Despite further study, the purpose of this upright vessel (one of several across the area from this phase) is still unclear.
SU 1033 is a dolia vessel placed upright in situ in the soil. It was preserved only to a maximum height of 17cm, and in very fragmentary condition. At some point it appears to have been broken (in the northeast) and patched with tile placed as part of the base and smaller ceramic shards along the side (see sketch on SU sheet). Thus it could not have held liquid during this phase of its use. Vessel was left in situ due to its extremely damaged condition. Requires conservator to lift. The vessel collapsed in on itself after abandonment, shown by the sherds within the interior fill. EDIT: Excavated to allow removal of nearby grave. This feature appears to have been cut into the same surface as the nearby grave (SU1046), suggesting that the two are related; therefore the vessel may have had a funerary function.
In situ dolium