtyard, filled by 2749 , 2753, 2755, 2758CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111301/01/703207/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut bottom not reached. Higher cut top at E limit probably due to cut not being identified at W limit. E limit was found when baulk was extended with SU 2752Documented 10 July 2017E limit of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut bottom not reachedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/6/17 03:02 PM7/22/17 11:30 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLNULL2755 Fills, 2758 Fills48832751The botanical material suggests that this cut was used as a midden or some other method of disposing of charred crop processing byproducts/burnt material.3207/22/1732327/22/17 11:31 AM7/22/17 11:31 AM
2755BetaNULLDeposit of stones within cut 2751Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/07/173207/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated 07 July 2017 by trowelIn cut 2751. At E limit of courtyardIrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/7/17 10:33 AM7/22/17 11:36 AMNULLNULLBasalt - FrequentNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2751, Covers 27582753 Covers48842755Looking at the material this is likely redeposited material related to the middenish nature of the fill not a primary deposition or a fire pit.3207/22/1732327/22/17 11:39 AM7/22/17 11:39 AM
2758BetaNULLCircular black deposit beneath stones 2755, fill of cut 2751Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/10/173207/22/1709010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLExcavation halted 10 July 2017 before reaching cut bottom due to access.Excavated 7 July 2017. Second soil sample taken from lower levels of fill (topo point taken). First Soil sample taken at top of SU. Finished excavation on 10 July without reaching cut bottom.E limit of courtyardCircularNo visible inclusions or slopeWattle and daub, pottery, and bone scattered throughout. Frequent charcoal inclusionsDid not reach cut bottom. Uneven thicknessOtherBottom not reachedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111194Small21Charcoal1579NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/7/17 11:24 AM7/23/17 09:13 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - FrequentBurnt Adobe - Frequent, Pottery - MediumColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27512755 Covers48852758Later analysis suggests that this fill is some type of middening deposit so this might be an intentional deposition of burnt trash material.3207/22/1732327/22/17 11:45 AM7/22/17 11:45 AM
7142NULLNULLAshlar wall running N-S, west of Room 3ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/07/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOnly foundation course survives. Northern limit interrupted by later concrete constructions 7074 and 7037.Exposed in 2017 by cleaning of SAR backfill.SW part of Area H, NE part of 'piazza'RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.48m; Height: (not exposed); Length: 3.54mFour blocks of the foundation course of an ashlar wall built without mortar.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/8/17 04:50 AM7/23/17 02:47 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarEquals 71627037 Covers, 7074 Covers, 7143 Abuts48927142This wall (continued by block 7162 to the north, inside of Room 1) seems to represent the western limit of the rooms on the eastern side of the 'piazza' in the original ashlar phase (in phase with walls 7143, 7146, 7149, 7078, 7108, 7057, 7073/7094, 7072, 7012, 7055, 7036, 7097, 7098 and bases 7145 and 7147). With the construction of the concrete phase(s), the wall seems to have been obliterated and partially covered by the basalt pavement of the 'piazza'. See also SU 7162.907/23/17997/23/17 02:57 AM7/23/17 02:57 AM
7143NULLNULLAshlar block aligned E-W, east of wall 7142ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/07/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOne poorly preserved ashlar block of a foundation course. Eastern limit (at 7144) appears to be original.Exposed in 2017 through cleaning of SAR backfillSouthwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.5m; Height: (unknown, not exposed); Length: 1.45mOne poorly preserved ashlar block of red tufo belonging to a foundation course.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/8/17 04:51 AM7/23/17 03:02 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarAbuts 71427079 Covers, 7144 Abuts48937143This E-W ashlar wall is in phase with adjacent N-S wall 7142. It seems to continue the line of wall 7097/7158 (partially preserved within Room 3 to the east), suggesting that, in the original phase, there would have been a 'room' delimited by walls 7142/7162 (W), 7057 (N), 7078 (E), and 7143/7158/7097 (S). The exact relationship between this wall and block 7144 at its eastern end - of slightly different dimensions, tufo, and alignment - is unclear at the moment. See also 7144.907/23/17997/23/17 03:16 AM7/23/17 03:16 AM
7144NULLNULLGrey ashlar block at E end of 7143ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/07/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCovered by later wall 7079 at its eastern limitExposed in 2017 during cleaning of SAR backfillSouthwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.45m; Height: (unknown, not exposed); Length: 0.53mSingle block of greyish tufo, seemingly different to those of walls 7142 and 7143 immediately to the west.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/8/17 04:51 AM7/23/17 03:20 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarAbuts 71437079 Covers48947144The apparent difference in the type of tufo and construction of this block relative to the other ashlar blocks of the original phase (e.g. 7142, 7143, 7158, 7078) makes it unclear whether it belongs to the line of E-W wall 7143/7158/7097. It remains possible that it is actually part of some kind of slab floor. Further exploration is necessary in 2018 to fully understand this space and its organization.907/23/17997/23/17 03:23 AM7/23/17 03:23 AM
7145NULLNULLLarge tufo base south of wall 7142ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/07/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed in 2017 during cleaning of SAR backfill.Southwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'SquareNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLn/aNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.8m; Height: 0.25m; Length: 0.97mLarge square block of grey tufo, relatively well preserved if cracked and degraded on its top face. Top partially worked into a kind of raised 'lip'. Abutted closely by the basalt pavement of the 'piazza' (SU not given in 2017).NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/8/17 04:51 AM7/23/17 03:29 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarCovers 71467160 Abuts48957145This seems to be a large base for some kind of pillar or column, and to belong to the same architectural design as base 7147. That the westernmost block of wall 7146 to the east was cut to accommodate this base - serving as a kind of foundation for it - suggests that the ashlar walls and bases are in phase with one another. The presence of these bases suggests some monumental facade or front for the rooms along the eastern side of the 'piazza'. Further exploration is necessary in future seasons to determine the full southward extent of these pillars, and generally the architecture of the eastern side of the piazza.907/23/17997/23/17 03:36 AM7/23/17 03:36 AM
7146NULLNULLAshlar block aligned E-W, east of base 7145ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/07/17907/22/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOnly foundation course preservedExposed by removal of SAR backfill in 2017Southwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.48m; Height: (unknown, not exposed); Length: 1.35mSingle block of poorly preserved red tufo, worked at western end to accommodate tufo base 7145 on topNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/8/17 04:51 AM7/23/17 03:54 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL7145 Covers, 7160 Abuts48967146Remains of an ashlar wall that seems to belong to the original phase of construction in this part of the 'piazza', in phase with tufo base 7145 and ashlar walls 7142, 7143, 7149, etc. This block seems to continue the line of wall 7098 to the east (inside of Room 3). For the moment, the nature of the space between the eastern limit of this block and the western limit of wall 7098 is unclear, in part due to the presence of wall 7080, but also because there is an irregular grey tufo stone (not documented) at the eastern end, which may belong to some kind of slab floor or threshold.907/23/17997/23/17 03:54 AM7/23/17 03:54 AM
7147NULLNULLLarge tufo base south of base 7145ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/07/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed in 2017 during removal of SAR backfillSouthwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'SquareNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLn/aNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.82m; Height: 0.23m; Length: 0.93mSingle large square tufo block, somewhat poorly preserved on its top face where it has been worked (numerous cracks and places where stone has degraded).NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/8/17 04:52 AM7/23/17 03:57 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarCovers 7149NULL48977147This seems to be a large base for some kind of pillar or column, and to belong to the same architectural design as base 7145. That the westernmost block of wall 7149 to the east was cut to accommodate this base - serving as a kind of foundation for it - suggests that the ashlar walls and bases are in phase with one another. The presence of these bases suggests some monumental facade or front for the rooms along the eastern side of the 'piazza'. Further exploration is necessary in future seasons to determine the full southward extent of these pillars, and generally the architecture of the eastern side of the piazza. See also 7145.907/23/17997/23/17 03:58 AM7/23/17 03:58 AM
7114NULLNULLConcrete wall running E-W at SW corner of Room 4ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/24/17907/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall truncated at the topDocumented 24-07-2017Running W-E, W half of rooms H4 and H5 (S limit of Room 4, N limit of Room 4)rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 174cm W: 47cm H: 18cmConcrete wall sitting on top of two larger ashlar pillar-type blocks.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/29/17 12:45 AM7/24/17 03:13 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteIs Bound To 7038, Is Bound To 71857150 Covers, 7157 Covers, 7169 Covers49357114This wall belongs to the later, imperial reorganization of the original long space between ashlar walls 7078/7073 and 7108. Together with wall 7115 and threshold 7185, this wall formed the limit between Rooms 4 and 5. It cannot be determined at the moment whether the two squared tufo blocks on which the concrete elevation of the wall was founded are in situ from an earlier phase, or were spoliated from elsewhere; either way they are almost certainly reused/repurposed.907/24/17997/24/17 02:55 PM7/24/17 02:55 PM
7115NULLNULLConcrete wall running E-W at SE corner of Room H4ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/24/17907/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall truncated on topDocumented 24-07-2017E boundary between rooms H4 and H5RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL:50cm W: 47cm H: 19cmConcrete wall abutting 7108, like 7114 founded on a repurposed squared tufo pillar-blockNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/29/17 12:53 AM7/24/17 03:05 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteCovers 7108, Is Bound To 71857150 Covers49387115This wall belongs to the later, imperial reorganization of the original long space between ashlar walls 7078/7073 and 7108. Together with wall 7114 and threshold 7185, this wall formed the limit between Rooms 4 and 5. It cannot be determined at the moment whether the squared tufo block on which the concrete elevation of the wall was founded is in situ from an earlier phase, or was spoliated from elsewhere; either way it is almost certainly reused/repurposed.907/24/17997/24/17 03:05 PM7/24/17 03:05 PM
7116NULLNULLConcrete wall running E-W at S limit of Room H5ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/24/17907/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall truncated at topDocumented 24-07-2017S limit of room H5RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL:310cm W:47cm H:35cmNot much of the elevation of the wall is preserved, but it appears to be an opus incertum wall of mortared grey tufo blocks built on a meager foundation of soil and some medium-sized basalt stones; it reuses/covers earlier features. On the south side (currently unexcavated in 2017), it appears that it was built against some opus reticulatum constructions.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/29/17 12:54 AM7/24/17 03:54 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Adobe, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Ashtar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteCovers 71087150 Covers49467116In seemingly the latest phase of reorganization of this space between original ashlar walls 7078 and 7108, this wall served as the southern limit of Room 5 (together with walls 7108 at the east, 7114/7115/7185 at the north, and 7117 at the west). Its relationship to the space immediately to the south (Room 6) was not explored in 2017.907/24/17997/24/17 03:56 PM7/24/17 03:56 PM
7117NULLNULLConcrete wall running N-S at W limit of Room H5ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/24/17907/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWall height truncated. Southern limit perhaps truncated by structure in room H6Documented 24-07-.W limit of room H5RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 586cm W: 30cm H:32cmConcrete wall sitting on ashlar wall 7078 and dirt layer 7150. Many basalt stones as foundation protrude from the wall into the soil layer. No traces of plaster visible.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/29/17 12:54 AM7/24/17 01:24 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - ConcreteCovers 7038, Covers 7078, Covers 72027150 Covers49507117This unusually narrow wall, which utilizes preexisting walls 7078 and 7038 as structural support to the west (necessary because it is built without true foundations), formed the western wall of Room 5 in the latest phase of reorganization. It seems to have been built partially on top of preexisting features of this space like a dolium (7202).907/24/17997/24/17 02:22 PM7/24/17 02:22 PM
8117BetaNULLLayer of rubble and soil south of room I5Accumulation360AD470ADDate range based on African red slip spot date. Layer also includes many earlier residual wares.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044307/04/173507/06/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLSU continued as 8050 to the north (previously excavated), with arbitrary excavation limits on the remaining sides.Excavated with pick ax and shovelSouth of room I5. Rubble pile extending south from exterior doorway to Room I5.RectangularUneven rubble surfaceNULLNULLDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGoodIncludes residual wares but also many larger fragments in good condition.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35356/22/17 02:19 PM7/26/17 04:36 AM3507/7/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Travertine - Medium, Tufo - Medium, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Shells - RareBasalt Slabs - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limitimitimit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitimitimitNULLNULLEquals 8143, Covers 8202, Fills 8222, Covers 82710 Covers, 8146 Equals49678117Excavation of the surrounding area - particularly the discovery of cut SU 8222 - has clarified the situation. SU 8117 is in fact the fill of this cut within our arbitrary trench, equal to SU 8146 to the west and 8143 to the east, both beyond the original limits of this trench. The purpose of the cut is unknown (spoliation?), but these fills probably accumulated as a combination of intentional dumping, gradual wall collapse, and natural colluvial deposition.3507/23/1735357/26/17 04:37 AM7/26/17 04:38 AM
8173BetaNULLSmall gray deposit covered by 8146AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLUnable to date layer based on ceramics recoveredGood2017INULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1032207/10/173507/26/17207010GranularSoftNULLGrayNULLNULLpatchy edges; difficult to find limits, especially with 8202 beneath. Excavated by pickaxe and trowel. Note: no sketch.south of Room I5; in road south of Area I structure.irregularsloping on each side from a central pointinclusions evenly dispersed throughout; bones concentrated at the northern limitthickest at the south, SU slopes down to the southern edgeDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL353717/7/17 09:08 AM7/27/17 07:29 AM1117/24/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Travertine - Medium, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Frequent, Animal Teeth - Medium, Charcoal - RareAmphorae - Medium, Basalt Slabs - Rare, Brick - Rare, Glass - Medium, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Frequent, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8202, Fills 82228146 Covers, 8190 Covers49708173SU 8173 is a gray ashy layer within the fill of cut 8222; it may represent a layer of ashy material dumped into this cut, as no other interpretation is readily apparent.3507/26/1735357/26/17 06:28 AM7/26/17 06:28 AM
8185BetaNULLMortar and rubble feature north of 8157ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143907/13/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLdepth appears to be at at same level of the top lip of basin 8184 at surface but uncertainCleaned with trowel and brushnorth of 8157, east of 8184's southern halfsemi-circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLrounded square shape, alignment N/ANULLNULLNULLNULLN-S 42cm, E-W 38cm, preserved depth 5cmSmall ledge-like structure composed of a combination of mortar and rubble (fist-sized tufo and tile pieces). Semi-circular shape on N side, straight edges on west and south. Depth appears to line up with 8184 top lip and ends at the presumed ground level.gray mortar with small stone inclusionssmall stone inclusions very small, half the size of a pinky fingernail. *one piece of charcoal found in mortarlimestoneNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/10/17 09:37 AM7/26/17 06:34 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Other, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoAbuts 8157, Abuts 81840 Covers49718185SU 8185 is a small feature of unknown function. It is constructed with the same technique, and is clearly to be associated with, SU 8186 on the opposite (west) side of the basin 8184. All seem to have been constructed together for a single purpose, namely the mixing of mortar. However, it is unclear what precise function 8185 and 8186 served. Perhaps they formed a small ledge, seat, or counter which aided in the work.3507/26/1735357/26/17 06:36 AM7/26/17 06:36 AM
