The Main Webinar Series

Our webinar series was designed to provide a technical and methodological foundation for potential peer reviewers less familiar with the technologies and issues involved in 3D model production and digital information visualization. Our first webinar was held on the 14th October 2013, and brought together a variety of researchers, scholars and students in archaeology. Links to the sample digital content and audio recordings of the discussion are available below. The second webinar was held in 2014.

Target Audience

This webinar series was open to anyone with a .edu or .gov email address, or documented affiliation with a cultural heritage institution, press, publishing house or journal. You could sign up to participate in a webinar using the contact form on this site. Individuals were asked to include a brief explanation of your background and current involvement in peer review, digital humanities/social sciences, academic publishing, archaeology or heritage management.

Webinar Topics:
    • Introduction to 3D Metric Models
      1. How are models made
      2. Issues of accuracy
      3. Issues of resolution
      4. Issues of Interpretation
      5. Post-Processing voodoo
    • Introduction to Serious Gaming Environments
      1. Design choices in model building
      2. Issues of User Interface Design
      3. Navigation Styles
      4. What information is included in a model?
      5. Information visualization semantics
    • Introduction to linked data models
      1. Issues of metadata
      2. Issues of linked data structures
    • Meta- Issues
      1. Theory and Serious Games
      2. Fixed models vs. User choice models
      3. Issues of citability
      4. Visualizations as Analytical Tools

Webinar 2

During the second webinar we focused on user interface design and discussed what can be learned from gaming. Dr. David Frederick (University of Arkansas) presented together with Taylor G. Yust, Kjartan Kennedy, and Tyler Johnson, students at the University of Arkansas.

The webinar covered three topics.

  • Part One: why does interface (GUI) matter? What games do it well, and which ones don't? How does this relate to the purposes and goals of an archaeological project using Unity?
  • Part Two: Comparison of GUI choices in Unity (built-in tools, EZ GUI, NGUI, code your own), ending with NGUI (Kjartan)
  • Part Three: Demonstration of a simple how-to instance with NGUI (Taylor)

Listen to the audio recording.

Download the slides.