Wall built of regularly worked large tufo blocks, though of slightly different dimensions than typical ashlar walls of the mid-Republican period found in buildings elsewhere in the city (e.g. walls 7108/7204 to the south in Area H, or the walls of the Area F complex). Though later used as the foundation for a concrete wall (6068), it most likely belongs to an earlier phase. At the moment, without further excavation in the block to the north, it remains unclear whether its primary function was to delimit the trunk road or it belongs to some structure occupying the unexcavated portion of the block to the north (west of the Area I building).
Concrete wall running north-south at eastern limit of Road 3, parallel to wall 6033; Concrete wall running east-west at northern limit of the Via Gabina, east of wall 6056; Wall in tufo blocks beneath wall 6068; Wall in tufo blocks beneath wall 6056.
Sketch of 6056, 6068, 6069, 6070, 7229.
Cross Section with measurements of Walls SU 6068 and SU 6069
View from south (placeholder)