Area: C, The SU is the fill of circular cut SU 2236, in the southern portion of Space 5's floor.
Area: C, This SU is the East-West wall along the Southern edge of Room C5.
Area: C, The SU is the western ledge of cocciopesto of Room C5.
Area: C, The SU was a North ledge of cocciopesto of room C5.
Area: C, The SU is a robbing cut filled with SU 2227.
Area: C, The su is the floor of Room C5.
Area: C, The SU is a circular cut in the southern portion of the Space 5floor, filled by SU 2235.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of topsoil on top of the southern corner wall in the 2nd c. BCE house.
Area: C, The SU is the remains of topsoil across the southern part of the area.
Area: C, The SU is the remains of topsoil east of SU 2221 and west of SU 2222.
Area: C, The SU is a layer of accumulation over the floor in the southwest room of the 2011 area extension (Space 5).
Area: C, The SU is a fill layer over a robbed-out wall south of the room in the southwest corner (Space 5), and is equal to SU 2268.
Area: C, The SU is the fill of a robbed out wall north of Space 5.
Area: C, The SU is the fill of oval cut SU 2238, in the center of Space 5.
Area: C, The SU is an oval cut in the center of the Space 5 floor.
Area: C, N-S rubble wall along W side of Room C5
Area: C, The SU was remnants of a coccio pesto floor abutting 2274, 2275.
Area: C, The SU is a brown silty deposit along the western limit of the 2015 Area C excavation area.
Area: C, The SU is a compact grey deposit along the western 2015 excavation limit.