The interpretation of this block is hindered by the extensive robbery activity that has taken place within Room 6. One of the fundamental questions is whether the block is in its original position, or has been redeposited. Also unclear is its relationship to the surrounding ashlar features (block 5547, wall 5373, wall 5546). Based on the way in which it has been worked in the southeastern corner (a rectangular notch), it seems to have been intended for a specific position and purpose, now obscure. The fact that it now sits in a rather precarious position, partly on top of bedrock and partly on top of the post-abandonment fill of the drainage channel, seems to suggest that this could not have been its original position, and that the slab floor (vel sim.) which likely occupied this space in the southeastern corner of Room 6 has been robbed in antiquity, and this block was left here in the wake of that activity.