SU622 represents a very large quarry cut in the bedrock. The top edge of this quarry face was exposed in 2009, extending west from the road; a small trench was also dug to the bottom at that time. 2012 excavation was intended to trace this top edge to its western limit, as well as to expose the full vertical face just adjacent to the 2009 trench for geological samples and recording. The face itself is extremely flat, with clear pick marks throughout. The trench and step/ledge at its base are clear evidence for the removal of blocks. Though the face appears to curve to the south at its eastern limit, an additional edge was exposed to the east, running N-S. The pit appears then as a sort of corridor extending the length of the the city block, from road to road. The cut is filled partly with quarry debris and partly with post-abandonment colluvium.
Quarry face reopened with samples taken