These three blocks seem to have at one time been a complete block, but are now positioned in such a way as to make determining which edges connected virtually impossible. There are two likely scenarios for the original location of these blocks. First, the blocks could have originally been the missing block between SU 5444 and SU 5445. The current position of the blocks does not allow one to see if any of the three blocks have the lip that other thresholds have. Second, because of the curved edges of the two blocks, these could be pieces of a fallen column, perhaps from one of the piers (SU 5442 and SU 5443). It seems more likely that these blocks were once a column due to the curved sides, their lack of a rim, and their final position. The threshold would not likely be broken up and then left right in front of its original position. In addition, the stones might have been moved during previous excavations.
Piers and threshold blocks in the very south of of area Fdu