This floor surface also seems to continue under the preserved tufo slabs of the later surrounding ramp (SU 5786), and thus seems to belong to an intermediate phase of the building: earlier than the ramp, but later than the slab floor to the west (SU 5473).
It appears to be a flat, stone floor. We excavated and removed the floor, but we left approximately ten inches of the stone floor in situ in the northeast corner as a tell so that we can see the stratigraphic sequence. This section may be removed at a later point in the excavation. The stone floor continues under wall 5362. Cut 5525 cuts through this rock floor and bottoms-out in this layer [it does not continue deeper]. We chose to remove this floor because we believe there may be earlier floor surfaces underneath based on nearby stratigraphic sequences from last season in room 9 in F south.
Flat, rocky surface under 5638