

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: H, Concrete wall south of wall 7356, north of 7358, at northwest corner of Room H-10. Eastern part of room H-12.

Area: H, Grey tufo ashlar block of North-South party wall for rooms H-10 and H-12, south of wall 7357, covered by plug 7359. Western side of room H-10, Eastern side of room H-12.

Area: H, Irregular plug of travertine and tufo blocks on top of block 7358. Western side of room H-10, Eastern side of room H-12.

Area: H, Concrete Opus Reticulatum wall south of block 7359, at western limit of Room H-10. Western side of room H-10, Eastern side of room H-12.

Area: H, Concrete wall aligned east-west at east part of southern limit of Room H-11 and northern limit of room H-12

Area: H, Concrete wall south of wall 7360, at southern extent of western limit of Room H-10. Western side of room H-10, Eastern side of room H-12.

Area: H, Concrete wall aligned east-west at western part of southern limit of Room H-11 and northern limit of room H-12


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