This slab seems to belong to the original phase of construction in this part of the Area H complex, associated with the ashlar walls (e.g. 7078, 7097, 7098, 7057). It sits at a lower level than slab floor 7130, and there are no traces of mortar. Also, while 7130 was only covered by post-abandonment accumulation 7077, this slab was also covered by 7128, suggesting that it fell out of use still earlier. The hole in the slab almost certainly corresponds to a known north-south subterranean drainage feature (cuniculus), running from the southeast corner of Room 1 to the north. Part of its function in the original phase thus seems to have been as a drain for waste of some sort, located in what would have been the corner of a room formed by walls 7057 (north), 7078 (east), 7097/7158/7143 (south), and 7142/7167 (west).
View from west