

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: H, Mosaic floor west of pavement 7044 and east of 7266 and 7311 in room H-19.

Area: H, Tufo block north of 7313 and east of 7311 in northern part of room H-19.

Area: H, Grey tufo block within mosaic floor 7313 in center room H-19.

Area: H, Northern wall of Room H-9 and southern limit of Room H-19.

Area: H, Fragment of concrete wall running north-south at north-center of Room H-9 and southern limit of Room H-19.

Area: H, Wall running North-South adjoining wall 7310 to the South. West of 7313 in the northern part of room H-19.

Area: H, Wall running East-West South of 7309 and adjoining wall 7311 in the northern part of room H-19

Area: H, Floor abutting 7310 and 7311 East of 7266 in northern part of room H-19

Area: H, Grey tufo pilaster at northeastern corner of Room H-9 and southeastern corner of Room H-19.


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