SU 8157 is a wall forming the north-eastern corner of room I16. This room and associated basin belong to a late phase for this area, and all seem to have been constructed somewhat poorly or haphazardly, with whatever materials (often re-used) were convenient. The impression given is that of a shed or lean-to built against wall SU 8038.
Cut, floor preparation and floor in Room I-16
Layer of mortar and rubble south of 8152; N-S wall south of wall 8157; Wall east of SU 8156; Ashlar block east of wall su 8038; Rubble deposit south of wall 8158
Mortar feature north of 8152; Wall east of SU 8156 Ashlar block east of wall su 8038; Mortar and rubble feature north of 8157; Mortar and rubble feature north of 8156