8119BetaNULLN-S wall of room I-18, in NW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSouthern limit is not original due to the plough cutting through the wall (cut SU 8135). Excavation has not yet reached the depth limit.Initial documentation begun 26-06-17, but excavation of layers abutting wall not completed. Documentation continued 18-07-17, still not completed - only eastern face of wall is exposed. Top face of wall is disturbed by plough marks running NE to SW near the southern limit.In NW quadrant of Area I, forms the western limit of room I-18.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 2.72m W: .705m H: 0.40mConcrete wall made of petit appareil in western limit of room I-10 in the northernmost part of Area I. The eastern face is in good condition while the top is disturbed by two plough marks. The wall is abutted by a wall plug (SU 8179) that was constructed to fill the threshold between wall 8119 and 8180.Light gray and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 08:31 AM7/27/17 12:51 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilNULL8112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8145 Abuts, 8148 Abuts, 8179 Abuts, 8182 Abuts49728119A series of notches present at the same level along the upper course of this wall suggests that some structure or feature was once placed here. These notches are in alignment with the remains of the "stairs" (SU 8246) in the northeast corner of the room. The notches likely supported an object or objects made of wood, which has since decayed, or stone, which was robbed when the structure fell out of use. The notches may have held a course of revetments; alternately, some sort of platform that ran around the western, northern and eastern limits of this room. It is possible this formed a bench.3907/27/1739397/27/17 12:55 AM7/27/17 12:55 AM
8133BetaNULLE-W wall (N) of rooms I-10 and I-18, in NW quadrant of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113906/26/173907/27/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumentation begun June 26th, 2017; waiting to excavate all layers abutting the wall to complete.Forms northern limit of room I-10.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 6.16, W: 0.43, H: 1.19East, west running wall made of concrete, stones and mortar. Southern facade in room I-10 covered by wall facing of opus signinum. Southern facade in room I-18 has a course of notches at the same height as the abutting stairs (SU 8246), which suggests a platform or some other structure once was placed here.Grey and friableNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39396/26/17 11:19 AM7/27/17 01:05 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - Opus SigninumAbuts 8011, Is Bound To 81800 Covers, 8112 Covers, 8148 Abuts, 8174 Abuts, 8182 Abuts, 8199 Abuts, 8203 Abuts, 8205 Abuts, 8207 Abuts, 8208 Abuts, 8209 Abuts, 8220 Abuts, 8230 Abuts, 8246 Abuts, 8257 Covers49738133This structure is an east-west running concrete wall, faced with petit appareil. The wall functioned as the northern limit of rooms I-10 and I-18; it also seems to have functioned as the southern limit of the series of rooms to the north of the area that remained unexplored in the 2017 season. The southern facade of the wall was different in both rooms, suggesting that these rooms had different functions. In room I-10, the wall was lined with a layer of opus signinum, which is typically used as a water-resistant material. In room I-18, the facade bore notches, evenly spaced and in alignment with the tops of the "stairs" (SU 8246) in the northeast corner of the room. Notches are visible at the same height on the western and eastern walls, which suggests that some structure or decoration was once located here. This was either made of wood, which has since decayed, or stone, which has since been robbed.3907/27/1739397/27/17 01:09 AM7/27/17 01:09 AM
2683BetaNULLFriable light brown deposit W. of wall 2245AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128906/23/173206/24/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pick on June 23rd 2017Eastern limit of Courtyard.IrregularRocks visible on Eastern limit and scattered along southern end.Moderate amount of ceramic scattered throughout.Uniform thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL162NULL33NULL466NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113326/23/17 09:39 AM7/7/17 09:32 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 27282667 CoversNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL
7103NULLNULLCut filled by fill SU 7102 in the SE corner of room H1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032806/27/1732607/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGrayNULLOriginal depth limit goes well below the walls. The decision was made not to continue excavationexposed on 26-6-17 and excavated on 27-6-17 by trowelIn the SE corner of room 1 abutting the wallsirregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLirregular circular edges that intersect each other. The cut levels out in several places before sloping further downNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL996/27/17 11:13 AM7/21/17 08:42 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_SIDES - Convex, CUT_SIDES - SlopingNULLCuts 7076, Cuts 71957102 FillsNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL
7118NULLNULLFill of cut north of 7036 south of well in room H1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNo date possible based on ceramicsFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032606/30/17907/21/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated on 30/6/17 by trowel and hand ax.southwest corner of Room lcircularlevel surfaceRare pottery but significant burning activity. Considerable slag inclusionsuniform thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULLNULLNULL1NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3296/30/17 08:41 AM7/21/17 11:57 AM1117/17/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Ash - Medium, Charcoal - RareMetal - Frequent, Pottery - RareCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 71197017 CoversNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL
9024NULLNULLFill of the cut SU 9023Accumulation50BC180ADDate of layer based on the presence of terra sigillata, only datable ware in SUFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL33507/10/1725307/24/17108010GranularLooseNULLGrayNULLNULLDocumented on 10-7-2017.Northwestrrn corner of SU 9022RectangularUneven surface with visible rock inclusionsLarge amount of small to large pieces of brickUniform thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/10/17 12:57 PM7/24/17 12:09 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLBasalt Slabs - Rare, Brick - Medium, Glass - Rare, Slag - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionLate Republican Period, Augustan Period, Middle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 9023NULL45419024Posthole's fill25307/10/17997/10/17 03:05 PM7/10/17 03:05 PM
8241NULLNULLN-S wall (N) abutting 8237 and 8240 in room I-11ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth limit not excavated.Documented on July 19th, 2017, but full extent of wall not revealed. To be completed in future seasons of excavation.NW corner of I-11LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL x W x H: .32m x .13m x .16mNW corner of I-11, abutting 8237 and 8241, but relationship with these structures unclear.Grey and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/18/17 08:26 AM7/19/17 01:09 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 8237, Abuts 82408118 Covers, 8169 Covers47558241A wall of petit appareil that seems related to the arch 8237, and walls 8238, 8239, and 8240. These all seem to comprise part of a cistern or praefurnium in the western half of room I-11.43407/19/17113397/19/17 09:25 AM7/19/17 01:11 PM
8240NULLNULLE-W wall (N) abutting 8237 and 8012 in room I-11ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth limit not excavated.Documented on July 19th, 2017; full extent not revealed during 2017 season of excavation.NW corner of I-11.Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL x W x H: .96m x .22m x .16mWall of petit appareil in room I-11 that forms part of substructure.NULLsmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/18/17 08:25 AM7/27/17 05:42 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 8012, Abuts 82378118 Covers, 8169 Covers, 8241 Abuts, 8264 Covers47548240Wall of petit appareil in northwest corner of I-11, likely related to 8237, 8238, 8239 and 8241. Seems to form part of substructure that may be a cistern or a praefurnium.43407/19/17113397/19/17 09:10 AM7/19/17 01:02 PM
9023NULLNULLCut into SU 9022CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL33507/10/1725307/24/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 10-7-2017. Excavated on 10-7-2017 with trowel.Northeastern corner of SU 9022RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut becomes more circular as depth increases.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2534547/10/17 12:44 PM7/24/17 12:05 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 90229024 Fills45509023This cut was made for a posthole, possibly associated with the ditch SU 9003.33507/10/17997/10/17 03:15 PM7/10/17 03:15 PM
8188BetaNULLcircular cut in room I-6CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144007/10/173507/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed 2016, recorded in 2017center of room I-6circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/10/17 02:39 PM7/18/17 01:55 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Convex, CUT_SIDES - SlopingNULLCuts 81898033 Fills45538188SU 8188 is a cut made into a mortar layer, possibly made for a post hole post-abandonment.44007/10/1735357/10/17 03:49 PM7/18/17 01:57 PM
2765BetaNULLBrown friable deposit in NE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/10/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel 10 July 2017Northeast corner of courtyardIrregularVery slight slope N-S, few stone inclusions at E limitMedium amount of pottery scattered throughout as well as small amounts of bone, charcoal, teeth, and travertine.Thicker in the northern end by 2206.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL111132Small15Charcoal1184NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/10/17 11:51 AM7/22/17 12:14 PM4147/13/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL2670 Covers45512765Layer of accumulation41707/10/171131137/10/17 03:41 PM7/10/17 03:41 PM
2767BetaNULLFriable red deposit with frequent basalt pebble inclusions in southwestern central part of courtyardIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1135710/07/173207/22/17108010LayeredCompactNULLRedNULLNorth of 2306.Excavated on July 10, 2017 with trowel.Southwestern central part of courtyard. North of 2306.Irregular.Irregular surface. Red pebble inclusions visible throughout, concentrations of small basalt pebbles visible on limits of the SU.Many basalt pebblesThinner on western endCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101122NULL18NULL1082NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/10/17 12:28 PM7/23/17 09:16 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMBasalt - MediumAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27732715 Covers, 2763 Covers45522767Intentional deposit, possible top layer of floor using tufo and basalt pebbles42207/10/173503507/10/17 03:48 PM7/10/17 03:50 PM
2766BetaNULLFriable gray deposit with frequent stone inclusions in NW corner of coourtyard.AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/10/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated 10/07/2017 with pick and trowelNorthwest area of courtyardIrregularRocky inclusions visible on surface. No clear slope.Pottery, bone, rock, travertine, and tufo inclusionsUniform throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101202NULL10NULL1890NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL350327/10/17 12:04 PM7/22/17 12:22 PMNULLNULLTravertine - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL2748 Covers45542766Accumulation layer41807/10/171131137/10/17 03:55 PM7/10/17 03:55 PM
9025NULLNULLCut into SU 9022CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017JNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1033507/10/1733507/11/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut became too deep to excavate fully.Documented on 10-7-2017. Excavated on 10-7-2017 with trowel.Northwestern corner of SU 9022CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut bottom not excavatedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/10/17 02:08 PM7/24/17 12:19 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 90229026 Fills45559025This cut was likely made for a post hole, possibly associated with the ditch SU 9003.33507/11/17997/11/17 08:07 AM7/11/17 08:07 AM
9026NULLNULLFill of the cut SU 9025AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLLayer not datable based on recovered ceramicsFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL33507/10/1733507/11/17108010GranularLooseNULLLight BrownNULLBottom of cut not excavated fullyDocumented on 10-7-2017. Excavated on 10-7-2017 with trowel.Northwestern corner of SU 9022CircularUneven surface with visible rock inclusionsVery few inclusions, rock inclusions were generally small in size, as were pottery inclusions.Bottom of cut not excavatedOtherBottom of cut not excavatedNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNo diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93507/10/17 02:13 PM7/20/17 02:24 PM1117/20/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareBrick - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 9025NULL45569026This layer is likely a natural accumulation that filled the cut, as evidenced by the variety of inclusions found.33507/11/17997/11/17 08:19 AM7/11/17 08:19 AM
2768BetaNULLFriable brown deposit in center of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/11/173207/22/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 11 July 2017Centre of courtyardIrregularNo visible inclusions. Slopes N-SFew bone and pottery inclusions throughout.UniformCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/11/17 08:29 AM7/30/17 04:53 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27772602 Covers, 2728 Covers, 2732 Covers45582768Accumulation layer41807/11/173503507/11/17 09:57 AM7/11/17 09:57 AM
2770BetaNULLLoose brown circular deposit W. of 2767AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/11/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and spoon on July 11th 2017Western Courtyard west of 2769CircularEven slope; no inclusions visibleNoneSlopes from E to WestSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/11/17 08:36 AM7/23/17 01:50 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27712708 Covers45622770Fill of cut identified as animal hole due to its small size and the fact that it runs horizontally back rather than vertically downward.41907/11/17113327/11/17 02:11 PM7/23/17 01:50 AM
2771BetaNULLSmall hole filled by 2770 W. of 2769CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/11/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated on July 11th 2017Western courtyard filled by 2770CircularNULLNULLNULLSharpNULLTurns horizontally to the east indicating bioturbation/animal holeNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/11/17 09:18 AM7/23/17 02:17 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 27752770 Fills45632771Animal hole (hypothesis based on the small size and the fact that it turns horizontally)41907/11/17113327/11/17 02:17 PM7/23/17 02:18 AM
8191NULLNULLDeposit of stones E. of 8122 and W. of 8075, 8074 and 8041Accumulation193AD235ADDate of layer based on the range for anagraphic circle stamps, which date to the Severan periodGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/11/173907/11/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on July 11th, 2017In room I-19RectangularSlight slope north to southSmall to medium blocks of tuff, small blocks of travertine evenly distributed throughoutuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostic ceramics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/11/17 09:31 AM7/27/17 02:55 AM1117/19/17 12:00 AMTravertine - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Shells - RareBasalt Slabs - Medium, Collapse Debris - Frequent, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumCompositionLate Republican PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8076, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8122, Covers 81948132 Covers, 8147 Covers45648191Possibly accumulation of small to medium basalt and tufo stones over time; could also have been formed by the collapse of a nearby architectural feature, i.e. a wall. The deposit may have also been altered by later spoiliation events following the disuse, collapse, and abandonment of the SU.44407/11/1739397/11/17 02:54 PM7/11/17 02:54 PM
8189NULLNULLplaster deposit in room I-6Accumulation1AD500ADAfrican cookware diagnostic sherd present, though the base is not nearly identifiable or distinct enough to identify its form, thus generic African cookware dating of 1-500 AD may be used. The terra sigillata spot date of middle to late Augustan does not aid in narrowing the periodGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/11/173507/18/1708020LayeredLooseNULLGrayNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and dustpanRoom I-6Irregularlevellevel almost entirely composed of painted plaster and mortaruniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/10/17 02:42 PM7/19/17 02:39 PMNULLNULLTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Shells - RarePainted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8195, Covers 81968188 Cuts45658189SU 8189 likely resulted from the collapse of a wall (or of the painted plaster and mortar finishing of a wall, at least). Alternatively, since it is near the middle of the room, rather than along the walls, it may have resulted from dumping of such materials from elsewhere.30411/07/1735357/11/17 02:57 PM7/18/17 03:03 PM
2769BetaNULLRed crumbled tufo surface in S. courtyardIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/11/173207/22/17108010LayeredCompactNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 11/7/17South quadrant of the courtyard.IrregularCrumbly with red tufo inclusion. No visible slope.Very little pottery or boneThickness varies throughout the layerCommingledNULLNULLIrregular shaped floor surface in the center of the courtyard north of 2306NULLNULLNULLNULL3.55 m (south to north), 5.20m (west to east)Crushed red tufo floor surface in the center of the courtyardNULLNULLNULL101432NULL4NULL4196NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/11/17 08:32 AM7/30/17 04:55 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Beaten EarthEquals 2599, Covers 2774, Covers 27752599 Equals, 2646 Covers, 2676 Covers, 2763 Covers45662769Floor surface41907/11/171131137/11/17 03:03 PM7/11/17 03:03 PM
2774BetaNULLLoose fill of circular cut in western south central part of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/19/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on July 12th 2017Center part of courtyard, south of 2493CircularEven surface with travertine inclusion visibleNoneSlopes from east to westSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/12/17 07:54 AM7/23/17 02:23 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27762769 Covers45672774Fill of possible posthole41907/19/17289327/12/17 08:32 AM7/23/17 02:24 AM
2776BetaNULLCircular cut in central courtyard filled by 2774CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/12/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on July 12th 2017Central party of courtyard filled by 2774CircularUneven surface slopes from east to westNoneThickness slightly greater on the western endSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/12/17 08:31 AM7/23/17 02:34 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 28172774 Fills45682776Small circular cut. Possible a posthole, although very small, also possibly the impression left by some small circular post not structurally important.41907/12/17289327/12/17 08:38 AM7/23/17 02:35 AM
