Although interpretation is hindered by the thorough spoliation that occurred in Room 6 in antiquity, this block is possibly analogous to block 5586, at the southern limit of Room 16. It seems to be associated with the bedrock-cut drainage channel that it covers (5607), which continues to the east under Rooms 1 and 2, and certainly to the west (SU 5772), where it has been further exposed on the other side of the opus reticulatum wall. It appears that the slab floor with which this block would have originally been connected has been robbed, and that this robbery activity has dislodged this block very slightly from its original position and orientation. As with block 5586, the purpose of this block and its relationship to the arrangement of the space of the room is difficult to determine with any certainty. Perhaps a small wall was used to demarcate different types of space within the room, to control movement, or to limit access.