This layer, with a relatively compact and flat surface, may originally have been a part of an intentional deposition, perhaps an occupation level, after the large cut 6060 removed most of whatever features and layers were located in the western half of the roadway, down to the level of the basalt pavement (6039). The interface toward the south with gravel road surface 6082, where that surface has clearly been cut by 6060, renders certain that this layer fills cut 6060. It appears to have been cut by the foundation of wall 6033 to the west, suggesting that it predated the construction of much of the Area G building, and may originally have extended further to the west. Its original eastern extent is unclear, because of some later erosion or truncation. In general, it is so poorly and incompletely preserved that it remains difficult to interpret its function, and really only its relative chronology with surrounding features can be explicated.
Compact surface of brown silt east of wall 6033 and cut by 6062
photo from south
photo from east
photo from north