This wall along with 2239 delimited a space that may have been an entryway. The room has a floor, but it has been cut and only covers half of the area to the North. This also supported by the road to the East. To the West it is bound to wall 2256, which seems to extend this space to the South or possibly begin a new one (atrium?). The wall appears to be earlier than the connecting N-S wall 2256, because it is disturbed on the Western edge possibly by the placing in of 2256. It also appears to be left over from an earlier wall system since the other walls 2256 and those to the North of the entryway are tufo and have larger blocks, but for some reason this basalt wall was just left in and re-used. No cut was recorded because the wall is being left in.
Basalt wall
E-W of basalt stones
Irregular stones between walls 2240 and 2256.