Stratigraphic Units


Publication Status
Publication Year
Publication Notes


Excavation Year
Formation Process
Stratigraphical Reliability
SU Type
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Model

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Finds Studied By
Filled Out On
Revised On
Finds Processed On
SU Closed


Class Frequency Details
Brick Rare
Glass Medium
Metal Frequent
Mortar Frequent
Mosaic Tile Medium
Nails Medium
Slag Rare
Tiles Rare
Tufo Rare
Animal Bones Medium
Animal Teeth Rare

Soil Matrix

Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
Measured Compaction
Measured Compaction (kg per cm)

Unit Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Unit Limit Notes

Stratigraphic Sequence

Observations and Descriptions



Inclusion Observations
Thickness Observations


Cut Edges
Cut Sides
Cut Bottom
Cut Top Edge
Cut Bottom Edge
Cut Observations

Structural Remains

Building Technique

Binding Agent
Mortar Description
Mortar Inclusions

Mortar Inclusion Size
Wall Facing

Floor Type

Wall Finishing

Structure Description


Total Volume of Layer (buckets)
Soil Sampling
Soil Sample Quantity (buckets)
Soil Sample Fraction (%)
Sieving Sample Quantity (buckets)
Sieving Sample Fraction (%)
Non Soil Sampling
Non Soil Sample Type
Non Soil Sample Size


2016-07-21 Andrew Johnston

The compact finished surface would seem to suggest a floor of a later phase similar to those that have been excavated in Area F. But the irregular slope, rough preparation, high elevation, and uncertain limits make this rather less clear. If this does represent a floor, it would relate to the last phase of occupation before the building was abandoned and obliterated.

2016-07-18 Arianna Zapelloni Pavia

Floor surface preparation.

Dates and Phasing

Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Creation Phase (First Phase Present)
Last Active Phase (Present and in Use)
Last Presence Phase (Last Phase Present, not in Use)

Faunal Register

Bag # Cassetta # Recovery Method # of Specimens Weight (gr) Notes
1937 N/A Excavation 0 10 Murex (taken)
3144 130 Excavation 0 14
7029 134 Excavation 0 1038
Totals 0 1062

Faunal NISP

Species NISP NISP % NISP Notes
0 0
0 0
0 0
Totals 0

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds
Class Count Weight (kg) Details
Bone 1.146 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Bone 3 0.006
Bronze 2 0.092 1 curved piece with original edge, 1 piece with layering- piece has been intentionally folded
CBM 3 0.169 retained. Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Lead 2 0.158 2 flattened pieces that joined
Marble 1 0.024 Carrara. Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Marble 1 0.06 Breccia (rotton meat marble)
Mosaic Tile 0.451 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Mosaic Tile 2 0.004
Plaster 1 0.026 White, with quartz inclusions, molded fragment.
Shell 8.3
Totals 15 10.436
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Fire Damage Notes

Special Finds

Button, Small worked bone object


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Ceramics Condition Comments
Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
African Cookware 14 2 18 34 0.304 1 8
African Cookware 4 2 1 7 0.16 5 8 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
African Red Slip 6 1 9 16 0.14 2 11 One large rim sherd with evidence of burning.
African Red Slip 2 1 3 0.03 3 6 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Amphora 1 25 26 1.757 5 11 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Amphora 1 27 28 0.38 3 8 Rim sherd does not preserve entire profile.
Amphora Stopper 1 1 0.073 5 6 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Black Gloss 1 1 0.004 3 3
Black Gloss 1 1 0.006 4 4 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Commonware 8 2 25 35 0.264 2 6
Commonware 5 1 5 8 19 0.931 4 11 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Creamware 1 2 1 4 8 0.205 4 11 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Creamware 16 16 0.15 3 7 Several sherds appear to come from the same vessel, one "wall" sherd is a partial rim but without the profile preserved.
Fineware 1 2 3 0.01 3 4
Impasto 1 1 0.035 6 6 Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Lamp 4 4 0.059 3 7 3 larger discus fragments. Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Opaque Red Ware 2 1 5 8 0.046 1 5
Painted Commonware 1 1 2 0.014 2 4
Terra Sigillata 2 1 3 0.012 2 4
Thin Walled 2 2 0.004 3 4 Both walls are a little thick for thin wall, but one has the shiny surface characteristic of the type and the other has evidence of characteristic decoration.
Unidentified Ceramic 2 2 0.101 8 10 Late italian terra sigillata (according to G. Iacomelli). Added to the total July 14 2017 by A. Rittershaus
Totals 0 46 7 15 152 220 4.685


Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
Vessel Glass 2 3 8 13 28.6 2 4
Window Glass 1 1 16.6 8 8
Totals 0 2 3 0 9 14 45.2

Spot Dates

250 AD - 350 AD

200 AD - 400 AD

Connected Forms


Photo Model

hard compact surface running north southeast of wall SU 7012




