

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: G, Stairs at the north of room G-8.

Area: G, Leveling layer in the north of room G-8, below 6148.

Area: G, White, ashy layer in northwest of room G-8.

Area: G, Limescale under 6152 in Room G-8.

Area: G, Opus spicatum floor segment in center-east of room G-8.

Area: G, Ashlar block east of 6196 in room G-8.

Area: G, North-south opus reticulatum wall in northeast corner of room G-9, the eastern limit of Room G-8 and the southern limit of Room G-21.

Area: G, North-south wall delimiting rooms G-6, G-8 and G-21 in opus vittatum

Area: G, Ashlar slabs between 6110 and 6103 in Rooms G-6 and G-8.

Area: G, Tile floor in the north of room G-8 and south of 6148.

Area: G, A cut into the bedrock in center of room G-8.

Area: A, Bedrock identified in 2009

Area: G, Tiles under 6197 in room G-8.

Area: G, Foundation of wall 6110 on western side of wall in Room G-8.

Area: G, Floor prep in room G-8, south of and running under 6148

Area: G, A north-south wall delimiting rooms G-6, G-7 and G-8.

Area: G, Ashlar block in center-west of room G-8.

Area: G, Small circular cut into the bedrock south of 6152 in room G-8.

Area: G, Cocciopesto surface in center of room G-8.

Area: G, Cut into wall 6187 between rooms G-8 and G-9.

Area: G, Plug in cut 6204 in Room G-8.

Area: G, North-south opus reticulatum wall in southeast of room G-9 and the northeastern limit of Room G-11. Also delimits Room G-8 to the East.

Area: G, North-south wall in opus reticulatum under 6110 and 6153 in between Rooms G-6 and G-8.

Area: G, Tile south of 6199 in room G-8.

Area: G, Worked stone within cut SU 6256, under SU 6231 in west of Room G-8.

Area: G, North-south wall in petit appareil south of 6187 between rooms G-8 and G-11. Also in the southern limit of Room G-9.

Area: G, Floor prep with mortar inclusions in center of Room G-8, west of SU 6228.

Area: G, Irregular cut into bed rock east of SU 6231 in Room G8.

Area: G, Southwest-northeast opus reticulatum wall abutting 6229 in room G-8.

Area: G, West-east wall segment abutting 6110 in center of room G-8, north of 6096.

Area: G, Deposit of brown silty soil north of SU 6096 in Rooms G-7 and G-8.

Area: G, Section of concrete west of SU 6110 in room G-8.

Area: G, Foundation of 6110 in the south on the west face in Room G-8.

Area: G, Cut into bedrock south of SU 6258 in Room G-8.

Area: G, Crushed tufo floor prep above SU 6258, next to SU 6228 in Room G-8.

Area: G, Concrete floor section next to su 6228 in room G-8.

Area: G, Ashy deposit above SU 6260 and below SU 6228 in Room G-8.

Area: G, North-south wall in opus reticulatum, covered by 6085, between rooms G-7 and G-8.

Area: G, north-south wall in petit appareil between rooms G-7 and G-8

Area: G, Floor prep layer in room G-8, south of 6096.

Area: G, East-west wall in opus reticulatum in the northern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, Ashlar blocks above 6068 in the northern part of Room G-1 and southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, East-west wall in opus incertum above 6087 in the northern part of Room G-1 and the southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, East-west wall in petit appareil at the northern limit of Room G-1 and southern limits of Rooms G-12 and Room G-8.

Area: G, North-south wall in petit appareil in the southeastern part of Room G-12 and southwestern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, Foundation of wall 6090 on the southeastern part of Room G-12 and southwestern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, Cut into 6097 along walls 6084 and 6086 in the southern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, Fill of cut 6117 in Room G-8.

Area: G, Cut into 6097 in the southwestern part of room G-8.

Area: G, Foundation of wall 6084 in the southeastern corner of room G-8.

Area: G, fill of 6129 in the southwestern part of Room G-8.

Area: G, North-south opus reticulatum wall underneath 6110, south of 6119 in room G-8.

Area: G, Foundation of wall 6231 on east side of wall in room G-8.

Area: G, Threshold between rooms G-8 and G-11, south of 6231.

Area: G, Section of north-south opus reticulatum wall under 6110 north of 6096 delimiting Rooms G-7 and G-8.

Area: G, Southwest-northeast wall in opus reticulatum under 6187 through cut 6204 between rooms G-8 and G-9.


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