After further study by Francesca, the zooarchaelogist, the bones have been determined not human. They belong to a lamb, aged 9 or 10 months. The bones have evidence of cut marks.
The identification of the skeleton remains uncertain. When the soprintendenza anthropologist excavated the remains, she informed us that they were not human, and probably animal. Upon further examination, Francesca, the zooarchaeologist at Gabii, stated they were "not animal". Kristina Kilgrove, the bioarchaeologist, added that a few skull fragments looked like they belonged to an adult individual. A few other bones were found in the main chamber of tomb 52. At first, we though this was the cremation burial of an infant. An infant, based on the size of the trench, which is rather small, compared to an adult burial. The skeleton awaits further study, however. At the moment, it is unclear whether this was a child or adult burial (though child seems most likely), and cremation or inhumation.
Skeleton in eastern niche of tomb 52