8194NULLNULLDeposit of large stones E of 8122 and W of 8075, 8074 and 8041AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLLayer undatable based on recovered ceramicsGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/11/173907/16/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and hand on July 11th, 2017. Large stones removed July 12th, 2017.In room I-19, which connects rooms I-12 and I-14LinearNo visible slopeMany medium to large tuff and basalt stonesUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostics viable for comparanda in SUNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113397/11/17 02:40 PM7/27/17 02:55 AM1117/26/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Travertine - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - RareOther - Medium, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - RareCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8076, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8122, Abuts 81980 Covers, 8141 Covers, 8147 Covers, 8191 Covers45698194This appears to be a deposit connected with the spoliation of the site following the abandonment of the buildings. Many of the stones are in fact portions of column drums, which were robbed of their facing (or this facing had decayed). The columns and other stones then appear to have been rolled downslope and left behind in a convenient spot, at the juncture between Room I-12 and I- 8* (to be numbered).3907/12/1739397/12/17 08:59 AM7/16/17 11:14 AM
8190BetaNULLLight brown deposit with basalt pavers south of Room I14AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032207/11/173507/19/17108010GranularFriableNULLLight BrownNULLstopped excavation on western side due to meter-deep void, which made the area unsafeexcavated by trowel and pickaxesouth of a band of basalt rocksirregularlevel2 glass vessel bases underneath a basalt slab. otherwise inclusions evenly dispersedthickness increased towards the western side: the basalt pavers were found deeperDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/11/17 11:54 AM7/26/17 08:19 AMNULLNULLTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RareAmphorae - Rare, Basalt Slabs - Frequent, Dolia - Rare, Glass - Medium, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - RareColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8128, Covers 8173, Fills 82228146 Covers45708190SU 8190 is one of several fills within cut SU 8222. The presence of large basalt pavers laid on 8173 suggests that this could be an intentional dumping within the cut.32207/12/1235357/12/17 09:00 AM7/26/17 08:24 AM
2775BetaNULLCompact brownish gray deposit in western South central part of courtyardIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/12/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 12/07Western south central courtyardIrregularLinear Travertine pebble feature visible near northern limit.Travertine, basalt, and tufo pebbles found throughout. Very small amount of pottery and boneUndulating thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3.63 m E to W 3.38 m N toNULLNULLNULLNULL101152NULL13NULL1387NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/12/17 08:00 AM7/30/17 04:49 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Beaten EarthCovers 2773, Covers 2780, Covers 27832761 Covers, 2769 Covers, 2771 Cuts45812775Layer of floor surface potentially related to a leveling patch or repair of some form.42207/12/17113327/12/17 02:24 PM7/23/17 02:25 AM
8193NULLNULLLight brown silty deposit W of 8175 and 8123Accumulation193AD235ADDate of layer based on stamped CBM spot dates. Date of layer could change with further study of commonwares.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL103907/11/173907/16/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on July 11th, 2017.In western sector of Area I 2017, south of room 10 and west of rooms I-11, I-12, I-13 and I-14. In room I-17.RectangularNo visible slopeNo visible inclusionsUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCeramics from the SU include many fragments that appear at first glance to be older impasto-type wares, but according to Mattia D'Acri who went through them briefly, these are almost all later commonware types. Further study may clarify dating of layer.NULLFairThis SU is a bit difficult to date, given the unfamiliar characteristics of its commonware, lack of later ware productions (such as terra sigillata/thin wall/African red slip/cookware) but presence of 3rd century imperial CBM stamps. Sherds in good condition.NULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113397/11/17 12:35 PM7/27/17 02:54 AM737/19/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareNULLMarble - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8212, Covers 82188118 Covers, 8213 Equals45828193Layer of accumulation in the post-abandonment of the building in the western sector of Area I 2017.43601/07/1839397/12/17 02:28 PM7/16/17 11:09 AM
8197BetaNULLFloor for room I-6ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/12/173507/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUncovered but not cleaned in 2016; fully revealed and recorded in 2017.Room I-6IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDegraded remains of a white opus signinum floor that abuts walls 8045, and 8039 in Room I-7; only a small area remains, and nowhere is the surface preserved.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/12/17 08:16 AM7/23/17 08:10 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SpicatumAbuts 8039, Abuts 8045, Covers 81968033 Covers, 8224 Equals45808197Cocciopesto floor for room I-6.This floor was the last floor that was constructed in this room and is associated with the later wall 8045 in addition to earlier wall 8039 to the south. Based on the pressing area in northern Room I1, and the basin In Room I8, this smaller adjacent room may have been used for storage for the Olive or wine production area. If the painted plaster which was found in deposits within the room came from its walls (currently unclear) then it is possible That the Room had an earlier use before the complex was used as a press, possibly a cubiculum.30407/12/1735357/12/17 02:12 PM7/23/17 08:11 AM
8196BetaNULLRubble layer in room I-6 covered by floor SU 8197AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/12/173507/23/1708020LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLContinues under 8197 which covers it on the eastern limit.Layer remains unexcavated, covered in part by floor SU 8197.Western half of room I-6RectangularIrregularVisible inclusions include mainly fist-sized chunks of0 tufo with one piece each of basalt and travertine. Some mortar and plaster is also visible in the soil between this rubble.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/12/17 08:14 AM7/26/17 09:01 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLAbuts 8039, Abuts 8088, Abuts 82178189 Covers, 8195 Covers, 8197 Covers, 8224 Covers45798196SU 8196 is a layer of rubble which appears to have been deposited in order to level the area of Room I6 for construction of floor SU 8197. It thus relates to the latest phase of construction in this structure.30407/12/1735357/12/17 01:50 PM7/23/17 08:33 AM
8187NULLNULLLayer of mortar and rubble south of 8152Accumulation50BC180ADDate of layer based on the presence of terra sigillata, latest datable ware in SU; one diagnostic sherd present that could probably be used to refine date with further study of comparanda resourcesPoor2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143807/10/173507/19/17101080CohesiveCompactNULLLight BrownNULLPlough scars interfere with original limits. Southern limit was uncertain before careful excavation revealed wall SU 8244Removal of this SU has revealed the presence of a wall on the southern limit (SU 8244). This runs in line, and may be a continuation of, SU 8039 and/or SU 8160.In the southern half of room 16, adjacent to SU 8158 to the east and SU 8244 to the southRoughly triangular, by virtue of the plough scar on its northern limitRoughly level. Two large basalt stones visible near southern limit.brown color to the north, but gray along south.Frequent rubble and pottery throughout.compact layer slopes up near eastern wall on southern sideCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/10/17 02:31 PM7/24/17 02:13 PM3507/24/17 12:00 AMTravertine - Rare, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - Medium, Shells - RareAmphorae - Medium, Basalt Slabs - Rare, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Pottery - FrequentComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoAbuts 8158, Covers 82440 Covers, 8159 Abuts45788187SU 8187 is the lower layer of floor preparation for room I16, used to level the area before creation of the floor SU 8151.43807/11/17353507/12/17 01:19 PM7/19/17 10:54 AM
2772BetaNULLRed crushed tufo deposit E. of 2725Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/11/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLCompactNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated 11 and 12 July 2017 with trowelW part of courtyard E. of 2725IrregularCrushed red tufo. Uneven surfaceCrushed tufo chunks in various sizes; more degraded at the top of the surface. Some pottery and bone inclusions throughoutThicker towards N endCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101242NULL8NULL2292NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/11/17 12:22 PM7/30/17 04:57 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2782, Covers 27842717 Cuts, 2718 Covers, 2734 Covers, 2737 Cuts45772772No clear evidence for this surface underneath floor 2817 aside from a small patch in the northern area. This was not a uniform leveling surface for the floor but could be related to a hut surface, since degraded in the northern part of the area predating floor 2817.11307/12/17289327/12/17 09:08 AM7/23/17 02:21 AM
7154NULLNULLFill of cut 7153Accumulation0AD500ADLayer date based on the presence of a single rim sherd of African cookware, latest (and only) datable ware in SUFair2017HNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/12/17907/23/1710NULLNULLCohesiveCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLThe cut was very shallow where it was originally documented and the loose brown soil only extended a few inches in most of the cut. There are two narrow, deeper sections in the north and of room H5irregularLarge roof tile and painted plaster visible on the surface.Most pottery came from the deeper parts of the cut on the north and west.approx. 5 cm, except in the north and west, about 15cm.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno viable diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93507/12/17 12:09 PM7/26/17 04:21 AM1117/26/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareGlass - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCuts 7150, Fills 7153NULL45847154This cut is very narrow and deep, the soil was dramatically darker and looser than the surface around it. Fill appears to be natural accumulation, within a cut of unknown purpose.30007/12/1730097/12/17 01:37 PM7/23/17 02:06 PM
7153NULLNULLCut into SU 7150 west of cut 7151CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/12/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut edges very clear in west, less clear in south and east.Center of room 5roughly circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut is very shallow in center and western half, cut bottom in these sections resembles the concrete and compact dirt surface 7050. North and west has deeper channels of dark soil with compact dirt sides.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:08 PM7/23/17 02:04 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 71507126 Covers, 7154 Fills45857153This cut is very narrow and deep, the soil was dramatically darker and looser than the surface around it. The purpose of the cut is unclear, but possibly related to late robbery or spoliation activity which thoroughly impacted this part of Area G/H.30007/12/1730097/12/17 01:47 PM7/23/17 02:05 PM
8211NULLNULLLayer of collapse in pedestal beneath stone block (S), equals 8118.CollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLUndatable layer based on recovered ceramicsGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031207/12/173907/16/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight GrayNULLLayer is equal to collapse layer 8118. The SU was beneath the southern tufo block that was part of 8118. Excavation was delayed until the block could be removed.Excavated 07/12/2017 with trowel and pickaxe.Beneath southern tufo block in collapse 8118. W of Room I-12.RectangularRegularSome stones scattered throughoutUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/12/17 02:27 PM7/27/17 03:53 AM1117/24/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumNULLBrick - Medium, Marble - Rare, Pottery - MediumCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 82130 Covers, 8118 Equals45918211SU is part of possibly intentional collapse layer 8118.31207/13/1739397/13/17 08:38 AM7/13/17 08:38 AM
8212NULLNULLLight grey layer of soil S of 8120 and N of 8121AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLLayer not datable based on recovered ceramicsFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031207/12/173907/16/17107020LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and pickaxe on July 12th, 2017In wesern sector of Area I, along western limit of Room I-12LinearNo visible slopeSome stone inclusions along western limitUniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/12/17 02:30 PM7/27/17 03:55 AM1117/19/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RarePottery - Rare, Tiles - FrequentCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8120, Abuts 8121, Abuts 8123, Abuts 81758169 Covers, 8193 Covers45928212Layer of accumulation gathered during the post-abandonment phase of the building.3907/13/1739397/13/17 08:53 AM7/13/17 08:53 AM
2773BetaNULLRed crumbled tufo surface with orange and black inclusions N. of 2306Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/11/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLRedNULLNULLCleaned and documented on Tuesday, 11/07. Excavated on Wednesday 12/07 by trowel.Southwest corner courtyard, north of wall 2306Irregular rectangularCrumbled Red tufo throughout, black ashy patches in northwest corner, and linear orange inclusions in central area.Red tufo inclusions, very rare pieces of pottery.Even thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101182NULL11NULL1689NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134147/11/17 03:32 PM7/30/17 04:45 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27802767 Covers, 2775 Covers45932773Layer with evidence of burning, possible cooking surface41907/13/171132897/13/17 09:09 AM7/13/17 10:00 AM
8214BetaNULLFloor west of floor SU 8167ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1145007/13/173507/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU extends further beneath later floors in all directions but east.Exposed using trowel in sunny conditions on 2017-07-13In the south Western portion of room i-8IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCocciopestoNULL44 cm x 25 cmSmall section of floor, red-tinted surface, constructed of mortar and numerous ceramic inclusions.Circa 30 cm under later imperial floors.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/13/17 08:49 AM7/18/17 12:27 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Ashtar, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherCovers 82158103 Cuts, 8265 Equals45948214SU 8214 was a floor associated with earlier phases than that represented by most of the imperial walls and floors. Construction technique is Republican, and sits 30 cm beneath later floors. Probably part of the same floor as SU8167.45007/13/1735357/13/17 09:10 AM7/18/17 12:21 PM
2777BetaNULLSemi circular red crushed tufo deposit in center of courtyard S. and E. of cut 2339Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/12/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLCompactNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated with pickaxe and trowel 12 July 2017Center of courtyard, S and E of 2339SemicircularCrushed pink tufo. Irregular surface with no slopeVery few pottery and bone inclusions.Thicker towards centreSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101572NULL4NULL5597NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/12/17 08:47 AM7/23/17 09:52 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareGlass - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27812768 Covers45972777probable floor or floor prep. Perhaps delineating the edge of a stratigraphic basin or hut. Possible continuation of 2772 and both could run under the floor 2817. There is no clear continuation at this point however, so it is possible that this is related almost entirely to a different basin that sits in the N. part of the courtyard.11307/13/1732327/13/17 09:20 AM7/23/17 02:38 AM
8213NULLNULLLight brown silty deposit in pedestal beneath stone block (S), equals 8193AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLIt is difficult to date this layer based on the recovered ceramics. The two commonware rim sherds are too small to use for comparanda.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL103907/13/173907/16/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLUnit limits are not original since this SU was in the pedestal beneath the tuff block that was part of the collapse 8118; it was truncated over the course of subsequent excavation. Once the tuff block was removed, excavation resumed. The SU equals SU 8193, which was excavated first.Excavated with trowel and pickaxe on 07/13/2017.West of walls 8175 and 8123; W of Room I-12.Rectangular.No visible slope.Small tufo inclusions throughout.Regular.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/13/17 08:08 AM7/27/17 05:05 AM1117/26/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RareBrick - Medium, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLEquals 81938211 Covers45988213SU equals 8193, layer of likely post-abandonment accumulation.31207/13/1739397/13/17 09:25 AM7/13/17 09:25 AM
8215BetaNULLBetween SU 8167 and SU 8214, light brown with rock inclusions, floor preparation layer for floor of SU 8167 and SU 8214ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL45007/13/17NULLNULL108010CohesiveLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated using trawl on 2017-07-13 in sunny conditionsBelow floor of room i-8, straddled by SU 8167 in the east and SU 8214 in the westirregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/13/17 09:17 AM7/13/17 09:28 AMNULLNULLLimestone - Medium, Pebbles - Medium, Silt - FrequentNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLNULL8167 Covers, 8214 Covers45998215Floor preparation layer for the SU 8167 and SU 8214 floor45007/13/1735357/13/17 09:30 AM7/13/17 09:30 AM
2778BetaNULLLoose Brown circular deposit in center of courtyard S. of 2339AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/13/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLUpper layer of fill slightly excavated during identification of cut edgesExcavated with spoon and trowel 13 July 2017Center of courtyard, S of SU 2339CircularNo inclusions or slopeSmall rock inclusionsUniform, except where cut begins to slope sideways on E sideSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/13/17 08:36 AM7/23/17 02:39 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27792386 Covers46002778Fill of cut SU 2779, possibly related to the fill of a small posthole41807/13/17113327/13/17 09:50 AM7/23/17 02:40 AM
2781BetaNULLFriable brownish-gray deposit SE of cut 2339AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1145507/13/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 13 July 2017Center of N part of courtyard, E of 2339IrregularNo slope, slight undulation SE to NW. No visible surface inclusionsFew pottery inclusionsBecomes thicker towards edge of cut 2339CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10022NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/13/17 09:02 AM7/23/17 09:38 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLCharcoal - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL2777 Covers46012781Layer of accumulation, possibly residual due to complicated stratigraphy11307/13/172892897/13/17 09:52 AM7/13/17 09:52 AM
2779BetaNULLSmall circular cut in center of courtyard, S. of 2339CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/13/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUndercut on E sideDocumented 2017-07-13Center of courtyard, S of 2339CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUndercut on E side of cutNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/13/17 08:39 AM7/23/17 02:40 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Convex, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 27822778 Fills46022779Cut in center of courtyard, S of 2339. Likely an animal hole due to the undercut E side. Also might be a small non structural post hole.41807/13/17113327/13/17 11:28 AM7/23/17 02:41 AM
