Area: C, The su is a layer of brown silty sand between 2033, 2055, 2054, and 2033.
Area: C, The SU was a wall of irregular stones.
Area: C, The Su was a wall of irregular stones.
Area: C, Wall of irregular stones
Area: C, Wall of irregular stones.
Area: C, Wall of irregular blocks
Area: C, Patchy orange layer in the NE corner of area
Note: Note fully excavated or documented. SU does not appear in final matrix or publication.
Area: C, Regular blocks of tufo.
Area: C, Rectangular stone drain.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of rocks and tile.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of clayish silt.
Area: C, This Su is a layer of silt, sand with some clay.
Area: C, Circular cut into bedrock
Area: C, The SU is a layer of light brown silt between SU 2038, SU 2035, SU 2053, SU 2052, SU 2054, and SU 2033.
Area: C, The SU was a layer of light yellow-brown silt in central part of area.
Area: C, fill of circular feature
Area: C, The SU was a layer of basalt and tufo fragments.
Area: C, The SU is a circular feature of tufo blocks.
Area: C, The Su was a layer of light yellow/brown silt in central part of area covered by SU 2104 and SU 2105.
Area: C, The SU was a layer of basalt and tufo fragments.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of collapsed rocks and tile.
Area: C, Layer of paving stones
Area: C, Layer of paving stones
Area: C, Layer of tiles
Area: C, the Su is a layer of clayish silt.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of tiles and rocks.
Area: C, Layer of silty clay with fragments of tufo.
Area: C, Wall of Irregular stones
Area: C, The SU is a collapse of a tufo drain.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of silty clay.
Area: C, Opus quadratum wall
Area: C, The su is a layer of light brown silty clay.
Area: C, The su is a wall of irregular stones.
Area: C, Wall of irregular stones
Area: C, The Su was a wall of irregular stones.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of yellowish-brown silt in the central part of the area.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of light brown silt in a circular feature, covered by SU 2074.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of brown silty soil within a circular feature.
Area: C, The SU was a circular feature of tufo and basalt fragments.
Area: C, The su is a layer of tufo running east-west in south part of area.
Area: C, The su is a layer of tufo running east-west in the south part of area.
Area: C, The SU was an alignment of irregular blocks with an east-west orientation.
Area: C, The Su was an alignment of irregular blocks.
Area: C, The Su was a layer of reddish/brown silt with charcoal inclusions.The
Area: C, The SU is the rubble fill of a spoliation cut.
Area: C, The SU is a spoliation cut of a tufo slab.
Area: C, The SU was a layer of reddish silt.
Area: C, The Su was an alignment of irregular stones with a north-south orientation.
Area: C, silt and rubble fill of spoliation cut
Area: C, The SU is a layer of reddish-brown silt with charcoal inclusions.
Area: C, The SU is a spoliation cut of tufo slabs.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of charcoal in the central part of the area.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of light yellow silt below SU 2130 in the central part of the area.
Area: C, This SU is a layer of charcoal that fills SU 2144 covered by SU 2141.
Area: C, The Su was a feature of irregular stones abutting SU 2033.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of charcoal abutting SU 2032.
Area: C, This SU is a cut of SU 2147 filled by SU 2143.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of yellow silt below SU 2130.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of slag filling SU 2156.
Area: C, The SU is a charcoal fill of SU 2146.
Area: C, The SU is a cut of SU 2147, and is filled by SU 2154.
Area: C, The SU is a cut of SU 2147, filled by SU 2155.
Area: C, The Su is a layer of yellow-brown silt in the central part of the area beneath 2147.
Area: C, This SU was a charcoal fill of cut SU 2188.
Area: C, The su is a layer of yellow sandy silt beneath 2147.
Area: C, The su is a compact layer of silt beneath 2147 in the central part of the area.
Area: C, This SU is a rectangular feature of worked tufo slabs.
Area: C, The SU is a wall of tufo blocks with an east-west orientation in the central part of the area.
Area: C, This SU is a wall of worked and irregular blocks with N-S orientation.
Area: C, The SU is a cut within a rubble preparation.
Area: C, The SU is rubble with east-west orientation in the central part of area.