

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: G, east-west irregular concrete wall at the southern limit of room G-9 and the northern limit of Room G-11.

Area: G, Inset brick column between 6184 and 6186 in the southern limit of Room G-9 and the northern limit of Room G-11.

Area: G, North-south wall in petit appareil south of 6187 between rooms G-8 and G-11. Also in the southern limit of Room G-9.

Area: G, Threshold between rooms G-8 and G-11, south of 6231.

Area: G, Foundation of 6233 on west face in Room G-11.

Area: G, Floor prep west of SU 6233 in room G-11.

Area: G, Large tufo slab south of 6237 in Room G-11.

Area: G, Degraded basalt south of SU 6237 in room G-11.

Area: G, Re-used ashlar blocks running north-south in east of room G-11.

Area: G, Cut into bedrock filled by 6236 in Room G-11.

Area: G, Fill of 6290 in Room G-11.

Area: G, Circular cut into bedrock south of 6184 in room G-11.

Area: G, Ashlar well-head in northeast corner of room G-11.

Area: G, Fill within 6236 (likely modern) in Room G-11.

Area: G, Wall segment running east-west in opus vitattum in southeast corner of room G-9 and the northern limit of Room G-11.

Area: G, North-south opus reticulatum wall in southeast of room G-9 and the northeastern limit of Room G-11. Also delimits Room G-8 to the East.

Area: G, First layer of plaster on west face of wall 6231 in room G-11.

Area: G, Second layer of plaster (covering 6234) on west face of wall 6231 in Room G-11.

Area: G, Cut into SU 6184 for drain between rooms G-9 and G-11.

Area: G, North-south wall segment in petit appareil in northwest of room G-11 and the northeast of Room G-13.

Area: G, East-west irregular concrete wall delimiting rooms G-10 and G-11. Also in the eastern part of Room G-13.

Area: G, Terracotta pipe running north-south through wall 6300 between rooms G-10 and G-11.

Area: G, East-west irregular concrete wall below 6300 that delimits Rooms G-10 and G-11.

Area: G, North-south tufo blocks south of 6299 that delimits Rooms G-11 and G-13.

Area: G, East-west wall below 6184 visible in room G-11 and likely in the southern limit of Room G-9.


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