2780BetaNULLCompact gray deposit with basalt pebble inclusions in south central part of courtyardIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/13/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and pickaxe on 13/07/17.South central courtyard, north of 2306IrregularBasalt pebble inclusions visible from surfaceLayer filled with basalt pebbles, only a few pieces of pottery, one animal bone, and one animal tooth.Even thickness throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLBasalt pebblesNULLN to S: 1.5 m w to E: 1.80Layer of basalt pebbles with compact soil.NULLNULLNULL10182NULL25 675NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/13/17 08:48 AM7/30/17 04:48 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMPebbles - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RarePottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Beaten EarthCovers 28062773 Covers, 2775 Covers46042780Compact floor surface with basalt pebbles, perhaps floor prep.28907/13/171131137/13/17 12:01 PM7/13/17 12:01 PM
8192NULLNULLBrown deposit south of 8070Accumulation0AD500BCLayer date based on the general date range for African Red Slip ware, latest datable ware in SUFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1144807/11/173507/18/17NULL8020GranularLooseNULLBrownNULLBounded by wall 8042, slabs 8078 and 8071, and floor remains 8070. Depth is uncertain - commingled with underlying, as-yet unexcavated layer of rocks or rubble.Excavated with trowel and brushSouthern corner and southeastern wall of room I4Irregular; follows walls and decayed floorNULLVery small and damaged fragments of tile, pottery, bone etcShallow, seems to slope against and above floor 8070CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairNo viable diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/11/17 11:56 AM7/24/17 09:16 AM1117/24/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RareGlass - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - RareColor, CompactionMiddle Imperial Period, Late Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8042, Abuts 8070, Abuts 8071, Abuts 80788069 Covers46068192Seems to have accumulated in the space left by the decay of floor 8070, then left in place when rubble 8069 was deposited, probably as a leveling fill. Alternative is that SU was the foundation for the now mostly decayed floor 8070, but the apparent (though difficult to tell for certain, bc of diffuseness) position of this soil layer *above* the floor slope in places argues against this.44807/13/1735357/13/17 12:25 PM7/13/17 12:39 PM
7160NULLNULLCrushed tufo floor preparation S of block 7146ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/12/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompletely degraded on all sides but the north, where it was bounded by wall 7146Exposed in 2017 during cleaning of SAR backfillSouthwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLn/aNULLNULLCrushed tufoNULLWidth: 1.2m; Length: 1.9mFloor preparation consisting of small chunks of orange tufo, very similar to the original floor preparations found in the Area F building.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:15 PM7/23/17 05:37 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherAbuts 7145, Abuts 7146, Abuts 71617159 Equals49037160This seems to be a crushed tufo floor preparation that would have been covered with a finished surface of white cocciopesto, some of which is preserved here; more of this preparation is preserved just to the south (SU 7159). Comparanda are known from the Area F building. This floor surface would have belonged to a interior/covered room of the original phase delimited by walls 7148 (south), 7078 (east), and 7146/7098 (north).907/23/17997/23/17 05:38 AM7/23/17 05:38 AM
7159NULLNULLCrushed tufo floor preparation N of block 7149ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/12/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompletely degraded at northern and eastern limits, and uncertain limit at west, but it clearly was bounded by wall 7149 to the south.Exposed in 2017 during cleaning of SAR backfillSouthwestern part of Area H, northeastern corner of 'piazza'IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLn/aNULLNULLCrushed tufoNULLWidth: 0.53m; Length: 1.3mFloor preparation consisting of small chunks of orange tufo, very similar to the original floor preparations found in the Area F building.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:14 PM7/23/17 05:30 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherAbuts 7149, Equals 7160NULL49027159This seems to be a crushed tufo floor preparation that would have been covered with a finished surface of cocciopesto; more of this surface - and some of the finished surface - is preserved just to the north (SU 7160). Comparanda are known from the Area F building. This floor surface would have belonged to a interior/covered room of the original phase delimited by walls 7148 (south), 7078 (east), and 7146/7098 (north).907/23/17997/23/17 05:33 AM7/23/17 05:33 AM
7152NULLNULLFill of cut 7151AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142707/11/17907/23/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated first by pickaxe and shovel, and later by trowel, brush, and dustpan. excavation commenced around midday 12-07-2017 and concluded by midday 13-07-2017. hot and sunny; moisture in fill evaporated quickly.located slightly north of center of Room 5oblong, rounded.surface relatively level.finds dense overall but less common near bottom of fill.NULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:07 PM7/23/17 04:38 AMNULLNULLBasalt - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - RareGlass - Rare, Metal - Rare, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - FrequentCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 7151, Covers 72017126 Covers49007152Most likely a layer of post-abandonment accumulation inside of a robbery/spoliation cut (7151).907/23/17997/23/17 04:38 AM7/23/17 04:38 AM
7158NULLNULLAshlar block aligned E-W in Room 3, covered by wall 7079ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/12/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWestern limit covered by later concrete wall 7079; eastern limit would appear to have been truncated by later activity, but this is uncertainPartially exposed by removal of layers 7077, 7128; more fully exposed by removal of floor preparation 7135. Bottom of block still not visible after end of 2017 excavations.West-central part of Room 3RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: 0.44m; Height (unknown, not fully exposed); Length: 0.42mSingle block of somewhat poorly preserved red tufo with white mineral inclusions. Eastern end seems to be irregularly cut, and thus perhaps truncated by later activity.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:12 PM7/23/17 05:06 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarNULL7079 Covers, 7135 Covers49017158This block seems to belong to the original ashlar phase of this part of the 'piazza'/Area H complex. That it continues the line of ashlar wall 7097 to the east would seem to suggest that this formed part of the limit of a room in this corner of the 'piazza' (see SU 7042). At some point it was obliterated and covered by the construction of concrete wall 7079 and the floor for which 7135 served as the preparation.907/23/17997/23/17 05:26 AM7/23/17 05:26 AM
7151NULLNULLCut into SU 7150 in center of Room 5CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142907/13/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented and excavated 13-07-2017.Center of room H5roughly rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLcontains fill su 7152, ending at drain 7202.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93007/12/17 12:05 PM7/24/17 11:05 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL7152 Fills48997151Based on the position of this cut within Room 5 - directly over the beginning of the drain structure (7201) - it seems likely that it was created by some kind of spoliation activity, perhaps to extract a basin or other higher-value feature related to the need for a drain below.907/23/17997/23/17 04:37 AM7/23/17 04:37 AM
7151NULLNULLCut into SU 7150 in center of Room 5CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142907/13/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented and excavated 13-07-2017.Center of room H5roughly rectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLcontains fill su 7152, ending at drain 7202.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93007/12/17 12:05 PM7/24/17 11:05 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL7152 Fills46127151The cut features a channel cut down the center with a circular cut feature on the southern limit. The channel appears to have been a water feature likely used far drainage with the southern circular cut serving as a drain. The channel likely continues running north-south with offshoot drainage features to the east and west.42907/11/17997/13/17 12:26 PM7/23/17 04:33 AM
7165NULLNULLFill of negative feature running west to east towards SE corner of Room 1AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032607/12/17907/23/17108010CohesiveSoftNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated by trowel and pickaxesoutheast of Room H1irregularslopes east to westLarge dolium fragmentsgradually becomes thicker west to eastDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:20 PM7/23/17 10:30 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - Rare, Charcoal - RareMetal - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7171, Fills 7173, Covers 71887076 Covers46137165Post-abandonment fill of a cut, which covered and put out of use the tufo drain feature (7174). The cut which this fills (7173) seems to be the original construction cut for the drain. To the west of 7165 the cut was filled by 7076.32612/07/17997/13/17 12:29 PM7/23/17 10:31 AM
8254BetaNULLFloor in room I-13ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/19/173907/20/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe northern limit of the SU is defined by wall 8121. The eastern limit of the SU is defined by wall 8122. The southern limit is partially defined by walls 8124 and 8127, but the SU has also been truncated by a cut between these two walls. The western limit is defined by wall 8123. Six small circular cuts (unexcavated and undocumented) also cut the floor in western half of the SU.Exposed 18/07/2017. Documented July 20th, 2017.In Room I-13; southwest quadrant of Area I 2017.Rectangular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3.27 x 2.78 m.Opus signinum floor in Room I-13. The floor abuts walls 8121, 8122, 8123, 8124, and 8127 and has been cut along the southern limit in the doorway between walls 8124 and 8127. Ancient toolmarks are visible in the floor just north of this cut, and are likely associated with the cutting activity. The floor is smooth and well-preserved throughout Room I-13, with the exception of an irregular patch in the south-central portion of the room that is more poorly preserved. Six circular cuts (probably postholes) punctuate the floor in a rough line from wall 8124 to wall 8121. These cuts are currently undocumented.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/19/17 08:34 AM7/28/17 07:26 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SigninumAbuts 8121, Abuts 8122, Abuts 8123, Abuts 8124, Abuts 81278226 Covers, 8250 Covers47808254The SU is the floor of Room I-13. As of the end of the 2017 season, it is unclear whether the SU is the original floor in Room I-13 or part of a later phase of floor construction. At some point after the floor was constructed, it was truncated by later activity associated changing uses of Room I-13. A series of six postholes were cut in a rough line, perhaps to create a platform, roof, or other wooden structure. The floor near the doorway of Room I-13 has been robbed out, apparently with picks, based on pick marks still visible on the surface of the SU nearby. It is not clear at present whether the circular cuts in the floor correspond with the original use of the room or a later use (probably the latter).31207/19/1739397/19/17 02:04 PM7/21/17 09:56 AM
7171NULLNULLLayer filling the tufo channel running through 7174 in the southern half of room H1Accumulation200BC30BCDate of layer based on large olla rim sherd, which is a common and long-lived form and does not provide a particularly useful date. See sequence.Fair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032607/12/17907/23/17108010CohesiveSoftNULLBrownNULLNULLexcavated with trowel and hand ax on July 13 2017southern half of Room H1Narrow rectangularslopes west to eastrare inclusionsEven thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorOne large sherd of common commonware form, otherwise all sherds more fragmentary and with accretions.NULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/13/17 09:35 AM7/26/17 03:01 AM737/26/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - Rare, Slag - RareColor, Composition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 71747076 Covers, 7165 Covers46157171Layer of post-abandonment accumulation filling - and putting out of use - a channel cut into tufo blocks, which constitute a drainage feature (7174).32607/13/13997/13/17 12:36 PM7/23/17 02:00 PM
2782BetaNULLVery compact gray deposit in center of courtyard S. of cut 2339Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/13/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLcut by 2779Excavated with pickaxe and trowel 13 July 2017center of courtyard, S. of 2339IrregularNo visible surface inclusions or slopePottery and bone inclusions scattered irregularly throughoutThicker towards N limitCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/13/17 09:51 AM7/30/17 04:51 AM4147/30/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, Composition, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28172772 Covers, 2779 Cuts46162782Intentional deposition, likely floor or floor preparation layer due to highly compact surface.41807/13/17113327/13/17 12:40 PM7/23/17 02:49 AM
7172NULLNULLCompact surface E of slabs 7067Intentional Deposition450BC50BCDate of layer based on the presence of black gloss, latest datable ware in SUFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/18/17NULLNULL40600NULLCompactNULLBrownNULLLayer appears to have been truncated on all sides except for the western, where it abuts the slab floor.Excavated by pickaxe July 13, 2017western half of Room H1Irregular, roughly rectangularVery flat and compact, with small basalt inclusionsNULLConsistent thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno viable diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93507/13/17 12:39 PM7/19/17 09:11 AM1117/19/17 12:00 AMBasalt - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RareMortar - Rare, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionMiddle Republican PeriodLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalCUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Convex, CUT_SIDES - SlopingNULLAbuts 70677076 Covers47497172This surface probably represents a late occupation surface or floor level, possibly associated with the later imperial productive activities in Room H1. That it was built at the same level flush with the slab floor suggests that although the floor had most likely been robbed in large part, the two surfaces were in use contemporaneously. The rest of this surface, whatever its extent, has been eroded/truncated by later activities.907/18/17997/18/17 03:26 PM7/18/17 03:26 PM
8204NULLNULLE-W wall N of 8203 in northwest corner of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/13/173907/13/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWestern limit continues beneath west baulk; depth unknown since excavation did not take place in this area during the 2017 season.Documented on July 13th 2017 but the full extent of wall not revealed since the northwest sector of the area was not the focus of excavation in the 2017 season. Revealed by bulldozer at beginning of 2017 season.Northwest sector of areaLinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLTo be documented.To be documented.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/12/17 12:24 PM7/24/17 08:58 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 82050 Covers46258204Only documented in preliminary fashion in 2017. To be documented once full extent revealed in future seasons of excavation.3907/13/1739397/13/17 01:39 PM7/16/17 11:17 AM
8205NULLNULLN-S wall N of 8133 in northwest corner of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/13/133907/13/13NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented in preliminary fashion on July 13th, 2017. Depth unknown since excavation did not take place in this area during the 2017 season.Documented on July 13th, 2017. Revealed by bulldozer.In northwest sector of the Area I 2017, north of rooms I-10 and I-18.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLTo be documented.To be documented. Much mortar and a few stones of grey tuff visible.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/12/17 12:25 PM7/27/17 03:02 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8133, Abuts 82060 Covers, 8204 Abuts, 8207 Abuts46268205Preliminary documentation undertaken during 2017 season. The wall will be documented in futures seasons of excavation when full extent of the wall is revealed. Precise nature of stratigraphic relationship between 3205 and 3206 unclear, but an east to west running line, visible at the northern limit suggests that 8205 abuts 8206.3907/13/1339397/13/17 01:47 PM7/18/17 08:45 AM
8206NULLNULLE-W wall N of 8207 in northwest corner of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/13/133907/13/13NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth unknown.Preliminary documentation undertaken on July 13th, 2017. Revealed by bulldozer at beginning of 2017 season.In northwest quadrant of the area. North of rooms I-10 and I-18.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLTo be documented.To be documented. Much mortar and grey tufo stones visible on surface.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/12/17 12:26 PM7/27/17 03:03 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL0 Covers, 8205 Abuts, 8207 Abuts, 8208 Abuts46278206Preliminary documentation begun during 2017 season of excavation. Excavation did not concentrate in this area however; full extent of wall not revealed.3907/13/1339397/13/17 01:53 PM7/16/17 11:23 AM
8207NULLNULLFloor in NW corner of area, S of 8206 and E of 8205ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/13/133907/13/13NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLThe surface of the floor was partially destroyed by the plough.Documented in July 12th and July 13th, 2017.In northwest quadrant of the area, north of rooms I-10 and I-18.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLconcreteNULL3.57 m x 3.20 mConcrete floor surrounded by walls 3205, 3206, 3208, and 8133NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/12/17 12:27 PM7/27/17 03:04 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherAbuts 8133, Abuts 8205, Abuts 8206, Abuts 82080 Covers46288207A concrete floor that was exposed by the bulldozer at the beginning of the 2017 season. Possibly related to the productive complex in Area I. It is currently unclear how the walls 8205, 8206, 8208 and 8133 relate to this structure. Future seasons of excavation that concentrate in the northwest sector of area will hopefully clarify these relationships.3907/13/1339397/13/17 02:05 PM7/16/17 11:24 AM
