

Feature Type
Feature Description

Stratigraphic Units

Area: C, The SU was Floor/pavement preparation under 2243.

Area: C, Theis SU was an opus signinum surface south of 2201.

Area: C, The SU is a north-south wall foundation made of large ashlar tufo blocks.

Area: C, The SU is a large accumulation layer in the south-central part of 2nd c. house.

Area: C, The SU is a silty layer on top of walls in the northeast room of the 2nd c. BCE house.

Area: C, The Su is a layer of brown silt in the south of the area.

Area: C, The SU is a layer of brown silt in the south-central part of the area.

Area: C, Cleaning layer in southern half of courtyard at beginning of 2018 season

Area: C, The SU is a north-south wall foundation of large ashlar tufo blocks.

Area: C, The SU is a worked tufo block/slab in the southeast corner of the courtyard, west of SU 2256.

Area: C, The SU is two tufo blocks beneath wall 2256, east of 2436. It sits at the southern side of the western face of wall 2256.

Area: C, The SU was a east-west wall of irregular basalt stone aligned with 2274.

Area: C, The SU was a basalt wall extension S of and the same alignment as 2256.

Area: C, The su is a patch of red tufo gravel east of trench 2304.

Area: C, The SU is an east-west linear deposit of stones in the southern part of the courtyard, east of 2437. The SU is equal to SU 2437.

Area: C, The Su was remnants of a cocciopesto floor.

Area: C, The SU was a east-west wall of irregular basalt stones.

Area: C, The SU is a compact grey deposit north of 2260.

Area: C, The SU was an L-shaped wall of irregular basalt stones aligned with E-W wall 2274.

Area: C, The SU is a single worked tufo block north of SU 2260, along the western limit of the 2015 Area C excavation.

Area: C, Red crushed tufo surface on W edge of courtyard

Area: C, Crushed red tufo in SW corner of coutyard N. and E. of block 2454


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