Further excavation in 2015 led the discovery of an additional block to the south, where it appears that the wall ended at some type of entryway that allowed access to the road. The extent of the entryway is unclear, as the other side of the entryway was not preserved. It is currently impossible to determine how far out into the road the entryway extends because of the limit of our excavation as determined by the Soprintendenza. In addition, we were not able to identify the foundation trench described in 2014; it appears to us that the wall may have been built along the east side of any such trench, and the minute size of the trench on our side of the wall precludes excavation.
The foundation trench of this wall was exposed at the end of the season, in part, but was not yet documented. Thus this wall will appear at the bottom of the 2014 matrix, but should have further stratigraphy below in in 2015.
Ashlar wall was part of original phase of complex's construction. Likely delimited the western extent of the building along the (probable) road to the W of it. Because of the limited size of our excavation area, the SW extent of the SU is unknown. The continuation of the wall was not found in a small sounding W of su 5598 either because the wall (SU 5549) does not extend this far south or because the associated blocks were robbed.
Western ashlar wall of complex, under wall 5157 (concrete portion)
N and Nw wall of Fw, terrace cut in bedrock
Western ashlar wall of complex, under wall 5157