8208NULLNULLN-S wall N of 8011 and E of 8207 in northwest corner of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/13/173907/13/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented in preliminary fashion after the surface was exposed by bulldozer at the beginning of the 2017 season.In northwest sector f the area, north of room I-10 and I-18.Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLTo be documentedTo be documented. Much mortar and many tufo stones visible from surface.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/12/17 12:28 PM7/27/17 03:05 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8133, Abuts 82060 Covers, 8013 Abuts, 8207 Abuts46298208A wall. Revealed by bulldozer at beginning of the 2017 season of excavation but the northwest sector of the area in which this structure is located was not the focus of excavation this year. To be documented completely in future seasons of excavation.3907/13/1739397/13/17 02:27 PM7/16/17 11:25 AM
8209NULLNULLFloor E of 8203 in northwest corner of areaConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/13/173907/13/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComplete limits uncertain as of the 2017 season since the northwest quadrant of the area, where this floor is located, was not the focus of excavation that year. It seems, however, that the floor was truncated on the north, west and east limits by spoliation activity during the abandonment phases of the site. Upper surface probably not original; exposed by bulldozer.Preliminary documentation undertaken July 13th, 2017.In northwest quadrant of area.LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLTo be documentedTo be documentedNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/12/17 12:29 PM7/24/17 09:00 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8133, Abuts 82030 Covers46308209Probably a floor surface. Exposed by the bulldozer at the beginning of the 2017 season. Probably truncated in antiquity as part of spoliation of into site. To be documented in full in future seasons.3907/13/1739397/13/17 02:53 PM7/16/17 11:27 AM
9022NULLNULLLayer of rubble on the south side of SU 9003AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1133507/10/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLexposed on 10-7-2017.excavated with pick, shovel, and trowel from 10-7-2017 to 13-7-2017South of SU 9003IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorExtremely small fragmentation, many residual wares, few diagnostics compared to the volume of ceramics.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL2534547/10/17 12:27 PM7/24/17 11:53 AM737/20/17 12:00 AMTufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Frequent, Animal Teeth - RareBasalt Slabs - Medium, Glass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Rare, Nails - Frequent, Pottery - Frequent, Slag - Medium, Tiles - FrequentColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 9027, Covers 90299023 Cuts, 9025 Cuts46339022occupation level associated with the cut of the ditch396NULL997/13/17 03:34 PM7/13/17 03:34 PM
2786BetaNULLFriable brown linear deposit running N-S in SE area of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142207/14/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on July 14thSoutheast area of courtyardIrregularNot sloped, few stone inclusions on surfaceThree pieces of pottery found, put in soil sampleThicker in the southCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10022NULL100NULL00NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/14/17 08:50 AM7/23/17 02:52 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLPottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2788, Covers 27892750 Covers46382786Layer of accumulation42207/14/172892897/14/17 09:50 AM7/14/17 09:50 AM
2783BetaNULLLinear deposit of travertine pebbles in western south central part of courtyardIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1142207/14/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated on July 14th 2017 with trowelSouth central courtyardIrregularTravertine pebbles throughout surfaceTravertine pebblesSame thickness throughoutSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULL00NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/13/17 12:36 PM7/23/17 02:50 AMNULLNULLTravertine - FrequentNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Beaten EarthCovers 27872775 Covers46362783Layer of a floor surface paved with travertine pebbles. Possibly delimiting a space within the floor surface. Decoration?42207/14/17289327/14/17 08:41 AM7/23/17 02:50 AM
2784BetaNULLFriable brownish gray deposit running N-S near W. limit of courtyard F. of 2454AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/13/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 13/07Near western limit of courtyard.IrregularNo visible inclusionssome pottery and rare bones throughout.Thickness even throughout.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10182NULL25NULL675NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/13/17 12:39 PM7/23/17 09:50 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27872672 Cuts, 2761 Covers, 2772 Covers46372784accumulation layer41707/17/1432327/14/17 08:45 AM7/14/17 08:45 AM
8219BetaNULLfill of post hole in cut 8065AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1145007/14/173507/19/17108010GranularLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and spoon in sunny conditionsIn center of room i-8circularflat surface level with bottom of cut SU 8065no anthropic inclusionsuniformSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/14/17 08:19 AM7/19/17 12:09 PMNULLNULLPebbles - Rare, Silt - MediumNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 82218065 Cuts46408219Post abandonment natural accumulation filling post hole SU 822145007/14/1735357/14/17 10:47 AM7/19/17 12:12 PM
8221BetaNULLCut for post hole filled by SU 8219CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1145007/14/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLGranularCompactNULLLight BrownNULLDepth is probably not original; cut by SU 8065excavated on 2017-07-14 with trowel, spoons, and dustpanin the center of room i-8circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/14/17 09:51 AM7/26/17 04:30 AMNULLNULLSilt - MediumNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 82258065 Cuts, 8219 Fills46398221SU 8221 is a post hole for a structure that pre-dated the majority of the area I structure. It is possibly to be associated with floors SU 8167, 8214, 8265, and the surface into which it is cut (SU 8225).45007/14/1735357/14/17 12:04 PM7/26/17 04:29 AM
8225BetaNULLSurface cut by SU 8065CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1145007/14/173507/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLexcavated on 2017-07-14 in sunny conditions with trawlinside cut of SU 8065, irregular positioncurved in doughnut shape around around cut 8219 and within cut SU 8065NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLcrushed tufoNULL80 cm. by 70 cm.Surface appears composed of very compact crushed red tufo. It is somewhat degraded to the east, but better preserved to the west, and appears to extend beneath cut 8065 in all directions.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/14/17 12:05 PM7/26/17 04:34 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - OtherNULL8065 Cuts, 8221 Cuts46628225SU 8225 iappears to be a floor/preparation/pavement associated with an earlier, Republican phase of activity predating the later walls and floors. It is this possibly to be associated with floors SU 8167 8214 and 8265.45007/14/1735357/14/17 12:14 PM7/19/17 02:50 PM
2788BetaNULLCompact grayish-brown deposit in SE corner of area, W of 2436AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoor2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142207/14/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on July 14th 2017SE corner of areaIrregularSlopes downward N to S, some stone inclusions visible near S limitNo significant inclusionsThicker in E and central sectionsCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1134147/14/17 11:06 AM7/23/17 09:43 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RarePottery - RareCompaction, ColorEarly Republican PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2791, Covers 27952786 Covers46642788Deposit at edge of floor removed to assist in defining floor extent and edge.45507/14/172892897/14/17 01:00 PM7/14/17 01:00 PM
2787BetaNULLFriable brown deposit in western South Central part of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/14/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 14/7/17South Central quadrant of courtyard.IrregularReddish orange deposit in the southwestern end.Some pottery, rare travertine pebbles and animal bones scattered throughout.Thinner toward central then thicker toward the wall 2306.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10162NULL33NULL466NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113327/14/17 09:40 AM7/26/17 05:04 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2790, Covers 2796, Covers 2800, Covers 28182783 Covers, 2784 Covers46652787Accumulation layer41707/14/172892897/14/17 02:17 PM7/14/17 02:17 PM
9029NULLNULLfill of cut 9028Accumulation193AD400ADdate of layer based on two African Cookware diagnostic sherdsFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1133507/14/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 13-7-2017. Excavated on 14-7-2017 with trowel, pickaxe, and shovel.Located between SU 9030 and SU 9031 in Area JRectangularSlightly rubbly surface with visible small basalt inclusionsSpots of mortar inclusions near the eastern limit.Slightly deeper near the eastern limit.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL9737/13/17 03:18 PM7/21/17 08:56 AM3507/20/17 12:00 AMBasalt - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - RareGlass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Metal - Medium, Other - Rare, Pottery - Frequent, Slag - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLFills 90289022 Covers46669029This SU is most likely a layer of accumulation, as evidenced by the scattered distribution of finds throughout the layer and the variety of finds.33507/14/17997/14/17 02:52 PM7/14/17 02:52 PM
2789NULLNULLFriable grayish-brown linear deposit with stone inclusions in SE part of areaAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1142207/14/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on July 14thSE part of areaIrregularRocky inclusions on surfaceVery few pottery and boneThinner at edgesSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113327/14/17 12:48 PM7/23/17 02:54 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27602786 Covers46672789Layer of accumulation42207/14/172892897/14/17 02:54 PM7/14/17 02:54 PM
8210NULLNULLLayer of collapse in pedestal beneath stone block (N), equals 8118.Collapse200BC100ADBased on commonware spot date. Lack of datable wares in SU makes assigning a range difficult and insecure.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031207/12/173907/16/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLLayer is equal to collapse 8118. The SU was beneath the northern tufo block. We dug around the block of tuff when excavating 8118, thus truncating what would have been the original limits of the layer. Excavation was delayed until the block could be removed.Excavated by trowel and pickaxe on July 12th, 2017.W of room I-11QuadrangularNo visible slope.A few stone inclusionsUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFairSherds in good condition; many are in the same fabric, all commonware.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/12/17 02:19 PM7/27/17 03:51 AM737/26/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLEquals 81180 Covers46688210A residual layer of collapse 8118 that lay beneath a tuff stone block. Part of the post-abandonment phase of the site.3907/16/1739397/16/17 11:32 AM7/16/17 11:33 AM
2790BetaNULLLoose light gray oval deposit in western South central part of courtyard, fills 2792AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL0141607/14/173207/23/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 14-7-2017Southwestern portion of central courtyardOvoidRocky inclusionsFew rock inclusionsConsistentCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/14/17 12:55 PM7/23/17 02:55 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27922787 Covers46692790Deposit layer filling posthole cut 279241607/17/172892897/17/17 08:00 AM7/17/17 08:00 AM
8220NULLNULLLight grey deposit filled with pebbles E of 8199 and S of 8133, in room I-10Accumulation193AD235ADLayer date based on the presence of anagraphic circular brick stamps, generally dated to the Severan period (Panella and Carandini, 2017, pp.71-4)Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1043607/14/173907/17/17107020LayeredLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel on 2017-07-14.SU is located east of wall 8199 and south of wall 8133 in room 10. Room 10 is the most northern room in Area I.Irregular.Slight slope from north to south.Small pebbles throughout SU.Uniform.DiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorDifficult to find comparanda for recovered diagnostics in this SUNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/14/17 09:37 AM7/27/17 04:11 AM1117/26/17 12:00 AMPebbles - Frequent, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RarePottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentColorLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8011, Abuts 8133, Abuts 8199, Covers 8230, Abuts 8256, Abuts 8257, Abuts 82588174 Covers, 8182 Covers46708220This appears to be an accumulation of pebbly light grey soil that likely dates to the post abandonment period of the site.31407/17/1739397/17/17 08:01 AM7/17/17 08:01 AM
2792BetaNULLOvoid cut in western south central part of courtyard, filled by 2790CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/17/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUncovered 14-7-2917 by trowel and spoonSouth central portion of courtyardOvoidNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/14/17 02:48 PM7/23/17 02:58 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Concave, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 28172790 Fills46712792Possible double posthole41607/17/172892897/17/17 08:06 AM7/17/17 08:06 AM
8216NULLNULLSandy silt deposit in Room I-13.Accumulation193AD250ADDate of layer based on anagraphic brick stamps (dated to the Severan age). TS spot date is likely residual as the sherd is small and surface is both worn and covered in accretion.Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031207/13/173907/17/17107020LayeredFriableNULLLight BrownNULLNorthern limit is wall 8121. Eastern limit 8122. Southern limit is 8127 and 8124, extending slightly through the doorway of Room I-13 into Room I-14. Western limit is 8123.Excavated with trowel and pickaxe on 14/07/2017.In Room I-13.Rectangular.Irregular surface with stone and collapse inclusions.Frequent floor collapse, CBM, wall and ceiling plaster found throughout.Uniform.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU processed at end of season, quickly.NULLFairSome sherds, especially amphora, with accretions on surfaces. Variable fragmentation.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/13/17 11:47 AM7/27/17 05:05 AM737/24/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - RareCollapse Debris - Frequent, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Mosaic Tile - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8121, Abuts 8122, Abuts 8123, Abuts 8124, Abuts 8127, Covers 8226, Abuts 82508132 Covers46738216SU appears to be a post-abandonment layer of accumulation and collapse, likely including floor collapse from an upper story.31207/17/1739397/17/17 08:27 AM7/17/17 08:27 AM
8218NULLNULLLight grey silty deposit with stones, W. of 8123Accumulation193AD235ADLayer date based on the presence of anagraphic circular stamps on CBM, which have been dated to the Severan period (Panella and Cardarelli, 2017, pp.71-4)Fair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1044907/14/173907/17/17108010LayeredFriableNULLLight GrayNULLWestern limit is an excavation limit because it continues beneath the baulk. At the southwestern corner of the SU, the layer continues beneath the ramp.Excavated on 2017-07-14 by troweling and pickaxingSouthwest quadrant of Area I 2017; west of rooms I-13 and I-14RectangularNo visible slopeMany small stones evenly distributed throughout the surface of the SUUniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNo viable diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/13/17 03:15 PM7/27/17 04:03 AM1117/26/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareAnimal Bones - RareMarble - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionLate Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLNULL8118 Covers, 8193 Covers46748218Layer of accumulation, probably belonging to the post-abandonment phase of the building. Part of a mosaic floor was identified in situ, beneath the layer below this current SU. This lower deposit will likely be removed in the 2018 season of excavation in order to preserve the extant remains of the mosaic.3907/17/1739397/17/17 08:39 AM7/17/17 08:41 AM
2797BetaNULLOvoid cut in eastern north central part of courtyard, filled by 2793 and 2798CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 2017-07-17NE center of courtyardOvoidNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 08:56 AM7/23/17 03:03 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL2793 Fills, 2798 Fills46822797Cut in NE center of courtyard, likely a large posthole associated with the N. depression and hypothetical hut. Cuts layers TBE41807/17/17350327/17/17 09:58 AM7/23/17 03:04 AM
2794BetaNULLFriable gray deposit with orange inclusions, N. of 2454 along W. limit of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 17/07.Western edge of courtyard, north of block 2454IrregularOrange inclusions visible, some tufo rocks.Rare bones, pottery, and wattle and daub found throughout.Slopes downward toward 2454 from north to south.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL11172Small28Charcoal571NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/17/17 08:06 AM8/1/17 03:50 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RareBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - RareColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLNULL2736 Covers, 2745 Covers46802794Accumulation layer41707/17/173503507/17/17 09:41 AM7/17/17 09:41 AM
2798BetaNULLTwo stones within cut 2797Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/17/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExcavated by hand 17 July 2017NE part of courtyardIrregulartwo stones lying flatNo inclusionsUniform thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 08:57 AM7/23/17 03:04 AMNULLNULLTufo - FrequentNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 27972785 Covers, 2793 Equals46812798Two stones within cut 2797 in NE courtyard, likely supports for posthole418NULL1131137/17/17 09:42 AM7/17/17 09:45 AM
9030NULLNULLGray compact layer with small inclusions north of su 9028Accumulation80AD200ADDate of layer based on the presence of African red slip (A production), latest datable ware in SUFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1125307/17/1725307/24/17108010NULLHardNULLLight GrayNULLNULLIdentified on Friday the 14th and dug on Monday the 17thNorth of cut 9028Roughly squareconsistentNULLconsistentNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/13/17 03:20 PM7/24/17 01:54 PM1117/20/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Tufo - Rare, Tufo - RareAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 9032, Covers 90359028 Cuts46779030Accumulation layer that followed the spoliaton of the tufo slab floor su 902725307/17/17997/17/17 08:57 AM7/17/17 02:25 PM
7183NULLNULLcut filled by 7182 and 7178CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032607/17/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLexcavated by trowel on 07-17-17. Layer into which it is cut not documented in 2017.southeatern quadrant of Room H1CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/17/17 10:48 AM7/23/17 01:47 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL7178 Fills, 7182 Fills46847183Cut related to burning activity 7175, possibly designed to hold ash deposit32607/17/17997/17/17 11:00 AM7/23/17 01:49 PM
