This wall is related to the second phase of occupation in this part of the middle terrace with its reorganization of the space, and is to be connected with wall 5575 to the south, together with which (and reusing ashlar walls 5574 and 5551) it delimits a new, smaller space in the northeastern corner of the original small courtyard. Its construction is clearly connected with the tile feature immediately to the southwest (SU 5577 and 5745), probably used for some kind of burning activity.
Opus mixtum wall running north-south in NW corner of Room 17 (5744), Concrete superstructure on top of tiles 5577 (5745), Single tufo block west of wall 5744 (5746), Tile floor at W limit of room 17 (5577), Cluster of concrete and broken tufo blocks west of 5575 (5747), and Opus mixtum wall S of room 17 (5575)