Excavation of the surrounding area - particularly the discovery of cut SU 8222 - has clarified the situation. SU 8117 is in fact the fill of this cut within our arbitrary trench, equal to SU 8146 to the west and 8143 to the east, both beyond the original limits of this trench. The purpose of the cut is unknown (spoliation?), but these fills probably accumulated as a combination of intentional dumping, gradual wall collapse, and natural colluvial deposition.
SU 8117 is likely the result of gradual collapse of nearby walls, as the rubble is most dense near the northern limit (su 8039 and su 8168). It was difficult to distinguish the limits between this SU and 8050 to the north, which has larger pieces of rubble and might once have constituted an intentional plugging of the doorway into Room I5 (if so it was highly disturbed or irregularly constructed).
Layer of rubble and soil south of room I5
Layer of rubble and soil south of room I5; Rubble and soil deposit W of 8117; Rubbly deposit east of SU 8117