8195BetaNULLRubble and soil deposit in room I-6Accumulation1AD500ADfew diagnostic sherds; latest ceramic class is African Redslip, and because no diagnostic sherds exist, form cannot be identified, and the generic date range of 1- 500 CE can be appliedGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/11/173507/26/1708020LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel and dustpan. Note: no sketch.Western portion of room I-6IrregularLevelNULLconsistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393717/11/17 03:15 PM7/27/17 07:28 AM3507/24/17 12:00 AMPebbles - Frequent, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Rare, Charcoal - RareGlass - Rare, Mortar - Medium, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 8196, Covers 82248189 Covers46858195SU 8195 appears to represent a natural accumulation of soil after the abandonment and partial decay of Room I630407/17/1735357/17/17 11:10 AM7/26/17 08:25 AM
8217BetaNULLN-S wall west of room I-6ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/17/173507/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLIt is unclear if the northern limit represents an original limit or not - the SU does not extend to the corner with wall SU 8088 as one might expect.First revealed in 2016, but more fully in 2017, when the SU was recorded.Western wall of room I-6 separating it from room I-5LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 210cm H: 20cm W: 51cmN-S wall constructed with irregular tufo stones for the western side of room I-6. The wall facing and finishing is not visible, as only the base of the wall remains.Thick layers of mortar on either side of the wall and between stonesVery fine includsions. (1-2mm in diameter) relatively homogenous throughout the mortar.NULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/17/17 11:23 AM7/26/17 08:26 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Irregular, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Basalt, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus QuadratumAbuts 80398196 Abuts, 8223 Abuts, 8224 Abuts46878217SU 8217 was the western wall for room I-6. Its stratigraphy (especially its association with floor SU 8224) and irregular construction technique mark it as part of the later, imperial, phase of construction in the area. It is not clear whether it extended north to meet a corner with wall SU 8088, or where a doorway between I5 and I6 would have been (one must have existed).30407/17/1735357/17/17 11:39 AM7/23/17 09:12 AM
8233NULLNULLN-S wall (S) N of 8120 in room I-11ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/16/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUpper limit truncated; original height not preserved.Documented on July 17th, 2017In Room I-11; abuts and built over wall 8120LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 0.9m. Width: 0.37m. Height: 0.22m.N-S wall that partially covers the arch of the 'praefurnium' in Room I-11. Equals 8232.Grey and friable mortarSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL113357/17/17 11:10 AM7/24/17 09:07 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoCovers 8120, Covers 8237, Covers 82688118 Covers46888233North to south running wall in Room I-Il which holds the praefurnium. The wall was truncated in its post abandonment phase. Seems to be the lower course of a wall that was much taller and associated with the superstructure of this room, which is no longer preserved.3907/17/1739397/17/17 11:41 AM7/17/17 11:41 AM
2799BetaNULLFriable gray deposit in southwestern corner of courtyard, south of 2454AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1128907/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredFriableNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 17/07Southwest corner of courtyard, south of block 2454, north of wall 2260IrregularNo visible inclusionsRare pieces of pottery found throughout.Consistent throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLPoorNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3504147/17/17 10:44 AM8/1/17 03:49 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2802, Covers 28182741 Covers, 2747 Cuts46892799Accumulation layer41707/17/171131137/17/17 11:48 AM7/17/17 11:48 AM
8227BetaNULLCompact surface in room I4 west of su 8071ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1144207/17/173507/26/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSurface is deteriorated in the north part of the room but presumably extended to the wall. Eastern limit is defined by a row of stones that divides room I4 down the middle (SU 8071). Floor is absent in the southwest corner.Unexcavated.Western half of room i4RectangularRoughly level, slopes slightly downward from east to westNULLNULLSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLmortarNULL128 x 75 cmNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/17/17 11:07 AM7/26/17 04:20 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 80718069 Covers46918227SU 8227 appears to represent a floor surface which would have probably extended throughout the western half of room i4 west from the row of stones (SU 8071) that divides the room. Probably signifies a distinct function from the floor 8070 on the other side of the room, but the specifics remain unclear. This surface may in fact relate to an earlier phase, before the doorway to the west from this room was blocked off.44207/17/1735357/17/17 11:52 AM7/26/17 04:22 AM
2800BetaNULLLoose brown ovoid fill of cut 2801 in SW area of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated 2017-07-17 with trowel and scoopSW of courtyardOvoidNo visible inclusionsSmall rock and travertine inclusions throughoutUniform thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 10:54 AM7/23/17 03:06 AMNULLNULLTravertine - RareNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 28012787 Covers46922800Fill of cut 2801. Accumulation within a small posthole.41807/17/17350327/17/17 12:13 PM7/23/17 03:07 AM
8202NULLNULLSilty brown deposit S of 8201AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1032207/12/173507/25/17108010GranularFriableNULLLight BrownNULLExcavated within our limited trench in the road south of the area I structure; eastern and western limits are thus arbitrary excavation limits.Excavated by trowel and pickaxeSouth of threshold SU 8201Rectangularno observed slopeNo noticeable inclusion concentrationseven thickness (very thin) throughout, slightly deeper on the northern side near the wall plug SU 8266 (between 'road' and room I14)SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/12/17 10:31 AM7/25/17 02:54 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareAmphorae - Medium, Basalt Slabs - Frequent, Brick - Rare, Glass - Medium, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Metal - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Medium, Pottery - Frequent, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - MediumColor, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLFills 8222, Covers 8228, Covers 8229, Covers 82318117 Covers, 8143 Covers, 8146 Covers, 8173 Covers46938202SU 8202 represents a natural accumulation of silty soil forming the bottom-most layer within cut 8222. Above this fill are rubble layers which must, at least in part, have been dumped, based on the presence of heavy basalt pavers. This SU thus may have formed as silty soil filtered down through these higher, rubble fills.37107/17/1739357/17/17 12:14 PM7/25/17 03:00 AM
2801BetaNULLOvoid cut filled by 2800 in SW area of courtyardCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 2017-07-17SW of courtyardOvoidNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut bottom contains orange and black inclusionsNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 10:56 AM7/23/17 03:07 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 28172800 Fills46942801Cut in SW of courtyard filled by 2800, likely post hole41807/17/173503507/17/17 12:20 PM7/17/17 12:20 PM
8223NULLNULLStones west of wall 8217 in room I-5ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/17/173507/17/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUnclear whether northern limit is original or not. Northern side seems degraded and therefore the limit is ambiguous as of 2017. Depth not revealed.Partially revealed 2016 with excavation of SU 8033; fully revealed and recorded in 2017.south eastern portion of room I-5LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNorth to south.NULLNULLNULLNULLL: 130 cm H: 23cm W: 22.5cmOne rectangular lapis gabinus block nearest to wall 8039 and two degraded tufo blocks north of the largest block form a linear feature abutting wall 8217.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL353507/17/17 11:51 AM7/24/17 02:31 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarAbuts 82178053 Covers46958223The function of feature SU 8223 is unclear. Two scenarios seem possible. First, these stones could be collapsed from wall 8217. Arguments favoring this circumstance are that there is a space of a size similar to these stones in the wall, and the nearby N-S wall 8043 running along the same access is constructed with similar tufo slabs. The second possibility is that the stones were used for a construction feature - possibly a step? This argument is favored by the floor-like-surface in room I-5 which abuts this feature, which, if indeed a floor, makes it unlikely that SU 8223 was a post-abandonment collapse.30407/17/1735357/17/17 12:33 PM7/23/17 09:19 AM
2796BetaNULLCompact grayish brown deposit with orange patches in S. central courtyard N. of 2306AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated on July 17th 2017 with trowel and minimal pickaxingSouth Central Courtyard north of 2306irregularIrregular surface with burnt orange patch in the westVery little pottery and boneUndulating thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1286NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/17/17 08:40 AM8/1/17 03:57 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareCompaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2803, Covers 28042787 Covers46972796Layer of accumulation42207/17/173503507/17/17 12:42 PM7/17/17 12:42 PM
8224BetaNULLPatch of floor preparation east of wall 8217 in room I-6ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/17/173507/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRevealed by trowel and dustpan, but degradation was such that a small amount of the SU was removed in the processNear northwestern corner of room I-6semi-circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL60 cm byVery small area of degraded opus signinum floor in Room I6. Ceramic inclusions are few; no surface preserved. Composition is the same as SU 8197 to the east.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/17/17 12:34 PM7/23/17 08:44 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SigninumCovers 8196, Equals 8197, Abuts 82178195 Covers46988224SU 8224 is the degraded remains of the floor surface in Room I-6. It is likely the same floor as SU 8197 to the east, and similarly should be associated with a later imperial construction phase.30407/24/1735357/17/17 12:48 PM7/23/17 08:45 AM
2804BetaNULLSmall circular loose light gray fill of cut 2805 in western south central part of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated 2017-07-17 with trowel and handWestern south central part of courtyardCircularNo visible inclusionsNo inclusionsUniform thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 12:34 PM7/23/17 03:14 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 28052796 Covers47022804Fill of cut 2805 a small posthole41807/17/17113327/17/17 02:45 PM7/23/17 03:15 AM
2805BetaNULLSmall circular cut, filled by 2804 in western south central part of courtyardCuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 2017-07-17Western south center of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut slopes to a point at bottomNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 12:36 PM7/23/17 03:15 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 28172804 Fills47032805Cut filled by 2804, likely a small posthole41807/17/171131137/17/17 02:52 PM7/17/17 02:52 PM
2806BetaNULLCompact orange deposit in eastern south central part of courtyardIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113207/17/173207/23/1720800LayeredCompactNULLRedNULLDeposit runs into section left for miromoplologyExcavated with trowel 17-7-17. No ceramic recovered in SUEastern South central part of courtyardIrregularNo visible inclusions, slight downward slope from S-NNone visible or recoveredSlightly thicker @ S. endSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10022NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 12:38 PM7/23/17 03:16 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28112780 Covers47042806A small patch used to create level floor surface. This part was made of a different material more orange than rest of floor. Highly compact.3207/17/1732327/17/17 03:27 PM7/23/17 03:16 AM
2807BetaNULLLoose circular fill S. of block 2454 in SW corner of courtyard, fills 2808AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLLight GrayNULLNULLExcavated 2017-07-17 by trowel and scoopSW corner of courtyard, S of 2454CircularNo visible inclusionsNo inclusionsUniform thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 02:26 PM7/23/17 03:17 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 28082724 Covers47052807Fill of small post hole 280841807/17/17113327/17/17 03:35 PM7/23/17 03:17 AM
2795BetaNULLCompact brown deposit with stone inclusions in SE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1145507/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel 17 July 2017SE corner of courtyardRectangular.Some rocky inclusionsFew bone and pottery inclusionsRegular thickness throughoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101122NULL17NULL1083NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/17/17 08:19 AM8/1/17 03:56 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28172788 Covers, 2791 Covers47062795Deposit of accumulation over rocky lower layer41607/17/173503507/17/17 03:46 PM7/17/17 03:46 PM
7181BetaNULLCircular basalt stones with 7180 around 7155 (dolium).ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/19/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented on 16-07-2017.Surrounding 7155, cut over dolium 7202 in W of room H5.circular.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLRing of basalt stones within layer 7180, meant to access dolium 7202.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93007/17/17 08:19 AM7/26/17 07:25 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 71557156 Fills47077181These stones seem to be associated with the dolium 7202 (and cut 7155). It appears that when the floor level of the room needed to be raised (SU 7180?) access to the dolium was still necessary, so the stones were placed in the fill to mark the edges of the rim.30007/17/1730097/17/17 12:03 PM7/23/17 02:32 PM
8198NULLNULLN-S wall N. of 8076 and S. of 8016, in E. half of Room I-12ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143607/17/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUpper limit probably taller and later truncated. Depth not reached during 2017 season of excavation.Documented on July 17, 2017.Room I-12Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLLength: 0.33m. Width: 0.39m. Height: 0.57m.Concrete wall of petit appareil that originally formed the northern limit of a threshold connecting rooms I-12 and rooms in Area I 2016.Grey and friable mortarSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/12/17 09:28 AM7/27/17 02:56 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 80770 Covers, 8076 Abuts, 8169 Abuts, 8194 Abuts47118198A small concrete wall that formed part of a threshold connection the western and eastern sectors of Area I in 2017. This threshold was later blocked by the construction of a wall (SU 8076).3907/18/1739397/17/17 10:04 PM7/17/17 10:04 PM
2808BetaNULLSmall circular cut filled by 2807 in SW corner of courtyard , S. of 2454CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/17/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 2017-07-17SW corner of courtyard, S of 2454CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSmooth, rounded cut bottomNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 02:27 PM7/23/17 03:18 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL2807 Fills47122808Small circular cut in SW courtyard filled by 2807, likely a posthole41807/17/173503507/18/17 08:06 AM7/18/17 08:06 AM
2809BetaNULLLinear cut running N-S of variable depth along W. side of courtyard , filled by 2802CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/18/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLExposed on 18/7/17 by trowel.southwestern corner of courtyard east of block 2454.irregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut has tiered bottoms (four bottoms)NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 03:30 PM7/23/17 03:19 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 2817, Cuts 28182802 Fills47132809Linear cut that is possible a structural cut filled with 2802. Our current working hypothesis is that this cut is related to a possible wall with post structure bounding some part of the hut related to floor 2817. Also, SU 2818 could be degraded mud brick related to this wall.41707/18/1732327/18/17 08:10 AM7/23/17 03:20 AM
2802BetaNULLLinear N-S running brown deposit along W. side of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141707/17/173207/23/17108010CohesiveFriableNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 17/7/17 possible extension of previous fill of 2743Southwestern quardrent of courtyard that abutts 2260.IrregularTufo inclusions throughout.Rare pottery, some with decorations, scattered throughout. One animal bone fragment found.Deeper in center, with shallow areas both north and south. Northern area slopes down towards center.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101112NULL18NULL978NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/17/17 11:48 AM8/1/17 03:54 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - RareCompaction, Composition, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 28092799 Covers47142802Fill of cut 2809, the cut represents the traces of a possible wall and post structure.28907/18/17289327/18/17 08:29 AM7/23/17 03:13 AM
7166NULLNULLSurface with mortar inclusions in room 4.ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130007/12/1728107/18/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLLight GrayNULLtowards the northern limit, the layer became less deep/ thickAfter removing the layer, we came to the somewhat regular surface of SU 7184. this surface seems to correspond with the bottom of cut 7169 and partially of cut 7167, however the lower part of cut 7167 continues through layer 7184. on the northeast portion we believe we might have come to tiles serving as a drain cover.NULLthe shape of the layer was irregular throughoutirregularwe found a lot of tile and ceramicsabout 4-5 inches thickSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/12/17 12:44 PM7/21/17 09:05 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - MediumMetal - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Pottery - Frequent, Tiles - FrequentCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7184, Covers 71977157 Covers, 7167 Cuts, 7169 Cuts47157166SU 7166 likely served as a floor preparation layer or some kind of leveling layer related to one of the last phases of occupation of Room 4, probably in phase with walls 7038, 7060, 7114, and 7115.28107/18/17997/18/17 08:38 AM7/23/17 10:34 AM
