Stratigraphic Units


Publication Status
Publication Year
Publication Notes


Excavation Year
Formation Process
Stratigraphical Reliability
SU Type
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Model

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Finds Studied By
Filled Out On
Revised On
Finds Processed On
SU Closed


Class Frequency Details
Coins Rare Two bronze coins
Glass Rare
Marble Frequent
Mortar Medium
Mosaic Tile Frequent Several large connected segments, some with patterns visible
Nails Frequent
Painted Plaster Frequent Red, yellow, blue, white
Pottery Frequent
Slag Rare Lead slag
Tiles Frequent
Basalt Medium
Tufo Medium gray tufo
Animal Bones Rare
Animal Teeth Rare
Charcoal Rare

Soil Matrix

Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
Measured Compaction
Measured Compaction (kg per cm)

Unit Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Unit Limit Notes

Observations and Descriptions



Inclusion Observations
Thickness Observations


Cut Edges
Cut Sides
Cut Bottom
Cut Top Edge
Cut Bottom Edge
Cut Observations

Structural Remains

Building Technique

Binding Agent
Mortar Description
Mortar Inclusions

Mortar Inclusion Size
Wall Facing

Floor Type

Wall Finishing

Structure Description


Total Volume of Layer (buckets)
Soil Sampling
Soil Sample Quantity (buckets)
Soil Sample Fraction (%)
Sieving Sample Quantity (buckets)
Sieving Sample Fraction (%)
Non Soil Sampling
Non Soil Sample Type
Non Soil Sample Size


2016-07-20 Sabian Hasani

This layer seems to be a colluvial deposit with intentional dumping activity possible as well, mainly due to the large chunks of mosaic floor pieces that were present. Alternatively, these chunks may belong to the floor that was once associated with the walls of Room I-5, which is no where preserved, as suggested by the level of the threshold and wall foundations. The nature of the floor surfaces underneath was very irregular, with not very good preservation conditions, leading to a commingled interface with this layer and limits that were difficult to define. On the southern side the layer was heavily mixed with rubble from 8050. This was most likely a post abandonment deposition layer.

Dates and Phasing

Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Creation Phase (First Phase Present)
Last Active Phase (Present and in Use)
Last Presence Phase (Last Phase Present, not in Use)

Faunal Register

Bag # Cassetta # Recovery Method # of Specimens Weight (gr) Notes
2016 131 Excavation 0 368
Totals 0 368

Faunal NISP

Species NISP NISP % NISP Notes
0 0
Totals 0

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds
Class Count Weight (kg) Details
Bone 0.4
Iron 0.92 54 nails, 1 clamp
Lead 3 0.34
Marble 37 10.72 3 pavonazetto (1 thin rectangular wall revetment, 1 wall revetment with 1 original edge), 2 blue w/ white (2 wall revetment w/ original edge), 2 giallo antics (1 wall w/ original edge), 16 white (5 floor pieces with no original edges, 4 wall revetment with no original edges, 3 floor pieces w/ original edge, 3 wall revetment w/ original edge, 1 block w/ 6 edges worked), 14 Luna (5 floor pieces w/ original edges, 1 square floor piece w/ 3 original cut edges, 3 wall revetment w/ no original edges, 4 rectangular wall revetment w/ original cut edges, 1 very thin rectangular wall revetment)
Mosaic Tile 31.28 6 mosaic tile floor pieces with large tesserae, 39 mosaic tile floor pieces with small tesserae. Loose tesserae range in size, primarily white, black, and grey
Plaster 60.49 In 7 cassette to be moved for further study to the American Academy July 2016. Counts and more specific data will be taken at a later date. UPDATE 2017: Plaster still on site. Array of painted plaster, most fragments of which are quite friable. Includes a variety of painting schemes, but many white with red stripes, red with yellow stripes, black stripes on white, and a few fragments with non-striped decoration in green and red on white. A few fragments of red stripe on white join, and there is potential for other joins among these fragments. (198 frags, 9.22 kg in one cassetta.
Totals 40 104.15
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Fire Damage Notes

Special Finds

Stamp, Stamped tile

Stamp, Stamped tile

Stamp, Stamped tile

Slag, large lead slag

Stamp, Stamped tile

Architectural Element, Mosaic fragment

Stamp, Stamped tile

Architectural Element, Marble architectural element

Coin, AE coin - 303 CE

Stamp, terracotta tile with half a stamp

Bone Object, Worked bone object

Coin, Bronze Coin

Stamp, TS stamp

Inscription, Amphora inscription

Stamp, Brick stamp

Coin, Bronze coin


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Ceramics Condition Comments
Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
African Cookware 2 3 5 0.147 3 11
African Red Slip 3 8 10 0.74 3 5
Amphora 1 4 2 57 64 4.56 3 11 One amphora wall has internal red slip
Amphora Stopper 1 1 0.036 7 7
Black Gloss 4 1 2 3 10 0.123 2 8
Bucchero Impasto 1 2 3 0.053 3 6
CBM 6 4.5 2 tegulae (1 with finger swipes, 1 with fingertip impressions), 4 imbreces; 89.02 kg of CBM discarded
Commonware 26 3 8 46 83 1.8 3 11
Creamware 1 4 35 40 0.482 3 11
Impasto 1 3 4 0.163 3 8
Internal Red Slip Ware 1 1 0.01 4 4
Internal Slip Ware 1 1 0.012 5 5
Lamp 3 1 3 7 0.07 4 6
Large Storage Container 4 4 8 1.7 8 11
Large Storage Container 4 4 8 1.7 8 11
Mortarium 1 1 0.4 10 10
Painted Creamware 2 1 1 2 0.02 4 6
Terra Sigillata 6 1 7 14 0.033 2 4
Thin Walled 2 4 2 1 9 0.026 2 5
Unguentarium 1 1 0.028 5 5
Unidentified Ceramic 1 1 2 0.04 6 6
Unidentified Ceramic 5 5 0.08 4 7 Amphora with plaster
Unidentified Ceramic 1 1 2 0.3 8 10 Amphora with red pigment
Totals 0 60 15 22 187 287 17.023


Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
1 1 0.022 6 6
Vessel Glass 11 10 21 0.058 2 7
Totals 0 11 0 1 10 22 0.08

Spot Dates

150 AD - 250 AD

300 AD - 360 AD

Connected Forms






extra mosaic chunks which were not phomodelled


loose tesserae
