Excavation in 2017 removed layers abutting the western limit of this wall. The wall functions also as a boundary in Rooms I-11 and 12, which seems to be the praefurnium of a bath building. The wall is much shorter north-south than originally supposed.
SU 8016 served as the western wall of Room I-2 in the later phase(s) of occupation, and thus is associated with the productive activities of Rooms I-1 and I-2. The two lines visible in the top of the wall might suggest that an opening has been plugged here, but we would need to excavate beneath floor 8024 to confirm this. To the south, the manner in which this SU abuts the earlier walls - particularly block 8077, suggests that it relates to a late reorganization of the area.
Concrete floor and west wall of Room I-2
Taken from the west.
Taken from the north.
N-S wall (E) of Room I-11, S. of wall 8011; N-S wall (E.) of Room I-11, S. of wall 8011; N-S wall west of Room I-2; E-W wall (E) of Room I-12, E. of wall 8016; Degraded tufo ashlar north of su 8076; N-S wall N. of 8076 and S. of 8016, in E. half of Room I-12
Series of N-S running walls at eastern end of 2018 excavation area
photo taken from the west
N-S wall west of Room I-2 and E of rooms I-11 and I-12