Stratigraphic Units


Publication Status
Publication Year
Publication Notes


Excavation Year
Formation Process
Stratigraphical Reliability
SU Type
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Model

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Finds Studied By
Filled Out On
Revised On
Finds Processed On
SU Closed


Class Frequency Details
Amphorae Medium
Nails Rare
Pottery Frequent
Tiles Medium
Basalt Frequent
Animal Bones Rare
Animal Teeth Rare
Charcoal Rare No pieces large enough to collect.

Soil Matrix

Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
Measured Compaction
Measured Compaction (kg per cm)

Unit Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Unit Limit Notes

Observations and Descriptions



Inclusion Observations
Thickness Observations


Cut Edges
Cut Sides
Cut Bottom
Cut Top Edge
Cut Bottom Edge
Cut Observations

Structural Remains

Building Technique

Binding Agent
Mortar Description
Mortar Inclusions

Mortar Inclusion Size
Wall Facing

Floor Type

Wall Finishing

Structure Description


Total Volume of Layer (buckets)
Soil Sampling
Soil Sample Quantity (buckets)
Soil Sample Fraction (%)
Sieving Sample Quantity (buckets)
Sieving Sample Fraction (%)
Non Soil Sampling
Non Soil Sample Type
Non Soil Sample Size


2019-06-27 Andrew Johnston

Excavation in 2019 seems to confirm our tentative, preliminary interpretation from 2018. This layer most likely represents some kind of leveling layer, after the abandonment of what may have been an earlier surface (roadway?) that occupied the space of this corridor. The presence of such a density of large basalt stones makes it almost certain that it is an intentional deposition, but it doesn't appear suitable to be a preparation layer for another road surface, and thus the roadway (or alley/corridor) has probably gone out of use as such when this layer is deposited.

2018-07-24 Andrew Johnston

Without excavation in 2018 season, secure interpretation is impossible. But, together with its equivalent layer 7242 in Room 5 (to which it seems to connect below wall 7114/7115/7185), this compact spread of basalt stones seems to represent an important horizon or discontinuity in the occupation of the original corridor delimited by ashlar walls 7108 (east) and 7038/7078 (west). It may be a kind of surface (for a 'roadway' or passageway), or just a large leveling layer before the construction phase that divides what had been a long corridor into rooms for the first time (by the insertion of wall 7114/7115/7185).

Dates and Phasing

Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Creation Phase (First Phase Present)
Last Active Phase (Present and in Use)
Last Presence Phase (Last Phase Present, not in Use)

Faunal Register

Faunal NISP

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds
Class Count Weight (kg) Details
Bone 0.014
CBM 7.2 Many small fragments, possibly intentionally cut into squares in some cases.
Glass 4 0.00025
Metal (deprecated) 1 0.012 iron stake
Totals 5 7.22625
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Fire Damage Notes

Special Finds


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Ceramics Condition Comments
Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
Amphora 4 4 1 98 107 2.305 2 11 Includes Tripolitanian amphora fragments.
Black Gloss 22 5 34 49 0.27 2 4 Some fragments heavily chipped, possibly intentionally. Many fragments with lots of accretions. Variety of firing styles.
Bucchero 2 2 0.006 3 4
CBM 5 0.155 4 6 Likely tile fragments with traces of paint. All retained with SU ceramics.
Commonware 26 3 5 184 218 1.303 2 11 Some fragments with lime residue
Creamware 6 3 107 116 0.59 2 8
Dolium 9 9 0.382 2 11
Genucilia Plate 1 1 0.002 2 2 Potential genucilia plate rim for further study by L. Bernardo-Ciddio.
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso 1 2 3 0.024 3 5
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso 2 2 0.055 5 6 Two joining fragments of the rim of a basin in rough fabric similar to ICS.
Internal Red Slip Ware 2 2 0.008 3 3
Italo Megarian 2 2 0.002 2 4 One sherd with circular, mold-made boss decoration.
Lamp 1 1 2 0.013 3 4 Part of shoulder with ridges on the small, fine fragment (probably a Loeschke I or IV, larger fragment part of base and spout of black gloss thick walled lamp.
Mortarium 2 2 0.095 5 6 Large augite inclusions on interior indicate use as grinding vessels
Painted Commonware 1 1 3 5 0.058 4 5 Three fragments likely from same vessel with incised potential decoration on two of the fragments--but no joins between them.
Painted Creamware 1 1 8 10 0.045 2 6 Bands of pink and brown on beige fabric. Some fragments with thicker orange-ish slip.
Terra Sigillata 3 3 0.006 2 3
Thin Walled 2 1 4 6 0.029 2 6 One large rim fragment of relatively thick proportions.
Unidentified Ceramic 2 2 0.004 2 2 Beige ceramic relatively levigated fabric with black painted or slipped decoration on the interior only.
Totals 0 67 8 17 462 546 5.352



Spot Dates

0 AD - 45 AD

Connected Forms


Photo Model

Layer of brown silt with frequent basalt inclusions in Room H4


Sketch of SUs 7221, 7234, 7242, 7257.


photo from north


photo from north


photo from north