This is a small plateau of regularized bedrock. Because it has such a small surface area, it is difficult to determine from the limited extent what purpose this regularization served, or to what phase(s) it belongs. It may be associated with the roadway to the north, with the original construction phase of Room 4 (and the construction of ashlar walls 7108 and 7204), and/or with some kind of occupation surface (e.g. a tufo slab floor/sidewalk) that was later spoliated. Given the emergence of worked bedrock immediately to the east, around/beneath wall 7204 and cut 7258, it is perhaps more likely that this regularization is part of an earlier phase rather than a later one.
Sketch of SUs 7255, 7256, 7258, 7259, 7260.
photo from west
photo from north
photo from south
photo from east