Metal Object, metal weight in shape of small amphora
Pin, Hair pin
Coin, AE coin - Dupondius (22-23 AD)
Bone Fragment, Bone pin or stylus
Partial Vessel, Fineware Unguentarium
Bone Object, Worked bone
Coin, AE coin - Dupondius (17 BC)
Stamp, Terra sigillata stamp
Stamp, Terra sigillata stamp
Bone Object, Worked bone
Bone Object, Worked Bone Fragment
Pin, End of bone hairpin carved in shape of woman
Needle, Fragment of bone needle
Handle, Flat iron piece surrounded by lead at both ends.
Pin, Worked bone.
Pin, Worked bone
Stamp, Amphora stamp
Pin, Bone pin
Graffito, Graffito inscription on Terra sigillata
Ring, Bronze ring
Pin, worked bone hairpin
Needle, Worked bone needle
Pin, Hairpin
Pin, worked bone piece of hairpin
Pin, worked bone piece of hairpin
Pin, Bone hairpin
Pin, Worked bone fragment
Architectural Molding, White plaster with "fishbone" incised decoration.
Lamp, molded lamp with male figure
Architectural Element, painted, molded terracotta revetment
Glass Fragment, Glass base (octopod)