SU 8217 was the western wall for room I-6. Its stratigraphy (especially its association with floor SU 8224) and irregular construction technique mark it as part of the later, imperial, phase of construction in the area. It is not clear whether it extended north to meet a corner with wall SU 8088, or where a doorway between I5 and I6 would have been (one must have existed).
Leveling for floor for room I-6, N-S wall west of room I-6, Stones west of wall 8217 in room I-5, E-W wall west of SU 8044, Patch of floor preparation east of wall 8217 in room I-6
Floor for room I-6; Rubble layer in room I-6 covered by floor SU 8197; Patch of floor preparation east of wall 8217 in room I-6; N-S wall west of room I-6; Stones west of wall 8217 in room I-5