Area: A, Impasto vessel in tomb 10
Area: A, Impasto cup in Tomb 10
Area: A, Globular vessel in Tomb 10
Area: A, Impasto skyphos in Tomb 10
Area: A, Impasto cup in Tomb 10.
Area: A, Impasto cup in Tomb 10
Area: A, Two-handled impasto vessel in Tomb 10
Area: A, Impasto basin in Tomb 10
Area: A, Impasto amphora in Tomb 10
Area: A, Bronze chain in Tomb 10
Area: A, Impasto vessel in tomb 10
Area: A, Skeleton within burial SU333 (Tomb 10).
Area: A, Bronze artifacts within burial SU333.
Area: A, Rectangular cut in bedrock in SU128, associated with Tomb 10.
Area: A, Layer of silt with little flakes of tufo to the SE of SU334.
Area: A, Layer of silt and gravel
Area: A, Rectangular cut filled by SU124
Area: A, Layer of silt and gravel