

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: G, East-west wall in opus reticulatum; forms northern limit of rooms G-15, G-14, G-10, G-9 and the southern limit of Room G-21.

Area: G, North-south wall segment in opus vittatum between rooms G-14 and G-10.

Area: G, Threshold between 6140 and 6131, entry between rooms G-10 and G-14.

Area: G, North-south wall in opus vittatum at eastern limit of room G-14, the northneastern limit of Room G-13, and the western limit of Room G-10.

Area: G, East-west wall in opus reticulatum in center of room G-10.

Area: G, Black and white mosaic in center east of Room G-10, north of SU 6188.

Area: G, Floor preparation for mosaic 6255 in center of room G-10.

Area: G, linear feature running east-west in the northeast corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Concrete feature in the center-north of room G-10.

Area: G, North-south wall segment south of 6133 in the north portion of room G-10.

Area: G, North-south wall in room G-10 in center, south of 6245, bound to 6266.

Area: G, Leveling layer above 6265 in center of room G-10.

Area: G, destruction cut of wall 6245 in room G-10.

Area: Not Set, Black and white mosaic in northwest corner of room G-10.

Area: G, North-south wall in petit appareil delimiting rooms G-10 and G-9, south of 6181.

Area: G, North-south wall segment in petit appareil in southwest corner of room G-9 and the southeast corner of Room G-10.

Area: G, North-south wall in opus vittatum delimiting rooms G-10 and G-9.

Area: G, Rectangular feature of medium sized blocks in northeast corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Layer of mortar, stones and ceramic within 6275 in northeast corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Concrete feature with orthostat marble in robbery cut 6191 in Room G-9.

Area: G, Spoliation cut in wall 6181

Area: G, East-west ashlar wall in northeast corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Mortar wall facing with pottery inclusions along wall 6133 in Room G-10.

Area: G, floor prep for mosaic 6246 in northwest corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Leveling layer in northwest corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Foundation cut for wall 6181 on west face in room G-10.

Area: G, Fill of 6268 in Room G-10.

Area: G, Cut into 6172 in north, between rooms G-9 and G-10.

Area: G, Foundation of wall SU 6140 on east face in room G-10.

Area: G, Deposition of silty soil, plaster, and tile along east face of wall 6140 in Room G-10.

Area: G, Chunk of concrete floor east of wall 6140 in room G-10.

Area: G, Cut into bedrock west of 6245 in room G-10.

Area: G, Large cut into bedrock east of 6181 in room G-10.

Area: G, Black and white mosaic in southwest corner of room G-10.

Area: G, Large block in south of room G-10.

Area: G, North-south irregular concrete wall south of 6140 in west of room G-10 and the east of Room G-13.

Area: G, Threshold below 6296 at west of room G-10 and the eastern limit of Room G-13.

Area: G, North-south wall segment in petit appareil south of 6296, perpendicular to 6300 in the western limit of Room G-10 and the eastern limit of Room G-13.

Area: G, East-west irregular concrete wall delimiting rooms G-10 and G-11. Also in the eastern part of Room G-13.

Area: G, Terracotta pipe running north-south through wall 6300 between rooms G-10 and G-11.

Area: G, East-west irregular concrete wall below 6300 that delimits Rooms G-10 and G-11.

Area: G, Layer of silty brown soil in southwest corner of room G-10 below 6294.

Area: G, Compact layer of brown silt with ceramic inclusions below 6303 in Room G-10.

Area: G, East-west running cut into bedrock south of 6266 in room G-10.

Area: G, Square cut into bedrock south of 6266 in room G-10.

Area: G, Circular cut in bedrock to the southeast of 6305 in room G-10.

Area: G, Semicircular cut into bedrock south of 6266 in room G-10.

Area: G, Irregular cut in bedrock along 6182, south of 6308 in Room G-10.

Area: G, Plaster and soil filling 6309 along east of room G-10.

Area: G, Small circular cut in bedrock south of 6306 in room G-10.

Area: G, Irregular cut in bedrock south of 6311 in room G-10.

Area: G, Irregular cut into bedrock in south center of room G-10.


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