The function of feature SU 8223 is unclear. Two scenarios seem possible. First, these stones could be collapsed from wall 8217. Arguments favoring this circumstance are that there is a space of a size similar to these stones in the wall, and the nearby N-S wall 8043 running along the same access is constructed with similar tufo slabs. The second possibility is that the stones were used for a construction feature - possibly a step? This argument is favored by the floor-like-surface in room I-5 which abuts this feature, which, if indeed a floor, makes it unlikely that SU 8223 was a post-abandonment collapse.
Leveling for floor for room I-6, N-S wall west of room I-6, Stones west of wall 8217 in room I-5, E-W wall west of SU 8044, Patch of floor preparation east of wall 8217 in room I-6
Floor for room I-6; Rubble layer in room I-6 covered by floor SU 8197; Patch of floor preparation east of wall 8217 in room I-6; N-S wall west of room I-6; Stones west of wall 8217 in room I-5