SU 5866 is an apsidal wall. Although rooms G-1 and G-20 are currently separated by N-S wall SU 6194, we believe that wall 6194 was constructed later, indicating that G-1 and G-20 were once one room. Thus, SU 5866 was probably the western border of a portico like area, because there is an identical wall (SU 6032), which is the eastern border to G-1. l think that SU 5866 was constructed in the late imperial period because it abuts a wall, SU 6243, likely made in the late republic to the imperial period, determined by the use of mortar in the construction of the wall. Especially since the mortar used in SU 5866 is different than the mortar in SU 6243.
Apsidal wall associated with later phases of the area, repurposing what must have at some point been a grand public or religious space based on the presence of the column.
Semi-circular wall south of column 5865 and Tufo column drum and base at southern limit of 5413. and Tufo ashlars south of wall 5387
Room G-20
Photo from east