Current observations show that the foor has been cut into by 1155 and the rubble wall 1163. The wall's southernmost context has yet to be excavated but given that no southern wall has been found one can believe that the floor continues south. In relation to 1188 it is now clear that the floor abuts the cystern slabs. Also, approximately 300cm west of 1186 the floor abruptly stops. The discontinuation of floor seems to have been caused by a disturbance in the soil layer. Excavation will continue to determine if this is a cut or some other intended form of construction. Finally, layer removal will continue along 1162 to see if there is tufo floor on the other side of the disturbance. Note: floor may not be final product but a last vestige of the actual thing. Note: floor was found on western side near 1135. Excavation in 2011 of a small strip in south-west corner revealed a rocky/rubble-y sub fill of the tufo floor containing much pottery and tiles, some animal bones, 1 large deposit of charcoal and a loom weight (special find 587). Also revealed tufo slabs covering channel along SU 1058, remaining in situ).
Non-soil samples were taken as charcoal and mortar - size n.a.
Crushed tufo floor