Area: A, Fill of cut SU4
Area: A, Layer of rocks mixed with brown clay
Area: A, Cluster of mortar on Northwest side of cut
Area: A, Cluster of mortar in SE side of SU4
Area: A, Cluster of roof tiles in SW corner of SU4
Area: A, Layer of brown sandy clay
Area: A, Cluster of mortar, rock, and tile pieces
Area: A, Cover tiles still standing from a capuccina tomb
Area: A, Pan tile laying flat in south end of trench
Area: A, Layer of rocks placed north of SU13
Area: A, Tiles in Tomb 1 covering burial
Area: A, Layer of clayey silt below vaulted tiles
Area: A, Human remains in rectangular tomb
Area: A, Second cut in grave beneath SU4 cut
Area: A, Rectangular cut in bedrock