

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: G, East-west wall in opus reticulatum; forms northern limit of rooms G-15, G-14, G-10, G-9 and the southern limit of Room G-21.

Area: G, North-south opus reticulatum wall in northeast corner of room G-9, the eastern limit of Room G-8 and the southern limit of Room G-21.

Area: G, East-west wall in opus reticulatum in room G-9, bound to and perpendicular to 6189.

Area: G, North-south opus reticulatum wall in southeast of room G-9 and the northeastern limit of Room G-11. Also delimits Room G-8 to the East.

Area: G, Wall segment running east-west in opus vitattum in southeast corner of room G-9 and the northern limit of Room G-11.

Area: G, Inset brick column between 6184 and 6186 in the southern limit of Room G-9 and the northern limit of Room G-11.

Area: G, east-west irregular concrete wall at the southern limit of room G-9 and the northern limit of Room G-11.

Area: G, North-south wall segment in petit appareil in southwest corner of room G-9 and the southeast corner of Room G-10.

Area: G, North-south wall in petit appareil delimiting rooms G-10 and G-9, south of 6181.

Area: G, North-south wall in opus vittatum delimiting rooms G-10 and G-9.

Area: G, Spoliation cut in wall 6181

Area: G, Mortar wall preparation with pottery against wall 6133 and 6189 in Room G-9.

Area: G, Destruction cut of 6188 in room G-9.

Area: G, Plaster fragment in southeast corner of room G-9, against wall 6186

Area: G, foundation of 6184 in southwest of room G-9.

Area: G, Cut into 6220 in the southwest corner of room G-9.

Area: G, Deposit of compact, silty brown soil in the western half of room G-9.

Area: G, Tiles south of 6209 in room G-9.

Area: G, Concrete feature with orthostat marble in robbery cut 6191 in Room G-9.

Area: G, Mosaic fragments in northwest of room G-9.

Area: G, Patch of rubble on 6206 in northwest of room G-9 .

Area: G, Cocciopesto floor in east of Room G-9.

Area: G, Black and white mosaic in the southeast section of room G-9.

Area: G, Floor preparation for mosaic in the southeast of room G-9.

Area: G, Layer of brown silt in southeast of room G-9.

Area: G, Segments of black and white mosaic in center of room G-9, west of 6212.

Area: G, Rubble leveling layer in northwest of room G-9.

Area: G, Cocciopesto surface above 6208 in room G-9.

Area: G, collapsed section of floor 6192 in room G-9.

Area: G, mosaic chunk at southwest of floor 6209 in Room G-9.

Area: G, concrete surface segment south of 6208 in Room G-9.

Area: G, Rectangular feature of mortar over drain 6212 in Room G-9.

Area: G, Tile drain running roughly north-south in room G-9.

Area: G, Cut into 6223 in the center-east of room G-9, south of 6188.

Area: G, Cut into wall 6187 between rooms G-8 and G-9.

Area: G, North-south wall in petit appareil south of 6187 between rooms G-8 and G-11. Also in the southern limit of Room G-9.

Area: G, Cut into 6172 in north, between rooms G-9 and G-10.

Area: G, Cut into SU 6184 for drain between rooms G-9 and G-11.

Area: G, East-west wall below 6184 visible in room G-11 and likely in the southern limit of Room G-9.

Area: G, Southwest-northeast wall in opus reticulatum under 6187 through cut 6204 between rooms G-8 and G-9.


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