This wall relates to a reorganization of the space of Room 3 after the original ashlar phase, probably connected to the obliteration of slab floor 7137 and wall 7158. It may have been planned along with new slab floor 7130 to the north, and a floor to the south of which only traces of the preparation (7135) survive. It is uncertain whether - or how far - this wall continued further east prior to the construction of wall 7079. Given the level of the foundations revealed by the excavation of floor preparation 7135, the floor surface connected with the construction of this wall to the south has been obliterated.
E-W ashlar wall forming E part of S limit of Room 1 and Opus mixtum wall built on top of wall 7057 and Tufo slab floor at N end of Room 3 and Ashlar wall running N-S at E limit of Room 3 and Tufo block and mortar on slabs 7130 and Upright ceramic tube south of wall 7131 and Opus reticulatum wall S of floor 7130 and Fill of circular cut S of wall 7131 and Petit appareil wall running N-S at W limit of Room 3 and Ashlar block aligned E-W in Room 3, covered by wall 7079 and Buttress of tufo blocks built against W side of ashlar wall 7078 and Concrete threshold between walls 7079 and 7080 and Petit appareil wall running N-S south of wall 7079 and Buttress of tufo blocks S of buttress 7097
View from south