

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: G, Ashlar threshold at the southern extent of room G-12 and the northern extent of Room G-1.

Area: G, Surface level in western part of G-1.

Area: G, Compact layer of stone, soil and mortar in the western section of room G-1.

Area: G, Two ashlar blocks forming southern boundary of room G-1 in the southwest .

Area: G, Section of concrete wall west of 6089, covers 6094 in the northern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-12.

Area: G, Three stones in north-central area of G-1, south of 6093.

Area: G, Tufo slabs in center of G-1, north of 6174.

Area: G, Compact layer of brown silt in Center of Room G-1, east of 6161.

Area: G, Drain cover stone slab in the center of Room G-1.

Area: G, Stone feature in south central area of G-1, west of 6175.

Area: G, Floor prep in center of room G-1 south of 6101.

Area: G, Tufo slabs on southern limit of room G-1.

Area: G, Ashlar block west of 6124 in south-center of room G-1.

Area: G, Ashlar block east of 6124 in the south-center of room G-1.

Area: G, Linear feature of stones and mortar running E-W, west of 6010

Area: G, Floor prep in center of room G-1, below 6121.

Area: G, A feature of stone, tile and mortar joining 6123 and 6125 in the southeastern part of Room G-1.

Area: G, Stone in center of G-1 west of 6125.

Area: G, East-west wall in petit appareil at the northern limit of Room G-1 and southern limits of Rooms G-12 and Room G-8.

Area: G, East-west wall in opus incertum above 6087 in the northern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, East-west wall in petit appareil, east of 6088, south of 6085 in the northern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-7.

Area: G, Floor prep attached to 6099 in Room G-1.

Area: G, Orthostat tufo slab east of 6099 in the northeastern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-7.

Area: G, Segment of a tufo slab under wall 6089 in room G-1.

Area: G, Column attached to southern face of wall 6089 in Room G-1.

Area: G, Two stones in center of G-1 west of SU 6122.

Area: G, Cut into wall 6086 between rooms G-8 and G-1.

Area: G, Ashlar block below SU 6127 in room G-1.

Area: G, Worked stone block east of SU 6127 in Room G-1.

Area: G, Mortar with stone and tile inclusions below SU 6127 and 6128 in Room G-8.

Area: G, Small tile drain in wall 6089 in Room G-1.

Area: G, East-west wall in opus reticulatum in the northern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, Ashlar blocks above 6068 in the northern part of Room G-1 and southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, Ashlar block in south central part of room G-1.

Area: G, Segment of obliterated concrete wall in the southwest of room G-1.

Area: G, North-south wall in irregular concrete delimiting rooms G-1 and G-20.

Area: G, Concrete below 6193 and 6194 in the Western limit of Room G-1.

Area: G, Linear feature of stones west of 6193 that delimits Rooms G-1 and G-20.

Area: G, Worked stone block west of SU 6281 in the Eastern limit of room G-20 and the Western limit of Room G-1.


No Attachments Found