5010 seems to represent a second or even third phase of a north-south running wall within the space defined by walls 5009 and 5008. The westward turn at the south end 5127 to expand an opening or to help define an interior space, indicated by the presence of plaster on the mortared sections -5010-. There is no indication of plaster on 5128, so it is possible the rebuilding of the wall coincided with a change in roofing condition of the space. The west face of the wall is approximately level with the ground level as indicated by socles 5130 and 5129 and is attested by the preserved plaster. The east face, however, does not extend down to the same near the northern end. The presence of plaster indicates that by the time 5010 was constructed, the structure was roofed.
Western group of walls, plaster and socle in Area F