Without complete excavation of the fill of this cut, a secure interpretation is impossible. Based on its position, however, and the fact that it seems to have been respected by the construction of both the first basalt roadway to the north (7259) and the ashlar structure(s) to the south (represented by walls 7204 and 7108), it seems to belong to an earlier rather than later phase, and may be in phase with both of those mid-Republican features. Based on its size and shape, it is quite possibly a well. The absence of any kind of associated structure, floor, or cover (as was found inside Room 1 to the west, tufo slab floor 7067) might be explained by cut 7248, which clearly damages the roadway and the corner of ashlar walls 7108 and 7204, and could be the spoliation cut that removed whatever feature covered the well.
Sketch of SUs 7255, 7256, 7258, 7259, 7260.
photo from east