Stratigraphic Units


Publication Status
Publication Year
Publication Notes


Excavation Year
Formation Process
Stratigraphical Reliability
SU Type
Layer Distinguished By
Photo Model

Record Events

Filled Out By
Revised By
Finds Studied By
Filled Out On
Revised On
Finds Processed On
SU Closed


Class Frequency Details
Glass Rare
Marble Rare thin angular pieces of various colors; one large sphere
Mortar Rare
Mosaic Tile Frequent found throughout the SU, predominantly white. occur occasionally in small clusters embedded in mortar. high concentration of loose tesserae in central eastern area next to the 'foyer'
Nails Medium
Painted Plaster Medium red, blue, green, yellow, white stripes. Plaster associated with ceilings found concentrated in eastern portion of SU.
Pottery Medium
Tiles Medium
Pebbles Medium
Tufo Medium gray
Animal Bones Rare
Animal Teeth Rare
Charcoal Rare

Soil Matrix

Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
Measured Compaction
Measured Compaction (kg per cm)

Unit Limits

Northern Limit
Southern Limit
Western Limit
Eastern Limit
Depth Limit
Unit Limit Notes

Observations and Descriptions



Inclusion Observations
Thickness Observations


Cut Edges
Cut Sides
Cut Bottom
Cut Top Edge
Cut Bottom Edge
Cut Observations

Structural Remains

Building Technique

Binding Agent
Mortar Description
Mortar Inclusions

Mortar Inclusion Size
Wall Facing

Floor Type

Wall Finishing

Structure Description


Total Volume of Layer (buckets)
Soil Sampling
Soil Sample Quantity (buckets)
Soil Sample Fraction (%)
Sieving Sample Quantity (buckets)
Sieving Sample Fraction (%)
Non Soil Sampling
Non Soil Sample Type
Non Soil Sample Size


2016-07-21 Sabian Hasani

This layer appears to have been a colluvial deposit covering most areas in the southern part of area I. Parts of the eastern side were especially elevated due to the basin feature revealed on the northeastern corner and a room with an especially elevated floor surface on the southeastern corner. Small clusters of building material within the deposit may represent episodes of collapse occurring during colluvial accumulation.

Dates and Phasing

Approximate Date of Layer
Date of Layer Observations
Creation Phase (First Phase Present)
Last Active Phase (Present and in Use)
Last Presence Phase (Last Phase Present, not in Use)

Faunal Register

Faunal NISP

Bulk Finds

Finds Observations
Finds Storage Notes
Bulk Finds
Class Count Weight (kg) Details
Bone 0.5
Bronze 1 0.0038 Bronze nail
Glass 1 0.0006 Glass tessera
Iron 72 0.76 1 piece of flat iron object, 1 clasp, 1 bent ring, 5 fragments, 1 nail head, 8 nail fragments, 4 stakes, 51 nails
Marble 564 33.828 Revetment fragments unless indicated otherwise; white (11 cut into triangles, 1 large square, 1 thin rectangular element, 1 cut into rectangle, 33 with finished edges including 1 curved, 30 unid); pavonazetto (1 rectangle, 1 trapezoid, 57 triangles, 89 with finished edges, 26 unid); pink with red veins (19 unid, 26 triangles, 37 with finished edges); giallo antico (1 column fragment, 10 rectangular, 32 triangles, 10 trapezoidal, 10 unid, 50 with finished edges); Africano (8 triangles, 1 unid, 8 with finished edges); green porphyry (4 triangles, 4 unid, 10 with finished edges); porphyry (1 triangle); red stone (8 triangles, 6 with finished edges, 2 unid, 6 rectangles); black and white granite (2 triangles, 2 unid); black and white granite (?) with large crystals (1 triangle); dark green with white crystals (3 triangles, 2 with finished edges, 2 unid); blue and white (7 triangles, 8 with finished edges, 9 unid)...
Mosaic Tile 2.9 Mosaic fragments
Mosaic Tile 22.8 Dark grey and white cut stone tesserae, both large and small sizes
Other Marble continued: pink and grey (1 triangle, 5 with finished edges including 1 large fragment with incised linear grooves, 4 unid); green/red/white (1 triangle, 3 unid); dark grey slate (1 triangle, 2 thin rectangular elements; white with red veins (3 triangles); multicolored (red/brown/yellow/orange--2 triangles, 1 unid)
Plaster 1315 55.06 Fragments with design (from size 1-11, with many matching designs): 259; Fragments with red only: 424; Fragments with black only: 69; Fragments with blue only: 43; Fragments with green only: 2; Fragments with white: 518 (includes both those with white faces and fragments of unfaced plaster with cane impressions).
Plaster 13 0.107 1 red; 1 yellow and red; white
Vessel Glass 26 0.05 Rim and wall sherds, 1 knob (?); light green, white, blue
Window Glass 2 0.011 Possible window glass; flat and thick; dark blue color
Totals 1994 116.0204
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Fire Damage Notes

Special Finds

Coin, Bronze coin

Bone Object, Piece of worked bone

Stamp, Brick stamp

Stamp, Brick stamp

Stamp, Brick stamp

Metal Object, bronze boss

Metal Object, Lead object.


Ceramics Assemblage Condition
Lost / Damaged - Shed Fire 2020
Ceramics Condition Comments
Class Whole Vessels Rims Handles Bases Walls Total Weight (kg) Minimum Size (cm) Maximum Size (cm) Details
African Cookware 6 12 18 0.13 2 5
African Red Slip 7 2 14 24 0.324 2 8
Amphora 3 11 2 441 457 14.16 2 11
Amphora Stopper 1 1 0.015 4 4 Wall sherd recut into stopper.
Black Gloss 1 5 13 19 0.147 2 7
Bucchero 3 3 0.063 3 9 Two larger wall sherds likely join, have incised vertical linear decoration.
Bucchero Impasto 3 3 0.016 2 4
CBM 272 272 38.7 2 11 Most discarded, fabric samples retained (10.24 kg); one pan tile preserves intact length
Commonware 52 10 12 287 357 3.98 1 11
Creamware 16 4 2 130 148 1.235 2 8
Fineware 3 3 0.022 3 5
Impasto 4 13 17 0.47 3 9
Impasto Chiaro Sabbioso 1 4 5 0.14 3 6
Impasto Rosso 1 3 4 0.06 3 4
Lamp 1 1 14 16 0.087 2 5 One lamp spout and one base from African production.
Opaque Red Ware 1 1 2 0.016 4 4
Painted Creamware 2 2 4 17 25 0.161 2 7
Terra Sigillata 2 4 3 21 30 0.156 2 7
Thin Walled 6 6 18 30 0.066 1 3 Some wall sherds have rouletting and barbotine decoration
Unidentified Ceramic 14 14 0.209 4 5 Amphora walls with a thin layer of plaster with a black surface on the exterior of the sherds. Seems purposefully painted.
Unidentified Ceramic 1 1 0.058 7 7 Mortarium
Totals 3 108 28 33 1284 1449 60.215



Spot Dates

400 AD - 450 AD

Connected Forms





