Area: I, Wall abutted by SU 8265
Area: I, Light brown deposit covered by 8068 east of wall SU 8094
Area: I, Floor covered SU 8269
Area: I, Deposit covered by 8086
Area: I, Surface cut by SU 8065
Area: I, Cut for post hole filled by SU 8219
Area: I, fill of post hole in cut 8065
Area: I, Between SU 8167 and SU 8214, light brown with rock inclusions, floor preparation layer for floor of SU 8167 and SU 8214
Area: I, Floor west of floor SU 8167
Area: I, Floor covered by 8163
Area: I, Irregular cut west of 8102
Area: I, Collapse east of 8081
Area: I, Floor in Room I-8.
Area: I, Northern circular cut filled by SU 8060.