skeleton of an adult male, age unknown, with well preserved bones, bones disarticulated probably due to bedrock collapse. The body was placed on an organic plank (probably wood) that is no longer extant. No grave goods, support/pillow of clay under cranium, coxal bone and left femur in place and not disturbed so legs were straight when deposited. Same deposition behavior, generally as 3022 and 3023, but different behavior, skeleton is largely complete although disarticulated. S-N orientation. Nails (special finds 345, 346, 348, 349, 350 and 352) found in SU 3021 fill in association with the body, perhaps in association with the organic plank deposited with this body. The feet and legs are on a lower level within the bedrock cut due to the decomposition of the organic plank upon which they sat when deposited.
Skeleton in South niche, Tomb 40