A wall of petit appareil that abuts arch 8237 and seems to form part of a substructure, perhaps a cistern or praefurnium, in the western half of room I-11. Further excavation may clarify the relationship between this wall and the others (SUs 8237, 8238, 8240 and 8241).
Taken from the east.
Taken from the north.
Southwestern portion of Area I at the end of season 2017
Arch of CBM and mortar at western limit of room I-11; E-W wall (S) abutting 8237 and 8120 in room I-11; N-S wall (S) abutting 8237 and 8238 in room I-11; E-W wall (N) abutting 8237 and 8012 in room I-11; N-S wall (N) abutting 8237 and 8240 in room I-11