The layer consists not only of colluvial deposit but also covers debris from obliterated structures, partienlarly material from the collapse of the north (4007), west (4023) and south (4025) walls inwards. The debris is then covered by the same layer of deposit soil which is layer 4015. 4015 and 4014, in the second and third rooms from the north, seem to be part of the same large colluvial deposit which covered the destruction of the walls in this area. The layer may continue further south as SU 4020. Two collapses (4021 and 4022) and a linear spread of rubble that may be a collapse (4024) were revealed by the excavation of 4015. After removal of wall 4008, we discovered a construction cut (4026) that cut 4015 on the south and layer 4020, which seems to be equal to 4015.