This was a very silty layer under which several different contexts were exposed, including a possible early floor surface and possible collapse/destruction debris. Also uncovered was more of wall 2373, which had been partly visible after the removal of Su 2268. During excavation, it was observed that this layer continues to the East under wall 2260. The spot date of this layer places it potentially in the 3rd c. BCE. Interpretation remains difficult, partly due to the disturbances in this corner of the house that truncated it to the South and obliterated/robbed the West wall. But it seems likely that this layer is related to the re-organization of the space later occupied by the 2nd century BCE house, covering earlier habitation surfaces, wall(s) associated with earlier phases (e.g. SU 2373), and their collapse/destruction. If this part of the house (room C6) was later reoccupied, no clear stratigraphy relating to this phase survives.