SU 6297 is most likely a threshold, although it is not fully clear because the western side has not been excavated. Also, 6297 is covered by 6296, a later wall, which obscures the full width and length of the threshold. The threshold seems to have been functional in later phases of room 10. SU 6255 (the central mosaic) is likely the earliest mosaic floor in room 10, as it is surrounded by separate walls (6265 and 6266) that continue into a neighboring room. However, there are two other mosaics, SU 6246 and 6294. These mosaics appear in the northwest and southwest corners of the room, respectively, and are probably in phase with each other because of their levels. It is likely that the threshold would have been in use alongside these floors, because the room had been expanded by this point. There is also a possible leveling layer (6272) in the southwest portion of the room, and this layer suggests that the floor level in room 10 continued to rise throughout its occupation. Thus, the threshold would also have had to be raised and/or covered in tandem with the changing configuration of the floor surfaces.
Photo from east
Room G-10