8230NULLNULLLight brown deposit of silt in the E. half of room I-10, S. of 8133, N. of 8012, E. of 8199AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1031407/17/173907/19/17108010GranularSoftNULLLight BrownNULLThe southwestern corner along the western limit is an excavation limit because that is where our ramp to exit the trench begins. The depth is not original because although the SU is closed, we did not fully excavate the SU because underneath it is a rubble layer and underneath the rubble layer there were patches of extensive mosaic showing through. In order to protect the mosaic, which we will not be able to expose until next year due to conservation issues, we made an executive decision to leave extra soil from this SU over areas where the underlying rubble collapse layer does not seem to cover and protect the mosaic.This SU was excavated by pickaxe and trowel in sunny conditions. Underneath this SU, there are two visible layers. The next SU appears to be collapse. Underneath the collapse is a mosaic. Patches of all three layers were visible in various places underneath this SU. In order to protect the mosaic, which cannot be excavated this season due to time constraints and conservation concerns, the soil from this SU was not fully excavated.It is located on the eastern side of Room I-10.Rectangular with a slight curve in the southwestern cornerThere is a slight slope from north to south.There are many medium sized stones throughout the SU. There is a particular cluster of stones visible near the eastern side of the SU. There are a few visible tiles.uniformDiffuseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/17/17 09:41 AM7/27/17 05:13 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - RareMosaic Tile - Frequent, Nails - Rare, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - FrequentColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8011, Abuts 8012, Abuts 8133, Abuts 8199, Abuts 8256, Abuts 8257, Abuts 82588182 Covers, 8220 Covers49748230This SU appears to be a deposit of soil. We did not fully excavate the soil in this SU this 2017 season because underneath this SU, there are three other visible patches of layers. The next SU appears to be collapse. Underneath the collapse is what appears to be an extensive mosaic. At this time, only the black border was visible. In areas where the mosaic tesserae have been removed, a smooth prep floor layer is visible. Patches of all three layers were visible in various places underneath this SU. In order to protect the mosaic, which cannot be excavated this season due to time constraints and conservation concerns, the soil from this SU was not fully excavated and will need to be removed next season.31407/27/173143147/27/17 05:21 AM7/27/17 05:21 AM
2803BetaNULLLinear E-W running deposit in western South central part of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141607/18/173207/23/17108010LayeredHardNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on 17-18/7/17. SU closed 18/7 although E limit was not totally clear so that floor surface 2817 could be excavated and help clarify extent of cut 2810.South central portion of courtyardRectangularStone inclusions, no visible slopeRock, pottery, and bone inclusions throughout. Few examples of travertine and wattle and daub.Less thick at W limit.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL101142NULL14NULL1286NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/17/17 11:49 AM8/1/17 04:00 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMTravertine - RareAnimal Bones - MediumBurnt Adobe - Rare, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2810, Covers 2812, Covers 28142796 Covers47172803Accumulation deposit filling earlier cut 2810. The cut is possibly related to a wall foundation trench.41607/18/17289327/18/17 09:45 AM7/23/17 03:14 AM
2811BetaNULLCompact orange deposit in SE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/18/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLRedNULLNULLExcavated 2017-07-18 with pickax and trowelSE corner of courtyardIrregularNo visible inclusions or undulationsSmall rock inclusions, no ceramic found in soil.Uniform thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/18/17 08:40 AM7/23/17 03:22 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28172806 Covers47182811Accumulation layer in SE corner of courtyard. Possibly related to floor leveling.41807/18/1732327/18/17 09:49 AM7/23/17 03:22 AM
2812BetaNULLShallow circular deposit in W. part. of 2803, fill of 2813AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/18/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLGrayNULLNULLExcavated by trowel and spoon 18 July 2017Western part of 2810CircularEdges defined by ring of rocks, slopes inwardNo pottery or bone material found in this suRegular throghoutCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/18/17 09:07 AM7/23/17 03:24 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 28132803 Covers47192812Accumulation deposit filling posthole 281341607/18/173503507/18/17 12:01 PM7/18/17 12:01 PM
2813BetaNULLCircular cut in W. part of 2803 , filled by 2812CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1NULL41607/18/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUncovered on 18-7-17South central portion of courtyardCircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSmall circular cutNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/18/17 09:09 AM7/24/17 03:24 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 28102812 Fills47212813Small circular cut, possible posthole although perhaps too small to be structural.41607/18/17350327/18/17 12:38 PM7/23/17 03:25 AM
2814BetaNULLLoose brown circular deposit in E. part of 2803, fills 2815AccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/18/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel, scoop, and spoon 18 July 2017Eastern part of 2803CircularSlopes inward from all sides, edge defined by rock inclusionsNo inclusionsUniform thicknessSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/18/17 09:10 AM7/23/17 03:25 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28162803 Covers47222814Fill of small cut 2815, possible posthole?41807/18/17350327/18/17 12:55 PM7/23/17 03:26 AM
2815BetaNULLCircular cut in E. part of 2803, filled by 2814CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/18/173207/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumented 2017-07-18E part of 2803CircularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut slopes diagonally (off-center)NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/18/17 09:12 AM7/23/17 03:26 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL2816 Covers47232815Cut in 2803 filled by 2814, likely a posthole for a small post41807/18/17350327/18/17 02:13 PM7/23/17 03:27 AM
8234NULLNULLCompact rubble deposit cut by 8222Accumulation200AD235ADDate of layer based on presence of anagraphic stamped bricks from Severan age in SU and one rim of Africana II B "pseudo - tripolitaine"Good2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132207/19/173507/23/17108010GranularCompactNULLBrownNULLNorthern limit formed by cut SU 8222; other limits are arbitrary limits of excavation trench. Cleaning revealed that the deposit extends south at least to the baulk of the 2017 excavations. Depth is uncertain, as the SU may have originally extended higher into the plow zone.excavated by pick and trowel on July 17 and 18.south of cut 8222, in area south of Area I structureRectangularSlightly sloping up from west to eastHeavily packed with evenly dispersed tufo rocks and tileSlightly thicker along southern edge.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU processed at end of season.NULLFairJoining sherds in commonware, painted creamware and amphora; includes larger fragments, many sherds with accretions and a few chipped amphora sherds.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL352437/17/17 12:21 PM7/26/17 05:57 AM737/24/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Rare, Tufo - FrequentAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - RareAmphorae - Rare, Marble - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Pottery - Rare, Tiles - FrequentCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLNULLCovers 82480 Covers, 8137 Equals, 8222 Cuts47248234SU 8234 is the most recent archaeologically significant identifiable layer in the area south of the structure in Area I (that is, before the late cut 8222 and associated fills). This is the area of the earlier road, and the SU's composition - very hard-packed, similarly-sized (about the size of a fist) rubble - and compactness suggest that it was deposited as a leveling layer for a later surface which has perhaps been removed by later plowing. Possibly no such surface existed, and the top of this deposit (which could be made quite level by wear) may have served as a surface. SUch a surface could be associated with the late phase mortar production nearby, and it is unlikely that much was invested in constructing a proper 'road' at this time and location, which may have been on the fringes of the settled area of Gabii.44307/18/1835357/18/17 02:21 PM7/23/17 06:48 AM
2816BetaNULLThree stones around cut 2815Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141807/18/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated 2017-07-18 with trowelE of 2803, surrounding cut 2815TriangularRock inclusions, slopes S-NRock inclusionsUndulatingCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/18/17 12:04 PM7/23/17 03:29 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLComposition, Compaction, ColorNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 28152814 Covers47252816Packing consisting of soil and rock around cut 2815, which is likely a posthole41807/18/173503507/18/17 02:23 PM7/18/17 02:23 PM
8226NULLNULLCollapse of wall and ceiling plaster in room I-13CollapseNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/14/173907/19/17108010LayeredHardNULLWhiteNULLSU is completely enclosed within Room I-13. The northern limit is defined by wall 8121. The eastern limit by wall 8122, and the western by 8123. The southern limit follows the limits of walls 8124 and 8127.Excavated by trowel and pickaxe on 17/07/17 and 18/07/2017.In room I-13SquareIrregular surface with many stone and plaster inclusions.The layer was primarily composed of ceiling plaster inclusions. Most bone inclusions were found at the bottom of the SU.Uniform.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/14/17 02:30 PM7/27/17 05:08 AMNULLNULLTravertine - Medium, Tufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - MediumCollapse Debris - Frequent, Marble - Medium, Metal - Rare, Mortar - Frequent, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Medium, Tiles - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLAbuts 8121, Abuts 8122, Abuts 8123, Abuts 8124, Abuts 8127, Abuts 8250, Covers 82548216 Covers47278226The layer appears to be the remains of a collapsed ceiling, which fell from somewhere directly above Room I-13. This interpretation is supported by the large sections of linked ceiling plaster preserved throughout the layer, particularly along the walls of the room. Most of the plaster was found with the smooth side down and the grooved side facing up. Some wall plaster was found throughout this layer as well, suggesting that sections of the wall plaster had collapsed.31207/18/1739397/18/17 02:32 PM7/19/17 11:22 AM
8199PublishedNULLN-S wall S of 8133 of rooms I-10 and I-18ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1139NULL3907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth limit unoriginal because bottom of wall has not been excavated, top of wall has been cut some time after abandonment. Southern limit has degraded significantly, but lower end of the limit appears original.Documented on July 18th, full extent of wall not excavated. Wall runs north/south, separating rooms I-10 and I-18.In northwest sector of Area I 2017; divides rooms I-10 and I-18Linear.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNorth-southNULLNULLNULLNULLL-3.82m W-0.45m H-0.92mConcrete wall of petit apparel between rooms I-10 and I-18. Plaster only preserved on eastern side. The upper surface has been truncated, as has the southern limit. Opus signinum is preserved on eastern facade of wall.Grey and friableSmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/12/17 09:33 AM7/24/17 08:54 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tufo, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit Appareil, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - Opus Signinum, STRUCT_WALL_FINISHING - PlasterAbuts 81338112 Covers, 8135 Cuts, 8139 Covers, 8148 Covers, 8174 Abuts, 8182 Covers, 8220 Abuts, 8230 Abuts, 8246 Abuts, 8256 Abuts47298199Concrete wall of petit appareil between rooms I-10 and I-18 in the northwest corner of the building. A staircase (8246) abuts this wall. A threshold likely separates this wall from 8200. The eastern facade is lined with opus signinum (8256), suggests that room I-18 held water or was designed to deflect moisture.44407/18/1739397/18/17 02:50 PM7/27/17 02:58 AM
9031NULLNULLGray compact layer south of SU 9028Accumulation400BC50BCDate of layer based on presence of black gloss, latest datable ware in SUFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1125307/17/1733507/18/17108010CohesiveHardNULLBrownNULLEastern limit is original in the North, but truncated by a cut in the South.Documented on 17-7-2017 and excavated on 17-7-2017 and 18-7-2017 with shovel, pickaxe, and trowel.South of cut SU 9028 in Area JIrregularNULLInclusions were spread evenly throughout the SU.Mostly uniform thickness, slightly thicker in the Southeast corner, slightly thinner in the Southwest corner.SharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorno viable diagnostics for comparandaNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL93507/13/17 03:21 PM7/21/17 10:59 AM1117/20/17 12:00 AMBasalt - Medium, Travertine - RareAnimal Bones - Medium, Charcoal - RareMetal - Medium, Pottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionMiddle Imperial PeriodLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 90349028 Cuts47309031This layer was likely an accumulation of soil and rubble following the spoliation of the nearby tufo slabs (SU 9027), as evidenced by the variety and even distribution of anthropic and geologic inclusions in the layer.33507/18/17997/18/17 02:58 PM7/18/17 02:58 PM
2810BetaNULLLinear E-W running cut in western south central part of courtyard filled by 2803CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1141907/18/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by trowel on July 18th 2017Western part of courtyard north of 2306 and east of 2809IrregularUndulating shallower on western an eastern endsNoneIrregularSharpNULLLong linear cut which is further cut by 2813 and 2815NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/17/17 03:31 PM7/23/17 03:21 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - MediumPottery - MediumColor, CompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM - Irregular, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Rounded, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLCuts 28172803 Fills, 2813 Cuts47312810Long linear cut that was possibly related to the trench for wall construction. Also possibly related to cut 2709 another linear cut.41907/18/17350327/18/17 03:00 PM7/23/17 03:22 AM
8244NULLNULLE-W wall at southern limit of I16ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1143907/18/173507/17/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDamage to western and eastern limits by plough activity.Visible top section excavated by trowel 18-7-2017 in sunny conditionsLength of wall on same alignment as SU 8039 and 8160. Southern wall of SU 8187LinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLEast-WestNULLNULLNULLNULLE-W 2.6m, N-S 0.5-0.7m - Wall widens to the east, likely due to collapse on northern edge.Southern wall of room I16, partly collapsed into room. Preservation is poor, at least at the currently exposed depth (only excavated to a depth of about 10 cm). Composed of concrete with gray tufo facing. Only three pieces of opus reticulatum tufo facing remain in the exposed section of the wall, both on the eastern side, two on the southern face and one on the north.graySmall basalt and small to medium tilesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/18/17 02:08 PM7/23/17 01:45 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, CompositionNULLLIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Basalt, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Opus ReticulatumAbuts 80388187 Covers47268244Southern wall of the small room (I16) attached to the main building in Area I. The wall has the same alignment as wall 8039 to the west and 8160 to the east, but is poorly preserved, with few reticulate wall stones in situ. However, this in combination with the alignment and the slightly gray color (due to the mortar) allowed it to be differentiated from rubble leveling layer SU 8187 which covered it and extended to the north. Only the top of the wall has been exposed, but it appears that the wall had collapsed - perhaps intentionally - before the floor preparation (SU 8187 and 8152) was laid down. Room I16 thus appears to have been open to the street (whatever form the street took in this late phase; it must have been about level with Room I16).43907/18/1735357/18/17 03:32 PM7/23/17 01:53 PM
2785BetaNULLLoose brown deposit with moderate stone inclusions in NE corner of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1145507/13/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 14 July 2017NE corner of courtyardIrregularSlight slope downward from N to SLarge rocks. No other significant inclusions.Thicker at N endCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10132NULL66NULL133NULLNULLFairNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/13/17 02:54 PM7/23/17 09:41 AM4147/23/17 12:00 AMNULLNULLPottery - RareCompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 2793, Covers 27982739 Covers47392785Layer of accumulation potentially related to the abandonment of the N. "hut"3207/18/1732327/18/17 01:30 PM7/18/17 01:30 PM
2791BetaNULLCompact brownish-gray deposit with frequent orange and yellow tufo inclusions in SE area of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1145507/14/173207/23/17108010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNULLExcavated with trowel on 14 July 2017Southeast corner of courtyardIrregularSlight slope downward E to WSoil layer is atop crushed tufo and some residual pieces were thus mingled with the brown-gray soil of the layerUniform thickness.CommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10011NULL100NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL32327/14/17 02:41 PM7/23/17 02:56 AM323NULLTufo - FrequentNULLPottery - RareColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 27952788 Covers47402791Layer of accumulation, possibly related to the abandonment of the large paved surface 2817. Wall collapse?3207/18/1732327/18/17 01:32 PM7/18/17 01:32 PM
2793BetaNULLLoose brown ovoid deposit in eastern North central part of courtyardAccumulationNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017CNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1111307/17/173207/23/17108010LayeredLooseNULLBrownNULLupper levels of fill likely truncated by previous excavation in areaCut identified on Friday 14th July but excavation of fill postponed till Monday 17th July. Excavated 17th July 2017 with trowelNE part of courtyardOvoidNo visible slope, stone inclusions on surfaceSome pottery and bone throughout. Large stone inclusions at E limit.Even thicknessCommingledNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL10152NULL40NULL360NULLNULLFairNo diagnostic piecesNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL324147/17/17 07:57 AM8/1/17 03:53 AM4148/1/17 12:00 AMNULLAnimal Bones - RarePottery - MediumColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 2797, Equals 27982785 Covers47412793Accumulation fill within large post hole. Related to N. "hut"3207/18/1732327/18/17 01:33 PM7/18/17 01:33 PM
