This structure most likely represents a threshold by which the secondary courtyard could be entered and exited from the north, in the direction of Room 19. This seems to have been the only point of access on the northern side, and along with threshold 5768 to the east, one of only two known points of access to the courtyard. Its relationship with the floor surfaces and the general level of the courtyard is clear; to the north, however, the situation is somewhat more difficult. Slab floor 5739, onto which it seems one would step after passing through this threshold to the north, sits at a lower level, and has certain features that would seem to restrict movement into and through this space. Furthermore, slab floor 5726 of Room 19 still sits at a significantly higher level, and thus there must have been a way of bridging that gap that does not survive, if indeed direct access into Room 19 on this axis could be gained from this threshold.
Tufo slab floor drain cover west of block 5586 (5739), Tufo step threshold west of wall 5574 (5740), Continuation of east-west ashlar wall west of 5740 (5741) and Single ashlar block oriented diagonally north of wall 5741 (5771)