8200NULLNULLN-S wall N of 8012 of rooms I-10 and I-18ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDocumentation begun July 18th 2017. All unoriginal limits indicate either cuts that were made following the abandonment of the building or the degradation of the structure. The depth is not original since we did not complete excavation in the room in which this is located (between I-10 and I-18). The top surface of the wall may have been truncated. Excavation around the wall has not been completed. The depth is currently not original, although the limits at the bottom of this wall seem to be better preserved and original.Documentation was begun on July 18, 2017 but has not been completed because the full extent of the wall has not been excavated.The wall divides rooms I-10 to the east and I-18 to the west. The wall abuts wall 8012 to the south.IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNorth to south.NULLNULLNULLNULLL x W x H: .9m x .45m x .85mConcrete wall of petit apparel running north to south. The wall has been truncated and badly damaged, particularly on the northern, western and eastern limits.Mortar is grey and friable.NULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39357/12/17 09:34 AM7/24/17 08:56 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilIs Bound To 80128112 Covers, 8164 Abuts, 8166 Abuts, 8182 Abuts47428200This wall forms part of a door that separates rooms I-10 and I-18 in the northwestern quadrant of Area I 2017. The stratigraphic relationship between this SU and wall 8012 is unclear; in places it seems to abut 8012, in others 8012 seems to be built around this wall.3907/18/1739397/18/17 01:33 PM7/18/17 01:33 PM
8246NULLNULLStairs in NE corner of room I-18ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLStairs were robbed prior to post-abandonment of building. Only traces remain.Documented on July 17th, 2017, but depth not reached.In northeast corner of room I-18linearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 0.39 m W: 0.07 m H: 0.69 mThese are the remains of stairs that descended into room I-18. They appear to have been constructed of ashlar masonry, but at present it is difficult to determine since only traces remain.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/18/17 12:13 PM7/27/17 05:46 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 8133, Abuts 81998112 Abuts, 8139 Abuts, 8148 Abuts, 8182 Abuts47438246These appear to be a set of stairs descending into room I-18. They were perhaps made of petit apareil, similar to the walls. The majority of the stairs were robbed some time in antiquity, during the abandonment phase of the building.3907/18/1739397/18/17 01:43 PM7/18/17 01:43 PM
8242NULLNULLFloor covered by 8172 in Room I7ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/18/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNorthern and eastern limit likely continue underneath SU 8171 and 8172Revealed by trowel and dustpan. At times difficult to distinguish from surrounding poorly preserved floors.Center of Room I-7 in SE Area IIrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1 X 0.6 mGray surface in Room I-7. Construction technique is unclear, but appears somewhat similar to other cocciopesto floors in this room except very gray in color. Poor preservation.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/18/17 08:38 AM7/25/17 06:54 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SigninumCovers 82438115 Cuts, 8171 Covers, 8172 Covers, 8245 Equals47448242SU 8242 served as a floor in Room I7, earlier than floors 8170, 8171, and 8172 which were constructed above it. Indicative of multiple repairs/rebuilding of floors in this room.30407/18/1735357/18/17 02:35 PM7/25/17 06:46 AM
8243NULLNULLFloor covered by 8242 in room I7ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/18/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSU continues under 8171, 8242, and 8245, which cover it at the southern and eastern limits. Has been cut away on remaining limits.Exposed by trowel and dustpan. At times difficult to distinguish from surrounding floors.Western portion of room I-7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1.6 x 1.0 mGray cocciopesto floor Room I-7.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/18/17 08:39 AM7/25/17 07:01 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_WEST - Excavation LimitNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus Signinum, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SpicatumNULL8171 Covers, 8242 Covers, 8245 Covers, 8247 Cuts47478243SU 8243 was a floor in Room I7 constructed prior to the floors of SU 8170 and 8171, 8172, 8242, and 8245, which cover it - making this the earliest preserved floor constructed in the room (though no associations with the walls of the room are preserved). The poor quality of this floor perhaps supports the hypothesis that this room was used as a storage area.30407/18/1735357/18/17 02:52 PM7/25/17 07:04 AM
7173NULLNULLLinear cut in southern half of Room 1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132607/13/17907/18/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFull depth (bottom of cut) not exposed, since the drain feature which fills the cut was not removedExposed through excavation of fills on 12-13 July; in part corresponds to a negative feature that had been apparent since the removal of SU 7105.Southern part of Room H1RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLBottom of cut not exposed due to presence of drain 7174.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/18/17 03:13 PM7/18/17 03:21 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 71957076 Fills, 7165 Fills, 7174 Fills, 7188 Fills47507173This cut represents the construction cut for tufo drain 7174, cut into a fairly level and uniform layer of crushed dark brown tufo to the south and north.907/18/17997/18/17 03:28 PM7/18/17 03:28 PM
8245NULLNULLFloor at SW corner of I-7ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/19/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLOriginal limit only on south where it abuts wall 8039. Extends beneath 8242 to the west and cut by 8247 on the east. Eroded to the north.Exposed by trowel and dustpan. Occasionally difficult to distinguish from the other floors in Room I7.Western portion of Room I-7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL1.4 x 0.8 mgrey cocciopesto floor in Room I-7. Poor preservation.NULLNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/19/17 08:02 AM7/25/17 07:14 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_FLOOR_TYPE - Opus SpicatumAbuts 8039, Equals 8242, Covers 82438172 Covers, 8247 Cuts47538245SU 8245 was a floor constructed for room I-7, most likely a storage room, or a room not often viewed based off of the poor quality of the floor. This floor was constructed prior to the floors of SU 8170 and 8171, 8172 which cover it, and is stratigraphically equal to 8242.30407/19/1735357/19/17 09:00 AM7/25/17 07:20 AM
8247NULLNULLCut filled by 8161CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1130407/19/173507/25/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLWestern portion of room I-7IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLSouthern portion of the bottom of the cut is irregular; bottom is flat elsewhere.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35357/19/17 09:05 AM7/25/17 07:22 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Flat, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Sharp, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 8039, Cuts 8044, Cuts 8045, Cuts 8243, Cuts 82458161 Fills47568247Large irregular cut in the western portion of room I-7, cut after the construction of floors 8243 and 8245 for an unknown feature. Odd shape might reflect several separate cutting actions, but fill was the same throughout.30407/19/1735357/19/17 09:30 AM7/25/17 07:23 AM
7184NULLNULLCompact layer with white mortar inclusions in room H4.Intentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1128107/18/17907/23/17108010CohesiveLooseNULLBrownNULLa portion of the eastern limit is not original because cut 7167 cuts through 7184. The northern limit has been truncated by later activities (cut 7139)Cuts 7167 and 7139 continue through SU 7184Majority of room H4.Irregular.The surface slopes slightly from south to North.Tile, pottery, painted plaster, bone, metal, glass and tesserae.About 3 inches thick in the deepest portionSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/18/17 07:57 AM7/26/17 06:51 AMNULLNULLNULLAnimal Bones - Rare, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - RareGlass - Rare, Marble - Rare, Metal - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Pottery - FrequentCompaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Not Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLCovers 7189, Covers 71977139 Cuts, 7166 Covers, 7167 Cuts47587184Due to the compactness and somewhat leveled surface, we interpret 7184 to be a leveling or preparation for some sort of floor or other surface. Also, the layer's relative position below the threshold on the southern limit of room 4 is another indication of the layer serving as a leveling or preparation.28107/19/17997/19/17 09:54 AM7/19/17 10:37 AM
9032NULLNULLLayer with large chunks of plaster.Accumulation300BC200BCdated with black gloss using MorelFair2017JNULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1133507/19/1725307/24/17108010CohesiveCompactNULLGrayNULLNULLDocumented on 19-7-2017 and excavated on the same daySouth of cut SU 9003IrregularSlight west to east slope, visible plaster inclusions on the surface.several pieces of painted (red) plasterconsistentSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLPoorNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL94547/17/17 12:43 PM7/24/17 02:07 PM3507/24/17 12:00 AMTufo - RareNULLAmphorae - Rare, Marble - Rare, Nails - Rare, Painted Plaster - Frequent, Pottery - Frequent, Slag - Rare, Tiles - MediumNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Excavation Limit, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Not Original, LIMIT_WEST - Not OriginalNULLNULLCovers 90379030 Covers, 9035 Covers47609032The compaction and even surface of the layer suggests that It was related to are-organization of the area following the spoliation of the tufo slabs floor25307/19/17997/19/17 11:20 AM7/19/17 03:12 PM
8237NULLNULLArch of CBM and mortar at western limit of room I-11ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth not reached during 2017 season of excavationDocumented during 2017 season of excavation, but not fully exposed.At western limit of room I-11semi-circularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLN-SNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 1.75 m W: 1.56 m H: 0.47 mThis is an arch, in situ, at the western limit of room I-11. It forms a boundary with the eastern limit of room I-17. The full extant of the arch has not yet been revealed. It is made of CBM held together with mortar and covered by a concerte cap.Grey and friablesmallNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/18/17 08:19 AM7/19/17 12:12 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - Tiles, STRUCT_MORTAR_INCLUSIONS - TufoAbuts 81208118 Covers, 8169 Abuts, 8232 Covers, 8233 Covers, 8238 Abuts, 8239 Abuts, 8240 Abuts, 8241 Abuts, 8267 Covers, 8268 Covers47688237This arch may form the upper portion of a praefurnium or a a cistern in room I-11. It appears to belong to a substructure in the building in the western sector of Area I 2017.3907/19/1739397/19/17 12:12 PM7/19/17 12:12 PM
8238NULLNULLE-W wall (S) abutting 8237 and 8120 in room I-11ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth not reached in 2017 season of excavation.Documentation begun July 19th, 2017, but excavation this year has not revealed the extent of the SU.At western limit of room I-11.RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 1.00, W: 0.23, H: 0.20This is a wall of petit appareil that appears related to arch 3237.Grery and friableNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL393147/18/17 08:22 AM7/27/17 05:36 AMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 8120, Abuts 82378118 Covers, 8169 Covers, 8239 Abuts, 8263 Covers47698238This is a wall of petit appareil that abuts the arch 3237 and appears related to it. It forms part of what was likely a substructure.3907/19/1739397/19/17 12:18 PM7/19/17 12:18 PM
7188NULLNULLSilty layer between 7173 and 7174 on the eastern sideIntentional DepositionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFair2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1032607/19/17907/23/17306010LayeredCompactNULLBrownNULLNot fully excavated, due to impossibility of narrow spaceexcavated with trowel on 19-7-2017southwestern corner of room H1Rectangularlevel surfaceDevoid of inclusions except small tufo chipseven thickness throughoutOtherSharp interface with tufo drainage block but Commingled on the southern limitNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL0NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/19/17 09:46 AM7/23/17 02:41 PMNULLNULLTufo - MediumNULLNULLColor, Compaction, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Not Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 7173, Covers 71747165 Covers47707188This is part of the fill of the construction cut (7173) for the tufo drainage channel (7174). It was decided to excavate part of this fill in the hopes of obtaining datable materials, but the layer was small, sterile, and impossible to excavate very deeply or along much of the length of the drain.907/23/17997/19/17 12:25 PM7/23/17 02:44 PM
8235NULLNULLGrey-brown, silty deposit in SW corner of room I5Accumulation250AD450ADDate of layer based on single sherd of ARS (non-diagnostic) C production in SU, with the date based on Atlante's general production range. The vast majority of the wares in this SU date to the Republican and earlier imperial periods, with a high concentration of internal slip ware, black gloss, and terra sigillata, with only a little bit of african cookware and red slip.Good2017INULLNaturalNULLNULLNULLNULL1114407/19/173507/23/17107020LayeredLooseNULLLight BrownNULLNULLExcavated by pickaxe and trowel on 18/7/17 and 19/7/17SW corner of room I5IrregularNo visible inclusions or slopeConcentration of tufo and basalt stones on western side of SUThicker along the western and eastern sides, and shallower in the centerSharpNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL01NULLNULLNULLsmallNULLcharcoalNULLNULLSU processed quickly at end of season.NULLGoodSherds in good condition, some with evidence of burning and accretions.NULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL35737/17/17 02:48 PM7/24/17 01:56 PM737/24/17 12:00 AMTufo - MediumAnimal Bones - Medium, Animal Teeth - Rare, Charcoal - MediumGlass - Rare, Mosaic Tile - Medium, Nails - Medium, Painted Plaster - Rare, Pottery - Frequent, Tiles - RareCompaction, Color, CompositionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLNULLFills 82598111 Covers47718235SU 8235 is the silty fill of cut 8259. It appears that the cut was perhaps leveled off with stones on the western side and then filled in with dirt. It is possibly the intentional fill of an earlier drainage system which was perhaps associated with the early features in the room (e.g. tufo well head SU 8095).14407/19/17244357/19/17 12:26 PM7/23/17 07:38 AM
8239NULLNULLN-S wall (S) abutting 8237 and 8238 in room I-11ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL113907/18/173907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLDepth not reached in 2017 season of excavationRectangular wall abutting wall 8238 and arch 8237.Rectangular wall abutting wall 8238 to the south and arch 8237 to the west.RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLinearNULLNULLNULLNULLL: 0.45, W: 0.34, H: 0.12Rectangular wall of petit appareil that forms part of substructure in room I-11 along with arch 8237, 8239, 8240 and 8241.Grey and friableNULLNULL000NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL39397/18/17 08:23 AM7/19/17 12:42 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - Mortar, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - Concrete, STRUCT_WALL_FACING - Petit AppareilAbuts 8237, Abuts 82388118 Covers, 8169 Covers47738239A wall of petit appareil that abuts arch 8237 and seems to form part of a substructure, perhaps a cistern or praefurnium, in the western half of room I-11. Further excavation may clarify the relationship between this wall and the others (SUs 8237, 8238, 8240 and 8241).3907/19/1739397/19/17 12:44 PM7/19/17 12:44 PM
8259NULLNULLCut north of 8201CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017INULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1114407/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLTo be further explored in 2018, where the western side of the cut will be more completely exposed. Top of the cut and middle of the cut have been completely exposed, but the bottom of the cut still needs to be exposed once the rocks that are filling the western side have been removed.Exposed on 19-7-17 on a sunny daySW corner of room I5IrregularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCut appears to be deeper along the sides (eastern and southern) and is higher in the middle. Layer cuts through layers that have not been assigned SUs since they themselves have not been fully exposed.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNoNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL3502447/19/17 09:50 AM7/19/17 12:48 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLCompactionNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_BOTTOM - Concave, CUT_BOTTOM_EDGE - Rounded, CUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Sloping, CUT_TOP_EDGE - RoundedNULLNULL8235 Fills47748259Cut in the southern floor layers of room I5, in the southern part of the room. It is possibly related to drainage features that might be present in the SW corner of this room, next to or cutting a solid tufo feature in the corner of this room.14407/19/172442447/19/17 12:56 PM7/19/17 12:56 PM
7190NULLNULLRectangular cut into bedrock in SE corner of Room 1CuttingNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLFill not fully excavated in 2017, bottom of the cut not visibleCut fully exposed with excavation of last part of fill of 7173.SE corner of Room 1RectangularNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLBottom of cut not exposed in 2017. If vertical shaft into cuniculus, probably quite deep.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/19/17 12:53 PM7/19/17 12:56 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Not Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalCUT_EDGES - Straight, CUT_SIDES - Straight, CUT_TOP_EDGE - SharpNULLCuts 17191 Fills47757190Most likely a vertical shaft leading down to join a cuniculus that runs south, beneath wall 7057/7191. Drainage system associated with built tufo drain 7174.907/19/17997/19/17 12:58 PM7/19/17 12:58 PM
7191NULLNULLTufo block 'lintel' beneath wall 7057ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL11907/19/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUncovered with the removal of fills of cuts 7103 and 7190SE limit of Room 1RectilinearNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLE-WNULLNULLNULLNULLWidth: approximately 0.45m (cannot be fully exposed due to the presence of wall 7057); Height (Thickness): 0.2m; Length: 1.1mOne relatively thin tufo block, now badly cracked in two places.NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLYesNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL997/19/17 12:58 PM7/19/17 02:24 PMNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLLIMIT_DEPTH - Original, LIMIT_EAST - Original, LIMIT_NORTH - Original, LIMIT_SOUTH - Original, LIMIT_WEST - OriginalNULLSTRUCT_BINDING_AGENT - None, STRUCT_BUILDING_TECHNIQUE - AshtarFills 71907057 Covers47817191This block represents part of a structure related to the shaft cut into the bedrock to serve the needs of drainage in Room 1 (cut SU 7190). The bedrock is clearly cut so as to accommodate this block in such a way that wall 7057 could be built on top. Thus properly the block is a kind of extra foundation for wall 7057, around the edge of a deep cut. The block extends north partly over the southern edge of cut 7190, but mostly rests on bedrock.907/19/17997/19/17 02:23 PM7/19/17 02:23 PM
7174NULLNULLTufo drain structure in room H1ConstructionNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGood2017HNULLAnthropicNULLNULLNULLNULL1132807/14/17907/23/17NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLUncovered on 11-07-17 and finished excavating